Helping Patients Navigate the complex maze of claims of dietary cures for cancer

Whether or not you have cancer and searching for the diet that promises cure or if you are trying to be healthy and avoid cancer; there is one question that needs to be asked: Are You confused?

FAdDiet-BAd-DietWhether or not you have cancer and searching for the diet that promises cure or if you are trying to be healthy and avoid cancer;  there is one question that needs to be asked: Are You confused?

If you have answered YES – then you may be on the road to discovery by reassessing the loads of misinformation written and spoken about diet and cancer cures. Over 45 years in cancer medicine – I have seen most fads and “cancer cure diets”. Longevity in the field is a wonderful teacher as you have the luxury of seeing repetition over the years. What works and what doesn’t work!

I see “cancer cure diets” recycled each decade to a new group of enthusiasts who promote the very things that did not work back then but, they don’t know that and so they regurgitate the information to a new group of desperate patients seeking a cure. The newbie enthusiasts believe the old and tired hype and try to make it new and sexy. But as they say You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear!

So, if you are confused, I encourage you to develop your critical thinking skills and question the different ways that are promoted to help you beat cancer and especially to beat cancer naturally with diet and without the help of modern medicine. Most cancer patients believe that with a diet change you can do no harm; but they could not be more wrong!

All things in Balance - So important when dealing with cancer
All things in Balance – So important when dealing with cancer

 The list of “healthy diet health issues” is long…but perhaps the most recent destructive dietary change for cancer patients is the Vegan diet. Regularly in my practice I see patients who have lost 10-20 kg plus following a vegan diet because they went to a workshop program, read it in a book or found it on Dr Google. They have applied a one size fits all approach to their diet, not personalized. When we measure their blood – we find severe deficiencies in critical areas including immunity and vitamin B12 to name a few – the complete opposite of their goal- but often we also find dangerous levels of selenium, zinc, Vit D & A as they have tried to use supplements to adjust for dietary lack. Faecal retention and constipation is common on low fibre diets.

The natural therapies movement has convinced patients that their bodies can no longer be trusted to function and that they are toxic and must detox from very pore and orifice. As well they must do the same with their “emotional baggage”if they want to recover from cancer! This is a sad indictment of a supposedly health promoting profession.

Apart from diets where Juicing reigns supreme with 8- 10 juices a day; vegan and raw vegan seem to create the most most destructive side effects for cancer patients. Many patients who have written blogs and books on the subject have sadly died following the wrong dietary advice. Yes – patients die from cancer too….but in my experience those who engage in the fad cancer cure diets do far worse than those who just have medical treatment.

I was in a local Homestyle-Kitchen store recently and on the shelf I discovered several new copies of Jess Ainscough’s (Wellness Warrior’s) book – “Make Peace with your Plate”.  It is well documented – Jess and her mother both died by adhering to their singular dietary cure for cancer. The store concerned was not interested to know that Jess had died as a result of her choices.

If patients have delayed treatment or delayed seeking a proper diagnosis – the consequences can be horrendous. SEE Delayed treatment World Journal of Psycho warning graphic image in this Journal article.

One question to ask yourself is “Do I have time to experiment with this one one precious life?” All that myself and my colleagues can do is keep on educating cancer patients – but sadly by the time some patients visit – there is little than can be achieved.

A recent paper published in the MJA by Professor Ian Haines takes a look at this issue from the perspective of the oncologist. The paper is written to assist oncologists to develop better communication with patients who take the this  alt-med-dietary path to cancer recovery.

Resources – please pass on:

  1. See Prof Haines’ paper at:   Also download the PDF version: ian haines mja aug 2015
  2. Visit my podcast website to hear my interview on BBC Bristol UK:

Cancer Patients: If you need assistance with personalizing your diet or if you help due to delayed diagnosis – please contact me via the Contact page

Giulia Enders Gut | The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Under-rated Organ|Grace Gawler Book Recommendation

Giulia Enders has been fascinated with the human digestive system and how its function affects all aspects of our health. In this extract of her newly published book, Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Under-rated Organ,she discusses the surprisingly complex end point of digestion.

Giulia Enders, a young passionate medical PhD student has been fascinated with the human digestive system and how its function affects all aspects of our health. In her newly published book, Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Under-rated Organ, she discusses the surprisingly complex end point of digestion. Did you know that 80% of your immune system is located in your GUT? It is not rocket science to make the link between having a healthy gut and good health and wellbeing! Giulia Enders brings this complex subject to an almost lighthearted but powerful narrative that is engaging, entertaining and incredibly valuable for anyone interested in improving their wellbeing. 

