Options, Choices and Treatments for Cancer Recovery| Navigating the Cancer Maze

New cancer treatments are always controversial; BUT – this method is not a treatment. It’s a smart approach. A Smart approach that utilizes all that we know so far about cancer. It works because ultimately; our innate immune system knows what to do.

Options, Choices and Treatments for Cancer Recovery: De mystifying the oscillating the immune cycle.

When my ex husband and I had the idea for starting support groups for cancer patients in the early 1980’s. cancer organizations, patients and doctors were initially not supportive. In fact they were skeptical. They could not see any possible therapeutic benefit could come from people attending a support group.  How wrong they were! Move forward Body rhythms diagram40 years! Yes this December marks my beginning working with cancer patients 40 years ago in a time when there was no support in the health system and no support groups. Now, the benefit of patients attending structured supports and the well being benefit is indisputable.

There are still many new areas to explore, which leads me to discussing the immune cycle. It would seem that during 2014 on Navigating the Cancer Maze – we uncovered and delivered some significant “missing” pieces of the cancer treatment puzzle. It is my hope that as 2014 comes to an end – that 2015 will truly usher in a new paradigm in cancer treatments. The foundation has been laid, extensive research already done, the concept has been introduced worldwide – the  immune cycle measurement is here – NOW!
Now it is up to cancer patients to prove Martin Ashdown and Brendon Coventry right….or wrong. I liked it when Martin Ashdown said – “We believe this is so, a breakthrough – but we are open to being proven wrong!” As in the early days of my first charitable  foundation – it was people power – patient power that made a difference to the success of the Cancer Support Group Movement. Once told there would likely be a measured benefit from attending a support group – the press broadcast the news and the patients came on board en masse!

New cancer treatments are always controversial; BUT – this method is not a treatment. It’s a smart approach. A Smart approach that utilizes all that we know so far about cancer. It works because ultimately; our innate immune system knows what to do. It is just in temporary overwhelm. So doesn’t it make perfect sense that to find the best time to work in synch within the cycle of each person’s immune system to add the best chemotherapy or monoclonal antibody or other targeted treatment. Isn’t this the personalized approach we have been searching for? We all thought it would come in a pill – not an approach and that’s a paradigm shift that some in the world of science and medicine are struggling with.

measuring immune cycleKnowing how one’s immune cycle oscillates holds a clue, “the missing link” that can direct doctors to seek the best time to treat patients in their personal window of opportunity. Then within the parameters of what we know they will have the best chance of a good response or complete response to treatment. (CR)

When cancer cells challenge us – they are also smart. They are a part of us created by our internal systems. You could define cancer as an internal systems error!  These cancer cells cleverly recruit our intelligent mechanisms using them for their own growth and survival. It seems a bit crazy that something that wants to survive – kills its host. But – that’s life! To listen to the latest Voice America related to this blog visit:

So – I believe as do Ashdown and Coventry – that if there is enough of the immune response left in a patient – that the cycle can still be measured and timed so administer the right treatment at the right time. It is simple enough – the only real cost being a series of blood tests. Then finding a doctor who will look at the science and research and say yes – they administer treatment during the 12 hour window of opportunity. The Grace Gawler Institute is keen to let you know and experience the immune cycle for yourself. Please Read more below or join the immune cycle registry at:

http://www.gracegawlerinstitute.com/immune-cycle-registry/ also see our Next “Survivor Academy” Course!

Martin Ashdown and Brendon Coventry have built upon earlier excellent work in the study of chronobiology: Below are references given on Navigating the Cancer Maze today: I have provided abstract content as well as links.

Until next time……Grace

  • Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2010;50:377-421. doi: 10.1146/annurev.pharmtox.48.113006.094626.
    Circadian timing in cancer treatments.
    Lévi F1, Okyar A, Dulong S, Innominato PF, Clairambault J.
    Author information
    The circadian timing system is composed of molecular clocks, which drive 24-h changes in xenobiotic metabolism and detoxification, cell cycle events, DNA repair, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. The cellular circadian clocks are coordinated by endogenous physiological rhythms, so that they tick in synchrony in the host tissues that can be damaged by anticancer agents. As a result, circadian timing can modify 2- to 10-fold the tolerability of anticancer medications in experimental models and in cancer patients. Improved efficacy is also seen when drugs are given near their respective times of best tolerability, due to (a) inherently poor circadian entrainment of tumors and (b) persistent circadian entrainment of healthy tissues. Conversely, host clocks are disrupted whenever anticancer drugs are administered at their most toxic time. On the other hand, circadian disruption accelerates experimental and clinical cancer processes. Gender, circadian physiology, clock genes, and cell cycle critically affect outcome on cancer chronotherapeutics. Mathematical and systems biology approaches currently develop and integrate theoretical, experimental, and technological tools in order to further optimize and personalize the circadian administration of cancer treatments.
    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20055686

Ann Pharm Fr. 2008 Jun;66(3):175-84. doi: 10.1016/j.pharma.2008.05.003.
[The circadian-timing system: a determinant of drug activity and a target of anticancer treatments].
[Article in French]
Lévi F.
Author information
Cellular proliferation and drug detoxification are controlled over the 24h by the circadian-timing system, whose disruption can favor malignant processes. Thus, prolonged shift work appears to increase the risk of breast, colon or prostate cancer. Alterations in circadian physiology and/or molecular-clock genes accelerate cancer progression in experimental models and in cancer patients. In addition, anticancer treatments can also dampen or reinforce the circadian-timing system, as a function of dose and time of administration. The adjustment of anticancer-drug delivery to the circadian-timing system (chronotherapeutics) has allowed to reduce five-fold the incidence of severe adverse events as compared to constant rate infusion or wrongly-timed chronomodulated delivery in cancer patients. In experimental models, the best antitumor efficacy is usually obtained following treatment delivery near the least toxic time, a statement that also seems to apply to patients. Dedicated technologies include programmable in time pumps and rhythm monitors and are required for chronotherapeutics. Recent results have revealed that the optimal chronotherapeutic schedule could differ as a function of gender and circadian physiology. In conclusion, the circadian-timing system was shown to negatively control malignant proliferation via partly identified molecular mechanisms. The components of the circadian-timing system thus constitute new potential therapeutic targets in oncology. Mathematical models help toward a better understanding of the role of variability for the determination of the optimal chronotherapeutic schedule and constitute useful tools for the personalization of cancer chronotherapeutics.


Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2013;(217):261-88. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25950-0_11.
Cancer chronotherapeutics: experimental, theoretical, and clinical aspects.
Ortiz-Tudela E1, Mteyrek A, Ballesta A, Innominato PF, Lévi F.
Author information
The circadian timing system controls cell cycle, apoptosis, drug bioactivation, and transport and detoxification mechanisms in healthy tissues. As a consequence, the tolerability of cancer chemotherapy varies up to several folds as a function of circadian timing of drug administration in experimental models. Best antitumor efficacy of single-agent or combination chemotherapy usually corresponds to the delivery of anticancer drugs near their respective times of best tolerability. Mathematical models reveal that such coincidence between chronotolerance and chronoefficacy is best explained by differences in the circadian and cell cycle dynamics of host and cancer cells, especially with regard circadian entrainment and cell cycle variability. In the clinic, a large improvement in tolerability was shown in international randomized trials where cancer patients received the same sinusoidal chronotherapy schedule over 24h as compared to constant-rate infusion or wrongly timed chronotherapy. However, sex, genetic background, and lifestyle were found to influence optimal chronotherapy scheduling. These findings support systems biology approaches to cancer chronotherapeutics. They involve the systematic experimental mapping and modeling of chronopharmacology pathways in synchronized cell cultures and their adjustment to mouse models of both sexes and distinct genetic background, as recently shown for irinotecan. Model-based personalized circadian drug delivery aims at jointly improving tolerability and efficacy of anticancer drugs based on the circadian timing system of individual patients, using dedicated circadian biomarker and drug delivery technologies.

Chronobiol Int. 2002 Jan;19(1):1-19.
From circadian rhythms to cancer chronotherapeutics.
Lévi F.
Author information
Mammalian circadian rhythms result from a complex organization involving molecular clocks within nearly all “normal” cells and a dedicated neuroanatomical system, which coordinates the so-called “peripheral oscillators.” The core of the central clock system is constituted by the suprachiasmatic nuclei that are located on the floor of the hypothalamus. Our understanding of the mechanisms of circadian rhythm generation and coordination processes has grown rapidly over the past few years. In parallel, we have learnt how to use the predictable changes in cellular metabolism or proliferation along the 24h time scale in order to improve treatment outcome for a variety of diseases, including cancer. The chronotherapeutics of malignant diseases has emerged as a result of a consistent development ranging from experimental, clinical, and technological prerequisites to multicenter clinical trials of chronomodulated delivery schedules. Indeed large dosing-time dependencies characterize the tolerability of anticancer agents in mice or rats, a better efficacy usually results from treatment administration near the least toxic circadian time in rodent tumor models. Programmable in time multichannel pumps have allowed to test the chronotherapy concepts in cancer patients and to implement chronomodulated delivery schedules in current practice. Clinical phase I and II trials have established the feasibility, the safety, and the activity of the chronotherapy schedules, so that this treatment method has undergone further evaluation in international multicenter phase III trials. Overall, more than 2,000 patients with metastatic disease have been registered in chronotherapy trials. Improved tolerability and/or better antitumor activity have been demonstrated in randomized multicenter studies involving large patient cohorts. The relation between circadian rhythmicity and quality of life and even survival has also been a puzzling finding over the recent years. An essential step toward further developments of circadian-timed therapy has been the recent constitution of a Chronotherapy cooperative group within the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. This group now involves over 40 institutions in 12 countries. It is conducting currently six trials and preparing four new studies. The 19 contributions in this special issue reflect the current status and perspectives of the several components of cancer chronotherapeutics.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Cancer Causes Control. 2006 May;17(4):611-21.
Chronotherapeutics: the relevance of timing in cancer therapy.
Lévi F.
Author information
Cell physiology is regulated along the 24-h time scale by a circadian timing system composed of molecular clocks within each cell and a central coordination system in the brain. The mammalian molecular clock is made of interconnected molecular loops involving at least 12 circadian genes. The cellular clocks are coordinated by the suprachiasmatic nuclei, a hypothalamic pacemaker which also helps the organism adjust to environmental cycles. The rest-activity rhythm is a reliable marker of the circadian system function in both rodents and man. This circadian organization is responsible for predictable changes in the tolerability and efficacy of anticancer agents, and possibly also in tumor promotion or growth.
Expected least toxic times of chemotherapy were extrapolated from experimental models to human subjects with reference to the rest-activity cycle. The clinical relevance of the chronotherapy principle, i.e. treatment administration as a function of rhythms, has been demonstrated in randomized multicenter trials.
Chronotherapeutic schedules have been used to safely document the activity of the association of oxaliplatin, 5-FU and leucovorin against metastatic colorectal cancer and to set up a new medicosurgical management of this disease which achieved unprecedented long term survival.
The chronotherapy concept offers further promises for improving current cancer treatment options as well as for optimizing the development of new anticancer or supportive agents.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Mol Med. 2012 Dec 6;18:1249-60. doi: 10.2119/molmed.2012.00077.
Circadian rhythm disruption in cancer biology.
Savvidis C1, Koutsilieris M.
Author information
Circadian rhythms show universally a 24-h oscillation pattern in metabolic, physiological and behavioral functions of almost all species. This pattern is due to a fundamental adaptation to the rotation of Earth around its own axis. Molecular mechanisms of generation of circadian rhythms organize a biochemical network in suprachiasmatic nucleus and peripheral tissues, building cell autonomous clock pacemakers. Rhythmicity is observed in transcriptional expression of a wide range of clock-controlled genes that regulate a variety of normal cell functions, such as cell division and proliferation. Desynchrony of this rhythmicity seems to be implicated in several pathologic conditions, including tumorigenesis and progression of cancer. In 2007, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized “shiftwork that involves circadian disruption [as] probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A in the IARC classification system of carcinogenic potency of an agent) (Painting, Firefighting, and Shiftwork; IARC; 2007). This review discusses the potential relation between disruptions of normal circadian rhythms with genetic driving machinery of cancer. Elucidation of the role of clockwork disruption, such as exposure to light at night and sleep disruption, in cancer biology could be important in developing new targeted anticancer therapies, optimizing individualized chronotherapy and modifying lighting environment in workplaces or homes.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Free PMC Article

