Options, Choices and Treatments for Cancer Recovery| Navigating the Cancer Maze

New cancer treatments are always controversial; BUT – this method is not a treatment. It’s a smart approach. A Smart approach that utilizes all that we know so far about cancer. It works because ultimately; our innate immune system knows what to do.

Options, Choices and Treatments for Cancer Recovery: De mystifying the oscillating the immune cycle.

When my ex husband and I had the idea for starting support groups for cancer patients in the early 1980’s. cancer organizations, patients and doctors were initially not supportive. In fact they were skeptical. They could not see any possible therapeutic benefit could come from people attending a support group.  How wrong they were! Move forward Body rhythms diagram40 years! Yes this December marks my beginning working with cancer patients 40 years ago in a time when there was no support in the health system and no support groups. Now, the benefit of patients attending structured supports and the well being benefit is indisputable.

There are still many new areas to explore, which leads me to discussing the immune cycle. It would seem that during 2014 on Navigating the Cancer Maze – we uncovered and delivered some significant “missing” pieces of the cancer treatment puzzle. It is my hope that as 2014 comes to an end – that 2015 will truly usher in a new paradigm in cancer treatments. The foundation has been laid, extensive research already done, the concept has been introduced worldwide – the  immune cycle measurement is here – NOW!
Now it is up to cancer patients to prove Martin Ashdown and Brendon Coventry right….or wrong. I liked it when Martin Ashdown said – “We believe this is so, a breakthrough – but we are open to being proven wrong!” As in the early days of my first charitable  foundation – it was people power – patient power that made a difference to the success of the Cancer Support Group Movement. Once told there would likely be a measured benefit from attending a support group – the press broadcast the news and the patients came on board en masse!

New cancer treatments are always controversial; BUT – this method is not a treatment. It’s a smart approach. A Smart approach that utilizes all that we know so far about cancer. It works because ultimately; our innate immune system knows what to do. It is just in temporary overwhelm. So doesn’t it make perfect sense that to find the best time to work in synch within the cycle of each person’s immune system to add the best chemotherapy or monoclonal antibody or other targeted treatment. Isn’t this the personalized approach we have been searching for? We all thought it would come in a pill – not an approach and that’s a paradigm shift that some in the world of science and medicine are struggling with.

measuring immune cycleKnowing how one’s immune cycle oscillates holds a clue, “the missing link” that can direct doctors to seek the best time to treat patients in their personal window of opportunity. Then within the parameters of what we know they will have the best chance of a good response or complete response to treatment. (CR)

When cancer cells challenge us – they are also smart. They are a part of us created by our internal systems. You could define cancer as an internal systems error!  These cancer cells cleverly recruit our intelligent mechanisms using them for their own growth and survival. It seems a bit crazy that something that wants to survive – kills its host. But – that’s life! To listen to the latest Voice America related to this blog visit:

So – I believe as do Ashdown and Coventry – that if there is enough of the immune response left in a patient – that the cycle can still be measured and timed so administer the right treatment at the right time. It is simple enough – the only real cost being a series of blood tests. Then finding a doctor who will look at the science and research and say yes – they administer treatment during the 12 hour window of opportunity. The Grace Gawler Institute is keen to let you know and experience the immune cycle for yourself. Please Read more below or join the immune cycle registry at:

http://www.gracegawlerinstitute.com/immune-cycle-registry/ also see our Next “Survivor Academy” Course!

Martin Ashdown and Brendon Coventry have built upon earlier excellent work in the study of chronobiology: Below are references given on Navigating the Cancer Maze today: I have provided abstract content as well as links.

Until next time……Grace

  • Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2010;50:377-421. doi: 10.1146/annurev.pharmtox.48.113006.094626.
    Circadian timing in cancer treatments.
    Lévi F1, Okyar A, Dulong S, Innominato PF, Clairambault J.
    Author information
    The circadian timing system is composed of molecular clocks, which drive 24-h changes in xenobiotic metabolism and detoxification, cell cycle events, DNA repair, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. The cellular circadian clocks are coordinated by endogenous physiological rhythms, so that they tick in synchrony in the host tissues that can be damaged by anticancer agents. As a result, circadian timing can modify 2- to 10-fold the tolerability of anticancer medications in experimental models and in cancer patients. Improved efficacy is also seen when drugs are given near their respective times of best tolerability, due to (a) inherently poor circadian entrainment of tumors and (b) persistent circadian entrainment of healthy tissues. Conversely, host clocks are disrupted whenever anticancer drugs are administered at their most toxic time. On the other hand, circadian disruption accelerates experimental and clinical cancer processes. Gender, circadian physiology, clock genes, and cell cycle critically affect outcome on cancer chronotherapeutics. Mathematical and systems biology approaches currently develop and integrate theoretical, experimental, and technological tools in order to further optimize and personalize the circadian administration of cancer treatments.
    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20055686

Ann Pharm Fr. 2008 Jun;66(3):175-84. doi: 10.1016/j.pharma.2008.05.003.
[The circadian-timing system: a determinant of drug activity and a target of anticancer treatments].
[Article in French]
Lévi F.
Author information
Cellular proliferation and drug detoxification are controlled over the 24h by the circadian-timing system, whose disruption can favor malignant processes. Thus, prolonged shift work appears to increase the risk of breast, colon or prostate cancer. Alterations in circadian physiology and/or molecular-clock genes accelerate cancer progression in experimental models and in cancer patients. In addition, anticancer treatments can also dampen or reinforce the circadian-timing system, as a function of dose and time of administration. The adjustment of anticancer-drug delivery to the circadian-timing system (chronotherapeutics) has allowed to reduce five-fold the incidence of severe adverse events as compared to constant rate infusion or wrongly-timed chronomodulated delivery in cancer patients. In experimental models, the best antitumor efficacy is usually obtained following treatment delivery near the least toxic time, a statement that also seems to apply to patients. Dedicated technologies include programmable in time pumps and rhythm monitors and are required for chronotherapeutics. Recent results have revealed that the optimal chronotherapeutic schedule could differ as a function of gender and circadian physiology. In conclusion, the circadian-timing system was shown to negatively control malignant proliferation via partly identified molecular mechanisms. The components of the circadian-timing system thus constitute new potential therapeutic targets in oncology. Mathematical models help toward a better understanding of the role of variability for the determination of the optimal chronotherapeutic schedule and constitute useful tools for the personalization of cancer chronotherapeutics.


Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2013;(217):261-88. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25950-0_11.
Cancer chronotherapeutics: experimental, theoretical, and clinical aspects.
Ortiz-Tudela E1, Mteyrek A, Ballesta A, Innominato PF, Lévi F.
Author information
The circadian timing system controls cell cycle, apoptosis, drug bioactivation, and transport and detoxification mechanisms in healthy tissues. As a consequence, the tolerability of cancer chemotherapy varies up to several folds as a function of circadian timing of drug administration in experimental models. Best antitumor efficacy of single-agent or combination chemotherapy usually corresponds to the delivery of anticancer drugs near their respective times of best tolerability. Mathematical models reveal that such coincidence between chronotolerance and chronoefficacy is best explained by differences in the circadian and cell cycle dynamics of host and cancer cells, especially with regard circadian entrainment and cell cycle variability. In the clinic, a large improvement in tolerability was shown in international randomized trials where cancer patients received the same sinusoidal chronotherapy schedule over 24h as compared to constant-rate infusion or wrongly timed chronotherapy. However, sex, genetic background, and lifestyle were found to influence optimal chronotherapy scheduling. These findings support systems biology approaches to cancer chronotherapeutics. They involve the systematic experimental mapping and modeling of chronopharmacology pathways in synchronized cell cultures and their adjustment to mouse models of both sexes and distinct genetic background, as recently shown for irinotecan. Model-based personalized circadian drug delivery aims at jointly improving tolerability and efficacy of anticancer drugs based on the circadian timing system of individual patients, using dedicated circadian biomarker and drug delivery technologies.

Chronobiol Int. 2002 Jan;19(1):1-19.
From circadian rhythms to cancer chronotherapeutics.
Lévi F.
Author information
Mammalian circadian rhythms result from a complex organization involving molecular clocks within nearly all “normal” cells and a dedicated neuroanatomical system, which coordinates the so-called “peripheral oscillators.” The core of the central clock system is constituted by the suprachiasmatic nuclei that are located on the floor of the hypothalamus. Our understanding of the mechanisms of circadian rhythm generation and coordination processes has grown rapidly over the past few years. In parallel, we have learnt how to use the predictable changes in cellular metabolism or proliferation along the 24h time scale in order to improve treatment outcome for a variety of diseases, including cancer. The chronotherapeutics of malignant diseases has emerged as a result of a consistent development ranging from experimental, clinical, and technological prerequisites to multicenter clinical trials of chronomodulated delivery schedules. Indeed large dosing-time dependencies characterize the tolerability of anticancer agents in mice or rats, a better efficacy usually results from treatment administration near the least toxic circadian time in rodent tumor models. Programmable in time multichannel pumps have allowed to test the chronotherapy concepts in cancer patients and to implement chronomodulated delivery schedules in current practice. Clinical phase I and II trials have established the feasibility, the safety, and the activity of the chronotherapy schedules, so that this treatment method has undergone further evaluation in international multicenter phase III trials. Overall, more than 2,000 patients with metastatic disease have been registered in chronotherapy trials. Improved tolerability and/or better antitumor activity have been demonstrated in randomized multicenter studies involving large patient cohorts. The relation between circadian rhythmicity and quality of life and even survival has also been a puzzling finding over the recent years. An essential step toward further developments of circadian-timed therapy has been the recent constitution of a Chronotherapy cooperative group within the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. This group now involves over 40 institutions in 12 countries. It is conducting currently six trials and preparing four new studies. The 19 contributions in this special issue reflect the current status and perspectives of the several components of cancer chronotherapeutics.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Cancer Causes Control. 2006 May;17(4):611-21.
Chronotherapeutics: the relevance of timing in cancer therapy.
Lévi F.
Author information
Cell physiology is regulated along the 24-h time scale by a circadian timing system composed of molecular clocks within each cell and a central coordination system in the brain. The mammalian molecular clock is made of interconnected molecular loops involving at least 12 circadian genes. The cellular clocks are coordinated by the suprachiasmatic nuclei, a hypothalamic pacemaker which also helps the organism adjust to environmental cycles. The rest-activity rhythm is a reliable marker of the circadian system function in both rodents and man. This circadian organization is responsible for predictable changes in the tolerability and efficacy of anticancer agents, and possibly also in tumor promotion or growth.
Expected least toxic times of chemotherapy were extrapolated from experimental models to human subjects with reference to the rest-activity cycle. The clinical relevance of the chronotherapy principle, i.e. treatment administration as a function of rhythms, has been demonstrated in randomized multicenter trials.
Chronotherapeutic schedules have been used to safely document the activity of the association of oxaliplatin, 5-FU and leucovorin against metastatic colorectal cancer and to set up a new medicosurgical management of this disease which achieved unprecedented long term survival.
The chronotherapy concept offers further promises for improving current cancer treatment options as well as for optimizing the development of new anticancer or supportive agents.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Mol Med. 2012 Dec 6;18:1249-60. doi: 10.2119/molmed.2012.00077.
Circadian rhythm disruption in cancer biology.
Savvidis C1, Koutsilieris M.
Author information
Circadian rhythms show universally a 24-h oscillation pattern in metabolic, physiological and behavioral functions of almost all species. This pattern is due to a fundamental adaptation to the rotation of Earth around its own axis. Molecular mechanisms of generation of circadian rhythms organize a biochemical network in suprachiasmatic nucleus and peripheral tissues, building cell autonomous clock pacemakers. Rhythmicity is observed in transcriptional expression of a wide range of clock-controlled genes that regulate a variety of normal cell functions, such as cell division and proliferation. Desynchrony of this rhythmicity seems to be implicated in several pathologic conditions, including tumorigenesis and progression of cancer. In 2007, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized “shiftwork that involves circadian disruption [as] probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A in the IARC classification system of carcinogenic potency of an agent) (Painting, Firefighting, and Shiftwork; IARC; 2007). This review discusses the potential relation between disruptions of normal circadian rhythms with genetic driving machinery of cancer. Elucidation of the role of clockwork disruption, such as exposure to light at night and sleep disruption, in cancer biology could be important in developing new targeted anticancer therapies, optimizing individualized chronotherapy and modifying lighting environment in workplaces or homes.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Free PMC Article

