From Cancer Good Things Grow – A Survivor’s Story|Grace Gawler Interviews Jeffrey Deslandes

Jeffrey Deslandes thought he had it all. The father of five children, he had his whole life ahead of him. But on one fateful day in 1999, he believed it was all over when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was wrong. His life had just begun!

from cancer good things growA true story of survival: Share the good news. Listen to Navigating the Cancer Maze: From Cancer Good Things Grow.  If you know someone with lymphoma, leukaemia, melanoma or other cancers – you need to tell them about Jeffrey Deslandes and how he survived and thrive thanks to cancer vaccines. They need to read his story.

Jeffrey Deslandes thought he had it all. The father of five children, he had his whole life ahead of him. But on one fateful day in 1999, he believed it was all over when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was wrong. His life had just begun!

His diagnosis, B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, follicular mixed small and large cell, Stage IV, with bcl-2 gene translocation, with spleen and bone marrow involvement. His prognosis; poor.

His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. You discover who your true friends are. Listen to my interview with Jeffrey on Voice America’s Health & Wellness Channel – Navigating the Cancer Maze: From Cancer Good Things Grow.  (Note: The show is sponsored by the Grace Gawler Institute. Free to listen – live stream on demand – select link above or download and listen another time – share with friends and fellow patients. Live broadcast 12 noon Friday – USA time(PST) – Australia – 6 am Qld time.

After traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, failed to control his cancer, Jeffrey started looking for emerging therapies. When he learned of an experimental treatment involving a personalised vaccine protocol, he pursued it. It is now feasible to have something good—a personalised cancer vaccine—created from something bad—your cancer. This one-of-a-kind vaccine reeducated his immune system so that it could identify and destroy his cancer.

Jeffrey’s story is not a gloom-and-doom tale of yet another poor soul enduring cancer treatment. Instead, he shares his story in the hope of reaching and inspiring other cancer patients who may have given up. Some of the stories in this book come from his deep spiritual core, but he is not a “religious” man. He doesn’t require you to believe these stories, only to know that everything detailed in this book is true.

See Press pass info – share this link to others.

ABOUT Jeffrey Deslandes: Jeffrey is a native of Melbourne, Australia. He has a Masters in Engineering Science, and is a Doctor of Philosophy, attained at the University of Melbourne. He has been married twice and has five children.  His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. Compelled to write about his experience. “From Cancer Good Things Grow” was published recently. Available as ebook and soft cover.(Balboa Press) BUY online at: Balboa Press:

All proceeds from the sale of this book go directly to cancer vaccine research in Brisbane where Jeffrey had his treatment. He wants more people to know about his doctor and the the hope that vaccines bring for recovery. For more information about Jeffrey’s treatment – please contact me via the contact page on this BLOG or via

Note: Dendritic cell vaccines are highly technical and need rigorous quality control and expertise. Ask me for further information on how to access this treatment.

VOICE AMERICA LINK to listen to audio:

Until next time…… Grace

In Singapore for Surgery at Fortis – Another Bionic Experience | Grace Gawler

I am writing this blog from my hospital bed at Fortis Surgical Hospital in Singapore. Once again – a new bionic device awaits me in the operating theatre within the hour. I am really looking forward to receiving my Mark 111 version – apparently smaller and updated and quite the fashion accessory!!

I am writing this blog from my hospital bed at Fortis Surgical Hospital in Singapore. Once again – a new bionic device awaits me in the operating theatre within the hour. I am really looking forward to receiving my Mark 111 version – apparently smaller and updated and quite the fashion accessory!! Well not really as the device is implanted in my left buttock and attached to 4 tined very intelligent electrodes that are inserted into my lower spinal foramina.

awaiting surgery at Fortis surgical hospital Singapore
Me awaiting surgery at Fortis surgical hospital Singapore

It it is so wonderful to be here in Singapore with the skilful and compassionate surgeons who saved my life last time in January 2009 after the device had stopped suddenly 6 weeks prior. I wanted to write this blog because my experience touches on so many aspects of illness, healing, recovery and the ongoing tenacity it takes to survive the odds.

