Conquering Cancer – Survivor’s Secrets Grace Gawler

Conquering Cancer – Survivor’s Secrets – A Companion Guide by Grace Gawler…
Happy New Year! It seems rather auspicious to have released an eBook about Survival on January 8 because on this day in January  2003, I was undergoing Surgery in Rotterdam – a world first experimental bionic surgery that gave me back my life after failed ileostomies and colostomies! That’s a long story to tell but suffice to say, after 20 surgical procedures over 13 years and many near death situations – I greet every day as a precious chance to live life with a passion! If ever I had taken a leap of Faith in my life – then this was it! Ironically January 8 was also the day that my ex husband Ian had surgery to remove his leg which was affected by bone cancer. That incident initiated my long association with cancer and survival.

Conquering Cancer Survivor's Secrets

So –  I have just produced and released an eBook for cancer patients that focuses on dealing with the illness by rediscovering and utilising their authentic self; in other words accessing what they already know and using those strategies to create a health restoration plan.
There is no focus on diet, supplements or lifestyle, because in my experience, when patients learn to live from their authentic self, they tend to make the right decisions for themselves.

Rather than focusing on what you can ingest to cure cancer – this approach invites you to explore your illness creatively, spinning gold from straw and living for however long you can authentically and with purpose and meaning. With 35 years experience in the field of cancer strategies, I have assisted more than 13,000 patients. I believe cancer-help should be accessible and affordable for all, so have extended my strategies and results into an eBook format.
This eBook will take a unique place in the often confusing, sometimes dangerous and busy world of ‘cancer cures’.
From the ‘One-minute Cure for all Cancers’ now virally sweeping the internet; to the meditation and vegan diet cures cancer approaches, parasite theories and everything in-between, ‘Conquering Cancer -Survivors Secrets’ brings a refreshingly practical approach.

This eBook is distilled from 35 years of qualified experience as an herbalist, natural therapist, cancer support and supportive care consultant for more than 13,000 patients. My life experience as 24/7 caregiver for a critically ill cancer patients as well as becoming a patient with my own set of life challenging crises for a 13 year period; has provided me with invaluable insights into the mechanisms of healing and recovery.
Above all, my patients have been my greatest teachers. I have listened to their plights and observed them chasing their healing like mice in a wheel – influenced by the next Guru or latest ‘cancer cure flavour of the month’. Then one day they stop running, and from ‘human-doings’ they transformed into ‘human-beings’ wondering why they took the path of getting stressed while trying to de-stress!
This eBook, ‘Conquering Cancer’ provides a map and a compass to assist you on the road less travelled… giving you tools to create your restoration program, step by step in an easeful manner.
Order eBook now at:

See SBS Documentary-‘Don’t Grow Old’ watch this relevant and excellent documentary online…

Conquering Cancer – Survivor's Secrets – Grace Gawler eBooks

This book not only inspires – it provides tools & thought provoking concepts for taking the journey of cancer

Grace Gawler – “I believe that modern medicine provides one side of the ‘healing coin’. We as patients, provide the other side. By accessing our innate skills we can powerfully contribute to our recovery.
The subject of this eBook is how you can learn to value-add to your recovery. For over 35 years I have investigated key elements that enable cancer patients to survive & thrive or prolong their life way beyond expectation. One theme that holds true for thousands of survivors and thrivers was their ability to use the experience of cancer to transform their lives in order to survive and thrive! In other words, losing your life in order to find your life!
eBook format means that cancer patients anywhere in the world can now benefit from my experience for little more than the cost of two coffees!
You will refer to this eBook again and again – it is always there as your support and guide.”

Purchase Now $9.99

Conquering Cancer Survivor's Secrets

Conquering Cancer – Survivor’s Secrets – Grace Gawler eBooks

This book not only inspires – it provides tools & thought provoking concepts for taking the journey of cancer

Grace Gawler – “I believe that modern medicine provides one side of the ‘healing coin’. We as patients, provide the other side. By accessing our innate skills we can powerfully contribute to our recovery.
The subject of this eBook is how you can learn to value-add to your recovery. For over 35 years I have investigated key elements that enable cancer patients to survive & thrive or prolong their life way beyond expectation. One theme that holds true for thousands of survivors and thrivers was their ability to use the experience of cancer to transform their lives in order to survive and thrive! In other words, losing your life in order to find your life!
eBook format means that cancer patients anywhere in the world can now benefit from my experience for little more than the cost of two coffees!
You will refer to this eBook again and again – it is always there as your support and guide.”

