David Tuccaro Leukemia Survivor talks about ‘Bad to the Bone’ his memoir by Marala Scott on Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler

Navigating the Cancer Maze, Grace Gawler interviews David Tuccaro Jr about his Survival story and book ‘Bad to the Bone | The True Story of David Tuccaro Jr’. The book is authored by Award-winning Author and Oprah’s Ambassador of Hope, Marala Scott. The story is about David’s recovery from ALL, a childhood leukemia. The book is aptly named; leukemia being an illness that begins in bone marrow. As an adult with a leukemia that is predominantly seen in children; at 25 years of age, David’s prognosis was very poor.

If you want to be inspired by a well written, poignant survival story about recovery from Leukemia…
Then this is the book to buy!

In fact…….. if you only buy 1 book this year – then this is the one!  David Tuccaro Jr’s story is powerful and well told. ‘Bad to the Bone-’ The True Story of David Tuccaro Jr is a book about his David Tuccaro Jnr Bad to the Bonerecovery from ALL – a childhood leukemia is aptly named; leukemia being an illness that begins in bone marrow. As an adult with a leukemia that is predominantly seen in children; at 25 years of age, David’s prognosis was very poor.

On today’s Navigating the Cancer Maze, I had the pleasure of interviewing David about his memoirs and about Award-winning Author, Oprah’s Ambassador of Hope, Marala Scott, who transcribed his story of Leukemia diagnosis through to his remission. This episode is full of inspiring tips and tools for anyone who is navigating their own cancer maze. You can also download the show or listen on audio streaming at:


At just 25 years old, approximately seven years ago,  David Tuccaro Jr, a Mikisew Cree First Nation man from Fort McMurray Canada, was diagnosed with leukemia. He was facing a death sentence. His story is poignant, raw in its honesty and an inspiration to those who are navigating the leukemia maze.

Navigating the Cancer Maze serves as a reliable source of information for cancer patients and families. Every guest on the show has a well researched and authentic story to offer to the community. Such is David Tuccaro Jr’s story; a tumultuous journey of self-discovery through pain, hopelessness and the feeling of inadequacy to inspire others to overcome adversity.

After finding his purpose, he is living out his passion of teaching others to save lives by registering to become a bone marrow donor.
David says:“When I was going through what I’d gone through with the leukemia, I had my doctors telling me one thing, what to expect, and my family and friends telling me what to expect, but I didn’t have a survivor telling me what to expect; that’s what the book is really about, to answer some of these questions. There needs to be somebody that has gone through this to give you the hope that you really need to get through it.”

David Tuccaro Jr is a powerful advocate bringing awareness to the life-saving impact that a bone marrow donor unselfishly provides. David is alive after years of hospital procedures thanks to his spirit, medical science, support and the altruism of one man who donated his bone marrow. Four years after the lifesaving transplant David met his bone marrow donor, Christian Holtmann from Germany. He says: “I’ll never forget the first meeting I had with Christian; it was the greatest moment of my life.” David Tuccaro Jr hopes his and Christian’s story will inspire others to donate bone marrow. “That is what saved my life”, David said.

To buy the Book or you are interested in becoming a Bone Marrow Donor – please visit: www.DavidTuccaro.com

The book is available in Hard Cover or eBook – Kindle Kobo etc. BUY ON AMAZON

PUBLISHER: www.seraphbooks.com 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Marala Scott is an Award-winning Author and Oprah’s Ambassador of Hope, (In Our House: Perception vs. Reality and Surrounded By Inspiration). Marala Scott takes you inside the horrific battle of a young man with Leukemia and shares the unique perspective of his bone marrow donor. The Story of David Tuccaro Jr. will give you strength and inspiration never before felt! For more information on Marala Scott visit www.maralascott.com.

“What he describes is that journey we are all seeking; it is that transformation to a better life.”
–Dr. Gary Ruelas D.O., Ph.D.