Chronobiol Int. 2012 Apr;29(3):227-51. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2012.658127.
Clock genes and clock-controlled genes in the regulation of metabolic rhythms.
Mazzoccoli G1, Pazienza V, Vinciguerra M.
Author information
Daily rotation of the Earth on its axis and yearly revolution around the Sun impose to living organisms adaptation to nyctohemeral and seasonal periodicity. Terrestrial life forms have developed endogenous molecular circadian clocks to synchronize their behavioral, biological, and metabolic rhythms to environmental cues, with the aim to perform at their best over a 24-h span. The coordinated circadian regulation of sleep/wake, rest/activity, fasting/feeding, and catabolic/anabolic cycles is crucial for optimal health. Circadian rhythms in gene expression synchronize biochemical processes and metabolic fluxes with the external environment, allowing the organism to function effectively in response to predictable physiological challenges. In mammals, this daily timekeeping is driven by the biological clocks of the circadian timing system, composed of master molecular oscillators within the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus, pacing self-sustained and cell-autonomous molecular oscillators in peripheral tissues through neural and humoral signals. Nutritional status is sensed by nuclear receptors and coreceptors, transcriptional regulatory proteins, and protein kinases, which synchronize metabolic gene expression and epigenetic modification, as well as energy production and expenditure, with behavioral and light-dark alternance. Physiological rhythmicity characterizes these biological processes and body functions, and multiple rhythms coexist presenting different phases, which may determine different ways of coordination among the circadian patterns, at both the cellular and whole-body levels. A complete loss of rhythmicity or a change of phase may alter the physiological array of rhythms, with the onset of chronodisruption or internal desynchronization, leading to metabolic derangement and disease, i.e., chronopathology.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Grace Gawler|What you Need to Know to Safely Navigate the Complementary Medicine Maze

With 30 years experience as a botanical medicine practitioner, I know that complementary medicines are very popular with cancer patients. Some believe they are an alternative to conventional medicine, rather than a complement or adjunct to other treatments. Patients tend not disclose natural medicines they are taking when seeing their oncologist. Some oncologists don’t ask. Some patients take an each way bet and use both conventional and “natural medicines”, but in most cases; they will likely never tell their doctor what they are doing.

Grace Gawler | What you Need to Know to Safely Navigate the Complementary Medicine Maze – October 31, 2014


Today’s Navigating the cancer Maze will give insights With 30 years experience as a botanical medicine practitioner, I know that complementary medicines are very popular with cancer patients. Some believe they are an alternative to conventional medicine, rather than a complement or adjunct to other treatments. Patients tend not disclose natural medicines they are taking when seeing their oncologist. Some oncologists don’t ask. Some patients take an each way bet and use both conventional and “natural medicines”, but in most cases; they will likely never tell their doctor what they are doing. Why? Because they expect a prejudiced attitude, either ridiculing their choice or telling them to stop everything else they are taking or doing that is not considered real medicine. Herein lies an enormous modern-day dilemma because many alternative & complementary medicines are indeed REAL medicines with active phyto-chemical contents.In today’s episode and on this blog – I also share useful information about Curcumin as a adjunct medicine for cancer patients.


First of all Vitamin C

I often see patients in my practice who refuse to have pharmaceutical drugs….they are often shocked when I explain to them that so called “natural medicines” they are using may not be natural at all – These substances actually become a drug or pharmaceutical product once they are administered by intravenous injection or intramuscular. It doesn’t mean they wont work – but the fact is they are NOT natural as is often marketed. They may have natural origins or have active principles of natural origin that has been synthesized in the laboratory.
Perhaps the best example here is vitamin C – there is no way we could use ascorbic acid as an i/v infusion….It must be modified in the laboratory.

  • Now this may come as a shock to those to love all things natural…..but Unfortunately, nearly all the dietary supplements marketed as vitamin C these days are synthetic isolates, made with genetically modified (GMO) corn from factories in China. Ascorbic acid is theoranges-and-lemons product most often paraded as “vitamin C,” but it’s really only a laboratory-produced synthetic “isolate”—meaning it is a single component of vitamin C. Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created vitamin C-rich fruits, berries and plants. Scientists now know that vitamin C isolates such as ascorbic acid do not provide the health benefits that whole food forms of vitamin C do.

    This subject is so important that I will be inviting an expert on to the show soon to discuss the topic…. so sign up to receive an ecard notification for details of when this show will go to air.Join this blog to be updated and informed about complementary medicines and cancer – select Follow or join in the form in the widget bar on the right. The blog will be delivered weekly to your email address.

  • Curcumin – Tumeric

Multiple Molecular Targets of Curcumin
Curcumin attacks multiple targets, providing the scientific basis for its effectiveness in many different diseases. Extensive research shows most diseases are caused by dysregulation of multiple signaling pathways–casting doubt on the effectiveness of monotherapy, which is limited to a single target.
Studies show curcumin modulates numerous molecular targets, including: regulating several cytokines and fibroblast growth factor-2 (gene expression), growth-factor receptors including modulation of androgen receptors (protein kinases), transcription factors, pro-inflammatory enzymes (including supression of COX-2, 5-LOX and iNOS and regulation of NF-κB), modulation of cell-cycle-related gene expression, blocking the adhesion molecules, downregulating anti-apoptic proteins and inhibiting multi-drug resistance.

curcumin.2jpgCurcumin is the most important active ingredient in turmeric, and makes up about 2-6% of the spice.

While therapeutic properties of turmeric have been known for centuries, modern science has identified the curcuminoids (phenolic compounds found in turmeric) and provides a scientific basis for many clinical uses of standardized curcumin.

Since turmeric contains very small concentrations of curcumin, look for standardized 95% curcumin (curcuminoids). Why? Hundreds of scientific and technical papers confirm: clinical results were obtained using curcumin (curcuminoids).Most Curcumin Products Contain 3 Curcuminoids
Commercial curcumin typically contains curcumin I (~77%), curcumin II (~17%) and curcumin III (~3%) as its major components.
For convenience, all curcuminoids are often referred to simply as “curcumin” even though turmeric contains a variety of different curcuminoids. Unfortunately, pure curcumin (including all known curcuminoids) is very poorly absorbed into your bloodstream after oral ingestion due to rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall, and rapid systemic elimination.

Many curcumin products add piperine to improve absorption of curcumin. But piperine is a problem for many consumers because the additive should be taken cautiously (if at all) by anyone taking medications. According to the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental curcuminTherapeutics, piperine is a potent inhibitor of drug metabolism, which means piperine spikes blood levels of many prescription medications.
A review of published research articles reveals piperine is toxic in experimental animals. Some research suggests piperine is safe in small amounts but large amounts of piperine could be damaging to the liver or other organs. Experts advise against consuming more than 15 mg of piperine per day. Piperine has known central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects. Finally, since piperine is a component of black pepper, consumers with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to black pepper should avoid piperine.