Purchase Now $9.99

Conquering Cancer Survivor's Secrets

Integrated Cancer Medicine requires Integrated Participants – part 2

By Pip Cornall

Grace Gawler, a vegetarian from age five, went on to work in a veterinary clinic while still at junior high school.  Thus the vegetarian interested in health and natural treatments became grounded in science, pathology, bio-chemistry, anatomy and so on. She had a desire for all things natural including an interest in natural cures for cancer in animals. Over the years, when appropriate, she experimented with natural medicine as a complement to conventional veterinary treatments. Eventually she concluded that both systems of medicine need to be utilized for the best outcome. Thus was born her integrative approach.

It followed that Grace’s cancer work, which began when her boyfriend, Ian Gawler, lost his leg to bone cancer, was a blend of both forms of medicine – conventional and alternative. Now with 35 years of cancer experience behind her, Grace describes her work as integrated cancer support medicine and is known for this stance within the medical community.

But not every cancer practitioner practices integrative medicine – there is still too much ‘either/or’ medicine. So what is needed to end the polarization between the cancer healing medicines? This is a topic we’ll be tackling in our new Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated cancer Solutions. Continue reading “Integrated Cancer Medicine requires Integrated Participants – part 2”

Grace Gawler says ‘The Truth Shall Set Cancer Patients Free’ -at the Gawler Foundation

By Pip Cornall – Grace and Ian Gawler worked as a close knit team for three years to achieve his famous remission from bone cancer in 1978. This was remarkable in those days.

BUT –  from the moment the first incorrect telling of their story appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) followed by an article in the Adelaide Advertiser – THINGS went from bad to worse. The MJA article gave it credibility.

The victims were the myriads of cancer patients who tried to emulate the incorrect version – namely that meditation and vegan diet cured his bone cancer after all other conventional treatments failed. Grace was deeply concerned that the story she was intimately involved in had been so misreported.

Over the decades the volumes of cancer patients following the ‘myth’ grew because of massive media coverage.  Grace tried to set the record straight but the media refused to tell her story.

NOW – 32 years later The Australian, the nations primary newspaper, has run her corrected account of their cancer healing story – albeit as papers do – somewhat sensationalized – portrayed as a fight between wives.

Nevertheless – Grace is elatedthe truth is finally told – it is not personal – it is a moral neccessity to tell the correct story. Because the story was incorrect from the outset oncologists and practitioners like Grace have to pick up the pieces when emaciated, immune compromised patients limp in to our practices after extreme diets and long meditations have failed – the time spent in ‘experimenting with such ‘alternative’ treatments is critical because all the  while the cancer spreads –  click here to read the article.

Chapters of Grace’s self published book – Grace Grit and Gratitude are available in past posts on this site – they detail what actually happened

For more information see – press media kit

Grace Gawler says 'The Truth Shall Set Cancer Patients Free' -at the Gawler Foundation

By Pip Cornall – Grace and Ian Gawler worked as a close knit team for three years to achieve his famous remission from bone cancer in 1978. This was remarkable in those days.

BUT –  from the moment the first incorrect telling of their story appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) followed by an article in the Adelaide Advertiser – THINGS went from bad to worse. The MJA article gave it credibility.

The victims were the myriads of cancer patients who tried to emulate the incorrect version – namely that meditation and vegan diet cured his bone cancer after all other conventional treatments failed. Grace was deeply concerned that the story she was intimately involved in had been so misreported.

Over the decades the volumes of cancer patients following the ‘myth’ grew because of massive media coverage.  Grace tried to set the record straight but the media refused to tell her story.

NOW – 32 years later The Australian, the nations primary newspaper, has run her corrected account of their cancer healing story – albeit as papers do – somewhat sensationalized – portrayed as a fight between wives.

Nevertheless – Grace is elatedthe truth is finally told – it is not personal – it is a moral neccessity to tell the correct story. Because the story was incorrect from the outset oncologists and practitioners like Grace have to pick up the pieces when emaciated, immune compromised patients limp in to our practices after extreme diets and long meditations have failed – the time spent in ‘experimenting with such ‘alternative’ treatments is critical because all the  while the cancer spreads –  click here to read the article.