Chronobiol Int. 2012 Apr;29(3):227-51. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2012.658127.
Clock genes and clock-controlled genes in the regulation of metabolic rhythms.
Mazzoccoli G1, Pazienza V, Vinciguerra M.
Author information
Daily rotation of the Earth on its axis and yearly revolution around the Sun impose to living organisms adaptation to nyctohemeral and seasonal periodicity. Terrestrial life forms have developed endogenous molecular circadian clocks to synchronize their behavioral, biological, and metabolic rhythms to environmental cues, with the aim to perform at their best over a 24-h span. The coordinated circadian regulation of sleep/wake, rest/activity, fasting/feeding, and catabolic/anabolic cycles is crucial for optimal health. Circadian rhythms in gene expression synchronize biochemical processes and metabolic fluxes with the external environment, allowing the organism to function effectively in response to predictable physiological challenges. In mammals, this daily timekeeping is driven by the biological clocks of the circadian timing system, composed of master molecular oscillators within the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus, pacing self-sustained and cell-autonomous molecular oscillators in peripheral tissues through neural and humoral signals. Nutritional status is sensed by nuclear receptors and coreceptors, transcriptional regulatory proteins, and protein kinases, which synchronize metabolic gene expression and epigenetic modification, as well as energy production and expenditure, with behavioral and light-dark alternance. Physiological rhythmicity characterizes these biological processes and body functions, and multiple rhythms coexist presenting different phases, which may determine different ways of coordination among the circadian patterns, at both the cellular and whole-body levels. A complete loss of rhythmicity or a change of phase may alter the physiological array of rhythms, with the onset of chronodisruption or internal desynchronization, leading to metabolic derangement and disease, i.e., chronopathology.
[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Grace Gawler|What you Need to Know to Safely Navigate the Complementary Medicine Maze

With 30 years experience as a botanical medicine practitioner, I know that complementary medicines are very popular with cancer patients. Some believe they are an alternative to conventional medicine, rather than a complement or adjunct to other treatments. Patients tend not disclose natural medicines they are taking when seeing their oncologist. Some oncologists don’t ask. Some patients take an each way bet and use both conventional and “natural medicines”, but in most cases; they will likely never tell their doctor what they are doing.

Grace Gawler | What you Need to Know to Safely Navigate the Complementary Medicine Maze – October 31, 2014


Today’s Navigating the cancer Maze will give insights With 30 years experience as a botanical medicine practitioner, I know that complementary medicines are very popular with cancer patients. Some believe they are an alternative to conventional medicine, rather than a complement or adjunct to other treatments. Patients tend not disclose natural medicines they are taking when seeing their oncologist. Some oncologists don’t ask. Some patients take an each way bet and use both conventional and “natural medicines”, but in most cases; they will likely never tell their doctor what they are doing. Why? Because they expect a prejudiced attitude, either ridiculing their choice or telling them to stop everything else they are taking or doing that is not considered real medicine. Herein lies an enormous modern-day dilemma because many alternative & complementary medicines are indeed REAL medicines with active phyto-chemical contents.In today’s episode and on this blog – I also share useful information about Curcumin as a adjunct medicine for cancer patients.


First of all Vitamin C

I often see patients in my practice who refuse to have pharmaceutical drugs….they are often shocked when I explain to them that so called “natural medicines” they are using may not be natural at all – These substances actually become a drug or pharmaceutical product once they are administered by intravenous injection or intramuscular. It doesn’t mean they wont work – but the fact is they are NOT natural as is often marketed. They may have natural origins or have active principles of natural origin that has been synthesized in the laboratory.
Perhaps the best example here is vitamin C – there is no way we could use ascorbic acid as an i/v infusion….It must be modified in the laboratory.

  • Now this may come as a shock to those to love all things natural…..but Unfortunately, nearly all the dietary supplements marketed as vitamin C these days are synthetic isolates, made with genetically modified (GMO) corn from factories in China. Ascorbic acid is theoranges-and-lemons product most often paraded as “vitamin C,” but it’s really only a laboratory-produced synthetic “isolate”—meaning it is a single component of vitamin C. Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created vitamin C-rich fruits, berries and plants. Scientists now know that vitamin C isolates such as ascorbic acid do not provide the health benefits that whole food forms of vitamin C do.