“This should be a television show done by a conscientious film maker— This story is nothing less than an epic.”
–Peter C. Newman, Legendary Journalist and Author

Voice America Grace Gawler


Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories – Ovarian Cancer Help Part 3

Last week on Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America Health and Wellness Channel, I mentioned a immune treatment that is being acclaimed as a value add therapy for many cancer patients – in particular, those dealing with ovarian Cancer…

 Last week on Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America Health and Wellness Channel, I mentioned a immune treatment that is being acclaimed as a value add therapy for many cancer patients – in particular, those dealing with ovarian Cancer…

The links and information follows:DENVAXTM – DENDRITIC CELL THERAPY – Customized Cell-based Cancer Immunotherapy INSTITUTE OF CELLULAR THERAPIES ( source )

ovarian cancer
Ovarian Cancer – Dendritic cell vaccine shows promise

Ovarian cancer: A 58 yr old lady was diagnosed of cancer ovary in June 2004. Her CA 125 antigen marker was positive and in the range of 10,000 units. She was operated upon and given six cycles of chemotherapy. She recovered from her disease and her marker was also within normal range.  After one year, the CA 125 began rising and she presented to us with an increased titre of 400 units. There were signs of recurrence, and she opted for DC (DENVAX) therapy in June 2005. She has completed three years of receiving DENVAX. She is free of disease, proven both clinically and by radiological examinations. Her CA 125 marker is also stable for the last three years.



Another treatment greatly assisting Ovarian cancer patients is used by Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic in Germany. Removab – a trifunctional antibody has been used at the Clinic for many years Click Here for information

Last week I also discussed
a new book by controversial American Cancer Physician Dr David Agus. His latest book A Short Guide to a Long Life by David B. Agus, MD, is published by Simon & Schuster ($24.99) and available on Amazon.

In his #1 New York Times bestselling book, The End of Illness, Dr. David B. Agus shared what he has learned from his work as a pioneering cancer doctor and researcher, revealing the innovative steps he takes to prolong the lives of not only cancer patients but all those hoping to enjoy a vigorous, lengthy life.

Now Dr. Agus has turned his analysis into a practical and concise illus­trated handbook for everyday living. He believes optimal health begins with our daily habits.

In A Short Guide to a Long Life, David Agus espouses the idea that prolonged good health starts with lots of smallish changes today. Much of the advice – don’t skip breakfast; avoid sunburn – will be familiar. He notes that Hippocrates made many of the same observations – “Walking is man’s best friend”; “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – in the 4th century BC. Yet the truth is that few of us have so far incorporated them into our lives.

Some of Agus’s rules are cute: for instance, “Smile – the act itself will trigger the release of pain-killing, brain-happy endorphins and serotonin.” Others seem quirky – he’s adamantly against high heels: they cause inflammation, which can raise your lifetime risk of heart attack, strokes and cancer, he says.
A few of his dictums will give pause for uncomfortable thought. Rule 56 says to avoid airport backscatter X-ray scanners. Until science can prove they’re safe, Agus says, “I’ll be requesting the manual pat-down massage when I go through airports. You should, too.”
He debunks fads: rule 60 is “No Juicing”. “Does the body really like consuming 10 carrots all at once? Or a pound of radishes? I think not.” Or how about “Eat real food”. That means avoiding anything in a packet. It doesn’t matter if it announces itself to be good for you somehow by being, say, “cholesterol free” or “antioxidant rich”. “If they have to tell you why you should be eating it, you shouldn’t be eating it.”
In the book, Agus’s voice is calm and reassuring. In person, it’s more urgent. At one point he asks me if I’ve had a flu shot this year. I haven’t. “You should get it now,” he says. “If you get the flu, in a decade from now your chance of cancer or heart disease is elevated … So go and get that flu shot if you want to play with those grandkids. It’s a sore arm.”
Like most cancer doctors he sees the advanced disease; what can’t be reversed.   He wants to instil a new way of thinking about cancer. It’s not something that visits us from outside, he says. We don’t “get” cancer. Rather, we need to stop our bodies from “cancering”. Cancer is a verb, not a noun.
Some rules for living longer – A Short Guide to a Long Life by David B. Agus, MD