Chapters of Grace’s self published book – Grace Grit and Gratitude are available in past posts on this site – they detail what actually happened

For more information see – press media kit

Grace Gawler’s concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler’s Cancer Remission Story- part 2

By Pip Cornall. This article follows part one on the topic.

Introduction – The following article attempts to provide links showing supporting evidence for this important case. Following the links will take some time but if you wish to know the errors and omissions in the Ian Gawler cancer healing story then you’ll find the evidence compelling… view post

Although Ian Gawler’s remarkable recovery has received 100′s  of major media coverages in the last three decades, Grace Gawler,  as his full time care giver/healer has been largely refused opportunities to tell her account of the story in the media. This has again happened in the past week with the ABC in Australia.

Surprisingly and ironically, it has been the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) who have provided the opportunity!

Letters like the following are frequently received by Grace (extract)  – Kevin writes…. “Grace – about the vegan diet. I had a friend just die with stage 4 lung cancer . I walked with him for two years….then after funeral his wife rang for a coffee and told me that he never faced his death…believed that all the diet and naturopathic stuff would heal him…denied it right up to the end and left the family pretty angry..but when people claim that this ( the diet or pills form naturopath) was the sole cure or the soul cause I miss a breath or two… ” Continue reading “Grace Gawler’s concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler’s Cancer Remission Story- part 2”

Grace Gawler’s concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler’s Cancer Remission Story- part 1

By Pip Cornall – The following article povides elaborate links of supporting evidence for this important case. Following the links will take some time but if you wish to know the errors and omissions in the Ian Gawler cancer healing story then you’ll find the evidence compelling… view post

Although Ian Gawler’s remarkable recovery has received 100’s  of major media coverages in the last three decades, Grace Gawler,  as his full time care giver/healer has been largely refused opportunities to tell her account of the story in the media. This has again happened in the past week with the ABC in Australia.

Surprisingly and ironically, it has been the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) who have provided the opportunity!

Now, in a rigorously fact checked letter published recently in the MJA) – Sept 20 2010,  Grace has shown, with photo evidence, Ian Gawler’s healing story to be factually incorrect. Click Here

Grace explains how this myth has persisted for 3 decades  in her web page for the media – see Press Media Kit Continue reading “Grace Gawler’s concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler’s Cancer Remission Story- part 1”

Grace Gawler's concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler's Cancer Remission Story- part 1

By Pip Cornall – The following article povides elaborate links of supporting evidence for this important case. Following the links will take some time but if you wish to know the errors and omissions in the Ian Gawler cancer healing story then you’ll find the evidence compelling… view post

Although Ian Gawler’s remarkable recovery has received 100’s  of major media coverages in the last three decades, Grace Gawler,  as his full time care giver/healer has been largely refused opportunities to tell her account of the story in the media. This has again happened in the past week with the ABC in Australia.

Surprisingly and ironically, it has been the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) who have provided the opportunity!

Now, in a rigorously fact checked letter published recently in the MJA) – Sept 20 2010,  Grace has shown, with photo evidence, Ian Gawler’s healing story to be factually incorrect. Click Here

Grace explains how this myth has persisted for 3 decades  in her web page for the media – see Press Media Kit Continue reading “Grace Gawler's concern about misreporting of Ian Gawler's Cancer Remission Story- part 1”

Gawler Foundation – Ainslie Meares – Grace Gawler reveals the true story in Grace, Grit and Gratitude – part 4

By Pip Cornall –  extracts from Grace Gawler’s memoirs – Grace, Grit and Gratitude – self published 2008 – are available on my blog

Grace wrote the book to ‘To Tell the True Story’ that the media would not publish – free downloads available on Google Books

Ainslie Meares 1978 Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) article gave medical authority  to the inference that mediation cured Ian Gawler’s bone cancer after conventional treatments failed. Grace Gawler’s 2010 MJA article proves he and another  2008 MJA article inverted timelines – to make it appear meditation and a vegan diet cured his cancer.  Grace shows, with photo evidence they both got it wrong! Click here