No one would welcome the experiences I have had since 1997 when after routine surgery I lost use of my colon…in particular my rectal function.  Years of diagnostic mayhem followed. The case in most doctors too hard basket – diagnostics took years to identify the problem. Today will be surgical procedure number 22!  10 ft of previously healthy colon removed – 5 ft small intestine + 5 ft large bowel One could wallow in the why me arenas or be begrudging of medicine and routine surgical procedures that don’t go as planned. However….

Life happens to us – but  it’s not what happens to us that makes a difference in life quality but what we choose to do when life has dealt us a band hand.  It is about how we choose to respond to uninvited change.

I have always been inspired by a quote from the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson who wrote:

“Life is like a card game – it’s not about being dealt a good hand – but how you play a bad hand well!”

Today I am filled with gratitude for all those who have helped me navigate this challenging treatment maze so far. Pip – my partner of 7 years has been amazing. My children – and now grandchildren who also give me a raison d’etre. Dr Schouten and  Dr Marijke Sleiker ten Hove in The Netherlands must be thanked for giving me back my life in 2002-2003. Dr Francis Seow Choen and Dr Lim Jit Fong have been and remain as amazing doctors and surgeons since 2009. Thanks to all who donated to our appeal to help me get this critically important surgery today- you are all heaven sent! I will let you know how this goes a wee bit later. The team is on their way.

Appreciate your day, your life and loved ones….Life’s good!! Until soon


David Tuccaro Leukemia Survivor talks about ‘Bad to the Bone’ his memoir by Marala Scott on Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler

Navigating the Cancer Maze, Grace Gawler interviews David Tuccaro Jr about his Survival story and book ‘Bad to the Bone | The True Story of David Tuccaro Jr’. The book is authored by Award-winning Author and Oprah’s Ambassador of Hope, Marala Scott. The story is about David’s recovery from ALL, a childhood leukemia. The book is aptly named; leukemia being an illness that begins in bone marrow. As an adult with a leukemia that is predominantly seen in children; at 25 years of age, David’s prognosis was very poor.

If you want to be inspired by a well written, poignant survival story about recovery from Leukemia…
Then this is the book to buy!

In fact…….. if you only buy 1 book this year – then this is the one!  David Tuccaro Jr’s story is powerful and well told. ‘Bad to the Bone-’ The True Story of David Tuccaro Jr is a book about his David Tuccaro Jnr Bad to the Bonerecovery from ALL – a childhood leukemia is aptly named; leukemia being an illness that begins in bone marrow. As an adult with a leukemia that is predominantly seen in children; at 25 years of age, David’s prognosis was very poor.

On today’s Navigating the Cancer Maze, I had the pleasure of interviewing David about his memoirs and about Award-winning Author, Oprah’s Ambassador of Hope, Marala Scott, who transcribed his story of Leukemia diagnosis through to his remission. This episode is full of inspiring tips and tools for anyone who is navigating their own cancer maze. You can also download the show or listen on audio streaming at:

At just 25 years old, approximately seven years ago,  David Tuccaro Jr, a Mikisew Cree First Nation man from Fort McMurray Canada, was diagnosed with leukemia. He was facing a death sentence. His story is poignant, raw in its honesty and an inspiration to those who are navigating the leukemia maze.

Navigating the Cancer Maze serves as a reliable source of information for cancer patients and families. Every guest on the show has a well researched and authentic story to offer to the community. Such is David Tuccaro Jr’s story; a tumultuous journey of self-discovery through pain, hopelessness and the feeling of inadequacy to inspire others to overcome adversity.

After finding his purpose, he is living out his passion of teaching others to save lives by registering to become a bone marrow donor.
David says:“When I was going through what I’d gone through with the leukemia, I had my doctors telling me one thing, what to expect, and my family and friends telling me what to expect, but I didn’t have a survivor telling me what to expect; that’s what the book is really about, to answer some of these questions. There needs to be somebody that has gone through this to give you the hope that you really need to get through it.”