Caffeine, especially from traditional sources, may have protective, anti-cancer properties. But moderation is key.
Smiling triggers the release of pain-killing, brain-happy endorphins and serotonin.
Uncomfortable shoes cause inflammation that can have an impact on your entire system … Inflammation has been linked to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmune diseases and diabetes.
– Track your movement during the day with an accelerometer, and develop a daily personal activity target. Being sedentary is about as bad for you as smoking.
Cleanliness counts. Wash your hands regularly, especially after exposure to germy things such as bathrooms.
To reap the benefits of exercise, including all those biochemical reactions that lower your risk of illness, aim to break a sweat and get your heart pumping fast for a minimum of 15 minutes a day.
Moderate alcohol intake, especially from red wine, can reduce one’s risk of heart disease. This benefit does have a caveat: drinking can potentially increase one’s risk for breast cancer, and drinking too much is far worse for your heart than being a teetotaller. Agus has a glass of red a day.
Cold-water fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, anchovies, herring, halibut, cod, black cod, mackerel and mahi-mahi are excellent sources of high-quality protein, healthy fats and naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.
A daily low-dose aspirin (75mg) has been shown to reduce the risk of developing common malignant cancers in the lungs, colon and prostate by 46 per cent. So if you’re basking in the glory of middle age, this is something to discuss with your doctor. It’s the cheapest fountain of youth around and requires no prescription.  Read the article about Dr David Agus in the Australian Good Weekend Magazine

 Voice America Grace Gawler


Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler: Part 2 Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories

This week in part one of my Radio Show Navigating the Cancer Maze On Voice America, we are exploring some good news research. This is an information–packed episode with resources to treatments and research aimed at cancer patients being informed of the latest treatments.Today I share some interesting cancer research – not anecdotes – but solid science that is leading the way with realistic hope for cancer patients. Some treatments are already in Clinical practice. I also shed some good news on Chemotherapy and news ways of delivering it to cancer.

This week in part one of my Radio Show Navigating the Cancer Maze On Voice America, we are exploring some good news research. This is an information–packed episode with resources to treatments and research aimed at cancer patients being informed of the latest treatments.
Last week on the show I interviewed ethicist Dr Julie Crews where we discussed lack of science, poor research, lask of evidence and the problems with anecdotal Stories. If you missed the interview you can download it. Click here

DNA repair
DNA repair

Today I share some interesting cancer research – not anecdotes – but solid science that is leading the way with realistic hope for cancer patients. Some treatments are already in Clinical practice. I also shed some good news on Chemotherapy and news ways of delivering it to cancer.  Click here to listen now

Now to some snapshots and resources from the show:
Researchers and clinicians have focused on ways to minimize side effects without compromising ‘kill capacity’ of drugs. Another focus has been to find different ways to deliver chemotherapy making it effective and less toxic.

 German interventional radiologist Professor Thomas Vogl, has published more than 100 papers. Author & co author of many medical textbooks, he uses a wide variety of innovative cancer treatments including TACE & TACP. Via the femoral artery, he finds his way through networks of blood vessels with fine catheters to delivers a payload of chemotherapy directly into tumours or body cavities where difficult to treat tumours exist. The side effects are minimal to none. Having personally watched dozens of procedures; the Professor is a master of his craft. He is one of the few, successfully treating Mesothelioma (asbestosis), significantly extending lives. http://www.germancancertreatments.com/drs-treatments/

A Recent Australian discovery in medicine EDV technology had a heart-warming beginning. Having made a solemn promise to a dying colleague, two scientists devoted their lives to finding a new way to treat cancer and in the past decade have made a lot of progress. The website is must see for all Australians in particular. The new technology is explained. I suggest you navigate the menus and in particular view the videos to get an understanding of this amazing and ingenious technology. www.engeneic.com

Dr Himanshu Brahmbhatt and Dr Jennifer MacDiarmid
Dr Himanshu Brahmbhatt and Dr Jennifer MacDiarmid

The couple responsible for EDV technology Dr Himanshu Brahmbhatt and Dr Jennifer MacDiarmid were featured on ABC Australian story some time ago. Also a must watch for anyone interested in targeted cancer treatment:

*From a funding viewpoint – this Group – EnGeneIC is worthwhile of your philanthropic input*.

Chemotherapy often gets bad press. Some tolerate it better than others. Have you ever wondered why some patients who have chemotherapy and never change their diet or lifestyle or taken supplements – get through cancer and have long remissions – sometimes for their entire life time? Having worked with cancer patients for 40 years, I have seen thousands of them!
A group of Italian researchers recently published a paper that may shed some light on why people respond differently to chemotherapy – is it dependent upon the robustness of their immune system? They are also suggesting that we should not throw the baby out with the bath water in terms of chemotherapy use. They say it is now becoming evident that standard chemotherapy agents can deeply have an impact on both tumour and host immune system.

