By Pip Cornall. This article follows part one on the topic.
Introduction – The following article attempts to provide links showing supporting evidence for this important case. Following the links will take some time but if you wish to know the errors and omissions in the Ian Gawler cancer healing story then you’ll find the evidence compelling… view post
Although Ian Gawler’s remarkable recovery has received 100′s of major media coverages in the last three decades, Grace Gawler, as his full time care giver/healer has been largely refused opportunities to tell her account of the story in the media. This has again happened in the past week with the ABC in Australia.
Surprisingly and ironically, it has been the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) who have provided the opportunity!
Letters like the following are frequently received by Grace (extract) – Kevin writes…. “Grace – about the vegan diet. I had a friend just die with stage 4 lung cancer . I walked with him for two years….then after funeral his wife rang for a coffee and told me that he never faced his death…believed that all the diet and naturopathic stuff would heal him…denied it right up to the end and left the family pretty angry..but when people claim that this ( the diet or pills form naturopath) was the sole cure or the soul cause I miss a breath or two… ” Continue reading “Grace Gawler’s concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler’s Cancer Remission Story- part 2”