Ian Gawler Melbourne Age… Cancer experts challenge Gawler's 'cure' – Grace Gawler comments

December 31, 2011 – Chris Johnston senior writer and Julia Medew Health Editor have written a well considered article about Ian Gawler’s cancer ‘remission’ in today’s Age newspaper. Having been Ian’s 24-7 carer and then his wife who saw him through his entire illness, I can only agree with the findings of the two professors quoted in the Age story. Retrospective views in combination with current knowledge must lead to a view that considers scientific knowledge and clinical facts in the absence of hard data. It is important not become focused on an ideology & be open to accepting new evidence and critique…Carl Sagan quote: “Exceptional claims call for exceptional evidence.” is very appropriate. Professors Haines and Lowenthal have indeed presented exceptional evidence in this case.

Grace Gawler – First wife disputes….The Australian Oct 2008

The article is gaining media momentum around the country. For those of you who are regular subscribers to this blog; you are no doubt aware that the Medical Journal of Australia published a refute letter authored by me in 2010 as a response to an inaccurate review of Ian Gawler’s remission story titled “True Stories” MJA Dec 11 2008. The authors of the published manuscript, Dr Ruth Gawler and Professor George Jelinek had reported a previously incorrect clinical timeline, with incorrect dates  along with serious errors and omissions. The famous photograph of Ian’s chest wall  was incorrectly dated – I have the originals. After many attempts to open a dialogue, the authors failed to respond…there was a ‘cocoon of silence’!  Unfortunately, my refute letter was smoke-screened and deemed by media as “quarrels between ex wives” in The Australian newspaper (Oct 2008) while the Australian Doctor reported the published letter quoting the “Duelling Mrs Gawlers”. These were the only 2 follow up articles at the time. A surprise for a subject so important in the public interest and given Ian Gawler later admitted in the Australian Doctor that he knew Ainslie Meares had the timeline of his story wrong – an error of 19 months! Later on his personal blog – Ian Gawler cleverly worded that he had never followed a vegan diet. However, cancer patients in the public domain were never privy to the disclosures.

The real true story therefore did not get to the most important group of people; cancer patients who should know the facts before making informed decisions about what treatments to take on board. Fortunately, my letter alerted two prominent oncologists who took my refute letter seriously and followed their investigations through to today’s exclusive press release to the Melbourne Age which reads:

“AN EXPLOSIVE new medical report has cast doubt on whether Melbourne alternative therapies guru Dr Ian Gawler ever suffered the secondary cancer from which he has claimed for 30 years to have cured himself.

The online report in the Royal Australian College of Physicians’  Internal Medicine Journal says Dr  Gawler, Australia’s most famous cancer survivor and founder of the Gawler Foundation, had advanced tuberculosis rather than the secondary bone cancer he was told he had in the late 1970s….Read more by selecting the link to the Melbourne Age:

To read more about this intriguing story select the following link. http://gracegawler.com/Institute/?page_id=3454

My Memoirs – ‘Grace, Grit and Gratitude’ – was published (self published) October 1st 2008 after Curtain University’s Black Swan Publishing lost funding for the project. They had listed it for their Blockbuster Christmas release a couple of years prior. The book had been in process for about 8 years and unlike The Dragon’s Blessing, Ian Gawler’s Biography authored by Guy Allenby; Grace , Grit & Gratitude covers areas Allenby omitted and gives a open and frank discussion about the role that TB had likely played in Ian’ Gawler’s recovery. Anomalies and the atypical pathway of his metastases was always a question for me – I knew that his TB diagnosis had  something to do with this extraordinary remission  – but there was non one willing to entertain or discuss the issue. At last – entering 2012, there are some answers for this atypical medical case in which I was so intimately involved.  Grace, Grit and Gratitude is available in soft cover or as a downloadable eBook.

A book that inspires the best in us – whatever the circumstances.