Conventional anticancer chemotherapy has been historically thought to act through direct killing of tumour cells. This concept stems from the fact that cytotoxic drugs interfere with DNA synthesis and replication. However we now know that Chemotherapeutic agents stimulate both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. The ensemble of results discussed in their research paper contributes to pave the way towards mechanism-based, rather than empirical, rationales for combination of specific chemotherapeutic agents with selective immunotherapeutic interventions, opening novel horizons for more effective management of cancer patients.

Data obtained in both animal models and humans suggest that immunotherapy should immediately follow chemotherapy (1–2 days interval) to achieve the best synergism between the two treatments!
Immune-based mechanisms of cytotoxic chemotherapy: implications for the design of novel and rationale-based combined treatments against cancer is published in:
Cell Death and Differentiation (2014) 21, 15–25; doi:10.1038/cdd.2013.67; published online 21 June 2013    http://www.nature.com/cdd/journal/v21/n1/abs/cdd201367a.html

This blog will be continued later today with part 3 & 4 with more information about new treatments for ovarian cancer,  dendritic cell vaccination and brain tumours plus…. some Prevention and risk reduction suggestions from a new book published by an oncology physician…… Informed weekend reading for all who are interested in How to Navigate the Cancer Maze. Until then…

Enjoy the weekend!

Dr Julie Crews| Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories on Navigating the Cancer Maze Radio

The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Diagnosis cancer! It may be you or your husband or wife or father or mother. It may be your children or friends. People who are near and dear to you. When it comes to a diagnosis of cancer, the stakes are particularly high. So – the question is straightforward really – Do we want to be told lies or truth?

This year marks my 40 years working with cancer patients.The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Diagnosis cancer! It may be you or your husband or wife or father or mother. It may be your children or friends. People who are near and dear to you.  When it comes to a diagnosis of cancer, the stakes are particularly high. So – the question is straightforward really – Do we want to be told lies or truth?

If asked about buying a product in a store – do we accept being lied to about its efficacy? No – most of us would be angry, depending on the cost of the product we might feel so cheated , we make a complaint to the Australian Consumer watchdog, the ACCC  for making claims that are untrue….that is the product did not live up to its claims as advertised and the expectations of the purchaser.

Well the equivalent is happening right under our noses with  society’s most highly vulnerable group of people – cancer patients!

Dr Julie Crews PhD
Dr Julie Crews PhD- Searching for truth in cancer healing stories.

As the groundswell of would-be cancer entrepreneurs & patient experts claiming “I cured myself Naturally from Cancer”  gains the momentum of  a tsunami, one Western Australian woman, DR JULIE CREWS, a doctor of Business Ethics, is questioning why so many people have jumped on the ‘cure-all bandwagon’ to earn their living and why it has been allowed to go unchecked and under the radar for so long.

On today’s Voice America Radio show “Navigating the Cancer Maze, Dr Julie Crews takes an investigative look through the magnifying glass to examine new trends in cancer entrepreneurship where patients who are either still in recovery themselves or who claim they have beaten the odds without medical evidence, are influencing the treatment choices of millions of other cancer patients around the globe. Another group of patients influencing choices are those who have had adequate medical treatment for their cancer, but then champion their ‘cure’ to the use of dietary regimens, alternative medicine, meditation and other healing forms.

Authentic hope is a powerful ally, but false hope as a recent article published in the West Australian suggests, provides More Hype than Hope by CATHY O’LEARY, MEDICAL EDITOR  February 22, 2014 Dr Crews contributed to that media piece. Select the following link to read article.

THE FOLLOWING IS SUMMARY OF DR CREWS TIPS as hear on Voice America’s Navigating the Cancer Maze today.

What Questions should the Cancer consumer be asking and why? What action can you take.

1. The first question is for consumers to carefully look at what the person is saying and promoting – look at the language the person is using and the claims they are making – a big one is they put down their cancer as a lesson….the fact is cancer does not discriminate. It affects good people who live healthy lives – It can affect anyone.

2. What is the background of the person(s) offering the cure-all?? Qualifications? Institutions?

3. If a person is claiming to have cured their cancer naturally, ask to see their medical records from diagnosis to recovery – remission. Ask to see medical verification. After all “Exceptional Claims require exceptional evidence” said Carl Sagan. Anecdotes and stories should not too be mistaken for truth.

