Integrated Cancer Solutions?

What is Integrated Cancer Solutions? by Pip Cornall

NB: Before you go any further be sure to read 11 month old Baxter’s amazing story (see below)

What is Integrated Cancer Solutions?
The  supportive care cancer medicine pioneering life work of Grace Gawler inspires the new institute at Hope Island, Qld.

What I find remarkable is Grace’s ability as a real team player/co-ordinator as she constantly liaises between patient, GPs, oncologists, pathology, family, care givers and anyone else involved in the successful outcome of her patients. Continue reading “Integrated Cancer Solutions?”

Idealistic Diets for Cancer Healing – Who can you believe?

By Pip Cornall

Would you take advice from an ‘expert’ who had not succeeded in his/her field?

Yet, crazy as it seems, driven by a sense of urgency and fear, in recent years, cancer patients are doing just that. They’re flocking to buy the latest books and DVDs from ‘dubious’ entrepreneurs in the cancer healing industry—and a huge industry it is with cancer affecting one in three—predicted to be one in two within a decade.

Naively, I thought people in the healing industry would be scrupulously honest but I was wrong. I’ve found that lies, hidden motives and agendas exist right across the healing spectrum. On top of that there is misreporting, urban myths and premature conclusions drawn from scant evidence. Continue reading “Idealistic Diets for Cancer Healing – Who can you believe?”

Bridging the Gaps in Cancer Treatment

ABC FM Radio Gold Coast Interview – Nicole Dyer interviews Grace Gawler about her new Integrated cancer Solutions Trust. – by Pip Cornall

For 35 years Grace has combined conventional and complementary medicine to give her cancer patients the best possible outcomes. In this ABC radio interview she speaks about her history, the new charitable trust and the formation of a new integrated cancer solutions centre on the Gold Coast. The need for an integrated approach is illustrated by the controversial and tragic death of Penelope Dingle in Perth, which is receiving much publicity.  (it will be featured in detail in my next blog).

click to listen to the 10 minute interview-    Bridging the gaps in cancer treatment


Cancer and Violence – How Fragile We Are – featuring Sting

By Pip Cornall

When Grace Gawler and I reconnected in 2007 via an article I had written in the Sentient Times, I was living in Ashland, Oregon. My article was called Restorative Justice – The New Hope for Revitalizing Community. The goal was to educate the community about the benefits of a’ restorative’ system rather than a ‘punitive’ one with an end towards reducing violence.

My work had been reducing gender based violence and among other things I helped boys in juvenile prisons. Grace had spent a lifetime coaching cancer patients to choose healing pathways that drew from the best of all medical systems – an integrative approach. Her initial success with a dying husband when she was in her early twenties received widespread press and they soon established a centre helping thousands of cancer patients.

I’ve often seen human violence as a cancer – when cells on the global body attack each other and ultimately – destroy the host. Working alongside Grace I witness the ‘punitive’ mentality playing out in cancer healing. A restorative approach to healing would be much kinder to body/mind and involve tried strategies such as ‘convalescence.’

I’ve seen tragic cases in juvenile prisons yet my work there has rewarded me with deep spiritual moments. It was not the boys who were a cancer on society but the mentality underpinning a society that glorified violence and other sordid dysfunctions as attributes of a ‘real man.’

Similarly cancer work is not for the faint-hearted. Sadly in past months we’ve known some lovely people who have succumbed to the disease. It always lands hard and one wishes it had been otherwise – that we’d been in a position to have more influence over decisions made.

When you’ve worked at the ‘coal face’ of cancer guidance and healing as Grace has for 35 years, you have a grasp of what will work for this certain patient and a wide toolbag of skills to draw upon. Disturbing is the trend for patients to take advice promoted by internet ‘sensations’ – many have little experience or appropriate qualifications for caring for and guiding large numbers of cancer patients. This is dangerous and constitutes medical fraud.

Happily our new Integrated Cancer Solutions trust will make it possible to assist more patients with trustworthy and proven integrative strategies.