Ian Gawler Melbourne Age… Cancer experts challenge Gawler’s ‘cure’ – Grace Gawler comments

December 31, 2011 – Chris Johnston senior writer and Julia Medew Health Editor have written a well considered article about Ian Gawler’s cancer ‘remission’ in today’s Age newspaper. Having been Ian’s 24-7 carer and then his wife who saw him through his entire illness, I can only agree with the findings of the two professors quoted in the Age story. Retrospective views in combination with current knowledge must lead to a view that considers scientific knowledge and clinical facts in the absence of hard data. It is important not become focused on an ideology & be open to accepting new evidence and critique…Carl Sagan quote: “Exceptional claims call for exceptional evidence.” is very appropriate. Professors Haines and Lowenthal have indeed presented exceptional evidence in this case.

Grace Gawler – First wife disputes….The Australian Oct 2008

The article is gaining media momentum around the country. For those of you who are regular subscribers to this blog; you are no doubt aware that the Medical Journal of Australia published a refute letter authored by me in 2010 as a response to an inaccurate review of Ian Gawler’s remission story titled “True Stories” MJA Dec 11 2008. The authors of the published manuscript, Dr Ruth Gawler and Professor George Jelinek had reported a previously incorrect clinical timeline, with incorrect dates  along with serious errors and omissions. The famous photograph of Ian’s chest wall  was incorrectly dated – I have the originals. After many attempts to open a dialogue, the authors failed to respond…there was a ‘cocoon of silence’!  Unfortunately, my refute letter was smoke-screened and deemed by media as “quarrels between ex wives” in The Australian newspaper (Oct 2008) while the Australian Doctor reported the published letter quoting the “Duelling Mrs Gawlers”. These were the only 2 follow up articles at the time. A surprise for a subject so important in the public interest and given Ian Gawler later admitted in the Australian Doctor that he knew Ainslie Meares had the timeline of his story wrong – an error of 19 months! Later on his personal blog – Ian Gawler cleverly worded that he had never followed a vegan diet. However, cancer patients in the public domain were never privy to the disclosures.

The real true story therefore did not get to the most important group of people; cancer patients who should know the facts before making informed decisions about what treatments to take on board. Fortunately, my letter alerted two prominent oncologists who took my refute letter seriously and followed their investigations through to today’s exclusive press release to the Melbourne Age which reads:

“AN EXPLOSIVE new medical report has cast doubt on whether Melbourne alternative therapies guru Dr Ian Gawler ever suffered the secondary cancer from which he has claimed for 30 years to have cured himself.

The online report in the Royal Australian College of Physicians’  Internal Medicine Journal says Dr  Gawler, Australia’s most famous cancer survivor and founder of the Gawler Foundation, had advanced tuberculosis rather than the secondary bone cancer he was told he had in the late 1970s….Read more by selecting the link to the Melbourne Age:

To read more about this intriguing story select the following link. http://gracegawler.com/Institute/?page_id=3454

My Memoirs – ‘Grace, Grit and Gratitude’ – was published (self published) October 1st 2008 after Curtain University’s Black Swan Publishing lost funding for the project. They had listed it for their Blockbuster Christmas release a couple of years prior. The book had been in process for about 8 years and unlike The Dragon’s Blessing, Ian Gawler’s Biography authored by Guy Allenby; Grace , Grit & Gratitude covers areas Allenby omitted and gives a open and frank discussion about the role that TB had likely played in Ian’ Gawler’s recovery. Anomalies and the atypical pathway of his metastases was always a question for me – I knew that his TB diagnosis had  something to do with this extraordinary remission  – but there was non one willing to entertain or discuss the issue. At last – entering 2012, there are some answers for this atypical medical case in which I was so intimately involved.  Grace, Grit and Gratitude is available in soft cover or as a downloadable eBook.

A book that inspires the best in us – whatever the circumstances.

Hyperthermia segment on Channel 7 Sunrise – Grace Gawler comments Part 3.