David Tuccaro Jr is a powerful advocate bringing awareness to the life-saving impact that a bone marrow donor unselfishly provides. David is alive after years of hospital procedures thanks to his spirit, medical science, support and the altruism of one man who donated his bone marrow. Four years after the lifesaving transplant David met his bone marrow donor, Christian Holtmann from Germany. He says: “I’ll never forget the first meeting I had with Christian; it was the greatest moment of my life.” David Tuccaro Jr hopes his and Christian’s story will inspire others to donate bone marrow. “That is what saved my life”, David said.

To buy the Book or you are interested in becoming a Bone Marrow Donor – please visit:

The book is available in Hard Cover or eBook – Kindle Kobo etc. BUY ON AMAZON


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Marala Scott is an Award-winning Author and Oprah’s Ambassador of Hope, (In Our House: Perception vs. Reality and Surrounded By Inspiration). Marala Scott takes you inside the horrific battle of a young man with Leukemia and shares the unique perspective of his bone marrow donor. The Story of David Tuccaro Jr. will give you strength and inspiration never before felt! For more information on Marala Scott visit

“What he describes is that journey we are all seeking; it is that transformation to a better life.”
–Dr. Gary Ruelas D.O., Ph.D.

“This should be a television show done by a conscientious film maker— This story is nothing less than an epic.”
–Peter C. Newman, Legendary Journalist and Author

Voice America Grace Gawler


Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories – Ovarian Cancer Help Part 3

Last week on Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America Health and Wellness Channel, I mentioned a immune treatment that is being acclaimed as a value add therapy for many cancer patients – in particular, those dealing with ovarian Cancer…

 Last week on Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America Health and Wellness Channel, I mentioned a immune treatment that is being acclaimed as a value add therapy for many cancer patients – in particular, those dealing with ovarian Cancer…

The links and information follows:DENVAXTM – DENDRITIC CELL THERAPY – Customized Cell-based Cancer Immunotherapy INSTITUTE OF CELLULAR THERAPIES ( source )

ovarian cancer
Ovarian Cancer – Dendritic cell vaccine shows promise

Ovarian cancer: A 58 yr old lady was diagnosed of cancer ovary in June 2004. Her CA 125 antigen marker was positive and in the range of 10,000 units. She was operated upon and given six cycles of chemotherapy. She recovered from her disease and her marker was also within normal range.  After one year, the CA 125 began rising and she presented to us with an increased titre of 400 units. There were signs of recurrence, and she opted for DC (DENVAX) therapy in June 2005. She has completed three years of receiving DENVAX. She is free of disease, proven both clinically and by radiological examinations. Her CA 125 marker is also stable for the last three years.


Another treatment greatly assisting Ovarian cancer patients is used by Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic in Germany. Removab – a trifunctional antibody has been used at the Clinic for many years Click Here for information

Last week I also discussed
a new book by controversial American Cancer Physician Dr David Agus. His latest book A Short Guide to a Long Life by David B. Agus, MD, is published by Simon & Schuster ($24.99) and available on Amazon.

In his #1 New York Times bestselling book, The End of Illness, Dr. David B. Agus shared what he has learned from his work as a pioneering cancer doctor and researcher, revealing the innovative steps he takes to prolong the lives of not only cancer patients but all those hoping to enjoy a vigorous, lengthy life.

Now Dr. Agus has turned his analysis into a practical and concise illus­trated handbook for everyday living. He believes optimal health begins with our daily habits.

In A Short Guide to a Long Life, David Agus espouses the idea that prolonged good health starts with lots of smallish changes today. Much of the advice – don’t skip breakfast; avoid sunburn – will be familiar. He notes that Hippocrates made many of the same observations – “Walking is man’s best friend”; “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – in the 4th century BC. Yet the truth is that few of us have so far incorporated them into our lives.