Listen to interview on Radio National Giulia Enders with Natasha Mitchell:

gut the inside story
Giulia Enders Book

From my personal viewpoint; I have always been fascinated by the gut and it’s workings. I became even more fascinated when I surgically parted with 10 feet of intestine (both small and large intestine) in a series of surgeries over a 13 year period. Re-framing the experience as a learning opportunity; a result of a  medical misadventure rather than disease; I was thrown into the fast track of helping to convince my body that less was now going to be more!

How would or could my gut adapt to such huge changes and what did I have to do to help the process. My gut became an intense “in house” study for me so when I heard this terrific interview on Radio National last week – I just had to share it with all of you who want to look after your health -including your inner gut health.
Read an edited extract of Giulia Enders book’ ‘Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Under-rated Organ’, published by Scribe. Select the link below to Radio National.

About the author Giulia Enders: When she was seventeen, Giulia developed a sore on her leg that stubbornly refused to disappear.Soon other sores appeared on her body and despite the efforts of a range of doctors and medications, nothing seemed to help them heal. So she did some research. She read about other similar cases that had followed courses of antibiotics. She began to make a link between her skin’s condition and the health of her intestines. Her fascination with the gut and how its function affects all kinds of aspects of our health continued, so she started studying medicine and continued researching for her PhD.

The result is a MUST READ for anyone interested in improving their health. An international best-seller: Gut: the inside story of our body’s most under-rated organ just published in Australia.

Once you read this book, I think you will appreciate your own inside story and, maybe even make some health enhancing “gut-sense” lifestyle changes!

Until Next time…Wishing you Good Gut Health!


Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia | New Podcast Grace Gawler Interviews The Australian’s Richard Guilliatt

To Launch our Australian Podcast site today – who better than Award winning Journalist Richard Guilliatt! Richard has been in the news recently for his controversial investigations of events in the cancer “cure” wellness Industry. After tuning in to his interview with Phillip Adams on Radio National’s Late Night I invited Richard as our first guest on the new Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia.

The Grace Gawler Institute is delighted to announce the launch of our own Australian Podcast website dedicated to helping cancer patients navigate the increasingly complex cancer maze:

Grace Gawler interviews RICHARD GUILLIATT Walkley Award Winning Journalist & Staff Writer for The Australian Weekend Magazine
RICHARD GUILLIATT Walkley Award Winning Journalist & Staff Writer for The Australian Weekend Magazine

To Launch our Australian Podcast site today – who better than Award winning Journalist Richard Guilliatt! Richard has been in the news recently for his controversial investigations of events in the cancer “cure” wellness Industry. After tuning in to his interview with Phillip Adams on Radio National’s Late Night Live I invited Richard as our first guest on the new Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia.

Now with forty years experience in the field of cancer; I have had an opportunity to consult with and get to know thousands of cancer patients via consultations, workshops and residential programs. I get to know their children, families and friends. I attend funerals, hospital and hospice visits as well as weddings and birthdays. I get to hear first-hand about the choices that patient’s made ……….and the choices they wished they had made.

Many of those thousands of patients have shared with me how they made choices based upon unqualified advice given by cancer theorists and idealists; people who never see cancer patients one on one at the coalface. These patients relied on textbook, social media, cancer authors and Dr Google advisers with whom there is no relationship and an absence of duty of care. Some patients risked their lives by delaying appropriate treatments while others spent thousands of dollars on “one size fits all” treatments that simply don’t work.  How does this happen? After all it is unthinkable; who could possibly dupe a cancer patient?

The story that Richard Guilliatt brings to the table from his investigations, parallells my experience over the past 40 years!

About the Story: In 2012 Richard Guilliatt took an interest in the story of the late Jess Ainscough Wellness Warrior–and her mother the late Sharyn Ainscough who both decided to forgo conventional medical treatment in favour of the Gerson diet and meditation/lifestyle change to treat their cancers. Sadly, both are now deceased.

Mother and daughter The late Jess and Sharyn Ainscough Holding out for Miracle 2012 The Australian Weekend Magazine - Richard Guilliattt
Mother and daughter The late Jess and Sharyn Ainscough Holding out for Miracle 2012 The Australian Weekend Magazine – Richard Guilliatt

Both were thoroughly convinced that they would be cured by their radical lifestyle and dietary changes. Since their deaths, much of their history has been removed from the internet.

The Weekend Australian Magazine, 22 September 2012; published an article about the Aincoughs’ titled Holding out for a Miracle. The same article discussed the cancer cure promises of Dr Abdul-Haqq Sartori.

