From the Conversation|Let’s treat the social causes of illness rather than just disease

The ‘Conversation’ today 1 October 2013 – re blogged by Grace Gawler: Let’s treat the social causes of illness rather than just disease. Fiona Stanley is the director of this year’s Melbourne Festival of Ideas: The Art and Science of Wellbeing, which opens today and continues until October 6, 2013. She is a Perinatal and pediatric epidemiologist; founding director and patron of the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research and a distinguished professorial fellow at University of Western Australia.

Authored by Fiona Stanley and Published in the ‘Conversation’ today 1 October 2013 – re blogged by Grace Gawler.

Fiona Stanley
Fiona Stanley

Fiona Stanley is the director of this year’s Melbourne Festival of Ideas: The Art and Science of Wellbeing, which opens today and continues until October 6, 2013.

Perinatal and pediatric epidemiologist; founding director and patron of the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research; distinguished professorial fellow at University of Western Australia

Let’s treat the social causes of illness rather than just disease

By Fiona Stanley, University of Western Australia

Fiona Stanley is the director of this year’s Melbourne Festival of Ideas: The Art and Science of Wellbeing, which opens today and continues until October 6, 2013.

Here she explains the ethos behind the Festival’s program.

Diseases are complex and their causes myriad. A relatively new field of research known as the “social determinants of health” shows that merely treating illness is not the best approach to what ails us, we need a comprehensive overhaul of what we are doing and to address underlying social mechanisms that harm well-being.

My medical training in the 1970s focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases – it rarely addressed the question of why people got them.

But as a young doctor working in child health, particularly with Aboriginal children, it became obvious to me that prevention of disease was by far the best way to practice medicine; it’s more humane and definitely more cost-effective.

In 1972, I left Australia to study epidemiology and public health in the United Kingdom and then the United States, where these disciplines were well advanced. I learnt of the limitations of modern medicine, that prevention was the key to health and that many diseases commenced in social adversity.

The most exciting thing for me was that it was also the beginning of the push for disease registers, large population data sets and data linkage – all skills I brought back to Australia. Continue reading “From the Conversation|Let’s treat the social causes of illness rather than just disease”

Grace Gawler Institute and German Cancer Treatments Prostate Cancer News

Recent research at the Grace Gawler Institute – enabled by QR National and Dr Jacob Clinic Germany has allowed us to create for the first time, a unique cross section of options and information regarding prostate cancer prevention and management including groundbreaking diagnostic and treatment methods.

Prostate Mates the Grace Gawler Institute and German cancer treatmentsThis year the Grace Gawler Institute has focused on innovative solutions for Australian men diagnosed with prostate cancer as well as studying strategies for taking preventive action.
Did you know there are 20,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Australia each year….there are 12,000 new cases of breast cancer! There is an imperative for greater awareness, information.
During May this year we took our unique Prostate Mates program on the road to the mining town of Mt Isa. Now it will soon be launched on the Gold Coast. We have essentialised treatments and approaches of excellence based on our research in Australia, Asia and Germany.  If you know someone who has prostate cancer and lives in northern NSW or Qld – then please let them know about our seminar:

Boost your Prostate Cancer Recovery – 10 powerful steps
Innovative Prostate Mates Program featuring expert information you won’t find elsewhere!

Sunday 24th June – 2012 – Pre-booking essential

Time: 10am – 3pm includes lunch

Cost: $40 (program subsidised by QR National)

Venue: Paradise Point – North Gold Coast (map emailed on receipt of registration)

Enquiries:  – Call the Grace Gawler Institute on 07 5577 2997

Recent research at the Grace Gawler Institute – enabled by QR National and Dr Jacob Clinic Germany has allowed us to create for the first time, a unique cross section of options and information regarding prostate cancer prevention and management including groundbreaking diagnostic and treatment methods.

Program explores:

  • Early detection & breakthrough diagnostics
  • Nutrition – diet & supplements
  • Treatment Options – including breakthrough therapies
  • Value of clear communication – Let’s talk about it
  • Exercise as a therapy
  • Relationship issues and prostate cancer
  • Taking charge of your recovery
  • Dealing with advanced prostate cancer – side effects
  • Life quality when considering treatments
  • What is on offer at German and Dutch clinics

All you need to know to make wise choices about Prostate cancer. Take away a PRO-State action plan to discuss with your doctor.

Please visit  to register & pay to attend this seminar or for more information.

By forwarding this email to friends you can assist in our Australian campaign for prostate health awareness and education for men. for all hosting for all your hosting needs

The Grace Gawler Story – by Pip Cornall

What happened to Grace Gawler?