Miracle Cure? Sunrise Channel 7     Select link to watch video (Dec 19 2011)

Turning up the Heat on Cancer Cells:
Channel 7 Sunrise created a groundswell of interest around Australia this week with their telecast of a segment about hyperthermia in Germany.

Cancer cell dying in heat

In this third blog on this subject, I would like to discuss the importance of hyperthermia in a treatment program for cancer. Parmenides, a Greek physician and philosopher (540-480 B.C.), said “Give me a chance to create a fever and I will cure any disease.” In 2011 that sweeping statement can be qualified more accurately as to how much hyperthermia can help bring about a remission from cancer.

In the past 2 years many clients have arrived at our Institute with a poor prognosis – many having exclusively used alternative medicine for years despite the fact their cancer would have been treatable by local conventional medicine had they taken that path.  Some of these patients have been able to gain life quality and extend their lives up to 2 years after visiting German clinics who have offered among many therapies – hyperthermia.   A rare few in this group have worked hard for their remissions & their survival given tumour load has been remarkable. The Institute has supported many cancer patients in their quest for recovery and it is a great feeling to know that many of our clients who had dire prognoses, are spending another precious Christmas with family & friends. However I also remember each Christmas those brave souls who didn’t make it despite the best treatments here and overseas. Working with cancer is a sobering experience.

The moral of the cancer story is clear – find it early – treat it early & don’t waste time playing Russian Roulette with unproven internet & alt/med “cures”.

A considerable part of the Grace Gawler Institute’s work focuses on international referrals. Leading the field in Australia with this ’boutique’ service, the Institute provides cancer patients with an international case management service, ideal when treatment options for patients in Australia are limited or exhausted. At the patients request, we refer them to reputed hospitals, universities and specialists offering advanced treatments. These are mostly in Germany.

As the Founder of my Institute  and myself a survivor of a world “first” bionic implant procedure – The Netherlands 2003; I have respect for medical options that are not available in Australia. Had I not made my decsion to travel overseas for treatment – I would not be writing this blog! There are always risks in choices we make in life and when it comes to our health, survival or life quality – we need to be sure that we are making well considered choices based on evidence-based practises. Hyperthermia for one – has a multitude of time-proven research. Continue reading “Hyperthermia segment on Channel 7 Sunrise – Grace Gawler comments Part 3.”

Hyperthermia segment on Channel 7 Sunrise – Grace Gawler comments

Miracle Cure? Sunrise Channel 7     Select link to watch video (Dec 19 2011)

Yesterday’s Sunrise segment is a step towards further embracing medical hyperthermia here in Australia.

Having guided cancer patients for many decades to the best clinics in Germany when they run out of options here in Australia – I have a degree of knowledge about hyperthermia – in particular the Medical Oncotherm system. I specialise in International referrals for patients.

Travelling to Germany for Hyperthermia without knowledge or a case manager/guide and supportive oncologist is not recommended. It is essential because you will need followup when you return to Australia. I have seen and heard of many patients who have travelled to German clinics for treatments, having spectacular results with coordinated care including hyperthermia and chemotherapy and other treatments, only to return without the required support and advice and experience a relapse  & recurrence due to poor or no follow on treatments. Hyperthermia is a wonderful adjunct treatment with other therapies – in particular chemotherapies. Lower doses can be used due to the effect of heat on the cancer cells. There is ususally an immune support program associated with the treatment.

Oncotherm was founded in 1988 by Prof. Dr. András Szász, as a spin-off entrepreneurship based on research conducted at Eötvös Science University, located in Budapest. The electro-hyperthermia method was a completely new development in cancer treatment. Since its initial development, the medical and technical aspects of the method have been steadily improved, in accordance with the latest medical, scientific and technological findings. In the process, the method, now generally referred to as “Oncothermia”, has become one of the leading Hyperthermia-based therapies in Europe. At present, more than 100,000 Oncothermia treatments are provided worldwide every year, to patients with many different types of tumor disorders.