Richard also reviewed the cases of cancer patients TV Astrology personality, the late Athena Starwoman and Gemma Bond. Bond’s daughter, journalist Laura Bond is now a cancer blogger and self-styled “health coach” providing recycled advice to cancer patients. She is the creator of the misleading cancer info blog: “Mum’s not Having Chemo”.

But it was a young woman by the name of Belle Gibson who captured the interest of Richard Guilliatt. That interest was eventually responsible for lifting the lid on the business of wellness, false claims and “cancer cures”. Belle’s story has helped to lift the lid on what is going on in the Alt-Med Biz-World of cancer cures. Our attention is often drawn to “Big Bad Pharma” – but until now, to my knowledge, no journalist has looked at the big biz of “Alt-Med!” . And yes you heard that from someone who is qualified at distinction level in the naturopathic, botanical sciences and who sees cancer patients daily. What we do need is qualified and experienced complementary medicine practitioners who are trained and who work in liaison with the medical profession. Possible you ask? Yes! Take a look at to see an example of the new model of care.

As I have said before on this blog we must not throw the baby out with the bathwater but rather take a baby-bathwatermiddle path – best of both world’s approach when dealing with cancer. Well – the proof of the pudding is always in the eating – After listening to Richard Guilliatt’s interview, the next time someone offers you unqualified cancer advice – how will you react – what will you do? Will you think more critically about your choices?   I hope so!

Richard authored his most recent article Wellness Inc in the Australian Weekend Magazine 4 April 2015 as a continuation of his investigation into cancer fraud.

By the way – let us not forget the story of Penelope Dingle “Desperate Remedies” as seen on ABC’s Australian Story back in 2011. Despite the National showcase of this very sad story – It seems that little has been learned or much has been forgotten, or both are true. But stories like Penelope Dingle’s often  fade into the background and eventually disappear from the Internet. Penelope Dingle has in fact left us a powerful teaching story about the importance of the choices made in cancer treatments. Unlike many of the entrepreneurial cancer social media biz folk promoting the latest fad cancer diets – Penelope Dingle travelled her road as an individual although heavily influenced by the ideals of her husband and her homeopath. She did not take her personal choice to the world saying “This is how you cure cancer- Follow me”! But – like many before her, when she realised she was on the wrong path and natural therapies had failed her – it was too late to turn back!

Individuals have a right to choose their cancer treatments – but they need to do this in light of sound information and not influence others to join in their personal experimentation.

The video Desperate Remedies makes for compelling viewing for anyone considering taking the solo alt-med path to curing cancer.

When you select the following URL – here is what you will see in the image below: Interviews are live streaming – download for free and send to a friend. You will also be able to listen to some of our most popular and informative interviews from our previous Voice America Recordings. Please share via social media using the Share button. By selecting Read more you will learn more about the episode on my guest.
Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia podcasts for cancer patients

Each week we will feature a new interview. The show is designed to help you make informed choices and to give you access to world experts in oncology, cancer immunology and cancer research that you may never had heard about. As well you will hear interviews from cancer treatment innovators, patients and caregivers, nutritionists, complementary cancer medicine practitioners and researchers, cancer imaging experts and a few celebrities. These pod-casts represent the Australian version of my Voice America weekly show Navigating the Cancer Maze which has successfully been on the airwaves for 2.75 years. Stay tuned – Vodcasts will be coming soon…….

There will be some crossover with guests – but the American version of the show will also continue in its own right with different guests and with sponsorship. To produce and broadcast our Voice America internet radio show in total costs our charity around $30,000 USD per year including the 10+ hours each week involved in time and some travel. To put the show to air we fundraise via the Grace Gawler Institute (a registered not for profit Health Promotion Charity). We see this radio show as a special service and a significant part of our Cancer Awareness and Education Programs.

We believe that cancer patients deserve to know about the innovations in cancer medicine and the potentially life-saving information that we provide at no cost. Feedback on how the show has helped patients find techniques and surgeries that have saved their lives is both heart-warming and uplifting and has inspired this latest Australian podcast site .

We believe that this form of media is imperative for cancer patients who are seeking second opinions, guidance or maybe just simply knowledge about cancer. If you or someone you know would like to consider sponsoring our USA based version of Navigating the Cancer Maze – please contact me via the contact page  or or go the website

Please remember to visit our new podcast website and spread the knowledge and uplifting news about Navigating  the Cancer Maze Australia.