    This subject is so important that I will be inviting an expert on to the show soon to discuss the topic…. so sign up to receive an ecard notification for details of when this show will go to air.Join this blog to be updated and informed about complementary medicines and cancer – select Follow or join in the form in the widget bar on the right. The blog will be delivered weekly to your email address.

  • Curcumin – Tumeric

Multiple Molecular Targets of Curcumin
Curcumin attacks multiple targets, providing the scientific basis for its effectiveness in many different diseases. Extensive research shows most diseases are caused by dysregulation of multiple signaling pathways–casting doubt on the effectiveness of monotherapy, which is limited to a single target.
Studies show curcumin modulates numerous molecular targets, including: regulating several cytokines and fibroblast growth factor-2 (gene expression), growth-factor receptors including modulation of androgen receptors (protein kinases), transcription factors, pro-inflammatory enzymes (including supression of COX-2, 5-LOX and iNOS and regulation of NF-κB), modulation of cell-cycle-related gene expression, blocking the adhesion molecules, downregulating anti-apoptic proteins and inhibiting multi-drug resistance.

curcumin.2jpgCurcumin is the most important active ingredient in turmeric, and makes up about 2-6% of the spice.

While therapeutic properties of turmeric have been known for centuries, modern science has identified the curcuminoids (phenolic compounds found in turmeric) and provides a scientific basis for many clinical uses of standardized curcumin.

Since turmeric contains very small concentrations of curcumin, look for standardized 95% curcumin (curcuminoids). Why? Hundreds of scientific and technical papers confirm: clinical results were obtained using curcumin (curcuminoids).Most Curcumin Products Contain 3 Curcuminoids
Commercial curcumin typically contains curcumin I (~77%), curcumin II (~17%) and curcumin III (~3%) as its major components.
For convenience, all curcuminoids are often referred to simply as “curcumin” even though turmeric contains a variety of different curcuminoids. Unfortunately, pure curcumin (including all known curcuminoids) is very poorly absorbed into your bloodstream after oral ingestion due to rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall, and rapid systemic elimination.

Many curcumin products add piperine to improve absorption of curcumin. But piperine is a problem for many consumers because the additive should be taken cautiously (if at all) by anyone taking medications. According to the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental curcuminTherapeutics, piperine is a potent inhibitor of drug metabolism, which means piperine spikes blood levels of many prescription medications.
A review of published research articles reveals piperine is toxic in experimental animals. Some research suggests piperine is safe in small amounts but large amounts of piperine could be damaging to the liver or other organs. Experts advise against consuming more than 15 mg of piperine per day. Piperine has known central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects. Finally, since piperine is a component of black pepper, consumers with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to black pepper should avoid piperine.

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Cheap versions of complementary medicines manufactured in countries with poor manufacturing and quality control standards are best avoided…….contamination is a big issue as well as growing, harvesting and all that happens to a the material before it gets to production. A recent example in May 2013 was the outbreak of symptomatic hepatitis A virus infections across 10 US states associated with pomegranate arils imported from Turkey and manufactured in the USA by an organic group. The source was traced to imported frozen pomegranate arils. These were identified as the vehicle early in the investigation by combining epidemiology—with data from several sources—genetic analysis of patient samples, and product tracing. There were 165 cases known to have been affected.Hepatitis A is spread when human feces contaminate food or when an infected food handler prepares food without using proper hygiene. Human feces are expected as the cause of the outbreak, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Remember – it’s best to ask for professional help when selecting products from the internet: Not only is it important to know the source of raw material – but the technique used in the manufacturing process and efficacy of the end product. Sometimes the pseudo-science that surrounds a product can be misleading.
Medicines and supplements purchased on the Interne need to be carefully scrutinized, especially if you are have cancer. Countries that have raw materials processed and manufactured with inadequate standards and poor quality control can be an issue.

Listen to today’s episode:Select the URL:



Navigating the Cancer Maze Celebrating Two years On Voice America | Grace Gawler Health Intelligence

Navigating the Cancer Maze Celebrating Two years On Voice America | Grace Gawler Health Intelligence

TWO year anniversary VA

PART ONE: Navigating the cancer Maze uniquely takes an all round eclectic and authentic look at Cancer. Each week, for the past two years we have discussed everything that is relevant to a person or family dealing with cancer.  We don’t only discuss life saving treatments – but we also discuss end of life issues and care. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THIS WEEKS SHOW  Navigating the Cancer Maze with Health Intelligence

First of all – some resources: Last week on  Navigating the Cancer Maze, I interviewed David Pastalozzi Producer of Strath a Swiss formulation with Longevity that every cancer patient should know about!  CLICK HERE for more about this wonderful product.

If you are new to the show or missed the previous shows – they are recorded at Voice America & located in the Archives on the top right of my webpage at VOICE AMERICA Health and Wellness channel. Please take a look at all our wonderful past guests on the show & their interviews. Free to listen and download anytime.……..Recently, I have been fortunate to interview people who work at the coal face with the dying and bereaved. Beth O’Brien is a trained bereavement & grief counselor, &  funeral celebrant. In light of the suicide death of actor Robin Williams there was a global increase in services/inquiries for those who need help with depression or substance abuse. I asked Beth O’Brien if she could share some very useful resources that all of us may need at some stage in life, whether for us or for a friend!  To Listen to my interview with Beth O’Brien: CLICK HERE

To resource more about this important subject you can also access the guest page where there are links; should you wish to contact any of the organizations mentioned or my guests. (select URL above to locate my Voice America page).




