Gawler Foundation – Grace Gawler’s New Gold Coast Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions

Great news for cancer patients and caregivers – Grace is back after a long absence from her not for profit Foundation work – now with her own health promotion charity – Integrated Cancer Solutions – located at Hope Island, Gold Coast Queensland.  A generous donor who recognised Grace’s contribution to her previous organisation, the Gawler Foundation; has gifted funds so that once again, Grace Gawler’s services can be accessed by cancer patients and care-givers.

With services including support groups, consultations, residential programs (small numbers of participants for individualised help); the Trust and Centre will soon make its mark on the map. Grace is keen to share the following story because it gives credence to the necessity at times to help patients find their solutions outside of Australia. The new Trust already has strong professional liaisons with local and national integrative doctors as well as integrated oncology clinics around the globe – in particular, Germany.

Grace Says: “For 13 years I had to deal with my own life threatening situation – a result of unexpected complications evident after a routine surgical procedure in 1997.  Continue reading “Gawler Foundation – Grace Gawler’s New Gold Coast Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions”

Gawler Foundation – Grace Gawler's New Gold Coast Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions

Great news for cancer patients and caregivers – Grace is back after a long absence from her not for profit Foundation work – now with her own health promotion charity – Integrated Cancer Solutions – located at Hope Island, Gold Coast Queensland.  A generous donor who recognised Grace’s contribution to her previous organisation, the Gawler Foundation; has gifted funds so that once again, Grace Gawler’s services can be accessed by cancer patients and care-givers.

With services including support groups, consultations, residential programs (small numbers of participants for individualised help); the Trust and Centre will soon make its mark on the map. Grace is keen to share the following story because it gives credence to the necessity at times to help patients find their solutions outside of Australia. The new Trust already has strong professional liaisons with local and national integrative doctors as well as integrated oncology clinics around the globe – in particular, Germany.

Grace Says: “For 13 years I had to deal with my own life threatening situation – a result of unexpected complications evident after a routine surgical procedure in 1997.  Continue reading “Gawler Foundation – Grace Gawler's New Gold Coast Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions”

Cancer and Diet – Eat More for Health

By pip Cornall – This diet advice is taken straight from the NCI website (National Cancer Institute – USA).  I’ve bolded some of the main points.

Diet and Diseases


Serious diseases that are linked to what we eat kill an estimated three out of four Americans each year. These diseases include heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, some types of cancer, and diabetes. Eating a diet that contains 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a healthy, active lifestyle lowers the risk for all of these diseases.

Most Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables to keep them healthy. Despite the fact that they are important for maintaining overall good health and preventing diseases, eating fruits and vegetables is not even on many people’s radar screens.

Taking multivitamins doesn’t solve the problem–it is impossible to capture all of the vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting phytochemicals, and fiber found in fruits and vegetables, in a pill. Only fruits and vegetables, not vitamin pills, can provide all of these health-protecting nutrients together.

WHO IS AT RISK? Continue reading “Cancer and Diet – Eat More for Health”

Your beauty products may be killing you – watch this video

By Pip Cornall

I came across this new video which explains a probable reason so many young people are getting cancer and other toxicity related illnesses

In the quest to raise cancer prevention awareness – Please pass it around –


The Grace Gawler Story – by Pip Cornall

What happened to Grace Gawler?

I run this story again because after years of high profile pioneering work with cancer patients at the Gawler Foundation in the 80’s and 90’s, Grace Gawler was invisiblised when her marriage ended.

Many ex-cancer patients whom she helped and guided for years no longer knew how to contact her.

This is a remarkable story about a great woman –  please pass it around – Pip Cornall

Early Years:
Grace’s name is recognised worldwide in connection with therapeutic supportive care approaches for people who are dealing with cancer or other life threatening illness. She won the respect of many when just 21; she stepped into the support- care role for her boyfriend who was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma – a highly malignant bone cancer that 30 years ago had little hope of cure; especially when secondary cancer appeared. He would later become Australia’s most recognised cancer survivor.

They had been working in a veterinary clinic together in the country town of Bacchus Marsh in Victoria when he was diagnosed in 1974 In 1975 he had a full leg amputation and both their lives were changed forever. Secondary cancer appeared eleven months later. Despite an intensive dietary approach (Gerson) and intensive meditation – his condition deteriorated. Continue reading “The Grace Gawler Story – by Pip Cornall”

Integrated Cancer Solutions – Cente for Excellence in Cancer Recovery

Integrated Cancer Solutions

New Hope – New Solutions for Australian Cancer Patients

By Pip Cornall – Director of ICS

Our new home is appropriately located on Hope Island in Qld and continues the pioneering work of Grace Gawler, inspirer and co-founder of the famous Gawler Foundation in Victoria. Grace left the foundation in 1996 when certain issues could not be resolved and has since continued her valuable work from private premises. The new centre will enable her to outreach and assist more cancer patients and their families.

Grace describes her work in the following extract –  “I describe myself as a forensic Naturopath/Herbalist with a special interest in supportive care medicine for cancer patients. Continue reading “Integrated Cancer Solutions – Cente for Excellence in Cancer Recovery”

Integrated Cancer Solutions?

What is Integrated Cancer Solutions? by Pip Cornall

NB: Before you go any further be sure to read 11 month old Baxter’s amazing story (see below)

What is Integrated Cancer Solutions?
The  supportive care cancer medicine pioneering life work of Grace Gawler inspires the new institute at Hope Island, Qld.

What I find remarkable is Grace’s ability as a real team player/co-ordinator as she constantly liaises between patient, GPs, oncologists, pathology, family, care givers and anyone else involved in the successful outcome of her patients. Continue reading “Integrated Cancer Solutions?”

Idealistic Diets for Cancer Healing – Who can you believe?

By Pip Cornall

Would you take advice from an ‘expert’ who had not succeeded in his/her field?

Yet, crazy as it seems, driven by a sense of urgency and fear, in recent years, cancer patients are doing just that. They’re flocking to buy the latest books and DVDs from ‘dubious’ entrepreneurs in the cancer healing industry—and a huge industry it is with cancer affecting one in three—predicted to be one in two within a decade.

Naively, I thought people in the healing industry would be scrupulously honest but I was wrong. I’ve found that lies, hidden motives and agendas exist right across the healing spectrum. On top of that there is misreporting, urban myths and premature conclusions drawn from scant evidence. Continue reading “Idealistic Diets for Cancer Healing – Who can you believe?”