Until next time……


Sickness in the Wellness Industry | a time for Truth-Telling and Common Sense | Grace Gawler

So – where are we at as cancer myth after cancer myth is dismantled and shattered. As Phillip Adams points out in his interview with the Australian newspaper’s Richard Guilliatt last Thursday night on Radio National “Late night Live”; the Wellness industry is well overdue for a makeover. Watch for Richard Guilliatt’s article in today’s weekend Australian newspaper magazine….” Wellness Inc”.

Part ONE: At the beginning of the wellness industry birthed during the 1970’s, one could not have foreseen the journey that lay ahead. Born during the freedom movement alongside the emerging hippie culture; the wellness movement had all the potentials to supersede the medical culture of the time that appeared to be struggling in one particular area – cancer treatment. At that time chemotherapy was crude as was radiation and surgery when compared to today’s medicine.

Me on my wedding day February 1976 when Ian Gawler was given 6 weeks life expectancy.
Me on my wedding day February 1976 when Ian Gawler was given a 6 week prognosis after Gerson diet and intensive meditation failed to impact his illness. TB or Cancer?

Diagnostic equipment was also basic; in particular those affected by cancer were looking for a new way forward. Others who had no apparent mainstream medical treatment options during the 1970’s, were willing to try whatever might help.   As mentioned by Richard Guilliatt in his interview with Phillip Adams; the history of Ian Gawler’s disease and highly likely misdiagnosis of secondary cancer, has been crucial to the birthing of the Wellness Movement both in the 70’s and today in 2015.

Listen now to the interview – live streaming on Radio National:

As we know, history and details often become confused as time goes by. At the end of 1975 Ian Gawler and myself were in a situation where there was no treatment on offer for him. Having had his left leg amputated a year prior in Jan 1974; what was thought to be development of a secondary cancer in November 1975; was not thoroughly investigated.  If the new bony lump in his groin was a metastasis of the original osteogenic sarcoma then according to his doctors, medical treatment was futile apart from some radiation therapy. The path and behaviour of this bony lump and other lumps that were to follow; with retrospective knowledge; were atypical of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma. The mere fact of his recovery should have demanded rigorous investigation and research when his “remission” was declared – but it did not! The story grew and morphed and has even been misreported in credible medical Journals.

The story of the man who cured himself of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma became famous worldwide – the story was largely anecdotal, complex and difficult to track over the years – this is how myth and folklore is born and how others are influenced to follow.

Here is what happened on The Gerson Diet & intensive meditation 1975-76:

After 3 months on the Gerson Therapy concurrent with intensive meditation sessions with the late Ainslie Meares; there was massive deterioration in Ian’s condition.

The Gerson Diet caused massive weight loss aided by horrendous night sweats and then immobility due to pain from nerve compression in the spinal column (caused by the rapid weight loss). Clearly, two of the mainstays diet and meditation that have been promoted as pivotal in “curing” Ian’s cancer; failed at the critical time when a solution was needed the most!  Yet somehow, the new breed of young 2015 Cancer Warriors and social media/internet entrepreneurs were under a misapprehension regarding the actual events of Ian Gawler’s recovery that took place between November 1975 and June 1978. Many have since built both lucrative businesses whilst jeopardizing their lives – based on incorrect information. The late Jess Aincough (Wellness Warrior) was quoted as saying at the Gawler Foundation’s Survivors Conference “If Ian Gawler did it – then I can do it too”. DOWNLOAD  JESS ainscough Gawler healthtalks

Gerson’s therapy appeared to have some scientific Basis – however in later years I read some of the early Gerson Material – A summary is included here: The claims for Cure being quite different that what is commonly thought of Max Gerson’s Diet and Research: pdf link included below


So – where are we at as cancer myth after cancer myth is dismantled and shattered. As Phillip Adams points out in his interview with the Australian newspaper’s Richard Guilliatt last Thursday night on  Radio National “Late night Live”; the Wellness industry is well overdue for a makeover. Watch for Richard Guilliatt’s article in today’s weekend Australian newspaper magazine….” Wellness Inc”.

To listen to the interview select the audio file below.

OR go to the page at Radio National:


From Cancer Good Things Grow – A Survivor’s Story|Grace Gawler Interviews Jeffrey Deslandes

Jeffrey Deslandes thought he had it all. The father of five children, he had his whole life ahead of him. But on one fateful day in 1999, he believed it was all over when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was wrong. His life had just begun!

from cancer good things growA true story of survival: Share the good news. Listen to Navigating the Cancer Maze: From Cancer Good Things Grow.  If you know someone with lymphoma, leukaemia, melanoma or other cancers – you need to tell them about Jeffrey Deslandes and how he survived and thrive thanks to cancer vaccines. They need to read his story.