Dying to be Free: A healing guide for families after a suicide (Beverly Cobain, Jean Larch) CLICK HERE

The Grief Recovery  Handbook: The action program for moving beyond Death, Divorce and other losses  by John W James and Russell Friedman   CLICK HERE

Changing the topic to ‘living well’…….Lifestyle and Health Promotion – also mentioned on this week’s show…….

Two wonderful Programs featured on ABC TV: Catalyst over the passed 2 weeks. If you want to explore the links between diet and lifestyle – then this program is not to be missed!  Science is catching up with some of the sound  ‘old school Naturopathy’ that I was taught by my mentor & friend the late Dorothy Hall. I still use these old school principles in my Practice – but now have the science to back up my approach. In 40 years having worked with 16,000 cancer patients – one gets more than just an insight into the efficacy of cancer treatments and prevention programs. If you missed Catalyst, you can click through to find the videos:
Go to http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/vodcast/   You can download Episode 5: 14/08/2014     Episode 6: 21/08/2014 as MP4 files

Finally today – Please visit my new website for Consultations-Medicine with Heart, Skill and Compassion

A new model for best of both worlds medicine – Team consults available with GP- Southport Gold Coast


More about Health Intelligence Australia in PART TWO – coming soon. Enjoy the day!




Death | Discussing the ‘Elephant in the Living Room’ Beth O’Brien with Grace Gawler

There’s an elephant in the living room & no one mentions it; it is called death, the subject for today’s show. I work in a pro-life vocation with people with life challenging illness, but what happens when life is not prolonged & death is inevitable? How & where do you find the tools to help you navigate your way through the process? Learn more with Beth O’Brien on Voice America Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler.

There’s an elephant in the living room & no one mentions it; it is called death, the subject for today’s show. I work in a pro-life vocation with people with life challenging illness, but what happens when life is not prolonged & death is inevitable? How & where do Death the elephantinthelivingroom2you find the tools to help you navigate your way through the process?

There are not only physical deaths that are relevant to today’s topic. There many “deaths”  throughout life – the losses that occur as a a part of being human; loss of youth, loss of job, loss of identity, to name a few.  But there are also overwhelming “deaths” throughout life – life’s big uninvited events that are felt so deeply that the grief seems endless and indeed may endure for life. These events are a apart of being human and shape the way we be on this planet.  The person grieving a physical death will often get more support than the person grieving a divorce experiencing hidden pain  or loss of a body part hidden from view by clothing. But grief, loss bereavement exists and it exists in many forms. Many patients have said to me that when their partner left them it felt worse than a death – that death was final – but it was challenging to accept the finality of an event when there was no physical death and the knowledge that every family event in future will have a “emotional stamp” on it!

Listen to my interview with Beth O’Brien:

Beth O'Brien
Beth O’Brien

So – the subject is huge and relevant! Following on from last week’s show, today I interview a lady who works with death every day; funeral celebrant, Beth O’Brien. Beth is a Certified Thanatologist; Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement”, an international accreditation with the Association for Death Education and Counseling. She is also a qualified Facilitator of Death Café, an international movement designed to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives. Today’s discussion will be a valuable resource, bringing death to the discussion table.

After 20 years studying, researching and working with people who were experiencing loss and grief, Beth O’Brien discovered a strong connection to work with people who were experiencing grief and loss.

Recently she became a Certified Thanatologist, Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement”; an international accreditation with The Association for Death Education and Counseling. In her work as a marriage and funeral celebrant she feels privileged to work with people on the most important and memorable days of their lives. Beth became so enthralled by the stories and eulogies she heard, she decided to become a personal historian and is a member of The Association of Personal Historians. Beth is a Death Café Facilitator, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, Grief Educator & an Internationally Certified Funeral Celebrant/Trainer.

Resources to deepen your understanding of this important subject:

Beth O’Brien: 




Hopewell Hospice – Gold Coast    http://hopewell.org.au/

Recommended by Beth O’Brien: Doug Manning has been one of the most prominent speakers and authors in the grief counseling field since he started work in this area in 1982.


Other resources:

Caitlin Doughty



Caleb Wilde – Confessions of a funeral director blog




How our immune System Fights Cancer|Knowledge to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler & Prof Jerome Galon

Do want to get some insights into the intricate working of your immune system? Navigating the Cancer Maze, Grace Gawler interviews Prof. Dr. Jerome Galon: Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre, Paris, France.

Do want to get some insights into the intricate working of your immune system and cancer? On Navigating the Cancer Maze, internet radio Grace Gawler interviews Prof. Dr. Jerome Galon: Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre, Paris, France.


Listen to the show by selecting the following link:



Professor Galon’s current interests & major contributions concern basic & translational research in cancer immunology, using systems biology.

His laboratory has made some ground-breaking findings demonstrating that the adaptive immune response within a tumor was a better predictor of survival than traditional staging based on the size and spread of a tumor.The new wave of immunotherapies reflects what has been known for some time; that the answer to cancer is in you! But it is not that simple. Our immune system is complex and intricate & as science unravels its mysteries, we are developing new understandings of how the immune system can be captured & recruited in the laboratory; retrained and returned to you the patient!

Awards: In 2008 Prof Dr Galon was awarded The Colon Cancer Research Schaeverbeke Award, Fondation de France,& the Clinical Research Award, Rose Lamarca, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.

INSERM UMRS1138  Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology (Team 15) Cordeliers Research Center 15 Rue de l'Ecole de Medecine 75006 Paris, France
Laboratory of Prof Jerome Galon Integrative Cancer Immunology (Team 15)
Cordeliers Research Center

In 2010 he received the William B. Coley Award from the Cancer Research Institute, NY, USA, 2011: the French National Academy of Science & the French National Academy of Medicine (2011) awards.

He has published many scientific papers and book chapters.