I run this story again because after years of high profile pioneering work with cancer patients at the Gawler Foundation in the 80’s and 90’s, Grace Gawler was invisiblised when her marriage ended.

Many ex-cancer patients whom she helped and guided for years no longer knew how to contact her.

This is a remarkable story about a great woman –  please pass it around – Pip Cornall

Early Years:
Grace’s name is recognised worldwide in connection with therapeutic supportive care approaches for people who are dealing with cancer or other life threatening illness. She won the respect of many when just 21; she stepped into the support- care role for her boyfriend who was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma – a highly malignant bone cancer that 30 years ago had little hope of cure; especially when secondary cancer appeared. He would later become Australia’s most recognised cancer survivor.

They had been working in a veterinary clinic together in the country town of Bacchus Marsh in Victoria when he was diagnosed in 1974 In 1975 he had a full leg amputation and both their lives were changed forever. Secondary cancer appeared eleven months later. Despite an intensive dietary approach (Gerson) and intensive meditation – his condition deteriorated. Continue reading “The Grace Gawler Story – by Pip Cornall”

Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler's book Women of Silence

Reviews for Grace’s book Women of Silence

Author Pat Pilkington MBE UK
Published – The British Holistic Medical Association Journal ‘Holistic Health.’ No 79

Since Grace Gawler wrote the first edition of Women of Silence in 1994, the field of psycho-neuro-immunolgy has developed and expanded, bringing new clarity to the powerful interaction of body, mind, emotion and spirit. Thirty years ago when her husband developed terminal bone cancer, Grace committed every fibre of her being to finding ways of healing the disease. Together they journeyed to the edge of life, working their way through 31 different therapeutic approaches, until little by little the life force was switched on again and healing began. Transformed by this experience, they founded Australia’s first Cancer Support Group, working over the years with more than 10,000 people with cancer. Continue reading “Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler's book Women of Silence”

Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler’s book Women of Silence

Reviews for Grace’s book Women of Silence

Author Pat Pilkington MBE UK
Published – The British Holistic Medical Association Journal ‘Holistic Health.’ No 79

Since Grace Gawler wrote the first edition of Women of Silence in 1994, the field of psycho-neuro-immunolgy has developed and expanded, bringing new clarity to the powerful interaction of body, mind, emotion and spirit. Thirty years ago when her husband developed terminal bone cancer, Grace committed every fibre of her being to finding ways of healing the disease. Together they journeyed to the edge of life, working their way through 31 different therapeutic approaches, until little by little the life force was switched on again and healing began. Transformed by this experience, they founded Australia’s first Cancer Support Group, working over the years with more than 10,000 people with cancer. Continue reading “Pat Pilkington MBE UK on Grace Gawler’s book Women of Silence”

Emotional Recovery in Breast Cancer – With Grace & Power –

Excellent video featuring women talking about their breast cancer recovery journey and the role played by Grace Gawler in their success.

This video is based on Grace Gawler’s best seller Women of Silence – Reconnecting with the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer – The film presents the emotional issues surrounding breast cancer with interviews with women who have gone through the experience and it highlights the wisdom they have applied during their recovery process. A psychologist gives her perspective of the importance of effectively dealing with emotional healing and Grace gives her insights gathered during a career spanning 30 years and more than 12,000 patients. Grace’s book further provides a series of thoughtful, practical insights to everyday living with breast cancer.

A highly inspiring watch for anyone who is dealing with breast cancer including partners/carers/families. For more information visit Women of Silence will soon be available as a downloadable E-book for overseas buyers. A Helping Hand – a 30 page handbook for all people dealing with cancer is also available as an E-book.

Special thanks to Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell/Paradise Kids- Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, Beverley Bird, Merran Brown – psychologist and the Griffith University film school students for their passion and creativity with this production. More info at


Emotional Recovery in Breast Cancer – With Grace & Power –

Excellent video featuring women talking about their breast cancer recovery journey and the role played by Grace Gawler in their success.

This video is based on Grace Gawler’s best seller Women of Silence – Reconnecting with the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer – The film presents the emotional issues surrounding breast cancer with interviews with women who have gone through the experience and it highlights the wisdom they have applied during their recovery process. A psychologist gives her perspective of the importance of effectively dealing with emotional healing and Grace gives her insights gathered during a career spanning 30 years and more than 12,000 patients. Grace’s book further provides a series of thoughtful, practical insights to everyday living with breast cancer.

