A Cancer Patient who Chose the Best of Complementary and Conventional Medicine Grace Gawler

Two weeks into our Hallwang Clinic trip; the Grace Gawler Institute’s “Patients without Borders Medi-Tour”, we have witnessed a delightful and significant event. I have no awkwardness in terming this patient’s experience as a small miracle thanks to smart conventional and targeted complementary medicine.

German Cancer Treatments
German Cancer Treatments Black Forest Germany

Two weeks into our German Clinic experience and we have witnessed a delightful and significant event. I have no awkwardness in terming this patient’s experience as a small miracle thanks to smart conventional and targeted complementary medicine. For the patient it is a large miracle and far more than he expected! The patient (we will call him Vernon to protect his identity) attended out last Medi -tour in March April 2013; he decided to come back for more treatment this June-July. Although his results were very good, when he returned home to Australia in April – friends and family saw that the lump had changed, but it was still very evident. They thought his life was still going to be taken by this tumour. At times his pain levels had been 10 out of 10. Everyone was hopeful – however he knew that as long as the lump remained – he would have to use a lot of energy to convince people that he could recover. However – even though they may have doubted the possibility of a recovery; it was thanks to the generosity of his friends and family that he was given another opportunity to return to Germany.

Vernon was putting a lot of energy into trying to recover with plans to return to Germany for more treatment when he was immobilised and near death due to a clostridium infection that could have killed him. He believes it came from organically raised eggs he had bought at a local market or it could have been from yoghurt made with raw milk. Not wise with a compromised immune system. He made a protein eggnog in his blender; soon after, he collapsed . Within hours he was fighting for his life on life support……Seeing his obvious large tumour, when vaguely conscious; they asked him if it was his time to die – to literally pull the plug. He was not expected to survive. Vernon chose and demanded life!!

Although weak – he recovered enough to join us in Germany. Vernon has worked hard for his recovery. Around the time this first image on the left was taken – with no hope and horrendous pain he thought he life was over.

Tumour destruction - Patient Hallwang Clinic Germany
Tumour destruction – Patient Hallwang Clinic Germany

He was deemed palliative earlier this year when his large and invasive head and neck tumour, squamous cell carcinoma, was treated with high dose radiotherapy; high dose because he wasn’t expected to survive. The tumour continued to grow and pain reduction was of short duration. Now that he has outlasted his prognosis, and his tumour is fast disappearing, he faces the uphill battle of recovering from radiation damage that extended his life and temporarily reduced his pain-but came at a cost.

 The innovative treatments liquefied the solid tumour which was then removed by syringe after 10 days.  Since this photo was taken, more dead  liquefied dead tumour has been removed. The Patient has given me permission to use his images and his name – however I have chosen to protect his identity as he needs to stay focused on his recovery and regain energy.

There are many difficult issues that arise whilst navigating the German Cancer Treatment Maze. The journey is not to be taken lightly and there are many aspects to be considered regarding suitability for treatment etc

If you have any inquiries about treatment options in Germany please contact me via the contact page on this blog.




How Qigong helped Bob Ellal survive stage 4 lymphoma – Energy Warriors on Voice America with Grace Gawler

Bob Elall knows a lot about Survivorship – I dare to say he is an expert. Diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1991 and given six months to live, Bob Ellal read everything he could about cancer survivors. Eventually his success and survival was due to the combination of conventional medicine and Qigong.

Bob Ellal Energy warriors voice America grace GgwlerBob Ellal knows a lot about Survivorship – I dare to say he is an expert. Diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1991 and given six months to live, Bob Ellal read everything he could about cancer survivors. He practised visualisation and breathing techniques along with his treatment. At the end of 6 months, against all odds, he was cancer free; but over the following five years the lymphoma would return three more times. His treatment; double doses of CHOP (chemotherapy) was targeted at the disease that returned in his pelvis and fractured hip. Remission. Then another recurrence in his shoulder and a stem-cell transplant. Bob found Qigong and used it to successfully add to his survival strategies ‘tool-kit’. Remission again and recurrence; a second transplant was required. Throughout his crisis Qigong became his focus – the perfect partner for Bob helping him to withstand the side effects of drastic treatments, allowing him to gain resilience, calm strength and centredness. He persevered and found authentic hope in the combination of the best conventional medicine had to offer and what he could do to help his body, mind and spirit to survive and thrive.