Jeffrey Deslandes thought he had it all. The father of five children, he had his whole life ahead of him. But on one fateful day in 1999, he believed it was all over when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was wrong. His life had just begun!

His diagnosis, B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, follicular mixed small and large cell, Stage IV, with bcl-2 gene translocation, with spleen and bone marrow involvement. His prognosis; poor.

His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. You discover who your true friends are. Listen to my interview with Jeffrey on Voice America’s Health & Wellness Channel – Navigating the Cancer Maze: From Cancer Good Things Grow.  (Note: The show is sponsored by the Grace Gawler Institute. Free to listen – live stream on demand – select link above or download and listen another time – share with friends and fellow patients. Live broadcast 12 noon Friday – USA time(PST) – Australia – 6 am Qld time.

After traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, failed to control his cancer, Jeffrey started looking for emerging therapies. When he learned of an experimental treatment involving a personalised vaccine protocol, he pursued it. It is now feasible to have something good—a personalised cancer vaccine—created from something bad—your cancer. This one-of-a-kind vaccine reeducated his immune system so that it could identify and destroy his cancer.

Jeffrey’s story is not a gloom-and-doom tale of yet another poor soul enduring cancer treatment. Instead, he shares his story in the hope of reaching and inspiring other cancer patients who may have given up. Some of the stories in this book come from his deep spiritual core, but he is not a “religious” man. He doesn’t require you to believe these stories, only to know that everything detailed in this book is true.

See Press pass info – share this link to others.

ABOUT Jeffrey Deslandes: Jeffrey is a native of Melbourne, Australia. He has a Masters in Engineering Science, and is a Doctor of Philosophy, attained at the University of Melbourne. He has been married twice and has five children.  His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. Compelled to write about his experience. “From Cancer Good Things Grow” was published recently. Available as ebook and soft cover.(Balboa Press) BUY online at: Balboa Press:

All proceeds from the sale of this book go directly to cancer vaccine research in Brisbane where Jeffrey had his treatment. He wants more people to know about his doctor and the the hope that vaccines bring for recovery. For more information about Jeffrey’s treatment – please contact me via the contact page on this BLOG or via

Note: Dendritic cell vaccines are highly technical and need rigorous quality control and expertise. Ask me for further information on how to access this treatment.

VOICE AMERICA LINK to listen to audio:

Until next time…… Grace

Navigating the Cancer Maze Radio – USA Thanksgiving Holiday edition|Fran Drescher with Grace Gawler

The Cancer Schmancer Movement is changing the paradigm away from a cure toward cancer prevention and early detection. 90% of cancer is caused by environmental factors she says. By knowing what toxins to avoid we can reduce our cancer risk and by being proactive with annual screenings, people can be diagnosed earlier with a better chance to live longer & healthier.

Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio on Voice America – I have repeated our most popular interview since the show began in August 2012. It’s Thanksgiving weekend in the USA and Voice America staff are on holiday.  To locate my interview with Fran Drescher, if you haven’t heard it before – please select this link . Fran Drescher’s interview has encored several times on the show due to her popularity. Each week Navigating the Cancer Maze audience is growing. The show is being talked about by patient groups and audio files are being shared around the globe to those in need of valid and practical cancer information. I am not one for promoting celebrities – but I see something different in Fran Drescher, pro active and smart; based on her experience; she genuinely wants to make a difference in cancer. You will see what I mean when you take a look at her charity website 

GRACE GAWLER AND FRAN DRESCHER CANCER SCHMANCERThe Cancer Schmancer Movement is changing the paradigm away from a cure toward cancer prevention and early detection. 90% of cancer is caused by environmental factors she says. By knowing what toxins to avoid we can reduce our cancer risk and by being proactive with annual screenings, people can be diagnosed earlier with a better chance to live longer & healthier.

The impulse for Cancer Schmancer was born through Fran’s personal adversities. An added trauma for celebs is that their issues are played out on the public stage. Raped during a robbery in her home in 1985, she later was diagnosed with uterine cancer. A survivor, she has been an inspiration and an example to other women to not give up! Misdiagnosed by 8 doctors over a 2 year period – it was her dogged persistence to get a proper diagnosis that led to her surgery and recovery. The outcome could have been very different had she not been the type of person she is. But not all women persist with getting a diagnosis when they know something is not right with their health. Second, third, fourth opinions or more may be needed. Early diagnosis is a far easier path than dealing with advanced cancer and this is the path the Fran Drescher has taken in educating women about women’s cancers.

Fran divorced her first husband, writer and producer, Peter Marc Jacobson, who later came out as gay. Recent good news for Fran is that it seems found her real life Maxwell Sheffield when she married Dr Shiva Ayyadurai in September this year.