Understanding Hyperthermia & Oncothermia:

Oncothermia, a unique improvement on conventional oncological Hyperthermia, represents the next generation of Hyperthermia therapy. It selectively destroys malignant cells by applying the required specific energy dose. While traditional Hyperthermia functions solely via certain thermodynamic parameters, such as temperature, Oncothermia functions by controlling absorbed energy doses, via an approach similar to that used in radiation therapy. Oncothermia moves beyond conventional heat therapies by using controlled, selective energy transfer. Oncothermia transports energy directly to malignant cells, via a selecting electric field. The therapy thus functions in a largely apoptotic manner. The entire treatment is controlled by the modulated electric field that passes through the patient. In the process, the tumor becomes a constant, controllable parameter within a closed electric circuit. To be continued…….

Please contact Grace Gawler at institute@gracegawler.com for more information or for details about International case management & referrals or for more about hyperthermia in German clinics. www.gracegawler.com/institute

Grace Gawler – Grace Gawler Institute: How emotions can affect the healing and recovery process in cancer patients

Part 2. The Importance of Emotions in Healing and RecoveryPlease pass on this blog URL to anyone you know who is dealing with cancer
help can also be found at www.gracegawler.com/institute

It is challenging to find the words to discuss emotional material. Our feelings and emotions are so personal, internal. Emotions – be they positive or negative – up or down, have an influence on the brain and brain chemicals. Those chemicals, neuro-peptides, hormones, endorphins to name a few, can influence the body’s chemistry. Day to day more flippant emotions are natural – they come and they go. Where emotions begin to be significant in terms of our health, is in the areas of chronic stress and trauma especially long term or unrelenting trauma. Feelings and affects associated with traumatic events can alter chemistry in mind and body. Below I relate my own experience around this important issue as an example. When talking of emotions and illness it is important not to lean into self-blame or the “I caused my cancer” trip. This article is adapted from my previously published article in the British Holistic Medical Journal. For more on emotions see Reviews on the menu or purchase  Women of Silence the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer – book and eBook format. Continue reading “Grace Gawler – Grace Gawler Institute: How emotions can affect the healing and recovery process in cancer patients”

Grace Gawler Grace Gawler Institute – why alternative medicine is often not enough in cancer treatment.

Part one of Understanding Cancer:
A key function of the Grace Gawler Institute is education about cancer. Being a veteran – I have seen a lot during my 35 years of working with cancer patients. Most cancer patients I see in my practice have foregone conventional therapy for what appears to be the more logical solution of natural remedies. Some choose not to have surgery and go totally natural while others have their initial surgery and refuse further treatments or future diagnostic monitoring. Surely our bodies know what to do – the theory being that if we can just get our bodies nourished by a flood of good food, juices and doses of mega supplements – that it will fix the multitude of dietary and lifestyle sins we have committed in the immediate past and the damage passed on to us via genes and damaged DNA – add to that mix the environmental pollutants of the present. Believe me – it is not that simple!

I was raised believing that good food and a healthy lifestyle can prevent certain illnesses and I believe that is a possibility; however times have changed and so has the environment we live in. We are often exposed to hundreds – maybe even thousands of cancer causing substances as we innocently go about our daily lives – it is a cost of the conveniences that we love, the products we use and the 20th and 21st century lifestyles we’ve lived.

Unlike 35 years ago when I began working with cancer patients, many patients who contact me now seem to have had quite reasonable diets; they are disappointed because they had tried in earnest to cancer-proof their lives by becoming vegetarian, vegan, juicing daily, exercising at the gym going to yoga and practising meditation daily and positive thinking etc. They are surprised to learn that yogis, naturopaths, meditators & natural lifestyle folk can all succumb to cancer. There must be more to this cancer riddle than seems obvious. Continue reading “Grace Gawler Grace Gawler Institute – why alternative medicine is often not enough in cancer treatment.”