Bob Ellal is a true Survivor and his story and writings come from a place of deep wounding that has been transformed into a way of mindful living based on Martial Arts principals.

Energy Warriors -overcoming cancer and crisis with the power of QigongAs time went on Bob committed himself to the practice going more deeply into the mind/body connection – he trained with a Boston kung-fu master in the art of Qigong. Bob’s Doctors gave him a 10% chance of survival. He immersed himself in a disciplined daily practice of Qigong. Against all odds, he finally beat the disease in 1996.

He’s been cancer-free for 17 years and continues to practice Qigong. In his working life Bob was writer/editor for a division of a major publisher and now works as a freelancer. In addition to co authoring Energy Warriors: Overcoming Cancer and Crisis with the Power of Qigong, he is completing his second book, The Leavings of the Wolf, a collection of short stories about the real-world challenges of cancer survivors.

 Bob is co author of “Energy Warriors – Overcoming cancer and Crisis with the power of Qigong” I interviewed him recently on my Voice America radio show:
Visit Bob’s website for more info/articles:       http://www.bobellal.com
Visit Master Lawrence Tan’s website:               http://www.tandao.com/energy-warriors/

Qigong in the news: This week I also discovered a newly published study that found that the practise of Qigong reduced symptoms of depression and improved quality of life in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer reports Lorenzo Cohen, PhD, professor of General Oncology and Behavioral Science at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and director of its Integrative Medicine Program, and a co-author of the study.1 Continue reading “How Qigong helped Bob Ellal survive stage 4 lymphoma – Energy Warriors on Voice America with Grace Gawler”

Grace Gawler blog – cancer survival

There is nothing quite as compelling as a personal story well told – Listen to stories from Rev Ian Mavor and Deirdre Hanna on this week’s Navigating the Cancer Maze- Voice America internet radio:

Surviving cancer at all costs often dominates the world of a cancer patient. In the alternative medicine movement in particular; blogs and websites – little if any attention is given to the “failure” factor – not popular on these sites for obvious reasons. Just imagine someone trying to sell you a “Cure for Cancer” – potions, tea, supplements and dietary regimens; if there was an “out-clause” – errr if this doesn’t work for you…here is what to do!!! It somewhat destroys the ‘faith factor’ doesn’t it.

Cancer counsellors, cancer entrepreneurs, cancer authors must be more responsible and address the issue of what to do, what strategies to employ just incase things don’t work out as hoped for – the possibility or probability of not making it through cancer or some other life threatening challenges is real for many people. Denial and avoidance are not useful ways of dealing with a truth that will – at sometime confront. Let’s face it we are all going to go at some time! Most of the people who have died in the past 12 months that I know have not been cancer patients! There have been heart attacks, accidents and other unexpected life events. So Death – the great adventure is something we all need to be prepared for….as many have said – dealing with death fees up more energy for living. This is especially important if you have been diagnosed with a life challenging illness.

This week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I interviewed Rev Dr Ian Mavor and Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell Centre on Australia’s Gold Coast. http://www.hopewell.org.au/ http://www.paradisekids.org.au/ I chose to interview this couple because they do not give lips service -they know what it is like to work at the coalface of life’s big issues ….end of life experience, grief and loss with adults and children. Their work is important and they reach many – but their concept could reach further into our society. Of course their work goes far beyond cancer. How we all deal with grief, loss, shock, betrayals etc can form the substrate of who we present to the world. I believe, and many would agree, that the way we learn to deal with life’s big issues can significantly affect health in all manner of ways.

So Paradise kids is a creative and compassionate vehicle for children to talk about, share and acknowledge how they feel about the loss and grief they have incurred whether through death in a family, divorce etc … Click here to donate to and Support Paradise Kids

Navigating the Cancer Maze Voice America Grace GawlerThis interview is highly recommended as the subject is often avoided.

