Dr Carl O Helvie lung cancer survivor interviews Grace Gawler on the Holistic Health show

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Carl Helvie for the USA based Holistic health Show. Dr. Carl was a relatively young man when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had six months to live. Instead, he made a decision to fight back with something other than the traditional conventional medicine he was offered.

Introducing Dr Carl O Helvie: Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Carl Helvie for the USA based Holistic Health Show. Dr. Carl was a relatively young man when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had six months to live. Instead, he made a decision to fight back with something other than the traditional conventional medicine he was offered. Amongst the millions of diagnosed cancer patients, his type of total, long term remission is a rare event. When a histologically proven cancer goes into remission we must always be open to asking ‘Why’? Also in Dr Carl’s favor is that he is a well qualified, well credentialed and highly intelligent man who has dedicated his life to helping others diagnosed with cancer. Just occasionally someone comes along like Dr Carl who has managed to recover from cancer without conventional medicine. Remember the story of Deborah Franke Ogg whose stage 4 nodular lymphoma went in to remission.  (hear my interview with Deborah at Voice America

Watch the clip from the movie about her life and remission; ” Leap of Faith”  later retitled A question of Faith”. 

Dr Carl O Helvie at 80 years young - one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.
Dr Carl O Helvie at 80 years young – one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.

Dr Carl Helvie also has an extraordinary story. A registered nurse with two masters and a doctorate in public health and wellness, Dr. Carl Helvie has decades of experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He is the recipient of numerous awards with listings in Who’s Who In American Nursing, Men of Achievement, American Men and Women of Science, just to name a few. He has eight published books as well as being a contributor to others, and has published or presented internationally over 100 papers and articles. He retired from academia in 2000 and in 2002, taught at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt, Germany and served as a nursing consultant to Russia.

He developed and published a nursing theory now used worldwide and has established a nursing center that provides primary care for homeless and low-income individuals and families.
While 89% of Americans over age 65 have some form of chronic illness and by age 75 can expect to have three chronic illnesses and be taking five prescribed medications daily – Dr Carl’s prescription; today, this healthy 80-year-old man takes no prescribed medications and is one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.

Select the URL below to listen to Dr Carl as he asks me in depth questions about my life and why and how I teach survival skills for those with life challenging illness or conditions: 


Also listen to Navigating the cancer Maze. Today’s show is  Cancer Recovery-Crucial Choices: How to Navigate Critical Crossroads in the Cancer Maze

To read more about Dr Carl O Helvie  and his work  visit:  http://www.beatlungcancer.net/bio/

A Cancer Patient who Chose the Best of Complementary and Conventional Medicine Grace Gawler

Two weeks into our Hallwang Clinic trip; the Grace Gawler Institute’s “Patients without Borders Medi-Tour”, we have witnessed a delightful and significant event. I have no awkwardness in terming this patient’s experience as a small miracle thanks to smart conventional and targeted complementary medicine.

German Cancer Treatments
German Cancer Treatments Black Forest Germany

Two weeks into our German Clinic experience and we have witnessed a delightful and significant event. I have no awkwardness in terming this patient’s experience as a small miracle thanks to smart conventional and targeted complementary medicine. For the patient it is a large miracle and far more than he expected! The patient (we will call him Vernon to protect his identity) attended out last Medi -tour in March April 2013; he decided to come back for more treatment this June-July. Although his results were very good, when he returned home to Australia in April – friends and family saw that the lump had changed, but it was still very evident. They thought his life was still going to be taken by this tumour. At times his pain levels had been 10 out of 10. Everyone was hopeful – however he knew that as long as the lump remained – he would have to use a lot of energy to convince people that he could recover. However – even though they may have doubted the possibility of a recovery; it was thanks to the generosity of his friends and family that he was given another opportunity to return to Germany.

Vernon was putting a lot of energy into trying to recover with plans to return to Germany for more treatment when he was immobilised and near death due to a clostridium infection that could have killed him. He believes it came from organically raised eggs he had bought at a local market or it could have been from yoghurt made with raw milk. Not wise with a compromised immune system. He made a protein eggnog in his blender; soon after, he collapsed . Within hours he was fighting for his life on life support……Seeing his obvious large tumour, when vaguely conscious; they asked him if it was his time to die – to literally pull the plug. He was not expected to survive. Vernon chose and demanded life!!

Although weak – he recovered enough to join us in Germany. Vernon has worked hard for his recovery. Around the time this first image on the left was taken – with no hope and horrendous pain he thought he life was over.

Tumour destruction - Patient Hallwang Clinic Germany
Tumour destruction – Patient Hallwang Clinic Germany

He was deemed palliative earlier this year when his large and invasive head and neck tumour, squamous cell carcinoma, was treated with high dose radiotherapy; high dose because he wasn’t expected to survive. The tumour continued to grow and pain reduction was of short duration. Now that he has outlasted his prognosis, and his tumour is fast disappearing, he faces the uphill battle of recovering from radiation damage that extended his life and temporarily reduced his pain-but came at a cost.