A highly inspiring watch for anyone who is dealing with breast cancer including partners/carers/families. For more information visit Women of Silence will soon be available as a downloadable E-book for overseas buyers. A Helping Hand – a 30 page handbook for all people dealing with cancer is also available as an E-book.

Special thanks to Deirdre Hanna from Hopewell/Paradise Kids- Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, Beverley Bird, Merran Brown – psychologist and the Griffith University film school students for their passion and creativity with this production. More info at


Surviving Adversity – Grace Gawler with Denise Drysdale

When she was just 21, Grace Gawler had a promising future. The former Geelong-born veterinary nurse had plans to study veterinary medicine when she received a lucrative modelling offer, enough to pay her university fees. Concurrently, her boyfriend, Ian Gawler, lost his leg to bone cancer. Grace was at a vital choice point; pursue glamorous, well-paid modelling work, while studying to become a vet, or support her boyfriend. The latter meant foregoing her personal and financial independence—and… lifelong dreams of becoming a vet. She chose to support Ian. Their proactive cancer journey and Ian’s eventual and unexpected recovery brought about by a combination of mainstream and complementary therapies; became a famous and a part of Australian medical history.

After a marathon effort helping Ian and thousands of cancer patients Grace’s life was turned upside down by a routine surgery gone wrong. She battled for her life over 13 years and found her solutions in Holland – becoming the world’s first bionically operated colon.

Grace talks about what she has learned and how that can help patients in the battle for their lives


Grace Gawler's article in Wiley Interscience

Abstract – – reprints available from Grace

A Conversation with Grace Gawler (nee Adamson)

Grace’s skills as a workshop leader span 35 years. She has presented workshops and lectures on supportive care for cancer patients and their families all over the world. Australian by birth, Grace’s experience as a carer of her partner diagnosed with bone cancer in 1974 was the inspiration for her work. 1976 saw her partner with extensive secondary cancer and given a two-week prognosis. Following his remission in 1978, she trained and qualified as a health professional specialising in natural therapies, counselling, supportive care and many other modalities.
She co-founded Australia’s first Cancer Support Group movement in the early eighties. Grace has now worked with more than 13,000 people as they have searched for life meaning, quality of life, and to use their illness as a positive turning point in their lives.
Grace’s work imparts the wisdom of life and professional experience thus helping people to live well with cancer. Her work with women with breast cancer resulted in the best selling book Women of Silence: The Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer (1994).
After dealing with separation and divorce in 1997, Grace began her own experience with an acquired, and at times life threatening, condition which resulted from routine surgery. Having experienced this life altering condition, which included ileostomies and colostomies, Grace teaches from a base of deep personal experience in how to effectively harness H.O.P.E -finding hope, seeking options, being practical and being empowered. She has four children between the ages of nineteen and twenty-four and has recently been happily re-united with her former PE teacher of 37 years ago.
Ruth Benor, a member of the editorial board, recorded this conversation in January 2003. Copyright © 2003 Whurr Publishers Ltd.

Full conversation available at …

Grace Gawler’s article in Wiley Interscience

Abstract – – reprints available from Grace

A Conversation with Grace Gawler (nee Adamson)

Grace’s skills as a workshop leader span 35 years. She has presented workshops and lectures on supportive care for cancer patients and their families all over the world. Australian by birth, Grace’s experience as a carer of her partner diagnosed with bone cancer in 1974 was the inspiration for her work. 1976 saw her partner with extensive secondary cancer and given a two-week prognosis. Following his remission in 1978, she trained and qualified as a health professional specialising in natural therapies, counselling, supportive care and many other modalities.
She co-founded Australia’s first Cancer Support Group movement in the early eighties. Grace has now worked with more than 13,000 people as they have searched for life meaning, quality of life, and to use their illness as a positive turning point in their lives.
Grace’s work imparts the wisdom of life and professional experience thus helping people to live well with cancer. Her work with women with breast cancer resulted in the best selling book Women of Silence: The Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer (1994).
After dealing with separation and divorce in 1997, Grace began her own experience with an acquired, and at times life threatening, condition which resulted from routine surgery. Having experienced this life altering condition, which included ileostomies and colostomies, Grace teaches from a base of deep personal experience in how to effectively harness H.O.P.E -finding hope, seeking options, being practical and being empowered. She has four children between the ages of nineteen and twenty-four and has recently been happily re-united with her former PE teacher of 37 years ago.
Ruth Benor, a member of the editorial board, recorded this conversation in January 2003. Copyright © 2003 Whurr Publishers Ltd.

Full conversation available at …