Navigating the Cancer Maze The most important issue we can address – death; the great adventure

January 18, 2013

Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze we are going to talk about one of the most if not THE most difficult issues for discussion for cancer patients, families and friends of cancer patients. This an episode to bookmark for if and ever you are faced with helping someone with an end of life experience. Talking about palliative care, grief, loss and death is often seen as an unpalatable subject for cancer patients who want to be pro active with searching for the “cure”. But the reality is not everyone makes it through the journey of cancer and one thing is certain; we all must die at some time. What can be done to prepare? How can dealing with death free up energy for living? Rev Dr Ian Mavor and his wife Deirdre Hanna have chosen one of the most challenging vocations. Hospice, palliative care and helping people through loss and grief is their daily menu. Together they founded the Hopewell Centre and Paradise kids on Australia’s Gold Coast. www.hopewell.org.au              www.paradisekids.org.au


Rev. Dr Ian  Mavor

Rev. Dr Ian Mavor, OAM, FACE A Uniting Church Minister, much of Ian’s professional life has been in specialist roles. Co-Founder Rev Dr Ian Mavorand Executive Director Ian serves as Executive Director of Hopewell Hospice Services Inc which includes Hopewell Hospice, Paradise Kids, the Living Well Centre and the Hopewell College of Transformative Education. He is a member of the Health Community Council-Gold Coast Health District and a member of the State Council of Palliative Care Queensland. In 2002, Ian was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) “For service to the community through a range of church, social welfare, education and health groups”. http://www.hopewell.org.au


Deirdre  Hanna

Deirdre Hanna is founding President and Executive Director of Children’s Services (Paradise Kids) and Spiritual Care. Deirdre’s Deirdre Hanna Paradise kidsbackground includes Bachelor of Theology (B.Th), Certificate in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Counselling; Doctoral Student, University of Creation Spirituality; Multi-Disciplinary Certificate in Hospice Care, St Christopher’s London; Certificate in Mindfulness Meditation, Massachusetts Medical School Mind-Body Stress Reduction Clinic; Certificate in Spiritual Retreat Leading and Direction. Diploma of Nutrition and Dietetics; Diploma in Swedish Massage. Zonta Gold Coaster of the Year, (1994) Winston Churchill Memorial Fellow 1995 (Spiritual Care for Cancer Patients), The City of Gold Coast Women at Work wonderful 20th Century Gold Coast Women Award, Gold Coast Bulletin Community Service Medal, 2007; Member of the Churchill Fellows Association; Princeton Global Network. http://www.paradisekids.org.au

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Grace Gawler Navigating the Cancer Maze on VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk radio

If you have missed Navigating the Cancer Maze I invite you to visit VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk Radio Health & Wellness Channel. All shows are archived and can be downloaded as MP3 and shared. You simply need to join Voice America – no fee and have access to free and informed information via my show. Listen to interview with Fran Drescher: Cancer Schmancer is name that one could easily associate with Fran Drescher; loved by millions for her television role as ‘The Nanny’, this humorous, elegant, beautiful, fun loving celebrity has a more serious side to her life and mission.

What an amazing opportunity to be approached by an American internet radio producer in 2012 and then asked to submit an application for a new radio show that has the possibility of reaching millions of people; not only in the USA but around the world. I have always liked the educative part of working with cancer so this show really fits the bill and….it is free to air! As the show now continues into the new year; 2013, I have some really wonderful guests lined up. Cancer specialists, celebrities, researchers, authors, authorities on what’s in our personal body and cosmetic products, balanced nutrition for cancer patients and more…

If you have missed Navigating the Cancer Maze I invite you to visit VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk Radio Health & Wellness Channel. All shows are archived and can be downloaded as MP3 and shared. You simply need to join Voice America – no fee and have access to free and informed information via my show. We go live to air each Friday 1 pm USA West Coast time – which is 6 am Queensland Australia time Saturday mornings.

I have outlined  a few of the top rating shows below with links directly to Voice America. Please enjoy! If you have a subject you would like to hear discussed on Navigating the Cancer Maze or if you have a skill in one of the areas above and would like to be interviewed: please email me at: institute@gracegawler.com    Please like Navigating the Cancer Maze FACEBOOK on VoiceAmerica.

Fran Drescher: Cancer Schmancer is name that one could easily associate with Fran Drescher; loved by millions for her television role as ‘The Nanny’, this humorous, elegant, beautiful, fun loving celebrity has a more serious side to her life and mission.

Listen in to Voice America’s frandrescher-gracegawler-voiceamericaHealth and Wellness Channel Grace Gawler’s Navigating the Cancer Maze to hear about Fran’s cancer journey and how her life adversity launched a new movement in cancer awareness; the Cancer Schmancer Movement. What connects Fran Drescher and Grace Gawler? Both women have experienced great life adversities. Both women are using their lives to help others through the course of early cancer diagnosis.