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Cheap versions of complementary medicines manufactured in countries with poor manufacturing and quality control standards are best avoided…….contamination is a big issue as well as growing, harvesting and all that happens to a the material before it gets to production. A recent example in May 2013 was the outbreak of symptomatic hepatitis A virus infections across 10 US states associated with pomegranate arils imported from Turkey and manufactured in the USA by an organic group. The source was traced to imported frozen pomegranate arils. These were identified as the vehicle early in the investigation by combining epidemiology—with data from several sources—genetic analysis of patient samples, and product tracing. There were 165 cases known to have been affected.Hepatitis A is spread when human feces contaminate food or when an infected food handler prepares food without using proper hygiene. Human feces are expected as the cause of the outbreak, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Remember – it’s best to ask for professional help when selecting products from the internet: Not only is it important to know the source of raw material – but the technique used in the manufacturing process and efficacy of the end product. Sometimes the pseudo-science that surrounds a product can be misleading.
Medicines and supplements purchased on the Interne need to be carefully scrutinized, especially if you are have cancer. Countries that have raw materials processed and manufactured with inadequate standards and poor quality control can be an issue.

Listen to today’s episode:Select the URL:



Why you Need an Experienced Guide to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze.

Best Advice for anyone dealing with Cancer – Don’t try to Navigate the Cancer Maze alone! Find an experienced guide – someone you can trust and who is professional. If you have cancer or know someone who is dealing with cancer – please forward this blog link or the direct link to Voice America – where the Grace Gawler Institute’s internet radio show is hosted. We have a global audience. Listen live streaming or download episodes for free and listen later. Please help us in our mission to distribute reliable, valid and evidence-based cancer information – The lives of cancer patients depend upon truth in all branches and modalities of medicine.

Best Advice for anyone dealing with Cancer – Don’t try to Navigate the Cancer Maze alone! Find an experienced guide – someone you can trust and who is professional. If you have cancer or know someone who is dealing with cancer –  please forward this blog link or the direct link to Voice America – where the Grace Gawler Institute’s internet radio show is hosted. We have a global audience. Listen live streaming or download  episodes for free and listen later. Please help us in our mission to distribute reliable, valid and evidence-based cancer information – The lives of cancer patients depend upon truth in all branches and modalities of medicine.

A Helping Hand Grace GawlerAn experienced cancer guide who can navigate with a best of both worlds approach is becoming more and more essential in the escalating world of cancer information overload. While clearly patients want to be in charge & empowered when it comes to choosing cancer treatments, much of the knowledge being filtered to them is misleading; some just downright untruthful.

But on the other hand many patients have lost trust in the medical profession’s approach and treatment of cancer. Accordingly, this patient dissatisfaction has created a void in the system which has been readily filled by pseudo-science & magic promises of “cures” that don’t deliver. Time is precious for all patients but for some, a wrong path taken while navigating the maze, can have devastating consequences.

On today’s Navigating the Cancer Maze –  I share with you some of the relevant history of cancer that has led to today’s experience of cancer and how for thousands of years – Cancer has been deemed to be incurable. How can patients be discerning & use a best of both worlds approach?  In this episode you will learn about survival strategies & how patients can learn to embrace an intelligent and reliable approach. It is always useful to know about history and the history of medicine and cancer is no exception. By taking an historical walk through the centuries of cancer and medicine today to current time – you will learn why the cancer-cure is the most sought after prize on the planet. As a follow on oday’s episode is packed with useful – lifesaving information and strategies to help anyone effectively navigate the cancer maze.

Cancer is not a new disease of modern civilisation as many people think. Growths suggestive of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer; have been seen in Egyptian mummies.

The oldest complete example in the world of a human with metastatic cancer in a 3,000 year-old skeleton - Egypt
The oldest complete example in the world of a human with metastatic cancer in a 3,000 year-old skeleton – Egypt

Some of the earliest evidence of cancer is found among fossilized bone tumours, ancient Egyptian human mummies in, and ancient manuscripts. The oldest description of cancer was discovered in Egypt and dates back to about 3000 BC. Writings about the disease recorded on papyrus at the time, translated as, “There is no treatment.”

The ‘incurable’ nature of cancer and belief systems about cancer held by humanity for thousands of years is likely the reason that throughout the centuries, so many have wanted their claim to fame by trying to cure the so called incurable. Doctors even practised some strange and weird practises such as tying a live toad to a women’s breast to cure cancer.

Many of these were not scientists; some may have been genuine – for example, herbalists who stumbled across plants with anti cancer properties that may have played a part in a person’s recovery and this became folklore medicine – some of it is still of value today. However – this concept of cancer, has I believe – always left the door open for the charlatans and those who want to take advantage of an unsuspecting cancer public.

Over centuries – the trickster, charlatan, quack or snake oil salesman has been ready to peddle their products; whilst in modern times; information gathering pseudo-scientists, men in cowboy hats, banana-fuelled runners and aging entrepreneurs along with people who look barely old enough to vote, have jumped on the “I can cure cancer bandwagon” – follow me!  Some of them may mean well – but without an understanding of cancer they have become the dangerous persuaders of modern times.

But hey let’s not forget that modern medicine and science have delivered the best results so far in history. Chemotherapy was first developed at the beginning of the 20th century, although it was not originally intended as a cancer treatment. During World War II, it was discovered that people exposed to nitrogen mustard developed significantly reduced white blood cell counts. From thereon investigations into cancer cures were driven by yes, some big pharma profiteers – but also by genuine researchers and scientists. It has not been the best we could have done in terms of making people sick in order to help them get better- that seems to go against the grain of healing principles. Yet although it has been a rough road for some  – but many of my past patients would not be alive with out it! Immunotherapy has arrived on the scene….but there is more on the horizon. The future of treating cancer is now on the precipice of some amazing new information that I will be sharing with you in the next few weeks – STAY TUNED!


This leads me to the real thrust of today’s show: That today in 2014 – in my experience in 40 years of working with cancer patients – that  it  is the strategies that a person employs in dealing with cancer that can make a difference to outcome and survival.

A How to Survive Cancer Manual is not given at the time of diagnosis!  How to survive and thrive – how to live well or die well – how to enhance life quality throughout adversity, how to adapt to changes around you and in your body, how to relate to those around you, how to really heal your life and grow though the experience of cancer are less popular  …. the real stuff of being a human with cancer is not to be found in juices and psuedo-science ….conventional medicine can help the body – but that is only one part of the story. Cancer patients who take charge of their life and make informed decisions clearly do well – even with advanced cancer.

Thanks for reading this blog and for listening to Voice America – Navigating the Cancer Maze. More on this topic in the next few days……Enjoy your day…..Grace

Resources mentioned in the show today:

How to Safely Integrate Botanical Medicine into a Cancer Treatment & Prevention Program with Grace Gawler

Have you noticed how in recent times, ordinary foods have been re-invented and labelled as awesome super-foods. The awesome super-food brings with it a promise of health, vitality, longevity and prevention of every illness under the sun – especially cancer. And….it’s all natural! Well is it? First of all, vegetables and fruits we eat today are different from the foods our ancestors were eating.