Some of Agus’s rules are cute: for instance, “Smile – the act itself will trigger the release of pain-killing, brain-happy endorphins and serotonin.” Others seem quirky – he’s adamantly against high heels: they cause inflammation, which can raise your lifetime risk of heart attack, strokes and cancer, he says.
A few of his dictums will give pause for uncomfortable thought. Rule 56 says to avoid airport backscatter X-ray scanners. Until science can prove they’re safe, Agus says, “I’ll be requesting the manual pat-down massage when I go through airports. You should, too.”
He debunks fads: rule 60 is “No Juicing”. “Does the body really like consuming 10 carrots all at once? Or a pound of radishes? I think not.” Or how about “Eat real food”. That means avoiding anything in a packet. It doesn’t matter if it announces itself to be good for you somehow by being, say, “cholesterol free” or “antioxidant rich”. “If they have to tell you why you should be eating it, you shouldn’t be eating it.”
In the book, Agus’s voice is calm and reassuring. In person, it’s more urgent. At one point he asks me if I’ve had a flu shot this year. I haven’t. “You should get it now,” he says. “If you get the flu, in a decade from now your chance of cancer or heart disease is elevated … So go and get that flu shot if you want to play with those grandkids. It’s a sore arm.”
Like most cancer doctors he sees the advanced disease; what can’t be reversed.   He wants to instil a new way of thinking about cancer. It’s not something that visits us from outside, he says. We don’t “get” cancer. Rather, we need to stop our bodies from “cancering”. Cancer is a verb, not a noun.
Some rules for living longer – A Short Guide to a Long Life by David B. Agus, MD

Caffeine, especially from traditional sources, may have protective, anti-cancer properties. But moderation is key.
Smiling triggers the release of pain-killing, brain-happy endorphins and serotonin.
Uncomfortable shoes cause inflammation that can have an impact on your entire system … Inflammation has been linked to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmune diseases and diabetes.
– Track your movement during the day with an accelerometer, and develop a daily personal activity target. Being sedentary is about as bad for you as smoking.
Cleanliness counts. Wash your hands regularly, especially after exposure to germy things such as bathrooms.
To reap the benefits of exercise, including all those biochemical reactions that lower your risk of illness, aim to break a sweat and get your heart pumping fast for a minimum of 15 minutes a day.
Moderate alcohol intake, especially from red wine, can reduce one’s risk of heart disease. This benefit does have a caveat: drinking can potentially increase one’s risk for breast cancer, and drinking too much is far worse for your heart than being a teetotaller. Agus has a glass of red a day.
Cold-water fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, anchovies, herring, halibut, cod, black cod, mackerel and mahi-mahi are excellent sources of high-quality protein, healthy fats and naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.
A daily low-dose aspirin (75mg) has been shown to reduce the risk of developing common malignant cancers in the lungs, colon and prostate by 46 per cent. So if you’re basking in the glory of middle age, this is something to discuss with your doctor. It’s the cheapest fountain of youth around and requires no prescription.  Read the article about Dr David Agus in the Australian Good Weekend Magazine

 Voice America Grace Gawler


Voice America|Caryle Hirshberg talks about her published Research on Spontaneous Remissions and Why people Heal| Grace Gawler

Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler on Voice America. I interview the co author of Spontaneous Remission, a research compilation that launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Co authored by the late Brendan O’Regan; the book filled a gap in research as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission. It is inspiring, educative and the only published Masterpiece that has dared to research this fascinating subject.

Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze
The book, Spontaneous Remission
, launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Co authored by the late Brendan O’Regan; the book filled a gap in research as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission.

Spontaneous Remission Hirshberg &  ORegan
The book Spontaneous Remission – PDF downloads available see link below

 The Remission Project charter at IONS was to catalogue the world’s medical literature on the subject. The result was an assembly of the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3,500 references from more than 800 journals in 20 different languages.