 A uterine cancer survivor, Fran Drescher is an outspoken healthcare advocate and LGBT rights activist, and is noted for her work as a Public Diplomacy Envoy for Women’s Health Issues for U.S. State Department. A survivor of rape in 1985 and then diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2000, she wrote about her experiences in her second book, Cancer Schmancer. Her purpose. has also this book was to raise consciousness for men and women “to become more aware of the early warning signs of cancer, and to empower themselves.” The Cancer Schmancer Movement followed. see Fran’s website: http://www.cancerschmancer.org

Direct link to VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk internet radio

Dr Emmett Miller the Physician Who Chose Creative Instruments of Healing to Help People Navigate the Healing Maze.

Dr Emmett Miller. Often acknowledged as one of the fathers of Mind/Body Medicine, Dr. Miller is a physician, poet, musician, and master storyteller, whose multicultural heritage has given him a unique social, medical, and spiritual perspective.

His commitment to helping us to Emmett miller picreclaim our inborn personal wisdom, integrated with the scientific knowledge and techniques of modern medicine, has allowed him to unite seemingly disparate fields of knowledge and experience. For more than 45 years, it has been his inspiration and his challenge to help people discover this truth for themselves. His message of hope, his vision of a brighter future, and his spirit of wellbeing, has touched millions.

As a physician, health educator and a pioneer in a field that is now on the cutting edge of modern medicine, Dr. Miller brings us a deeper understanding mind and body harmony. My interview with Dr Miller will focus on the power of imagery in healing and recovery.   http://drmiller.com/

My interview with Dr Emmett Miller interview touches on the mind-emotion and soul aspect of healing and recovery.
Direct link to VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk internet radio

Prof. Ray Lowenthal AO Oncologist/Haematologist/Researcher
Navigating the Cancer Maze – the Evolution of Oncology-What’s Changed?

In this informative episode I focus on the evolution of conventional oncology in my interview with Pioneer Medical Oncologist and Haematologist Prof. Ray Lowenthal AO.

His research focuses on leukaemia, lymphoma, bone marrow transplantation and clinical trials of new Professor Ray Lowenthal UTAS oncology haematologycancer treatments.An author of over 100 scientific papers; as a pioneer oncologist, Prof Lowenthal undertook postgraduate training 1968-75 in the UK including nearly 3 years at the Medical Research Council’s Leukaemia Unit at Hammersmith Hospital, London.

Returning to Australia in 1975 he accepted a position at the University of Tasmania where he remains today. Concerned about misinformation in cancer medicine & being in the position of a pioneer in Oncology; he authored a book for the public; “Cancer: What to do about it”. Given the rise in popularity of alt medicine treatments for cancer; a new and updated edition is being considered. Reducing the impact of cancer in Indigenous communities has been another key interest.  http://www.menzies.utas.edu.au/

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED LISTENING for anyone considering cancer treatments

Direct link to VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk internet radio

A GEM of an interview – please listen to: Spinning Gold from Straw:  How trauma transformed a Doctor’s Life and Practice  Dr Bruce Whelan (Specialist GP)

Dr Bruce Whelan is a specialist GP who has been in Practice for 45 years. His passion for his vocation remains high with specialties in pain Dr Bruce Whelanmanagement, addiction and a broad range of physical and psychological issues including cancer medicine. Dr Whelan quotes Carl Jung when I ask him about his way of helping patients; he answers “Only the wounded physician can help to heal.” Defining the difference between healing and curing is important in understanding the complexities of recovery from illness. Dr Whelan frames this within his own life story when in October 2002 he became personally involved in the aftermath of the Bali bombing that killed 202 people. He describes the impact on his family &  resultant PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) he suffered. However, after his recovery, he returned to medicine with new insights and understanding having been through a ‘dark night of the soul’ experience. This is an inspiring & timely interview for anyone in recovery from any malady.

Direct link to VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk internet radio

TB or not TB? A second opinion on Ian Gawler’s cancer ‘cure’

TB or not TB? A second opinion on Ian Gawler’s cancer ‘cure’

Today Tonight segment; Cancer ‘guru’ miracle worker?