My goal for this post would be that we stop rushing for a moment to remember how fragile life is and for us to collectively wake up. Perhaps when we stop hurting each other cancer as a disease will also disappear?

The song “Fragile’ by Sting addresses it elegantly and may help us to ‘slow down.’


Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler's book Women of Silence

Reviews for Grace’s book Women of Silence

Author Pat Pilkington MBE UK
Published – The British Holistic Medical Association Journal ‘Holistic Health.’ No 79

Since Grace Gawler wrote the first edition of Women of Silence in 1994, the field of psycho-neuro-immunolgy has developed and expanded, bringing new clarity to the powerful interaction of body, mind, emotion and spirit. Thirty years ago when her husband developed terminal bone cancer, Grace committed every fibre of her being to finding ways of healing the disease. Together they journeyed to the edge of life, working their way through 31 different therapeutic approaches, until little by little the life force was switched on again and healing began. Transformed by this experience, they founded Australia’s first Cancer Support Group, working over the years with more than 10,000 people with cancer. Continue reading “Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler's book Women of Silence”

Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler’s book Women of Silence

Reviews for Grace’s book Women of Silence

Author Pat Pilkington MBE UK
Published – The British Holistic Medical Association Journal ‘Holistic Health.’ No 79

Since Grace Gawler wrote the first edition of Women of Silence in 1994, the field of psycho-neuro-immunolgy has developed and expanded, bringing new clarity to the powerful interaction of body, mind, emotion and spirit. Thirty years ago when her husband developed terminal bone cancer, Grace committed every fibre of her being to finding ways of healing the disease. Together they journeyed to the edge of life, working their way through 31 different therapeutic approaches, until little by little the life force was switched on again and healing began. Transformed by this experience, they founded Australia’s first Cancer Support Group, working over the years with more than 10,000 people with cancer. Continue reading “Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler’s book Women of Silence”

Emotional Recovery in Breast Cancer – With Grace & Power –

Excellent video featuring women talking about their breast cancer recovery journey and the role played by Grace Gawler in their success.

This video is based on Grace Gawler’s best seller Women of Silence – Reconnecting with the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer – The film presents the emotional issues surrounding breast cancer with interviews with women who have gone through the experience and it highlights the wisdom they have applied during their recovery process. A psychologist gives her perspective of the importance of effectively dealing with emotional healing and Grace gives her insights gathered during a career spanning 30 years and more than 12,000 patients. Grace’s book further provides a series of thoughtful, practical insights to everyday living with breast cancer.

A highly inspiring watch for anyone who is dealing with breast cancer including partners/carers/families. For more information visit Women of Silence will soon be available as a downloadable E-book for overseas buyers. A Helping Hand – a 30 page handbook for all people dealing with cancer is also available as an E-book.

Special thanks to Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell/Paradise Kids- Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, Beverley Bird, Merran Brown – psychologist and the Griffith University film school students for their passion and creativity with this production. More info at


Emotional Recovery in Breast Cancer – With Grace & Power –

Excellent video featuring women talking about their breast cancer recovery journey and the role played by Grace Gawler in their success.

This video is based on Grace Gawler’s best seller Women of Silence – Reconnecting with the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer – The film presents the emotional issues surrounding breast cancer with interviews with women who have gone through the experience and it highlights the wisdom they have applied during their recovery process. A psychologist gives her perspective of the importance of effectively dealing with emotional healing and Grace gives her insights gathered during a career spanning 30 years and more than 12,000 patients. Grace’s book further provides a series of thoughtful, practical insights to everyday living with breast cancer.

A highly inspiring watch for anyone who is dealing with breast cancer including partners/carers/families. For more information visit Women of Silence will soon be available as a downloadable E-book for overseas buyers. A Helping Hand – a 30 page handbook for all people dealing with cancer is also available as an E-book.

Special thanks to Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell/Paradise Kids- Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, Beverley Bird, Merran Brown – psychologist and the Griffith University film school students for their passion and creativity with this production. More info at