Fran is known for her innate ability to transform bad experiences into positives, writing a book titled Cancer Schmancer, where she wrote, “my whole life has been about changing negatives into positives.”


Footnote: About Thanksgiving: A Triumph of woman power and a listening president!

In 1789, following a proclamation issued by President George Washington, America celebrated its first Day of “Thanksgiving to God” under its new constitution. However it was a persistent woman, Mrs. Sarah Joseph Hale, the editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book who for thirty years, promoted the idea of a national Thanksgiving Day, contacting President after President until President Abraham Lincoln responded in 1863 by setting aside the last Thursday of November as a national Day of Thanksgiving. Over the next seventy-five years, Presidents followed Lincoln’s precedent, annually declaring a national Thanksgiving Day. Then, in 1941, Congress permanently established the fourth Thursday of each November as a national holiday.


Happy Thanksgiving to all my USA listeners and supporters…

Until next time

Navigating the Cancer Maze Celebrating Two years On Voice America | Grace Gawler Health Intelligence

Navigating the Cancer Maze Celebrating Two years On Voice America | Grace Gawler Health Intelligence

TWO year anniversary VA

PART ONE: Navigating the cancer Maze uniquely takes an all round eclectic and authentic look at Cancer. Each week, for the past two years we have discussed everything that is relevant to a person or family dealing with cancer.  We don’t only discuss life saving treatments – but we also discuss end of life issues and care. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THIS WEEKS SHOW  Navigating the Cancer Maze with Health Intelligence

First of all – some resources: Last week on  Navigating the Cancer Maze, I interviewed David Pastalozzi Producer of Strath a Swiss formulation with Longevity that every cancer patient should know about!  CLICK HERE for more about this wonderful product.

If you are new to the show or missed the previous shows – they are recorded at Voice America & located in the Archives on the top right of my webpage at VOICE AMERICA Health and Wellness channel. Please take a look at all our wonderful past guests on the show & their interviews. Free to listen and download anytime.……..Recently, I have been fortunate to interview people who work at the coal face with the dying and bereaved. Beth O’Brien is a trained bereavement & grief counselor, &  funeral celebrant. In light of the suicide death of actor Robin Williams there was a global increase in services/inquiries for those who need help with depression or substance abuse. I asked Beth O’Brien if she could share some very useful resources that all of us may need at some stage in life, whether for us or for a friend!  To Listen to my interview with Beth O’Brien: CLICK HERE

To resource more about this important subject you can also access the guest page where there are links; should you wish to contact any of the organizations mentioned or my guests. (select URL above to locate my Voice America page).

Dying to be Free: A healing guide for families after a suicide (Beverly Cobain, Jean Larch) CLICK HERE

The Grief Recovery  Handbook: The action program for moving beyond Death, Divorce and other losses  by John W James and Russell Friedman   CLICK HERE

Changing the topic to ‘living well’…….Lifestyle and Health Promotion – also mentioned on this week’s show…….

Two wonderful Programs featured on ABC TV: Catalyst over the passed 2 weeks. If you want to explore the links between diet and lifestyle – then this program is not to be missed!  Science is catching up with some of the sound  ‘old school Naturopathy’ that I was taught by my mentor & friend the late Dorothy Hall. I still use these old school principles in my Practice – but now have the science to back up my approach. In 40 years having worked with 16,000 cancer patients – one gets more than just an insight into the efficacy of cancer treatments and prevention programs. If you missed Catalyst, you can click through to find the videos:
Go to   You can download Episode 5: 14/08/2014     Episode 6: 21/08/2014 as MP4 files

Finally today – Please visit my new website for Consultations-Medicine with Heart, Skill and Compassion

A new model for best of both worlds medicine – Team consults available with GP- Southport Gold Coast

More about Health Intelligence Australia in PART TWO – coming soon. Enjoy the day!




Why Immunotherapy Month has been a Symbol of Hope for Cancer Patients | Grace Gawler

This week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I re-presented an interview with Dr Horst Lindhofer PhD, Munich, Germany who was the creator of Tri-Functional antibodies. In the last segment – I provide an overview and more resources plus coming events for those who live in or near Brisbane.

This week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I re-presented an interview with Dr Horst Lindhofer PhD, Munich, Germany who was the creator of Tri-Functional immune systemantibodies. In the last segment – I provide an overview and more resources plus coming events for those who live in or near Brisbane. For more information visit:       Interview links:           OR

Immunotherapy is not new. It is interesting to take a look at the  History of Immunotherapy and it’s  pioneers.