It is hard to believe that one year on from http://www.smh.com.au/national/cancer-experts-challenge-gawlers-cure-20111230-1pfns.html that Channel 7’s Today Tonight (TT) recently chose to run a story that yet again smokescreens the actual question of TB or not TB-in other words; a diagnosis of secondary bone cancer or TB?  Writing recently in “The “Conversation”online Prof George Jelinek and Guy Allenby
author of Ian Gawler’s Biography – The Dragon’s Blessing made a creative play on those famous words from Hamlet….To be or not to be with their TB or not TB.

[ ‘The Conversation” is an online independent source of analysis, commentary and news from the university and research sector viewed by 550,000 readers each month.}

I had decided that I was not going to write on this subject on my blog again, however TT and the Conversation both appeared to misrepresent Ian Gawler’s recovery story Haines Lowenthal 2012 IMJand promote the implication yet again “If Ian did it I can do it too” theme. This in combination with TT”s cursory glance at a well written hypothesis by eminent professors of Oncology that lasted but a few seconds, left many wondering what the segment was trying to achieve. Anyway the segment concerned me so deeply that to end 2012 –  I thought it necessary to make what I hope is a final comment on this subject.

To begin with there are two crucial points to address:

  1. TT gave neither professor a right of reply to address their reasons for the hypothesis they published. Rather we see Prof Ian Olver from the Cancer Council making an unrelated comment about the use of alternative medicine!
  • In the TT interview Ian Gawler states: “It is clearly a personal attack on his story and his Integrity.”

If patients could access the 2012 IMJ Haines and Lowenthal Hypothesis – They would find in fact that Professors Haines and Lowenthal approached Ian Gawler and his story in a  somewhat kindly and dignified manner. Certainly not a Spanish Inquisition or a personal attack as has been claimed! It is on the record in fact that Prof Haines politely asked to review Ian Gawler’s case – and as should have happened in such a public health matter, Ian Gawler accepted then withdrew and the matter was in the hands of a litigator. The Hypothesis paper was then forwarded to the Internal Medicine Journal who appropriately believed it to be in the public interest to publish. Surprisingly, there had never been a medical investigation into the reasons why Ian Gawler recovered.

To quote from Haines and Lowenthal’s controversial IMJ Hypothesis:

“In presenting this hypothesis, we emphasise that we are not in any way criticising the patient’s medical attendants who unquestionably acted fully in accordance with the standards of the time. Indeed, the need to consider obtaining histological confirmation of presumed metastatic disease is only now becoming part of standard oncological practice. We note that one of the leading textbooks of oncology states in its latest edition in relation to possible cancer recurrence: ‘Whenever possible, tissue acquisition for diagnostic confirmation . . . should be considered.’

Whatever the correct diagnosis, we acknowledge the courage and determination of the patient that allowed him to recover from a prolonged and very debilitating illness. We especially note the psychological resilience that enabled him to overcome the dire prognosis he was given that fortunately turned out to be inaccurate.

Nonetheless, there is an aphorism, attributed to the late Carl Sagan, that exceptional claims require exceptional evidence. We contend that unequivocal evidence that the patient was cured of widespread metastases is lacking, and that the unusual treatments that were employed in this case cannot be held out as an example of a path to be followed by other patients with metastatic cancer.” Continue reading “TB or not TB? A second opinion on Ian Gawler’s cancer ‘cure’”

Cancer survival story – Zheng Cao medical miracle Grace Gawler

Cancer survival – the Power of Story; the story of Zheng Cao’s recovery and control of her cancer. Treated for 24 metastatic brain tumours by cyberknife; she remains a testament to the effectiveness of modern medicine.

Today I sat in my room at Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic, misty rain, autumn leaves, red squirrels playing in the tree branches – an idyllic place for cancer patients to begin a cancerrecovery experience.

Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic
Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic

For some it will be the beginning of a long journey and for most who come here; hope is offered where there was none. The Hallwang Clinic accesses  some of the best medical brains in Europe if not the world.  Here in Germany large numbers of patients are treated due to population density therefore medical therapies have the opportunity to be extensively trialled  – even the more important, rare cancers diagnosed in Australia are to be found here in far greater numbers – hence greater experience and therefore improved success in treatment outcomes. Now to the USA….