4. If I follow this person’s advice – will they have any responsibility regrading my outcome? As happens in the medical profession or other qualified professional health fields- Will their insurance cover me in case of failure? (Not likely)!

3. If they are promoting products which cost money, are they receiving a ‘kickback’ or indeed do they have shares in the company?

4. What do they do when people ask questions and it challenges things they may promote? The more they have invested in the promotion the more they have to lose and will fight very hard to discredit anyone who may disagree with them.

5. Check out what they do if someone posts something that doesn’t maintain the image they are promoting!

6. Email them and ask questions and see what responses you get.

7. If they do speak of ‘medical’ doctors, they may use terms like ‘intuitive practitioner’ ‘integrative practitioner’ – the thing is, you only get THEIR version of their disease – it could be wrong…… and often is.
More soon on this important topic…..

Please listen in to this interview or download for later at Voice America:

Other Blogs of interest in the news about this topic: In particular a young woman who calls herself the wellness warrior. The following is some intelligent debate on this topic. Jessica Ainscough went public about her quest to cure her cancer. See the Australian: Title “Holding out for a Miracle ” Richard Gulliatt.




Early Diagnosis| a Significant Step to Winning the Cancer Challenge|Grace Gawler

I was very impressed during my recent visit to Singapore when briefed about a new campaign for early diagnosis as a part of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign is not only restricted to Singapore. Please get on board -The message is global! The campaign is called Make Love the Reason. Make your pledge now…visit the site on Facebook: https://apps.facebook.com/fortis_fbapp/
Working at the other end of cancer, where disease is often massive and the patient is battle weary from prolonged treatments; early diagnosis and risk reducing factors are very attractive indeed!! So why do so many people leave their most important asset – SELF, on the back burner?

On our way back from a Cancer Patients without Borders  Medi-Tour trip to Germany about a week ago; we had our usual stopover in Singapore, where it was a delight to revisit Fortis Surgical Hospital (formerly Fortis Colorectal Hospital).

 Not only was I able to have my electrodes reprogrammed for my sacral neuro-modulating device; I was also able to catch up with some of the latest research and surgical techniques used at Fortis Surgical hospital, Singapore 

If you missed listening to Dr Francis Seow Choen’s interview with me on Voice America recently – Please take this opportunity to tune in or download the show for free at Voice America: Navigating the Cancer Maze.

Fortis surgical hospitalI was very impressed during my visit when briefed about the new campaign for early diagnosis as a part of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign is not only restricted to Singapore. Please get on board -The message is global! The campaign is called  Make Love the Reason. Make your pledge now…visit the site on Facebook:   https://apps.facebook.com/fortis_fbapp/

Working at the other end of cancer, where disease is often massive and the patient is battle weary from prolonged treatments; early diagnosis and risk reducing factors are very attractive indeed!!

So why do so many people leave their most important asset – SELF, on the back burner?

There is a lot in life that we cannot control – but self value and self care is something we can have control over. We need to seriously look at the factors that can prevent us from seeking self care and a better life. Is it fear, embarrassment, being too busy to make time for that appointment to check out a health problem or to just have a general check up? Is it that the alternative medicine/lifestyle path looks attractive to you. You may not know what you have – no diagnosis; but whatever it is, the latest fad diet is worth trying! The latter in my recent experience is one key reason in today’s world why people delay diagnosis. By using self referred lifestyle medicine to get well; often a one size fits all approach – not personalized, the promise of  good health is assured. 

For example, a patient came to me who had noticed blood on the loo paper for about 5 years. Without seeing a doctor – she embarked upon a regimen of everything from meditation to positive thinking, diets and juice fasts. The blood stains continued – and rather than seek professional advice( a diagnosis), she ignored the symptoms and began intensifying all she was doing, believing she just had to get her body clear and clean and that nature would heal her of her undiagnosed problem. She was a young mum of two. She is now dead due to advanced colo-rectal cancer that by the time she was diagnosed; had metastasized to her liver and lungs.

Healthcare and self-care can seem all too hard in today’s world. The new generation of young health entrepreneurs are regurgitating and extrapolating the health myths that began 40 years ago! They didn’t work then – they don’t work now. They Fortis  surgical hospitalcertainly don’t work for treating cancer naturally as the patient above experienced. Unfortunately, she is one of many. If anyone told me 30 years ago I would specialize in Alt Med Rescue – I would have laughed at them!