In the 1850s, doctors in Germany noticed that patients’ tumours would occasionally shrink if their tumour became infected. This observation led to the idea that the body’s immune system could be harnessed and made to fight cancer.

Around the same time, doctors throughout Europe, encouraged by the success of Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccine, attempted to make a ‘cancer vaccine’ by injecting patients with crude extracts of tumours from other cancer patients. These treatments were largely ineffective, but the field of ‘immunotherapy’ was born.

Initial progress on immunotherapy was slow, and over a hundred years’ work in the laboratory yielded little success in actual cancer treatment. This all changed when in 1975, Georges Köhler and César Milstein, working in Cambridge, discovered how to make synthetic antibodies.

Their discovery, coupled with an ever-increasing understanding of the immune system, has led to a variety of treatments and strategies that use the immune system to tackle cancer. Some, such as the antibody-based breast cancer drug Herceptin, are now used routinely to treat cancer patients.

Professor Jérôme Galon, Ph.D. whom I recently interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze received the William B. Coley Award in 2010. The award was established in 1975 in honor of Dr. William B. Coley, a pioneer of cancer immunotherapy, whose daughter, Helen Coley Nauts, founded Cancer Research Institute. To understand  Immunotherapy – please take 7 minutes to view this excellent video:

Immunotherapy: Boosting the immune system to fight cancer


William B. Coley, in 1891, injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable cancer. He thought that the infection he produced would have the side effect of shrinking the malignant tumor. He was successful, and this was one of the first examples of immunotherapy. Over the next forty years, as head of the Bone Tumor Service at Memorial Hospital in New York, Coley injected more than 1000 cancer patients with bacteria or bacterial products. These products became known as Coley’s Toxins. He and other doctors who used them reported excellent results, especially in bone and soft-tissue sarcomas.

Despite his reported good results, Coley’s Toxins came under a great deal of criticism because many doctors did not believe his results. This criticism, along with the development of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, caused Coley’s Toxins to gradually disappear from use. However, the modern science of immunology has shown that Coley’s principles were correct and that some cancers are sensitive to an enhanced immune system. Because research is very active in this field, William B. Coley, a bone sarcoma surgeon, deserves the title “Father of Immunotherapy.”

Further acceptance of his ideas was brought about by Coley’s own children. His son Bradley (1892-1961), also an orthopaedic surgeon, succeeded him as the head of the Bone Tumor Service at Memorial Hospital. Bradley Coley’s major textbook on bone tumors was published in 1948, and while advocating surgery as the main treatment for bone sarcomas, he supported the use of Coley’s toxin as adjunctive therapy. He believed that it would be of value in preventing micro-metastasis. His daughter, Helen Coley Nauts (1907-2001), became a cancer researcher and devoted her life to the study of her father’s toxins. She tabulated every patient he treated and reviewed all his notes. She published 18 monographs and tabulated over 1000 of his cases and noticed that in 500 of these there was near-complete regression. She founded Cancer Research Institute in New York. 

Read stories of patients successes immunotherapy trials from Cancer Research Institute at: Select from the menu ‘Who is the Immunocommunity’ and select the drop down menu ‘Patients Stories’

Immunotherapy can be local or systemic.

Local immunotherapy delivers the treatment to the affected area. For example, the BCG vaccine can be injected into the bladder to treat bladder cancer, as it causes inflammation that can cause the tumour to shrink.

Systemic therapy treats the whole body and is useful for targeting cancer that may have spread. In the 1980s, scientists at the Cancer Research UK Medical Oncology Unit at the Christie Hospital in Manchester showed that the protein interferon alpha could cause tumours to shrink in patients with low-grade lymphoma. Interferon is now used to treat several different types of cancer.

Immunotherapy can also be non-specific or targeted.

Non-specific immunotherapy works by boosting the body’s immune system in general, so that its natural cancer-killing activity is enhanced. Both of the examples of local and systemic therapies (above) are also examples of non-specific immunotherapy.

Targeted immunotherapy is designed to make the immune system specifically kill cancer cells. The following types of targeted immunotherapy are available or are in development:

Antibody-based therapies

Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system. A type of white blood cell called a B-cell produces them in response to an infection. Normally, antibodies stick to foreign objects in the body and label them for destruction. Researchers have been trying to make antibodies that will attach themselves only to cancer cells. This can be useful in four ways.