Another book followed; Remarkable Recovery which in 1994 the New York Times Literary Guild Book Club named as one of three of the hottest books on the horizon. Can we go beyond the stories and apply science to the study of remarkable recoveries? This week listen to Caryle Hirshberg answer this question and hear about her life’s work studying why people heal? To listen to Caryle’s interview with me, Grace Gawler  CLICK HERE

Caryle Hirshberg is a former Senior Research Associate with the Institute of Noetic Sciences she co authored Spontaneous Remission with Brendan O’Regan published in 1993. She has been involved with beneficial plant research and the Center for Integrative Medicine which researches globally, promoting pharmacological research and intelligent scientific approaches to studying into indigenous and traditional remedies. Caryle was senior Researcher for the six part documentary The Heart of Healing which became a signature series for investigation into the mystery of why people heal.

Caryle Hirshberg
Caryle Hirshberg

In an extraordinary career, Caryle’s undergraduate study was in chemistry, mathematics and psychology at University of Florida. Her graduate work was in neurochemistry at Indiana University.

She has been involved in researching remission, neurochemistry, pharmacology, cancer biochemistry and cardiology. She has lectured widely on the subject of spontaneous remissions.

Today she is private practice. CLICK HERE to listen to this INSPIRING interview:


You can download Chapters in PDF. There are some valuable and fascinating chapters on infection related remissions and a chapter on understanding of the mechanisms of cancer healing, is elegantly explained.  INSPIRING & HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

This blog and Our Voice America Radio show – “Navigating the Cancer Maze” is a created as a public service by the Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions to enhance cancer education via valid and evidence based experience to help cancer patients and families make informed decisions. We are a not for profit health promotion charity with a Global impact.



Grace Gawler|Voice America|Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing

Dietrich Stroeh’s life came apart after learning that his wife had pancreatic cancer. The Stage Four diagnosis took him on the roller coaster ride of his life. Overnight, this successful businessman became a caregiver powerless over the course of his wife’s illness. He had to face internal weaknesses and external obstacles in order to take care of her and, when the time came, lovingly let her go. Stroeh chronicles his journey in this book, taking readers inside the Stroeh household where home care, medical decisions and much needed laughter give extraordinary shape to an unexpected and devastating illness.

Navigating the  Cancer Maze: This week Dietrich Stroeh, author of Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing talks about his book.

 This is a highly recommended read for anyone on the cancer journey – patients, family & friends. Grace Gawler

Listen at:

Often on Navigating the Cancer Maze we speak about the possibilities of cancer recovery & how we can work towards that outcome. Let’s face it, it is what everyone wants to hear; however for many cancer patients, circumstances and unexpected challenges that cancer brings can mean the loss of a loved one. For every patient & family, it is important to address this topic, “What if things don’t go to plan?” Dietrich Stroeh’s life came apart after learning that his wife had pancreatic cancer. The Stage Four diagnosis took him on the roller Three Months a caregivers Journey_CoverFinalcoaster ride of his life. Overnight, this successful businessman became a caregiver powerless over the course of his wife’s illness. He had to face internal weaknesses and external obstacles in order to take care of her and, when the time came, lovingly let her go.

Stroeh chronicles his journey in this book, taking readers inside the Stroeh household where home care, medical decisions and much needed laughter give extraordinary shape to an unexpected and devastating illness.
Advocating for a loved one, caring for one’s self, being part of the medical team and handling grief are only a few of the topics that are addressed simply in this first-person story. Like the paperback, the newly released e-book also  provides easy to read care-giving tips and useful resources that Stroeh picked up in the course of only three months time.  It also includes a chapter of author-published articles about being a male caregiver and more.
Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing is both a love story and a guidebook.  Anyone going through an experience with a terminal illness would benefit from reading it,” said Dr. Kim Allison, MD, Director of Breast Pathology at University of Washington Medical Center.
An engineer by trade, J. Dietrich “Diet” Stroeh has headed up projects great and small, and managed the Marin Municipal Water

Diet Stroeh author
Dietrich Stroeh author

District in the midst of one of the worst droughts on record. That experience was the basis for his first book, The Man Who Made it Rain, co-written with Michael McCarthy.

Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing is available at Amazon (, Barnes and Noble ( and at FolkHeart Press ( FolkHeart Press, a boutique publisher located in Northern California, specializes in personal narratives and original folklore material.  For more information:
Buy the book – kindle and paperback:
Watch video of interview with Dietrich Stroeh & Sylvia Barry.


Grace Gawler Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship

Cancer Patients without Borders Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship on the new season of the Grace Gawler Institute’s Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel.

Voice America Navigating the Cancer MazeVoice America Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship

Today marks the new season of the Grace Gawler Institute’s Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel. The show began almost one year ago and serves as an educational tool for cancer patients who want navigate the maze in an eclectic yet informed manner. The show draws from a wide range of presenters who speak from experience and authority on various cancer related  topics. The archived programs represent an tremendously helpful encyclopaedia of knowledge that is not in any way in conflict with the thoughts and opinions of all the experts on the show. This means – no confusion and greater clarity for patients. Instead of opposing views and a “this treatment is better that one” approach, these archives serve purpose as a balanced and significant value-ad for any cancer patient navigating the maze. Listen to people close to cancer such as Fran Dresher (ex-the Nanny), Dr Emmett Miller, oncologists, Prof Thomas Vogl, Dr Ioannis Papasotiriou Genetic/molecular medicine, researcher Caryle Hirshberg, recovered patients Debbie Franke Ogg, Bob Ellal, Peter Trayhurn and more. To listen to today’s show or to access archives please visit

Navigating the Cancer mazeRemember to like us on Facebook at Voice America – we lost many thousands of show “likes” this year to cyber gremlins!

Please pass this resource on to people who are dealing with cancer – MP3 downloads for ipod/ipad are a great gift to take to someone in hospital where there is often a lot of idle time.  Cancer patients spend so much of their valuable and precious lives waiting to see health professionals, so MP3’s on ipod/ipad are also great for use in waiting rooms. Please visit Voice America’s Health and wellness Channel to listen to recent or archived shows located on the right side of the my Voice America webpage. The show is free to air and I believe it is one of the most effective ways to educate cancer patients as it has the potential to be heard by millions and change old fear based models that surround cancer into new paradigms of authentic hope and a new Culture of Cancer Survivorship. For resources please visit our new shop at also visit for more information.

Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel

Redefining Cancer Outcomes with the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship

June 28, 2013

Welcome to the new season of navigating the Cancer maze…..Today’s show will present an overview of our past editions and some key GRACE GAWLER Navigating the Cancer Maze Voice Americalearning’s from our past guests. This seasons show promises to provide you with even more food for thought regarding how to effectively navigate the cancer maze. Importantly, we mark a new era; what we call the New Culture of Cancer Survivorship.  What is this new culture about and how will it impact cancer patients. This new show is sponsored by the Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions – a Global entity offering unique personalised services to cancer patients. Today we will also talk about the Grace Gawler Institute’s Cancer Patients without Borders Medi-tours and how those tours are impacting cancer patients and treatment outcomes.

voice america logos

How Qigong helped Bob Ellal survive stage 4 lymphoma – Energy Warriors on Voice America with Grace Gawler

Bob Elall knows a lot about Survivorship – I dare to say he is an expert. Diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1991 and given six months to live, Bob Ellal read everything he could about cancer survivors. Eventually his success and survival was due to the combination of conventional medicine and Qigong.

Bob Ellal Energy warriors voice America grace GgwlerBob Ellal knows a lot about Survivorship – I dare to say he is an expert. Diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1991 and given six months to live, Bob Ellal read everything he could about cancer survivors. He practised visualisation and breathing techniques along with his treatment. At the end of 6 months, against all odds, he was cancer free; but over the following five years the lymphoma would return three more times. His treatment; double doses of CHOP (chemotherapy) was targeted at the disease that returned in his pelvis and fractured hip. Remission. Then another recurrence in his shoulder and a stem-cell transplant. Bob found Qigong and used it to successfully add to his survival strategies ‘tool-kit’. Remission again and recurrence; a second transplant was required. Throughout his crisis Qigong became his focus – the perfect partner for Bob helping him to withstand the side effects of drastic treatments, allowing him to gain resilience, calm strength and centredness. He persevered and found authentic hope in the combination of the best conventional medicine had to offer and what he could do to help his body, mind and spirit to survive and thrive.

