Groundbreaking Immunotherapy Navigating the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler

Discovering intelligent, honest, evidence-based ways to manage and treat cancer in the 21st Century – Although it appears that there is independence and self empowerment in choosing alternative medicine to treat cancer – many patients are playing Russian roulette with their lives using unproven and poorly researched treatments including lifestyle-based treatments that have a one size fits all approach.

Discovering intelligent, honest, evidence-based ways to manage and treat cancer in the 21st Century- This program was late in being uploaded to Voice America – If you missed it – Please listen by selecting the link

Why Science and Research is important as we look for ways of treating Cancer  There is a lot of confusion surrounding cancer cures in the world of alternative cancer medicine. The majority of my patients have used it exclusively and then when tumours have developed often to stage 4; they find their way to Germany looking for a less toxic approach than our standard systems of medicine can offer. At this stage many feel jaded, disappointed that the “natural way’ has let them down and sadly; many of those patients would have significantly extended their lives by being treated with conventional medicine. Instead they are now fighting to preserve their lives.

Although it appears that there is independence and self empowerment in choosing alternative medicine to treat cancer – many patients are playing Russian roulette with their lives using unproven and poorly researched  treatments including lifestyle-based treatments that have a one size fits all approach.

Patient with stage 4 head and neck cancer -2 years after alt med only.
Patient with stage 4 head and neck cancer -2 years after alt med only.

 I see many patients who mirror the famous; such as Steve Jobs and Athena Starwoman yet cancer patients keep on with treatments that cannot be substantiated. Many highly popular treatments cannot be backed up with research and many anecdotal cancer cure stories when examined don’t stack up with the claims. I have seen a lot in my almost 40 years of being involved with Cancer. Have I changed my views since co-creating the Gawler Foundation – Yes and no! Hope, inspiration, a health promoting lifestyle, faith and motivation are all important ingredients – but they need to be balanced with common sense, a discerning approach and smart conventional medicine.

While lifestyle changes assist with Wellbeing – the unwary cancer patient can be swayed into believing that this is connected with cancer cure. The theory sounds good but in practise falls short on delivery! This I know from very personal experience having been a part of a what is now a highly controversial and debatable “Cancer Cure” story. and IMJ HAINES AND LOWENTHAL

The more I know about cancer at the molecular level – especially since spending the last 2 years learning about CTCs (circulating tumour cells) and  CTSS (Circulating tumour cells with stem cell like qualities) and, add to that the nature and behaviour of cancer – and it’s growth promoting factors …. The path of lifestyle medicine is simplistic at best and outright dangerous at worst if one believes it holds the cure to all cancers. Lifestyle medicine may help with prevention – but even that is now debatable. I urge you to not discount the scientific breakthroughs that are helping cancer patients to more effectively Navigate the Cancer Maze.

If you missed listening to my recent  and long awaited interview with researcher and the developer and creator of trifunctional antibodies Dr Horst Lindhoffer PhD – please select the following link.

This more exacting method of treatment utilises the body’s immune system in a way that has never before been achieved. Immunology in the form of trifunctional antibodies is one of the most innovative and exciting cancer treatment breakthroughs in many years.


Contact: navigatingthecancermaze(at)

Survive and Thrive One Day Intensives – an Antidote to Alternative Medicine – Grace Gawler Institute

What is the best path for cancer patients?   The new Grace Gawler Institute’s Survive and Thrive One-Day Intensives are designed to streamline the cancer experience, take away the confusion and replace it with confidence by learning the “How Tos” of being a successful patient. Being a Successful patient is not always about conquering cancer – sometimes it is living well with cancer while extending life that exudes good quality – while other times it may be an unexpected remission or partial remission. One thing that experience tells me  is that 99% of patients will benefit enormously from the Grace Gawler Institute’s approach.

I believe that with good oncological advice/treatment in combination with support and skilled psycho-oncology, that patients give themselves the best chance. With modern advances in cancer medicine – the longer you live with it and manage it, the greater the chance of a new breakthrough treatment. For example, if you did not see last Monday’s Australian Story – I recommend you view this inspiring documentary about two Australian scientists and their quest for one of medicine’s holy grails  – finding a way to treat cancer without the side effects.

The  two scientists epitomise care and compassion in what can appear to be a heartless and mercenary profession.  I believe it is essential that we rise above the old negative paradigms of conspiracies about research and ‘big bad Pharma’ and embrace the true holistic model of medicine. It is hard to imagine where we would all be without modern medicines assistance. This is true complementary medicine and in the true sense of the word; it is holistic medicine. To not include conventional medicine as a part of a holistic medicine model (i.e. truly treating the whole person) is quite ludicrous in 2011. Body, mind, emotion and spirit all need attention. If a cancer is ravaging the body – doesn’t it make sense to treat the body and all its compartments and psychology by the best means possible? Continue reading “Survive and Thrive One Day Intensives – an Antidote to Alternative Medicine – Grace Gawler Institute”

Grace Gawler Grace Gawler Institute – why alternative medicine is often not enough in cancer treatment.

Part one of Understanding Cancer:
A key function of the Grace Gawler Institute is education about cancer. Being a veteran – I have seen a lot during my 35 years of working with cancer patients. Most cancer patients I see in my practice have foregone conventional therapy for what appears to be the more logical solution of natural remedies. Some choose not to have surgery and go totally natural while others have their initial surgery and refuse further treatments or future diagnostic monitoring. Surely our bodies know what to do – the theory being that if we can just get our bodies nourished by a flood of good food, juices and doses of mega supplements – that it will fix the multitude of dietary and lifestyle sins we have committed in the immediate past and the damage passed on to us via genes and damaged DNA – add to that mix the environmental pollutants of the present. Believe me – it is not that simple!

I was raised believing that good food and a healthy lifestyle can prevent certain illnesses and I believe that is a possibility; however times have changed and so has the environment we live in. We are often exposed to hundreds – maybe even thousands of cancer causing substances as we innocently go about our daily lives – it is a cost of the conveniences that we love, the products we use and the 20th and 21st century lifestyles we’ve lived.

Unlike 35 years ago when I began working with cancer patients, many patients who contact me now seem to have had quite reasonable diets; they are disappointed because they had tried in earnest to cancer-proof their lives by becoming vegetarian, vegan, juicing daily, exercising at the gym going to yoga and practising meditation daily and positive thinking etc. They are surprised to learn that yogis, naturopaths, meditators & natural lifestyle folk can all succumb to cancer. There must be more to this cancer riddle than seems obvious. Continue reading “Grace Gawler Grace Gawler Institute – why alternative medicine is often not enough in cancer treatment.”