  • It can stop the cancer from growing by stopping other essential ‘growth factors’ from sticking to it.
  • It can ‘tag’ the cancer for destruction by the immune system.
  • If cancer drugs or radioactive particles are attached to the antibody, it can deliver them directly to the cancer cell without harming the rest of your body.
  • An enzyme (a type of protein that can promote chemical reactions) can be attached to an antibody, and then given to a patient along with a chemical that can be turned into a powerful drug by the enzyme. This directs the drug to the cancer, and minimise side effects. This process is known as Antibody-directed Enzyme/Pro-drug Therapy (ADEPT).


FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT IMMUNO-THERAPY already available in Germany for Clinical use – please contact me via the contact form on this blog or email to my new email address for enquiries:


How our immune System Fights Cancer|Knowledge to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler & Prof Jerome Galon

Do want to get some insights into the intricate working of your immune system? Navigating the Cancer Maze, Grace Gawler interviews Prof. Dr. Jerome Galon: Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre, Paris, France.

Do want to get some insights into the intricate working of your immune system and cancer? On Navigating the Cancer Maze, internet radio Grace Gawler interviews Prof. Dr. Jerome Galon: Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre, Paris, France.


Listen to the show by selecting the following link:


Professor Galon’s current interests & major contributions concern basic & translational research in cancer immunology, using systems biology.

His laboratory has made some ground-breaking findings demonstrating that the adaptive immune response within a tumor was a better predictor of survival than traditional staging based on the size and spread of a tumor.The new wave of immunotherapies reflects what has been known for some time; that the answer to cancer is in you! But it is not that simple. Our immune system is complex and intricate & as science unravels its mysteries, we are developing new understandings of how the immune system can be captured & recruited in the laboratory; retrained and returned to you the patient!

Awards: In 2008 Prof Dr Galon was awarded The Colon Cancer Research Schaeverbeke Award, Fondation de France,& the Clinical Research Award, Rose Lamarca, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.

INSERM UMRS1138  Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology (Team 15) Cordeliers Research Center 15 Rue de l'Ecole de Medecine 75006 Paris, France
Laboratory of Prof Jerome Galon Integrative Cancer Immunology (Team 15)
Cordeliers Research Center

In 2010 he received the William B. Coley Award from the Cancer Research Institute, NY, USA, 2011: the French National Academy of Science & the French National Academy of Medicine (2011) awards.

He has published many scientific papers and book chapters.

Health professionals and interested patients;

Visit INSERM UMRS 1138
Cordeliers Research Center

For more about Integrative Cancer Immunology Laboratory and their research projects, Immunoscore, publications, seminars and links.

Health professionals – I especially recommend the Publications page and homepage side bar at INSERM’s website.

Prof Galon was a guest of QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Qld , Australia. See their website at

To listen to the audio – live streaming log on to the URL below. You can download this and other interviews with cancer experts at:

To be continued……..

Enjoy the weekend….Grace

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way Grace Gawler with Professor Rajiv Khanna

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way! QIMR Brisbane is celebrating their cancer research findings by hosting a series of immunology presentations during Immunotherapy Week, June 15 – June 21 2014. Special Guest speaker will be Professor Jérôme Galon, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France whose topic is “Cancer cure may be inside you and unleashed by immunotherapy”. To bring public awareness to Immunotherapy Week at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Professor Rajiv Khanna Director of immunotherapy and vaccine development was interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio this week to publicize the need to bring research findings and medical trials into public awareness.

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way!

QIMR Brisbane is celebrating their cancer research findings by hosting a series of immunology presentations during Immunotherapy Week, June 15 – June 21 2014. Special Guest speaker will be Professor Jérôme Galon, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France whose topic is “Cancer cure may be inside you and unleashed by immunotherapy”.

907477-rajiv-khannaTo bring public awareness to Immunotherapy Week at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Professor Rajiv Khanna Director of immunotherapy and vaccine development was interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio this week to publicize the need to bring research findings and medical trials into public awareness. In particular he discusses his breakthrough immunotherapy research on Glioblastoma Multiforme.

As well on Navigating the Cancer Maze, Prof Khanna also discusses his research and clinical trial results on nasopharyngeal carcinoma, an aggressive throat cancer that has has shown response to immune therapies.

Image: Above – Cancer researcher Professor Rajiv Khanna, pictured with patient Eddie Chen, has developed a promising new treatment. Picture: Annette Dew Source: The Courier-Mail.

CLICK HERE to read Janelle Miles Courier Mail article – ‘Queensland Institute of Medical Research scientist Rajiv Khanna unveils promising new treatment for aggressive throat cancer’  published FEBRUARY 02, 2012

To listen to this very interesting and highly informative audio interview or to download on itunes (both free of charge), visit the link below direct to voice America and my show webpage.