Health professionals and interested patients;

Visit INSERM UMRS 1138
Cordeliers Research Center
 at http://www.ici.upmc.fr/

For more about Integrative Cancer Immunology Laboratory and their research projects, Immunoscore, publications, seminars and links.

Health professionals – I especially recommend the Publications page and homepage side bar at INSERM’s website.

Prof Galon was a guest of QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Qld , Australia. See their website at http://www.qimrberghofer.edu.au/

To listen to the audio – live streaming log on to the URL below. You can download this and other interviews with cancer experts at:


To be continued……..

Enjoy the weekend….Grace

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way Grace Gawler with Professor Rajiv Khanna

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way! QIMR Brisbane is celebrating their cancer research findings by hosting a series of immunology presentations during Immunotherapy Week, June 15 – June 21 2014. Special Guest speaker will be Professor Jérôme Galon, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France whose topic is “Cancer cure may be inside you and unleashed by immunotherapy”. To bring public awareness to Immunotherapy Week at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Professor Rajiv Khanna Director of immunotherapy and vaccine development was interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio this week to publicize the need to bring research findings and medical trials into public awareness.

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way!

QIMR Brisbane is celebrating their cancer research findings by hosting a series of immunology presentations during Immunotherapy Week, June 15 – June 21 2014. Special Guest speaker will be Professor Jérôme Galon, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France whose topic is “Cancer cure may be inside you and unleashed by immunotherapy”.

907477-rajiv-khannaTo bring public awareness to Immunotherapy Week at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Professor Rajiv Khanna Director of immunotherapy and vaccine development was interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio this week to publicize the need to bring research findings and medical trials into public awareness. In particular he discusses his breakthrough immunotherapy research on Glioblastoma Multiforme.

As well on Navigating the Cancer Maze, Prof Khanna also discusses his research and clinical trial results on nasopharyngeal carcinoma, an aggressive throat cancer that has has shown response to immune therapies.

Image: Above – Cancer researcher Professor Rajiv Khanna, pictured with patient Eddie Chen, has developed a promising new treatment. Picture: Annette Dew Source: The Courier-Mail.

CLICK HERE to read Janelle Miles Courier Mail article – ‘Queensland Institute of Medical Research scientist Rajiv Khanna unveils promising new treatment for aggressive throat cancer’  published FEBRUARY 02, 2012

To listen to this very interesting and highly informative audio interview or to download on itunes (both free of charge), visit the link below direct to voice America and my show webpage.



Promising Results from World-First Brain Cancer Trials Professor Rajiv Khanna | Grace Gawler on Navigating The Cancer Maze

It is imperative that breakthroughs in cancer treatments are known to the world. Worldwide, there are an estimated 240,000 cases of brain and nervous system tumors diagnosed each year; GBM is the most common, and the most lethal of these tumors. People speak of the War on Cancer, but it is our bodies that are at war with cancer cells via our immune system and its responses. Utilizing the immune system principle, scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia, have used immunotherapy to create a major breakthrough in the treatment of the brain cancer known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM).

Free informational cancer seminars Brisbane June 15 – 21 2014 Brisbane.

Click the link below to see other events presented by QIMR – for immunology week June 15 – 21 2014 Brisbane.

How your body can fight cancer Seminars

cancer-lambert_2469736bPromising Results from World-First Brain Cancer Trials Professor Rajiv Khanna Joins Grace Gawler on Navigating The Cancer Maze To Talk about a Brain Cancer breakthrough.

Phoenix, AZ — 06/13/2014 — Voice America Talk Radio Network, Internet broadcasting pioneer, producing and syndicating online audio and video, today announced that Professor Rajiv Khanna QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Australia will join Grace Gawler host of Navigating the Cancer Maze program on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel (http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2125/navigating-the-cancer-maze) Friday, June 13, 2014 at 12 noon Pacific Time.

NOTE: show goes live to air 5 am Brisbane Australia time Saturday 14 June 2014. Available streaming audio any time after 9 am this Saturday and available to download on itunes indefinitely.

It is imperative that breakthroughs in cancer treatments are known to the world. Worldwide, there are an estimated 240,000 cases of brain and nervous system tumors diagnosed each year; GBM is the most common, and the most lethal of these tumors. People speak of the War on Cancer, but it is our bodies that are at war with cancer cells via our immune system and its responses.  Utilizing the immune system principle, scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia, have used immunotherapy to create a major breakthrough in the treatment of the brain cancer known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Study leader, Professor Rajiv Khanna, said most of the study participants lived much longer than the six-month prognosis normally given to a patient with recurrent GBM, and some patients showed no signs of disease progression. “It is early days, but this is exciting,” Professor Khanna said.

“Survival rates for this aggressive cancer have barely changed in decades. There is an urgent clinical need for new treatments. “If this treatment can buy patients more time, then that is a big step forward.”

Image of Brain GBM

GBM is the most common malignant brain cancer, diagnosed in about 800 Australians every year.  Despite surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, less than 10% of patients survive beyond five years. This study built on previous research which found that many brain tumours carry cytomegalovirus (CMV). About half of all Australians have the virus, but usually show no symptoms.

Professor Khanna developed a technique to modify the patients’ T-cells in the laboratory, effectively “train” them to attack the virus, and then return them to the patient’s body.  When the killer T-cells destroyed the virus, they also destroyed the cancer. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that immunotherapy – manipulating a person’s own immune system – is a rich new frontier for cancer treatment,” Professor Khanna said.