 The innovative treatments liquefied the solid tumour which was then removed by syringe after 10 days.  Since this photo was taken, more dead  liquefied dead tumour has been removed. The Patient has given me permission to use his images and his name – however I have chosen to protect his identity as he needs to stay focused on his recovery and regain energy.

There are many difficult issues that arise whilst navigating the German Cancer Treatment Maze. The journey is not to be taken lightly and there are many aspects to be considered regarding suitability for treatment etc

If you have any inquiries about treatment options in Germany please contact me via the contact page on this blog.




German Cancer Treatments – The Grace Gawler Institute alliance with breakthrough cancer medicine

www.germancancertreatments.com   Join Survive Thrive Club between now and June 30 and receive a free eBook version of my Memoirs – Grace, Grit & Gratitude visit www.gracegawlerinstitute.com

Announcing an Australian “first” – Fully supported group tours from Australia to Germany with the Grace Gawler Institute ….an alliance with breakthrough cancer medicine. Read below to see why…

There is nothing like a first-hand experience to impress. During March-April this year the Grace Gawler Institute was sponsored to visit Germany. The majority of our time was spent at the clinic of Dr Ursula Jacob which is nestled in the hills surrounding the Black Forest; a stunningly picturesque part of Southern Germany. Not only was the clinic the closest to a Centre of Excellence on every level; but Dr Jacob’s medical associates to whom she outsources her patients when required, were all masters in their fields of medicine. They welcomed us with open arms, generously sharing their knowldge and expertise. We were allowed to be a part of some procedures and were able to film at university hospitals, hyperthermia units, PET scan facilities as well as spending time with some medical pioneers in cancer medicine. The clinic or Klinik as it is known in German, serves as a model for personalised intergated oncology – using the best of breakthrough conventional in combination with time & efficacy proven complementary medicine.

Some constant feedback from Australian patients who have attended Dr Jacob’s Clinic on my recommendation has been the delight of meeting people from all over Europe who once had a poor prognosis, then after being treated by Dr Jacob and her team; they continue to return to the clinic for check ups and monitoring. Many have followed Dr Jacob from clinic to clinic for many years; embracing fully her brand of personalised cancer medicine. This also addresses the rumours that Germany is the quick fix – the magic bullet. For many a trip to Dr Jacob buys time, for some a partial or full  remission which then needs to be sustained; by ongoing medical and complementary care at home. We are appreciative that many patients at the clinic so generously wanted to share their stories. In the video segment ( below), Denny from the USA tells of her persistence and determination in combination with the Jacob clinic expertise and clinical mangement.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx8Q2mq5WCU?rel=0&w=480&h=360]

The Europeans are lucky – even the Saudis and Americans don’t have the affliction that we Australians do – the tyranny of distance! For us Southern  hemisphere folk it is different….being ill with cancer and travelling alone first time to a foreign country is daunting! Even travelling with a partner can be daunting; we have heard horrendous stories from patients who were hospitalised in Singapore, patients who were too ill to travel who had to have surgery not long after arriving in Germany and there have been patients who arrived home in Australia, and could not access the care they required post Germany.  In the majority of cases this has happened due to poor planning and desperation to find ‘the cure’-they went to Germany unprepared psychologically and without a strategy/followup plan for their return. These patients did not find us in the beginning, eventually find their way to us for help and advice. There are some patients who can self manage and self refer – but in my experience these are in the minority. Having had experimental surgery myself  that necessitated me going to the Netherlands in 2002-2003 and Singapore in 2009; I know first hand what is involved in travelling to a foreign country for medical help. I also know that the Dutch doctors said that due to distance and the possibility of failure; they had to be sure I was psychlogically stable before accepting me for experimental bionic surgery. I was 99% sure my surgery would work, although I was a world “first” for the procedure – but I had to reserve 1% for the possibility of failure and plan for that!

We believe that by organising  patients with adequate medical records, collaboration with treating doctors here in Australia and in Germany, plus the best of integrated oncology in combination with support during the trip, counselling, stress reduction, visualisation and various other psycho-oncology assistance methods while staying at the clinic, that patients will positively impact their outcomes. But – it doesn’t end there….patients will be escorted back to Australia and be a part of ongoing followup and support via webinar, skype, and workshops /retreats. We are with you for the long haul! If you are interested in what is on offer in Germany – then please contact us.

Email :     grace@germancancertreatments.com                              See other videos from Dr Jacob’s clinic at www.germancancertreatments.com

Our next Survive and Thrive one day workshopAn introduction to German Cancer Treatments – Exploring the Possibilities will held on the Gold Coast  Queensland Sunday 10  June 2012.

If you are dealing with prostate cancer – please visit http://www.prostatemates.com

More about German Cancer Treatments and the amazing medical experts we met during our trip to Germany in my next blog…Until then..

Keep walking in the field of all possibilities,


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