Bob Ellal is a true Survivor and his story and writings come from a place of deep wounding that has been transformed into a way of mindful living based on Martial Arts principals.

Energy Warriors -overcoming cancer and crisis with the power of QigongAs time went on Bob committed himself to the practice going more deeply into the mind/body connection – he trained with a Boston kung-fu master in the art of Qigong. Bob’s Doctors gave him a 10% chance of survival. He immersed himself in a disciplined daily practice of Qigong. Against all odds, he finally beat the disease in 1996.

He’s been cancer-free for 17 years and continues to practice Qigong. In his working life Bob was writer/editor for a division of a major publisher and now works as a freelancer. In addition to co authoring Energy Warriors: Overcoming Cancer and Crisis with the Power of Qigong, he is completing his second book, The Leavings of the Wolf, a collection of short stories about the real-world challenges of cancer survivors.

 Bob is co author of “Energy Warriors – Overcoming cancer and Crisis with the power of Qigong” I interviewed him recently on my Voice America radio show:
Visit Bob’s website for more info/articles:
Visit Master Lawrence Tan’s website:     

Qigong in the news: This week I also discovered a newly published study that found that the practise of Qigong reduced symptoms of depression and improved quality of life in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer reports Lorenzo Cohen, PhD, professor of General Oncology and Behavioral Science at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and director of its Integrative Medicine Program, and a co-author of the study.1 Continue reading “How Qigong helped Bob Ellal survive stage 4 lymphoma – Energy Warriors on Voice America with Grace Gawler”

Grace Gawler blog – cancer survival

There is nothing quite as compelling as a personal story well told – Listen to stories from Rev Ian Mavor and Deirdre Hanna on this week’s Navigating the Cancer Maze- Voice America internet radio:

Surviving cancer at all costs often dominates the world of a cancer patient. In the alternative medicine movement in particular; blogs and websites – little if any attention is given to the “failure” factor – not popular on these sites for obvious reasons. Just imagine someone trying to sell you a “Cure for Cancer” – potions, tea, supplements and dietary regimens; if there was an “out-clause” – errr if this doesn’t work for you…here is what to do!!! It somewhat destroys the ‘faith factor’ doesn’t it.

Cancer counsellors, cancer entrepreneurs, cancer authors must be more responsible and address the issue of what to do, what strategies to employ just incase things don’t work out as hoped for – the possibility or probability of not making it through cancer or some other life threatening challenges is real for many people. Denial and avoidance are not useful ways of dealing with a truth that will – at sometime confront. Let’s face it we are all going to go at some time! Most of the people who have died in the past 12 months that I know have not been cancer patients! There have been heart attacks, accidents and other unexpected life events. So Death – the great adventure is something we all need to be prepared for….as many have said – dealing with death fees up more energy for living. This is especially important if you have been diagnosed with a life challenging illness.

This week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I interviewed Rev Dr Ian Mavor and Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell Centre on Australia’s Gold Coast. I chose to interview this couple because they do not give lips service -they know what it is like to work at the coalface of life’s big issues ….end of life experience, grief and loss with adults and children. Their work is important and they reach many – but their concept could reach further into our society. Of course their work goes far beyond cancer. How we all deal with grief, loss, shock, betrayals etc can form the substrate of who we present to the world. I believe, and many would agree, that the way we learn to deal with life’s big issues can significantly affect health in all manner of ways.

So Paradise kids is a creative and compassionate vehicle for children to talk about, share and acknowledge how they feel about the loss and grief they have incurred whether through death in a family, divorce etc … Click here to donate to and Support Paradise Kids

Navigating the Cancer Maze Voice America Grace GawlerThis interview is highly recommended as the subject is often avoided.