The QIMR is celebrating their research findings by hosting a series of immunology and cancer presentations between June 15 and June 21 in Brisbane. For those people who cannot attend, watch out on the websites for more information. www.qimrberghofer.edu.au   or  www.gracegawlermedia.com

The Phase I trials were conducted at Brisbane’s Wesley Hospital, under the leadership of neurosurgeon Professor David Walker.  “Working with patients with malignant brain tumors can be distressing, because we know so many will succumb,” Professor Walker said. “But this new branch of therapy lets us offer some hope that the future is going to be brighter, that new and innovative treatments mean things will hopefully improve in the future. “We have a long way to go, and there is hard work to be done, but we seem to be on the right track, and it is a pleasure to work with scientists at QIMR Berghofer to try to make a real difference.”

The research team is now keen to begin the next phase of trials, involving patients at an earlier stage of the cancer’s development. “These would be patients who have just been diagnosed and are about to start the standard treatments – surgery, then radiotherapy or chemotherapy.  We would generate the T cell therapy before their standard treatment, and then administer T cells in conjunction with the standard therapy,” Professor Khanna said.

“We hope that the treatment can be even more effective if given at an earlier stage of the disease.”

This study is published online in the prestigious US journal Cancer Research and can be viewed at http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/early/recent

The research was funded by Flagship Funding from the Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer, the NHMRC and private donors.

The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is a world leading translational research institute focused on cancer, infectious diseases, mental health and a range of complex diseases. Working in close collaboration with clinicians and other research institutes, our aim is to improve health by developing new diagnostics, better treatments and prevention strategies.

For more information about QIMR Berghofer Visit: www.qimrberghofer.edu.au

Immunology and Cancer Survival | Navigating the Cancer Maze| Grace Gawler

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is hosting Immunotherapy week: Get updated about Immunotherapies. Next week QIMR presents a series of lectures about the latest developments in Cancer Immune therapies. QIMR’s Professor Khanna, has been researching immunotherapies and has had a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM).

ATTENTION Queenslanders interested in immune-based Cancer Therapies:  Cancer Immunotherapy Week Brisbane

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is hosting Immunotherapy week: Get updated about Immunotherapies. Next week QIMR presents a series of lectures about the latest developments in Cancer Immune therapies.

Scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have used immunotherapy to make a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). There will be a presentation on Tuesday evening and other presentations throughout the week.


Later this week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I will be interviewing…Professor Rajiv Khanna a leading researcher at The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia; a world progressive translational research institute focused on cancer, infectious diseases, mental health and a range of complex diseases. Professor Khanna has been researching immunotherapies and has had a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Professor Khanna developed a technique to modify the patients’ T-cells in the laboratory, effectively “train” them to attack the virus, and then return them to the patient’s body.  When the killer T-cells destroyed the virus, they also destroyed the cancer. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that immunotherapy – manipulating a person’s own immune system – is a rich new frontier for cancer treatment,” Professor Khanna said. Be informed about the answer to cancer. Support Immunotherapy week- Brisbane Qld. More info at http://www.qimrberghofer.edu.au/

All shows are available in the content Library at Navigating the Cancer Maze on The VoiceAmerica Variety Channel for on-demand and pod cast download. The Grace Gawler Institute is a not for profit health promotion charity providing global access to free information for cancer patients about the latest in cancer information and treatments from experts, patients, caregivers and researchers.

Visit:  http://www.gracegawlerinstitute.com

To Meditate or Medicate – That is the Question? Voice America Experience with Meditation and Cancer Recovery

Can meditation be powerful enough to impact chronic illness? Is there any conclusive evidence that the mind via meditative practices can “cure” or influence the growth of cancer”? With rising healthcare costs more and more people are turning to self-help books and natural methods in an attempt to ‘cure’ cancer.

PART ONE : Can meditation be powerful enough to impact chronic illness? Is there any conclusive evidence that the mind via meditative practices can “cure” or influence the growth of cancer”? With rising healthcare costs more and more people are turning to self-help books and natural methods in an attempt to ‘cure’ cancer. ‘The mind can cure cancer concept’ is not new. Every few decades, the notion of meditation as a ‘cure’ for cancer, seems to be recycled into public awareness. In today’s show, with 40 years experience, I will share personal insights from clinical practice & discuss the historical timeline of meditative practices and cancer. I also discuss in general terms, the realistic impact of meditative practices on health and wellbeing and help to put into perspective; it’s role in healing.
Listmeditationen free to air or download from iTunes:



As I researched the latest finding on what meditation can and cant do; the aspects that stood out are as follows:

1. When we look at stories of ‘cures’ associated with Meditation or other event such as prayer healing  etc – There are many anecdotes where blind faith comes into play. Over centuries people have had a need to believe in a greater force that gives us faith and hope to go on and to make sense of life. When we examine these stories we often have no idea of their true origin. Was someone mistaken when they diagnosed a cancer? Beliefs run strong, as do people’s ideologies and need to see & believe in miracles; it is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Just because something is written or appears to be so – doesn’t mean it is fact.

A humorous story illustrates how easy it is to base an opinion on incomplete facts. John Locke (1632-1704) related this story about the Dutch ambassador and the king of Siam: While describing his country, Holland, to the king, the ambassador mentioned that at times it was possible for an elephant to walk on water. The king rejected the idea and felt that the ambassador was lying to him. However, the ambassador was merely describing something that was beyond the king’s personal experience. The king did not realize that when water freezes and becomes ice, it can support the weight of an elephant. This seemed impossible to the king because he did not have all the facts.