Copious juices, enemas, veganism, raw food, supplements, no sugar, no carbs, alkalizing diets – “no food diets” , will not only empty your stomach – but also your pockets. So don’t be fooled by fad diets. Well-being is a state of mind, an attitude of self care. It is being sensible, balanced and enjoying a middle of the road approach to living. It is about taking necessary steps to improve health and longevity and… attending to.…… not ignoring symptoms!

After 40 years in my cancer work and nearly 30 years as a Naturopath/Herbalist I have seen more stress & depression created by unnecessary change in the pursuit of of health and happiness. People get so stressed trying to de-stress! So – after all my years in the Health field what have I learned? Self care is important – it is about taking time for self, family, friends – good social networks and good relationships. Do one thing just for you each day & importantly, take your time doing it. Slow down give yourself the time you deserve.

Importantly – Make time for that medical check-up you have been putting off – Make Love the Reason!!

Related resource of interest:       http://www.beyondveg.com/billings-t/ideal-real/idealism-realism-1a.shtml

Viruses and Cancer| Professor Ian Frazer Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler | Voice America

The subject of viruses and their role in causing or accelerating cancer is a fascinating subject. It is a topic that is often discussed in Germany where specific tests and antisense treatments are implemented to treat oncoviruses. (An oncovirus is a virus that can cause cancer.) If you missed my interview with Prof Ian Frazer last September, this special episode was encored today on Voice America on Grace Gawler’s weekly show; Navigating the Cancer Maze. To link a virus to cancer in the 1980’s was contentious, but Ian Frazer persevered, convinced this needed further investigation. Now his successful research and development of a cervical cancer vaccine has sold worldwide under the brand names Gardasil and Cervarix.

The subject of viruses and their role in causing or accelerating cancer is a fascinating subject. It is a topic that is often discussed in Germany where specific tests and antisense treatments are implemented to treat oncoviruses. (An oncovirus is a virus that can cause cancer.) If you missed my interview with Prof Ian Frazer last September, this special episode was encored today on Navigating the Cancer Maze. To link a virus to cancer in the 1980’s was contentious, but Ian Frazer persevered, convinced this needed further investigation.

Prof Ian Frazer
The Book that tells of story of one of the most important discoveries in recent medical science

Now his successful research and development of a cervical cancer vaccine has sold worldwide under the brand names Gardasil and Cervarix.  To Listen to the interview select the link to Voice America below:

Professor Ian Frazer was born in 1953 in Glasgow, Scotland, into an academic family. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University and trained as a renal physician and clinical immunologist. He received a BSc(Med) in 1974 and an MB ChB in 1977.

In 1974, as part of his studies, Frazer spent three months at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne. In 1981 Frazer returned to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute where he continued his clinical training and undertook studies in viral immunology and autoimmunity and became particularly interested in human papilloma viruses (HPV).

In 1985 he took up a teaching position with the University of Queensland. When he moved to Brisbane he decided to continue his work with HPV, in particular HPV and cervical cancer. He was awarded a MD from the University of Melbourne in 1988. The work of Frazer with his colleague, the late molecular virologist Dr Jian Zhou, has led to the development of a vaccine which prevents infection with HPV and cervical cancer.
Prof Ian Frazer is currently CEO and Director of Research at the Translational Research Institute (TRI). Select link below to listen to interview with prof Ian Frazer:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rnemwyjMKs]

The theory that cancer could be caused by a virus began with the experiments of Oluf Bang and Vilhelm Ellerman in 1908 who first show that avian erythroblastosis (a form of chicken leukemia) could be transmitted by cell-free extracts. This was subsequently confirmed for solid tumors in chickens in 1910-1911 by Peyton Rous.

By the early 1950s it was known that viruses could remove and incorporate genes and genetic material in cells. It was suggested that these new genes inserted into cells could make the cell cancerous. Many of these viral oncogenes have been discovered and identified to cause cancer.

The main viruses associated with human cancers are human papillomavirus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human T-lymphotropic virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus(KSHV) and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Experimental and epidemiological data imply a causative role for viruses and they appear to be the second most important risk factor for cancer development in humans, exceeded only by tobacco usage.
To continue visit source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oncovirus