Have you noticed how in recent times, ordinary foods have been re-invented and labelled as awesome super-foods. The awesome super-food brings with it a promise of health, vitality, longevity and  prevention of every illness under the sun – especially cancer. And….it’s all natural! Well is it? First of all, vegetables and fruits we eat today are different from the foods our ancestors were eating. They have been altered in their genetic material since the late 1800’s. Scientists and farmers have been genetically modifying food crops  through a process known as hybridization or selective plant breeding for a long time. This was the pre-biotechnology method of introducing genetic materials from one individual plant to another. The humble carrot was manipulated long before that!

carrots superfoodsA knowledge of history often helps to put things into perspective. Did you know that the Carrot we know of today was already tampered with in the 1700’s. They were bred orange in The Netherlands during the 17th century from the older white and purple stock (that are now back in fashion as “heritage” varieties) to show support for the Orange-Nassau dynasty. So provocative were orange carrots seen to be in the early modern period that, at various points, they were banned from sale in Dutch markets as the fortunes of the dynasty waxed and waned politically! Even in the the 1700’s vegetables were used to promote a cause! ( source The Conversation)

But – back to the 21st Century. In today’s hype for health there is one thing missing  in many of the self stylized Health Gurus – knowledge!

Food science is fascinating and complex and as technology increases- our understanding and knowledge builds.

Unfortunately promoters of the current “healing super-foods” are not  qualified in the science; nor are they qualified in botanical medicine. On today’s Navigating the Cancer Maze , I look at just one of the super-food groups – Cruciferous vegetables.  The phyto-chemicals contained in cruciferous vegetables, as well as macro and micro-nutrient content have caused a stir in cancer circles.

Based on my more than 3 decades of experience, research & qualifications with plant medicines & nutrition to help cancer patients; I would like to share with you some critical aspects for any cancer patient to know when using plant based medicines or super-foods for health; both during treatment and outside of treatment. Click here to listen to audio streaming Voice America

Many studies have highlighted reduction of cancer risk Health intelligence australiaby consuming macro-nutrients-carbs, proteins, fats, fibre and proteins. There are also specific nutrients contained in foods called micro-nutrients-what we know as vitamins, minerals & trace elements. However, plants contain many chemical substances other than micro-nutrients that may help prevent cancer; some are effective adjuncts in treating cancer- these are called phyto-chemicals.

There is a saying – “It’s not what you eat – but what you do with what you eat”. Almost every patient who visits my practice has already made lifestyle and dietary changes according to what they have read on Dr Google or in books obtained through Dr Google. Some have sought naturopathic advice. Most finish up on vegan diets with copious juices whilst taking plant nutrients in capsules or powders by the bucket load. This is not natural!  A few more helpful sayings: ” Less is more” and….. there is no one size fits all in healing- we are all different.”

One of the biggest digestive enemies of the cancer patient are the foods that do not breakdown well and create excess gas & pain and….often these foods don’t absorb well. You can be taking in lots of nutrient dense foods and supplements – but be malnourished. I see this in my practice constantly.  Excessive gas and inflammation from ingesting large quantities of raw greens along with a compromised digestive system can lead to many more health issues. Remember Cancer is disease that begins with inflammation that becomes chronic. Ideally we want to make life easier for our digestive systems – not more difficult.   I highly recommend you visit the following website:  http://www.puristat.com/bloating/anti-flatulence-diet-plan.aspx

Did you know that by overdoing ingestion of the cruciferious family by taking excessive green powders and juicing raw vegetables that absorb better if cooked – can lead to genotoxicity?  This is the term which describes the property of chemical agents that damage genetic information within a cell causing mutations, which may lead to cancer. Excess raw greens can also affect thyroid hormones and create Goiter. The principle applies  – Less is more!

So often in my practice I find that by changing the “healthy regimens” that patients are taking in order to recover, and replacing it with a well structured, personalized dietary regimen with steamed and cooked foods;  that bloating, due to excessive gas and inflammation, decreases or disappears. As does the debilitating pain that accompanies foods that don’t suit our metabolism. Patients with gastro- intestinal cancers can therefore reduce pain medication due to a sensible dietary change.

Another excellent resource for learning about Gut issues is the following website:  http://www.gutsense.org/

In tomorrow’s blog more resources and information about cruciferous vegetables and nutrition for cancer patients. See you then …

Grace Gawler|Voice America|Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing

Dietrich Stroeh’s life came apart after learning that his wife had pancreatic cancer. The Stage Four diagnosis took him on the roller coaster ride of his life. Overnight, this successful businessman became a caregiver powerless over the course of his wife’s illness. He had to face internal weaknesses and external obstacles in order to take care of her and, when the time came, lovingly let her go. Stroeh chronicles his journey in this book, taking readers inside the Stroeh household where home care, medical decisions and much needed laughter give extraordinary shape to an unexpected and devastating illness.

Navigating the  Cancer Maze: This week Dietrich Stroeh, author of Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing talks about his book.

 This is a highly recommended read for anyone on the cancer journey – patients, family & friends. Grace Gawler

Listen at:   http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/75644/navigating-the-cancer-mazethree-months-a-caregiving-journey-from-heartbreak-to-healing-with-dietrich

Often on Navigating the Cancer Maze we speak about the possibilities of cancer recovery & how we can work towards that outcome. Let’s face it, it is what everyone wants to hear; however for many cancer patients, circumstances and unexpected challenges that cancer brings can mean the loss of a loved one. For every patient & family, it is important to address this topic, “What if things don’t go to plan?” Dietrich Stroeh’s life came apart after learning that his wife had pancreatic cancer. The Stage Four diagnosis took him on the roller Three Months a caregivers Journey_CoverFinalcoaster ride of his life. Overnight, this successful businessman became a caregiver powerless over the course of his wife’s illness. He had to face internal weaknesses and external obstacles in order to take care of her and, when the time came, lovingly let her go.

Stroeh chronicles his journey in this book, taking readers inside the Stroeh household where home care, medical decisions and much needed laughter give extraordinary shape to an unexpected and devastating illness.
Advocating for a loved one, caring for one’s self, being part of the medical team and handling grief are only a few of the topics that are addressed simply in this first-person story. Like the paperback, the newly released e-book also  provides easy to read care-giving tips and useful resources that Stroeh picked up in the course of only three months time.  It also includes a chapter of author-published articles about being a male caregiver and more.
Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing is both a love story and a guidebook.  Anyone going through an experience with a terminal illness would benefit from reading it,” said Dr. Kim Allison, MD, Director of Breast Pathology at University of Washington Medical Center.
An engineer by trade, J. Dietrich “Diet” Stroeh has headed up projects great and small, and managed the Marin Municipal Water

Diet Stroeh author
Dietrich Stroeh author

District in the midst of one of the worst droughts on record. That experience was the basis for his first book, The Man Who Made it Rain, co-written with Michael McCarthy.

Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing is available at Amazon (Amazon.com), Barnes and Noble (BarnesandNoble.com) and at FolkHeart Press (FolkHeartpress.com). FolkHeart Press, a boutique publisher located in Northern California, specializes in personal narratives and original folklore material.  For more information: www.folkheartpress.com
Buy the book – kindle and paperback:
Watch video of interview with Dietrich Stroeh & Sylvia Barry.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pc2gKeZl2w]

Navigating the Cancer Maze with Professor Francis Seow Choen|The Journey from Cancer Patient to Famous Colorectal Surgeon

Dr Francis Seow Choen is a medical miracle – he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine; and as a 7 year old and faced a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy way back in 1964 when treatments were very harsh. A survivor and now world famous colorectal surgeon he breaks a lot of myths that surround colorectal cancer. In his life and Practice he is a seeker of truth for the public well-being when it comes to cancer and cancer prevention and cure claims.

Navigating the Cancer Maze with Professor Francis Seow Choen / The Journey from Cancer Patient to Famous Colorectal Surgeon…Part 1.

PROFESSOR FRANCIS SEOW CHOEN“Surgery is not just science. Surgery is an art. One can learn about science from courses, conferences and books. In art, one has to have talent first and then seek out a master who can bring that skill to perfection.”    Prof Seow-Choen

Dr Francis Seow Choen is a medical miracle – he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine; and as a 7 year old and faced a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy way back in 1964 when treatments were very harsh. A survivor and now world famous colorectal surgeon he breaks a lot of myths that surround colorectal cancer. In his life and Practice he is a seeker of truth for the public well-being when it comes to cancer and cancer prevention and cure claims.

Although he is well published in Singapore as a social commentator on colorectal cancer prevention and treatments – it must be said that he has not used his cancer survival as a way of attracting followers – but rather, he has taken the scientific method path of research and a rigorous approach to best techniques for each individual patient.  VISIT:   http://www.fortissurgicalhospital.com

His views on lifestyle, in particular diet as a cancer prevention may surprise you – however after 40 years experience and as someone involved in lifestyle medicine in the early days of its promotion; I agree. Many of the patients I see as vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists and what I would call ‘healthy eaters’ who don’t smoke  and who are “tea-totallers” seem to get cancer at the same rate as everyone else. These patients often feel betrayed by lifestyle medicine that promised them a healthy disease-free life. This is complex – but Dr Seow Choen gives his views from a very experienced background. He believes that the key to working against  cancer is found in genetics and molecular studies. Dr Seow Choen is an avid educator in the field of colorectal diseases. He says right and truthful information, early diagnosis, right treatment, good support and the right doctor are keys to survival.

Below see eCard information from Navigating the Cancer Maze: To Listen to this inspiring and informative interview – select the link below


Today my special guest on Navigating the Cancer Maze is Dr Francis Seow-Choen from Singapore. As a little boy he became medically famous when diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma; the first recorded case in Singapore. After diagnosis & an arduous 6 months that included surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment; he survived! He was just 7 years old.

Today, Dr Francis Seow-Choen is Medical Director and Senior Consultant at Fortis Colorectal Hospital in Singapore. He is an internationally recognised colorectal surgeon and had previously held posts as the Head and Senior Consultant – Department of Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Director of the Endoscopy Centre and Director of Surgical Oncology at the National Cancer Centre (see Guest profile). The professor is an ardent entomologist, husband, father and above all he is a surgeon & survivor who beat the odds and inspires others through his life and vocation.

Links and resources:

PHYSICIANS & GP’S:    The e-book for physicians and GP’s is titled Handbook on Colorectal Diseases, composed by the hospital’s Senior Consultants and invited writers, focuses on three key areas, namely:

  • The diagnosis and management of colorectal diseases in an outpatient context
  • Pathology and surgical procedures to enable appropriate counseling of patients
  • Relevant information to help Family Physicians make decisions on when to refer patients for further treatment

The e-book is now available for download on both iBooks and iTunes, in 51 territories including United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Follow the link below to get a copy of the e-book today:

CONTACT: Fortis Colorectal  hospital Singapore website :     http://www.fortissurgicalhospital.com
Difficult cases and international patients accepted.

Learn and read more about Dr Francis Seow Choen:


Article on eating and fibre intake: Dr Francis Seow Choen:




Background – Guest Page: Voice America Heath & Wellness Channel


Navigating the Cancer Maze is presented each week as a free service to the global cancer community by the Grace Gawler Institute and anyone interested in the Truth in Medicine and Health. www.gracegawlerinstitute.com

Raw Versus Cooked for Cancer Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer| Grace Gawler

It is not only what you eat; but what you can absorb. Is raw food better than cooked food? Is vegan better for cancer patients than fish and meat? What about raw vegan? Extreme diets often pair with extreme supplementation to make up for what’s missing…so how safe is that approach? What about juices and their value? What is the truth about diet and Cancer?

Navigating the Cancer Diet Maze Special needs for Colon and Liver Cancer

Listen on Voice America Health & Wellness Channel – free to download or available on streaming

It is not only what you eat; but what you can absorb. Is raw food better than cooked food? Is vegan better for cancer patients than fish and vegraw veganvegetarian? What about raw vegan? Extreme diets often pair with extreme supplementation to make up for what’s missing…so how safe is that approach? What about juices and their value?

Having gained a distinction in nutrition plus assisting cancer patients for 40 years has given me great insights….there is not much I haven’t seen cancer patients try with regards to dietary regimens and alternative medicine during those decades. Most often, the outcomes have been far from ideal. Maybe short term dietary experiments are OK if you are not ‘relying’ on the diet for curing cancer – but the main issue goes way beyond symptoms, such as rapid weight loss, because the most important thing is that cancer is time sensitive – you don’t have time to wait and see if the diet works in 3 or 6 months. The wait and see mentality is heavily criticized in conventional medical systems – but clearly it exists on both sides of the healing divide.

  • We live in an age where fashion fads and dietary fads change like the wind. With lifestyle medicine a cultural trend; a lot of long term dietary experimentation is going on at the cost of lives. Cancer patients often get swept up in the winds of dietary fads and before they know it, they are inside a culinary tornado that offers more stress; less peace of mind, confusion, social isolation, unnecessary weight loss and nutritional deficiencies…all from a so called nutrient dense diet that many cannot absorb.
    This I know from experience; in fact from 3 different roles in my life.:
    as carer of a cancer patient
    a qualified health professional
    and then as a patient
    Many others have experienced this – this website is a fascinating read!
    Resource # 1:  http://www.beyondveg.com/

So where does the truth lie for people just want to eat well? I think it lies in the middle of the road approach!