The issue with meditation in terms of health value  is that it has been promoted in some literature and journals to be a cure or a significant part of a cure for cancer.  A wide range of meditative practises clearly can assist cancer patients or those with serious illness – helping with improving life quality and awareness contemplation as life itself is challenged – that is by a diagnosis of a serious illness. However, Claims of cancer being cured by meditation alone are often misguided or misreported.  Look for the science. Was there proof by biopsy? Has the whole story been reported? Could there be other logical reasons for a recovery? This is important as for example, cancer patients quote again and again … “If Ian Gawler can do it ( cure himself of cancer ) then I can do it too”. More on this in next blog.

That brings me to looking at some the facts of how meditation/stress reduction techniques can be proven to impact the miracle of mindfulnesssome of our body’s restorative systems and how it can be simply and practically used everyday by simply being you. See Resources below. I like what Thich Nhat Hanh, author The Miracle of Mindfulness said  about meditation:

“Hanh warns that meditation should not be an escape from reality. On the contrary, it should lead to an increased awareness of reality.

Hanh summarizes the lessons by presenting a story about the three wondrous answers to the questions — What is the best time to do a thing? Who are the most important people to work with? and What is the most important thing to do at all times?

Hanh suggests that we treat each of our activities as an opportunity for being aware: Walking, we should be aware that we are walking. 

Breathing,-we should be aware of our breathing. We should not focus on anything other than the thing that we are doing.  One of the key methods that Hanh presents is learning to be aware of breathing.

Resources to read:

http://www.globalhealthandtravel.com/health/TheBenefitsofDeepBreathing   Value of Breath

http://www.relaxationresponse.org/  Herbert Benson studies and book


Thich Nhat Hanh

To Be continued……..More Tomorrow on meditation and cancer with Resources.

Enjoy ……..


Dr Julie Crews| Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories on Navigating the Cancer Maze Radio

The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Diagnosis cancer! It may be you or your husband or wife or father or mother. It may be your children or friends. People who are near and dear to you. When it comes to a diagnosis of cancer, the stakes are particularly high. So – the question is straightforward really – Do we want to be told lies or truth?

This year marks my 40 years working with cancer patients.The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Diagnosis cancer! It may be you or your husband or wife or father or mother. It may be your children or friends. People who are near and dear to you.  When it comes to a diagnosis of cancer, the stakes are particularly high. So – the question is straightforward really – Do we want to be told lies or truth?

If asked about buying a product in a store – do we accept being lied to about its efficacy? No – most of us would be angry, depending on the cost of the product we might feel so cheated , we make a complaint to the Australian Consumer watchdog, the ACCC  for making claims that are untrue….that is the product did not live up to its claims as advertised and the expectations of the purchaser.

Well the equivalent is happening right under our noses with  society’s most highly vulnerable group of people – cancer patients!

Dr Julie Crews PhD
Dr Julie Crews PhD- Searching for truth in cancer healing stories.

As the groundswell of would-be cancer entrepreneurs & patient experts claiming “I cured myself Naturally from Cancer”  gains the momentum of  a tsunami, one Western Australian woman, DR JULIE CREWS, a doctor of Business Ethics, is questioning why so many people have jumped on the ‘cure-all bandwagon’ to earn their living and why it has been allowed to go unchecked and under the radar for so long.

On today’s Voice America Radio show “Navigating the Cancer Maze, Dr Julie Crews takes an investigative look through the magnifying glass to examine new trends in cancer entrepreneurship where patients who are either still in recovery themselves or who claim they have beaten the odds without medical evidence, are influencing the treatment choices of millions of other cancer patients around the globe. Another group of patients influencing choices are those who have had adequate medical treatment for their cancer, but then champion their ‘cure’ to the use of dietary regimens, alternative medicine, meditation and other healing forms.

Authentic hope is a powerful ally, but false hope as a recent article published in the West Australian suggests, provides More Hype than Hope by CATHY O’LEARY, MEDICAL EDITOR  February 22, 2014 Dr Crews contributed to that media piece. Select the following link to read article.

THE FOLLOWING IS SUMMARY OF DR CREWS TIPS as hear on Voice America’s Navigating the Cancer Maze today.

What Questions should the Cancer consumer be asking and why? What action can you take.

1. The first question is for consumers to carefully look at what the person is saying and promoting – look at the language the person is using and the claims they are making – a big one is they put down their cancer as a lesson….the fact is cancer does not discriminate. It affects good people who live healthy lives – It can affect anyone.

2. What is the background of the person(s) offering the cure-all?? Qualifications? Institutions?

3. If a person is claiming to have cured their cancer naturally, ask to see their medical records from diagnosis to recovery – remission. Ask to see medical verification. After all “Exceptional Claims require exceptional evidence” said Carl Sagan. Anecdotes and stories should not too be mistaken for truth.

4. If I follow this person’s advice – will they have any responsibility regrading my outcome? As happens in the medical profession or other qualified professional health fields- Will their insurance cover me in case of failure? (Not likely)!

3. If they are promoting products which cost money, are they receiving a ‘kickback’ or indeed do they have shares in the company?

4. What do they do when people ask questions and it challenges things they may promote? The more they have invested in the promotion the more they have to lose and will fight very hard to discredit anyone who may disagree with them.

5. Check out what they do if someone posts something that doesn’t maintain the image they are promoting!

6. Email them and ask questions and see what responses you get.

7. If they do speak of ‘medical’ doctors, they may use terms like ‘intuitive practitioner’ ‘integrative practitioner’ – the thing is, you only get THEIR version of their disease – it could be wrong…… and often is.
More soon on this important topic…..

Please listen in to this interview or download for later at Voice America:

Other Blogs of interest in the news about this topic: In particular a young woman who calls herself the wellness warrior. The following is some intelligent debate on this topic. Jessica Ainscough went public about her quest to cure her cancer. See the Australian: Title “Holding out for a Miracle ” Richard Gulliatt.