I shared this moving story of Opera Singer Zheng Cao with a client who came today for counselling. Diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage 4 – although the tumour was removed surgically – in Australia she was given a 6 month prognosis with no hope for wellbeing or life extension. In shock she withdrew from life. A small recurrence has been detected here in Germany. Today this patient became alive again through the Power of Story; the story of Zheng Cao’s recovery and control of her cancer. Treated for 24 metastatic brain tumours by cyberknife; Zheng Cao remains a testament to the effectiveness of modern medicine. My patient is also about to undergo the amazing cyberknife treatment here in Germany…seeing this video dispeled her fear and helped restore her passion to live again and to heal. I am sure that you too will be inspired.
Select the link below to see how modern medicine and love saved a life! Enjoy!


More about this story at…


More information about my work with cancer patients at:

Grace Gawler Institute is supported by  www.talktelinternet.com

Grace Gawler interviews Dr Emmett Miller Friday October 5 on VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Channel

The instruments of healing Dr. Miller offers are not scalpels and drugs, but words and experiences — images, memories, and emotions. Importantly, they do not substitute for or replace needed medical or psychological therapy—instead, they enable you to do your part in changing your diet, exercise, patterns, thoughts and relationships. Listen to Dr Emmett Miller Friday 12 noon USA Pacific time October 5 ‘Navigating the Cancer Maze’ on Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel with Grace Gawler.

Dr Emmett Miller  –  Creative Instruments of Healing – A must listen interview for anyone interested in healing…

The instruments of healing Dr. Miller offers are not scalpels and drugs, but words and experiences — images, memories, and emotions. Importantly, they do not substitute for or replace needed medical or psychological therapy—instead, they enable you to do your part in changing your diet, exercise, patterns, thoughts and relationships. Dr Miller joins me – Grace Gawler on my internet radio show ‘Navigating the Cancer Maze’ Friday noon October 5 on Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel – For Australian listeners the show is live 5 am Saturday morning and is available afterwards as an MP3 download. All shows are Archived and can be listened to and downloaded at any time. Best of all the show is free to air!

I first met Dr Emmett Miller at Practitioner Conference in South Carolina in the early 90’s. His elequent delivery & wisdom held the audience spellbound. Since that time he has also visited Australia as a speaker & workshop presenter. On this weeks show I will focus on two useful methods for healing and recovery: relaxation and the power of imagery; areas where Dr Miller is consider a master teacher. Taken in context, these healing ‘tools’ can enhance wellbeing and value add to outcomes from medical treatments.

Dr Emmett Miller
Dr Emmett Miller

Dr Miller’s techniques teach you to relax, and his presentations inspire you totake charge of your life and realize your full potential. His recordings are widely used by such medical facilities as Kaiser Permanente, the Mayo Clinic, and by health professionals, business people, performers, and athletes, including members of the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Team.

Dr Emmett Miller has shared his insights into Deep Healing on hundreds of television and radio shows. He has appeared in the San Francisco Examiner, Los Angeles Times, Journal, as well as American Health, Prevention, Essence, Women’s Day, Woman’s World, Yoga Journal, and Shape magazines. His columns have appeared in more than30 newspapers and magazines.

In the late seventies, he gained international prominence as a founder and Medical Director of the Cancer Support and Education Center (now the Center for Healing and Wellness) and, in 1987, as a co-convener of the groundbreaking California State Task Force on Self-Esteem.

 Dr Miller brings a rich cultural background from the USA . He is a physician, poet, musician, and master storyteller, whose multicultural heritage has given him a unique social, medical, and spiritual perspective. His commitment to helping us to reclaim our inborn personal wisdom, integrated with the scientific knowledge and techniques of modern medicine, has allowed him to unite seemingly disparate fields of knowledge and experience. For more than 45 years, it has been his inspiration and his challenge to help people — individuals, families, and organizations — discover this truth for themselves. His message of hope, his vision of a brighter future, and his spirit of wellbeing, has touched millions. As a physician, health educator, and a pioneer in a field that is now on the cutting edge of modern medicine, Dr. Miller brings us a deeper understanding of how the mind and body can work in harmony to produce healing, balance and wellness.

Virginia Satir Creator of the Field of Family Therapy says of Dr Miller “To feel good is our human heritage. Dr. Miller shows us how to do this.” 
Larry Dossey, M.D.Author, Healing Words and Prayer Is Good Medicine says,“Dr. Emmett Miller helped create the field of mind/body medicine. To learn about the healing power of your own consciousness, go to the source.”