Cancer patients need to be careful that they are not buying in to an someone else’s ideological dietary regimens.

There is no cure cancer diet that I know of….and there is no one size fits all in the world of diet! But if you are a cancer patient and particularly if you have  colorectal or a gastrointestinal cancer – you need to be even more cautious.
What is the best way of eating for this specialised group?
The only way is to access a health practitioner who can help you with a personalised diet  based on results of functional pathology stool tests. Yes – your own stools hold the secret answer as to what you should eat and what you can absorb! Makes sense doesn’t it!

The best type of tests are those that require a stool sample collected over a 3 day period…
Why a 3 day period? As well as examining all the digestive functions and our end products…the 3 day test is far more accurate for detecting any parasite eggs from unwelcome intestinal hosts…this problem is more common that most people believe.

Some cancers such as cancer of the bile duct  (called cholangiocarcinoma)  is one example of a cancer known to be caused by a parasite – in this case – Chinese Liver fluke.
Resource # 2: Chart and references:  Parasites and Pathogens associated with cancer

Resource # 3: In Australia – to source a test ask your health practitioner to organize a Healthscope functional pathology test for digestion including a 3-day parasitology test. They have an excellent series of different tests – your practitioner can advise which one is best for you..

For stool testing in the USA & internationally – CONTACT

It is almost a given that patients with colorectal cancer will have had surgery to remove a segment or segments of colon affected by cancer. Depending on the length of the segment removed  –  type of diet and quantity of food should be adjusted accordingly.

Excess fibre and raw seeds and nuts and even raw foods  can become indigestible irritants causing inflammation and bloating to the patient who has had colorectal surgery….it can especially be a problem for the patient who loses a  significant portion of small intestine. Yours truly in one of those people!

Prior to my own surgery losing 5 ft of large colon and the same amount of small intestine; I was a prolific salad & raw food consumer – but I also ate a great deal of cooked vegetables and seafood – I think you would call me a Pescetarian…I had a diet that contained a good deal of dietary fibre- a good balance of cooked and raw foods. However after my surgeries– my gastro – intestinal tract was clearly traumatised and it took years to recover to a satisfactory degree.

Remember the saying………… it is not only what you eat – but what you can absorb…..this statement becomes a simple rule to live by and is especially important for those dealing with or those who have had colorectal cancer.

Now back to diet….. cooked vs raw…

Now I am interested in the work of primatologist Richard Wrangham…. his research claims that learning to cook food was the hinge Catching_Fire_-_How_Cooking_Made_Us_Human_(Profile_books)on which human evolution turned. Eating cooked food, he argues, enabled us to evolve our large brains, and cooking itself became a primary focus of human social activity — in short, cooking made us the social, intelligent, and sexual species we are today.

His book –  Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human is available on Amazon..

From the book’s promo:
Contrary to the dogmas of raw-foods enthusiasts, cooked cuisine was central to the biological and social evolution of humanity, argues this fascinating study. Harvard biological anthropologist Wrangham dates the breakthrough in human evolution to a moment 1.8 million years ago, when, he conjectures, our forebears tamed fire and began cooking.

Starting with Homo erectus—who should perhaps be renamed Homo gastronomicus—these innovations drove anatomical and physiological changes that make us adapted to eating cooked food the way cows are adapted to eating grass. By making food more digestible and easier to extract energy from, Wrangham reasons, cooking enabled hominids’ jaws, teeth and guts to shrink, freeing up calories to fuel their expanding brains. It also gave rise to pair bonding and table manners, and liberated mankind from the drudgery of excessive chewing (while chaining womankind to the stove). Wrangham’s lucid, accessible treatise ranges across nutritional science, palaeontology and studies of ape behaviour and hunter-gatherer societies; the result is a tour de force of natural history and a profound analysis of cooking’s role in daily life. More than that, Wrangham offers a provocative take on evolution—suggesting that, rather than humans creating civilized technology, civilized technology created us.

Listen on Voice America Health & Wellness Channel – free to download or available on streaming

Thanks for visiting…..More on this thought provoking topic in next blog-soon: Enjoy!  Grace

Grace Gawler Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship

Cancer Patients without Borders Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship on the new season of the Grace Gawler Institute’s Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel.

Voice America Navigating the Cancer MazeVoice America Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship

Today marks the new season of the Grace Gawler Institute’s Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel. The show began almost one year ago and serves as an educational tool for cancer patients who want navigate the maze in an eclectic yet informed manner. The show draws from a wide range of presenters who speak from experience and authority on various cancer related  topics. The archived programs represent an tremendously helpful encyclopaedia of knowledge that is not in any way in conflict with the thoughts and opinions of all the experts on the show. This means – no confusion and greater clarity for patients. Instead of opposing views and a “this treatment is better that one” approach, these archives serve purpose as a balanced and significant value-ad for any cancer patient navigating the maze. Listen to people close to cancer such as Fran Dresher (ex-the Nanny), Dr Emmett Miller, oncologists, Prof Thomas Vogl, Dr Ioannis Papasotiriou Genetic/molecular medicine, researcher Caryle Hirshberg, recovered patients Debbie Franke Ogg, Bob Ellal, Peter Trayhurn and more. To listen to today’s show or to access archives please visit http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2125/navigating-the-cancer-maze

Navigating the Cancer mazeRemember to like us on Facebook at Voice America – we lost many thousands of show “likes” this year to cyber gremlins!

Please pass this resource on to people who are dealing with cancer – MP3 downloads for ipod/ipad are a great gift to take to someone in hospital where there is often a lot of idle time.  Cancer patients spend so much of their valuable and precious lives waiting to see health professionals, so MP3’s on ipod/ipad are also great for use in waiting rooms. Please visit Voice America’s Health and wellness Channel to listen to recent or archived shows located on the right side of the my Voice America webpage. The show is free to air and I believe it is one of the most effective ways to educate cancer patients as it has the potential to be heard by millions and change old fear based models that surround cancer into new paradigms of authentic hope and a new Culture of Cancer Survivorship. For resources please visit our new shop at www.germancancertreatments.com also visit www.gracegawlerinstitute.com for more information.

Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel

Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship

June 28, 2013

Welcome to the new season of navigating the Cancer maze…..Today’s show will present an overview of our past editions and some key GRACE GAWLER Navigating the Cancer Maze Voice Americalearning’s from our past guests. This seasons show promises to provide you with even more food for thought regarding how to effectively navigate the cancer maze. Importantly, we mark a new era; what we call the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship.  What is this new culture about and how will it impact cancer patients. This new show is sponsored by the Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions – a Global entity offering unique personalised services to cancer patients. Today we will also talk about the Grace Gawler Institute’s Cancer Patients without Borders Medi-tours and how those tours are impacting cancer patients and treatment outcomes.


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Grace Gawler blog – cancer survival

There is nothing quite as compelling as a personal story well told – Listen to stories from Rev Ian Mavor and Deirdre Hanna on this week’s Navigating the Cancer Maze- Voice America internet radio:

Surviving cancer at all costs often dominates the world of a cancer patient. In the alternative medicine movement in particular; blogs and websites – little if any attention is given to the “failure” factor – not popular on these sites for obvious reasons. Just imagine someone trying to sell you a “Cure for Cancer” – potions, tea, supplements and dietary regimens; if there was an “out-clause” – errr if this doesn’t work for you…here is what to do!!! It somewhat destroys the ‘faith factor’ doesn’t it.

Cancer counsellors, cancer entrepreneurs, cancer authors must be more responsible and address the issue of what to do, what strategies to employ just incase things don’t work out as hoped for – the possibility or probability of not making it through cancer or some other life threatening challenges is real for many people. Denial and avoidance are not useful ways of dealing with a truth that will – at sometime confront. Let’s face it we are all going to go at some time! Most of the people who have died in the past 12 months that I know have not been cancer patients! There have been heart attacks, accidents and other unexpected life events. So Death – the great adventure is something we all need to be prepared for….as many have said – dealing with death fees up more energy for living. This is especially important if you have been diagnosed with a life challenging illness.

This week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I interviewed Rev Dr Ian Mavor and Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell Centre on Australia’s Gold Coast. http://www.hopewell.org.au/ http://www.paradisekids.org.au/ I chose to interview this couple because they do not give lips service -they know what it is like to work at the coalface of life’s big issues ….end of life experience, grief and loss with adults and children. Their work is important and they reach many – but their concept could reach further into our society. Of course their work goes far beyond cancer. How we all deal with grief, loss, shock, betrayals etc can form the substrate of who we present to the world. I believe, and many would agree, that the way we learn to deal with life’s big issues can significantly affect health in all manner of ways.

So Paradise kids is a creative and compassionate vehicle for children to talk about, share and acknowledge how they feel about the loss and grief they have incurred whether through death in a family, divorce etc … Click here to donate to and Support Paradise Kids

Navigating the Cancer Maze Voice America Grace GawlerThis interview is highly recommended as the subject is often avoided.

Navigating the Cancer Maze The most important issue we can address – death; the great adventure

January 18, 2013

Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze we are going to talk about one of the most if not THE most difficult issues for discussion for cancer patients, families and friends of cancer patients. This an episode to bookmark for if and ever you are faced with helping someone with an end of life experience. Talking about palliative care, grief, loss and death is often seen as an unpalatable subject for cancer patients who want to be pro active with searching for the “cure”. But the reality is not everyone makes it through the journey of cancer and one thing is certain; we all must die at some time. What can be done to prepare? How can dealing with death free up energy for living? Rev Dr Ian Mavor and his wife Deirdre Hanna have chosen one of the most challenging vocations. Hospice, palliative care and helping people through loss and grief is their daily menu. Together they founded the Hopewell Centre and Paradise kids on Australia’s Gold Coast. www.hopewell.org.au              www.paradisekids.org.au


Rev. Dr Ian  Mavor

Rev. Dr Ian Mavor, OAM, FACE A Uniting Church Minister, much of Ian’s professional life has been in specialist roles. Co-Founder Rev Dr Ian Mavorand Executive Director Ian serves as Executive Director of Hopewell Hospice Services Inc which includes Hopewell Hospice, Paradise Kids, the Living Well Centre and the Hopewell College of Transformative Education. He is a member of the Health Community Council-Gold Coast Health District and a member of the State Council of Palliative Care Queensland. In 2002, Ian was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) “For service to the community through a range of church, social welfare, education and health groups”. http://www.hopewell.org.au


Deirdre  Hanna

Deirdre Hanna is founding President and Executive Director of Children’s Services (Paradise Kids) and Spiritual Care. Deirdre’s Deirdre Hanna Paradise kidsbackground includes Bachelor of Theology (B.Th), Certificate in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Counselling; Doctoral Student, University of Creation Spirituality; Multi-Disciplinary Certificate in Hospice Care, St Christopher’s London; Certificate in Mindfulness Meditation, Massachusetts Medical School Mind-Body Stress Reduction Clinic; Certificate in Spiritual Retreat Leading and Direction. Diploma of Nutrition and Dietetics; Diploma in Swedish Massage. Zonta Gold Coaster of the Year, (1994) Winston Churchill Memorial Fellow 1995 (Spiritual Care for Cancer Patients), The City of Gold Coast Women at Work wonderful 20th Century Gold Coast Women Award, Gold Coast Bulletin Community Service Medal, 2007; Member of the Churchill Fellows Association; Princeton Global Network. http://www.paradisekids.org.au

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Cancer survival story – Zheng Cao medical miracle Grace Gawler

Cancer survival – the Power of Story; the story of Zheng Cao’s recovery and control of her cancer. Treated for 24 metastatic brain tumours by cyberknife; she remains a testament to the effectiveness of modern medicine.

Today I sat in my room at Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic, misty rain, autumn leaves, red squirrels playing in the tree branches – an idyllic place for cancer patients to begin a cancerrecovery experience.

Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic
Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic

For some it will be the beginning of a long journey and for most who come here; hope is offered where there was none. The Hallwang Clinic accesses  some of the best medical brains in Europe if not the world.  Here in Germany large numbers of patients are treated due to population density therefore medical therapies have the opportunity to be extensively trialled  – even the more important, rare cancers diagnosed in Australia are to be found here in far greater numbers – hence greater experience and therefore improved success in treatment outcomes. Now to the USA….

I shared this moving story of Opera Singer Zheng Cao with a client who came today for counselling. Diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage 4 – although the tumour was removed surgically – in Australia she was given a 6 month prognosis with no hope for wellbeing or life extension. In shock she withdrew from life. A small recurrence has been detected here in Germany. Today this patient became alive again through the Power of Story; the story of Zheng Cao’s recovery and control of her cancer. Treated for 24 metastatic brain tumours by cyberknife; Zheng Cao remains a testament to the effectiveness of modern medicine. My patient is also about to undergo the amazing cyberknife treatment here in Germany…seeing this video dispeled her fear and helped restore her passion to live again and to heal. I am sure that you too will be inspired.
Select the link below to see how modern medicine and love saved a life! Enjoy!


More about this story at…


More information about my work with cancer patients at:

Grace Gawler Institute is supported by  www.talktelinternet.com