Navigating the Cancer Maze The most important issue we can address – death; the great adventure

January 18, 2013

Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze we are going to talk about one of the most if not THE most difficult issues for discussion for cancer patients, families and friends of cancer patients. This an episode to bookmark for if and ever you are faced with helping someone with an end of life experience. Talking about palliative care, grief, loss and death is often seen as an unpalatable subject for cancer patients who want to be pro active with searching for the “cure”. But the reality is not everyone makes it through the journey of cancer and one thing is certain; we all must die at some time. What can be done to prepare? How can dealing with death free up energy for living? Rev Dr Ian Mavor and his wife Deirdre Hanna have chosen one of the most challenging vocations. Hospice, palliative care and helping people through loss and grief is their daily menu. Together they founded the Hopewell Centre and Paradise kids on Australia’s Gold Coast.    


Rev. Dr Ian  Mavor

Rev. Dr Ian Mavor, OAM, FACE A Uniting Church Minister, much of Ian’s professional life has been in specialist roles. Co-Founder Rev Dr Ian Mavorand Executive Director Ian serves as Executive Director of Hopewell Hospice Services Inc which includes Hopewell Hospice, Paradise Kids, the Living Well Centre and the Hopewell College of Transformative Education. He is a member of the Health Community Council-Gold Coast Health District and a member of the State Council of Palliative Care Queensland. In 2002, Ian was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) “For service to the community through a range of church, social welfare, education and health groups”.


Deirdre  Hanna

Deirdre Hanna is founding President and Executive Director of Children’s Services (Paradise Kids) and Spiritual Care. Deirdre’s Deirdre Hanna Paradise kidsbackground includes Bachelor of Theology (B.Th), Certificate in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Counselling; Doctoral Student, University of Creation Spirituality; Multi-Disciplinary Certificate in Hospice Care, St Christopher’s London; Certificate in Mindfulness Meditation, Massachusetts Medical School Mind-Body Stress Reduction Clinic; Certificate in Spiritual Retreat Leading and Direction. Diploma of Nutrition and Dietetics; Diploma in Swedish Massage. Zonta Gold Coaster of the Year, (1994) Winston Churchill Memorial Fellow 1995 (Spiritual Care for Cancer Patients), The City of Gold Coast Women at Work wonderful 20th Century Gold Coast Women Award, Gold Coast Bulletin Community Service Medal, 2007; Member of the Churchill Fellows Association; Princeton Global Network.

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Cancer survival story – Zheng Cao medical miracle Grace Gawler

Cancer survival – the Power of Story; the story of Zheng Cao’s recovery and control of her cancer. Treated for 24 metastatic brain tumours by cyberknife; she remains a testament to the effectiveness of modern medicine.

Today I sat in my room at Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic, misty rain, autumn leaves, red squirrels playing in the tree branches – an idyllic place for cancer patients to begin a cancerrecovery experience.

Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic
Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic

For some it will be the beginning of a long journey and for most who come here; hope is offered where there was none. The Hallwang Clinic accesses  some of the best medical brains in Europe if not the world.  Here in Germany large numbers of patients are treated due to population density therefore medical therapies have the opportunity to be extensively trialled  – even the more important, rare cancers diagnosed in Australia are to be found here in far greater numbers – hence greater experience and therefore improved success in treatment outcomes. Now to the USA….

I shared this moving story of Opera Singer Zheng Cao with a client who came today for counselling. Diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage 4 – although the tumour was removed surgically – in Australia she was given a 6 month prognosis with no hope for wellbeing or life extension. In shock she withdrew from life. A small recurrence has been detected here in Germany. Today this patient became alive again through the Power of Story; the story of Zheng Cao’s recovery and control of her cancer. Treated for 24 metastatic brain tumours by cyberknife; Zheng Cao remains a testament to the effectiveness of modern medicine. My patient is also about to undergo the amazing cyberknife treatment here in Germany…seeing this video dispeled her fear and helped restore her passion to live again and to heal. I am sure that you too will be inspired.
Select the link below to see how modern medicine and love saved a life! Enjoy!

More about this story at…

More information about my work with cancer patients at:

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