Grace Gawler Navigating the Cancer Maze VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness ChannelBookmark on Voice America to listen to Dr Emmett Miller Friday 12 noon USA Pacific time October 5 ‘Navigating the Cancer Maze’on Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel. Select Link Below to see more and ……..don’t forget to join us!

For additional information or for a sample, copy or demo visit www.DrMiller.com or for Products visit www.shopdrmiller.com/
Grace Gawler contact www.gracegawlerinstitute.com

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Gawler MJA a personal perspective on programs and what were the dates of those famous chest wall photographs?

Gawler evidence and errors highlight the fact that more investigation is needed….

Since 31 December 2011 the Australian public has seen an unprecendented series of quality news articles questioning Ian Gawler’s cancer remission in 1978. Professionals and patients are now asking why it has taken so long to fact-check the most famous cancer recovery story in Australia and perhaps – the world. With new evidence, researchers have now gone beyond anecdotal storyline to a view of the science of what actually occurred in Ian’s case.  A recent MJA article has some sensible dialogue around these important cancer survival issues – although the author psychiatrist Tanya Hall steers clear of the misdiagnosis issue, she discusses an important perspective regarding psychological impact that the Gawler program can have on cancer patients. “Healed or Hungry – a personal perspective on the Gawler program” was published in the MJA last Monday 21 May 2012.

It is a pity that this article is not available to be read outside of MJA subscribers. Tanya Hall tells us that she attended the 12 week support group and a 3 day Ian Gawler meditation program & she read You Can Conquer Cancer.  She eloquently discusses the issues with guilt, the vegan diet, (which Ian never followed) and a litany of issues that the program brought up for her as a doctor and patient. A few of Tanya Hall’s perceptive comments are outlined below :

1. “…. My concern is that in my opinion the Gawler program goes too far, making far reaching suggestions that do not appear supported by evidence….”

2.  “….Of most concern to me was hearing our program leader state that there was no evidence that chemotherapy was effective. This was nothing less than astonishing, patently untrue, and highly disrespectful to those of us undergoing chemotherapy….”

3.  She says of the programs “… In fact while criticism of conventional medicine is noticeable, there is an almost complete lack of critical analysis among participants of Gawler’s methods — which are supported in a quasi-religious fashion. There seemed to be a worrying tendency to unquestioningly quote Gawler as though his words were above scrutiny, and certainly carrying more weight than the views of any number of esteemed oncologists.

3. “….Reading some of the testimonials, it struck me that those participants whose outcomes were poor still wrote positively about the program. It puzzled me as to why this was so; if anything, Gawler’s program seems to me to invite what may be irrational hope and promise far exceeding what most oncologists would offer…”

From its inception in the early 80’s until 1996 when I resigned from the organisation, the Gawler approach mirrored what we had done to help Ian recover. As a co founder, it was sad to see the emphasis and the story change – accelerating after I left. Just to complicate the issue,  new theories suggest there is a high probablity that Ian had TB in December 1975 and not secondary bone cancer. At 21 years of age I was the sole carer/nurse for Ian. He was very ill that is true – but with current knowledge there was certainly not enough tumour load at the time of his major demise Feb-March 1976, to produce the symptoms that he had…..symptoms that were not congruent with osteosarcoma but were very congruent with a diagnosis of TB. (He was treated medically for TB July 1978 for one year).   There was no biopsy to prove secondary cancer so with new information and this – can you believe it – first investigation of this famous remission, we cannot say with any certainty, that it was cancer that almost killed him.

It is I believe no one’s fault – misdiagnoses happen frequently – even in medicine today, but I am left with Carl Sagan’s quote ringing in my own ears – “Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence”. While evidence has been building supporting a paper published in the IMJ (Internal Medicine Journal 2011/12) there have, I am pleased to say, been notable positive changes with doctors and patients questioning Ian’s recovery in an unprecedented manner.

There have been however, some quite bizzare claims and “faceless” cowardly personal email attacks on me since the science of Ian Gawler’s remission has been questioned; this includes a recent Facebook comment by a pro-Ian Gawler supporter,  unfortunately a patient with stage IV breast cancer whose comments were so damaging as to cause legal intervention. Unbelieveable!! The last thing anyone wants! It seems emotions are running high in the face of facts and science.

Now to patient’s questions this week….

There is one question that I am repeatedly asked…What about the disputed date of Ian Gawler chest wall photographs? Why are these dates so important? To answer this I will refer  to: Continue reading “Gawler MJA a personal perspective on programs and what were the dates of those famous chest wall photographs?”

Cancer – Grace Gawler's interview withThe GreenplanetFM Podcast -Tim Lynch New Zealand

About Tim Lynch & GreenplanetFM radio. You can tune in online to New Zealand’s GreenPlanetFM 104.6 with Tim Lynch in Mobilising Consciousness The content of this interview touches upon many issues past and recent dicussed in this blog including emotional aspects of recovery and the power of love in healing along with placebo.
Every Thursday morning 8-9am (NZ time). Join the Blog radio for free to listen to interesting interview and to keep updated on important issues. Auckland’s one-hour environmental / health and consciousness programme, dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. 
9 June 2011:Tim lynch writes about and interviews Grace Gawler There are many methods to treat cancer today that cover the full spectrum, from surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs, to a vast array of holistic modalities and natural therapies, to visualisation and spiritual healing. 
To listen to Grace Gawler’s interview with Tim Lynch select link below:

LINKS to resources mentioned in this interview:
1. http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/     Search more than 65,000 products for yours and your family’s safety
2. http://www.ekopolitan.com/guides/guide-pesticide-residues  
AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE for discerning what to buy re vegetables and fruits
3. http://www.foodnews.org  – A great free list – SIGN UP FOR FREE pdf EWG’s shoppers guide to pesticides.
4. Educate your self and your family – Watch The Story of Cosmetics…

Listen to an exceptionally dedicated and connected healer who has worked with over 13,000 patients sharing her gifts and goodwill to empower them and their loved ones on this journey. Also mentioned is the impact of cosmetics, air quality, agriculture, food chain issues such as hormones, pesticides, electromagnetic influences etc.
Grace also teaches patients how to spin gold from straw and turn cancer into a transformative process and experience? By bridging all medical methods, Grace collaborates with oncologists in an endeavour to find the best outcomes for patients.
This very clear and inspiring interview, is a must for any dear family member, friend or associate who at this moment may be struggling to heal and recover and I wish to encourage you to pass this information to those whom you feel could benefit from Graces goodwill.  www.gracegawler.com/institute
Listen to the interview at:

Cancer – Grace Gawler’s interview withThe GreenplanetFM Podcast -Tim Lynch New Zealand

About Tim Lynch & GreenplanetFM radio. You can tune in online to New Zealand’s GreenPlanetFM 104.6 with Tim Lynch in Mobilising Consciousness The content of this interview touches upon many issues past and recent dicussed in this blog including emotional aspects of recovery and the power of love in healing along with placebo.
Every Thursday morning 8-9am (NZ time). Join the Blog radio for free to listen to interesting interview and to keep updated on important issues. Auckland’s one-hour environmental / health and consciousness programme, dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. 
9 June 2011:Tim lynch writes about and interviews Grace Gawler There are many methods to treat cancer today that cover the full spectrum, from surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs, to a vast array of holistic modalities and natural therapies, to visualisation and spiritual healing. 
To listen to Grace Gawler’s interview with Tim Lynch select link below:

LINKS to resources mentioned in this interview:
1. http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/     Search more than 65,000 products for yours and your family’s safety
2. http://www.ekopolitan.com/guides/guide-pesticide-residues  
AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE for discerning what to buy re vegetables and fruits
3. http://www.foodnews.org  – A great free list – SIGN UP FOR FREE pdf EWG’s shoppers guide to pesticides.
4. Educate your self and your family – Watch The Story of Cosmetics…

Listen to an exceptionally dedicated and connected healer who has worked with over 13,000 patients sharing her gifts and goodwill to empower them and their loved ones on this journey. Also mentioned is the impact of cosmetics, air quality, agriculture, food chain issues such as hormones, pesticides, electromagnetic influences etc.
Grace also teaches patients how to spin gold from straw and turn cancer into a transformative process and experience? By bridging all medical methods, Grace collaborates with oncologists in an endeavour to find the best outcomes for patients.
This very clear and inspiring interview, is a must for any dear family member, friend or associate who at this moment may be struggling to heal and recover and I wish to encourage you to pass this information to those whom you feel could benefit from Graces goodwill.  www.gracegawler.com/institute
Listen to the interview at: