Steve Jobs case reveals alternative medicine dangers in cancer treatment-Grace Gawler

 Biography reveals that Apple’s Steve Jobs refused potentially life-saving surgery on his pancreatic cancer because he felt it was too invasive. Nine months later, he got the operation but it was too late.

The next time you hear of an miraculous natural cancer cure remember the words of the late Carl Sagan – “Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence.” Personally after nearly 4 decades of working in strategies to manage and recover from cancer, I remain surprised and shocked at the numbers of  patients refusing surgery or valid treatments only to try some miraculous cure based on anecdotes and with little or no evidence. If patients really understood the nature of cancer and how it behaves and metastasizes (spreads through the body) – I believe they would make different choices. (More on this topic next blog)

Take the example of two patients who 9 years ago were diagnosed with the same type of breast cancer with the same hormonal status and one positive lymph node. One patient went the conventional route – surgery, chemo and a hormone blocking agent – she remains well and vibrant to this day.

Breast Cancer Cell

The other lady – like Steve Jobs, believed surgery was too invasive so she chose to keep her lump and node after a she received her biopsy result. Rather than booking in for the surgeon, she fled  to a well known cancer naturopath who advised to her to fast, juice and take a variety of herbs and supplements as well as other treatments such as Scalar energy. Her  treatments cost her a small fortune. Although she had massive tumour development by the time she found me, 7 years on…she believed that the tumours were resolving by  simply “coming out” of her body, a theory condoned by the naturopath concerned who also  that said all her ‘test’ results were excellent, therefore she must need emotional healing. This lovely lady had more secondary tumours than I had seen in my 4 decades of working in this field.

Stage 1V breast cancer

She passed away this year after a hellish battle for her life – her final months extended by compassionate conventional medicine.  By the time she realised what she had chosen was not working and that she had listened to the wrong people – it was indeed too late. There is a mantra repeated daily in my practice.. “I wish I had come sooner!”
Recently while in conversation with a friend – another most unfortunate story came to light; sadly it is also a story I hear all too often and it has the same tone as  Steve Job’s outcome and my above mentioned patient. Continue reading “Steve Jobs case reveals alternative medicine dangers in cancer treatment-Grace Gawler”

Survive and Thrive One Day Intensives – an Antidote to Alternative Medicine – Grace Gawler Institute

What is the best path for cancer patients?   The new Grace Gawler Institute’s Survive and Thrive One-Day Intensives are designed to streamline the cancer experience, take away the confusion and replace it with confidence by learning the “How Tos” of being a successful patient. Being a Successful patient is not always about conquering cancer – sometimes it is living well with cancer while extending life that exudes good quality – while other times it may be an unexpected remission or partial remission. One thing that experience tells me  is that 99% of patients will benefit enormously from the Grace Gawler Institute’s approach.

I believe that with good oncological advice/treatment in combination with support and skilled psycho-oncology, that patients give themselves the best chance. With modern advances in cancer medicine – the longer you live with it and manage it, the greater the chance of a new breakthrough treatment. For example, if you did not see last Monday’s Australian Story – I recommend you view this inspiring documentary about two Australian scientists and their quest for one of medicine’s holy grails  – finding a way to treat cancer without the side effects.

The  two scientists epitomise care and compassion in what can appear to be a heartless and mercenary profession.  I believe it is essential that we rise above the old negative paradigms of conspiracies about research and ‘big bad Pharma’ and embrace the true holistic model of medicine. It is hard to imagine where we would all be without modern medicines assistance. This is true complementary medicine and in the true sense of the word; it is holistic medicine. To not include conventional medicine as a part of a holistic medicine model (i.e. truly treating the whole person) is quite ludicrous in 2011. Body, mind, emotion and spirit all need attention. If a cancer is ravaging the body – doesn’t it make sense to treat the body and all its compartments and psychology by the best means possible? Continue reading “Survive and Thrive One Day Intensives – an Antidote to Alternative Medicine – Grace Gawler Institute”

Cancer – Grace Gawler’s interview withThe GreenplanetFM Podcast -Tim Lynch New Zealand

About Tim Lynch & GreenplanetFM radio. You can tune in online to New Zealand’s GreenPlanetFM 104.6 with Tim Lynch in Mobilising Consciousness The content of this interview touches upon many issues past and recent dicussed in this blog including emotional aspects of recovery and the power of love in healing along with placebo.
Every Thursday morning 8-9am (NZ time). Join the Blog radio for free to listen to interesting interview and to keep updated on important issues. Auckland’s one-hour environmental / health and consciousness programme, dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. 
9 June 2011:Tim lynch writes about and interviews Grace Gawler There are many methods to treat cancer today that cover the full spectrum, from surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs, to a vast array of holistic modalities and natural therapies, to visualisation and spiritual healing. 
To listen to Grace Gawler’s interview with Tim Lynch select link below:

LINKS to resources mentioned in this interview:
1.     Search more than 65,000 products for yours and your family’s safety
AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE for discerning what to buy re vegetables and fruits
3.  – A great free list – SIGN UP FOR FREE pdf EWG’s shoppers guide to pesticides.
4. Educate your self and your family – Watch The Story of Cosmetics…

Listen to an exceptionally dedicated and connected healer who has worked with over 13,000 patients sharing her gifts and goodwill to empower them and their loved ones on this journey. Also mentioned is the impact of cosmetics, air quality, agriculture, food chain issues such as hormones, pesticides, electromagnetic influences etc.
Grace also teaches patients how to spin gold from straw and turn cancer into a transformative process and experience? By bridging all medical methods, Grace collaborates with oncologists in an endeavour to find the best outcomes for patients.
This very clear and inspiring interview, is a must for any dear family member, friend or associate who at this moment may be struggling to heal and recover and I wish to encourage you to pass this information to those whom you feel could benefit from Graces goodwill.
Listen to the interview at:

Cancer – Grace Gawler's interview withThe GreenplanetFM Podcast -Tim Lynch New Zealand

About Tim Lynch & GreenplanetFM radio. You can tune in online to New Zealand’s GreenPlanetFM 104.6 with Tim Lynch in Mobilising Consciousness The content of this interview touches upon many issues past and recent dicussed in this blog including emotional aspects of recovery and the power of love in healing along with placebo.
Every Thursday morning 8-9am (NZ time). Join the Blog radio for free to listen to interesting interview and to keep updated on important issues. Auckland’s one-hour environmental / health and consciousness programme, dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. 
9 June 2011:Tim lynch writes about and interviews Grace Gawler There are many methods to treat cancer today that cover the full spectrum, from surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs, to a vast array of holistic modalities and natural therapies, to visualisation and spiritual healing. 
To listen to Grace Gawler’s interview with Tim Lynch select link below:

LINKS to resources mentioned in this interview:
1.     Search more than 65,000 products for yours and your family’s safety
AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE for discerning what to buy re vegetables and fruits
3.  – A great free list – SIGN UP FOR FREE pdf EWG’s shoppers guide to pesticides.
4. Educate your self and your family – Watch The Story of Cosmetics…

Listen to an exceptionally dedicated and connected healer who has worked with over 13,000 patients sharing her gifts and goodwill to empower them and their loved ones on this journey. Also mentioned is the impact of cosmetics, air quality, agriculture, food chain issues such as hormones, pesticides, electromagnetic influences etc.
Grace also teaches patients how to spin gold from straw and turn cancer into a transformative process and experience? By bridging all medical methods, Grace collaborates with oncologists in an endeavour to find the best outcomes for patients.
This very clear and inspiring interview, is a must for any dear family member, friend or associate who at this moment may be struggling to heal and recover and I wish to encourage you to pass this information to those whom you feel could benefit from Graces goodwill.
Listen to the interview at:

Grace Gawler Institute – How emotions can affect the healing and recovery process in cancer

Part 3. The Importance of Emotions in Healing and Recovery – Visit our jollyologist page

Continued from previous post.

Illness proved to be a great teacher for me although it was quite a shock  having been a supporter of so many for so long to find myself in a bubble of silence and isolation; made worse by living in the countryside. However, despite the situation – I considered myself lucky in that my background in supportive care and emotional therapies meant that I had ‘inner tools’ and knowledge just waiting to be accessed in my own crisis. I also knew I had the power of choice to move into victim or victor. The majority of my previous cancer patients had no such tool-kit of options – they had to start at the beginning – they had no dress rehearsals – no specific coping skills – cancer for them was a new and uninvited experience.

I now realise what a monumental quest it is to recover from a life challenging condition and how careful we as therapists must be when suggesting massive change whether it be dietary, social, emotional/psychological or physical. My professional training has had many highlights, but walking in the shoes of the patient has been my most profound and fertile learning field.  

 The Emotional connection: E-motions are energy in motion. That is… unless we repress them. When they are in movement and flowing we experience good psychological health and physical health. Albert Szent-Georgyi (1960) said “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accompanied by moving energy”.

This moving energy is also reflected in our bodies and immune system. In the video of real live blood (below) watch how an active neutrophil (one of our white cells) actively seeks and destroys bacteria (the black dot). This is not passive  – but pro active movement. When movement stops so does life.


When we experience a shock of some kind emotions can move with amazing force and rapid expression and can have physical consequences as in my case – my uterus literally fell out with a force that was dramatic. For someone else, an experience can be so shocking that emotions can ‘freeze’ – the condition eventually recognized as PTSD and or many dissociative states.   If we learn to deny and repress our emotional expression the chronic damming up effect can result in us becoming powerless. As I wrote in my Women of Silence poem – “Too much held too often can take its toll.”  This can reflect in a sense of deep hopelessness feeling unable to affect change and feeling “stuck” – thus our health becomes compromised.

Unresolved emotional, spiritual and physical pain results in an unrelenting ill ease. Repressed emotions can also result in withdrawal from life’s activities and create a void of loneliness and isolation from community. Sometimes this can be so powerful like ‘Bone-Pointing’ it can take away our will to live – our will to ‘be’. As a background intervention – emotional healing can have dramatically freeing consequences – the freedom to live and the freedom to die.

Recently I was asked to visit a young woman in hospital she was struggling for her life – too tired to lived – too fearful to die. I will call her June.  June had 5 children – her youngest was 18 months. Her family of origin are amazingly supportive. Diagnosed with kidney cancer – she had a kidney removed 2 years ago, declined chemotherapy, followed the books and internet advice and spent a small fortune on natural therapies. June became pregnant and then had a horrific delivery and emergency caesarean.  She kept up with the natural way to cure her cancer until advanced secondary tumours were diagnosed in her abdomen and lungs.  She then travelled to an expensive overseas clinic for treatment, with some improvement but deteriorated again as soon as she arrived back in Brisbane. Admitted and discharged by several hospitals and deemed palliative – she found her way to an oncologist who was willing to treat her. Her weight had plummeted to less than 40 kgs. 

Now there was no choice but to try chemotherapy. Her life hung in the balance for many days as her lungs slowly filled with fluid. This beautiful young woman was suffering deeply from an ailment that no-one had addressed in her recovery plan because no one had asked her about her life or emotional state….Silence. No one had dared to go there and she deteriorated. As it turned out June was in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship and had been for the course of her marriage. Her spirit and hope for a future had shattered – she was stuck – sick and tired of the battle. She almost died late last week and needed fluid drained from her lungs. She decided she wanted to live but didn’t know what to do or how to go about it.

We had a heart to heart – soul to soul discussion – and she spoke of her life.  Together we worked out a plan of intention for how her future might change in other words…. was there a possibility for things to be different.  Although too ill to act or do anything now – she now has a ray of hope and a plan to see her children grow.

Importantly – there is no chemotherapy – no natural substance with miraculous healing powers than can cure or heal this malady which is most accurately termed soul sickness.

Since these extra interventions – her oncologist reports she has turned a corner & he believes she might make it! June has gained weight, looks brighter and is keen to engage in life once again for however long that might be.

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote “Life is like a card game, it is not about being dealt a good hand but how you play a band hand well!”  Some issues in life do just appear out of left field and depending how much spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical credit that we have in that very ‘personal bank account’, we may look at the glass as being half full or half empty.  If that “bank account” is empty when trauma pays us a visit – and…If we are spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically bankrupt; then we will have little resources (“credit”) left to withstand the onslaught. In June’s case she was emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually bankrupt.

This often presents as difficulties with personal boundaries, feeling empty (a shell) and or a feeling of being numbed to life. This can be identified as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

We are often tested in life as to how well we can play that ‘bad hand’. Preferably when traumas or shocks occur we can act from the place of the fullness of our being rather than as a victim of life dwelling on the emptiness of our being. In the early stages of healing the effect of the trauma needs to be dealt with in order to move emotional energy, place some deposits in the “bank account” and reframe the experience of life.

Next post – recognising emotional trauma in cancer patients and what to do about it – how to put deposits into your ‘bank account’.  Visit our jollyologist page

Grace Gawler – Grace Gawler Institute: How emotions can affect the healing and recovery process in cancer patients

Part 2. The Importance of Emotions in Healing and RecoveryPlease pass on this blog URL to anyone you know who is dealing with cancer
help can also be found at

It is challenging to find the words to discuss emotional material. Our feelings and emotions are so personal, internal. Emotions – be they positive or negative – up or down, have an influence on the brain and brain chemicals. Those chemicals, neuro-peptides, hormones, endorphins to name a few, can influence the body’s chemistry. Day to day more flippant emotions are natural – they come and they go. Where emotions begin to be significant in terms of our health, is in the areas of chronic stress and trauma especially long term or unrelenting trauma. Feelings and affects associated with traumatic events can alter chemistry in mind and body. Below I relate my own experience around this important issue as an example. When talking of emotions and illness it is important not to lean into self-blame or the “I caused my cancer” trip. This article is adapted from my previously published article in the British Holistic Medical Journal. For more on emotions see Reviews on the menu or purchase  Women of Silence the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer – book and eBook format. Continue reading “Grace Gawler – Grace Gawler Institute: How emotions can affect the healing and recovery process in cancer patients”

The Grace Gawler Institute Launches the “Survive and Thrive Club”

The Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions 

Hello and Welcome: – The Survive and Thrive Club has been launched as a part of the my new Australian Charity –  The Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions – experts in survival strategies. Some already generous donors have helped with establishing the Grace Gawler Institute with the aim that we can create a truly charitable institution with low administration costs, small staff numbers & high service output utilising the lastest technology including a  “Cancer Cyber Center” that can provide low cost tools, information via eBooks, webinars, skype consultations , online courses and 2-3 day residential retreats. There are more exciting free broadcast plans in the pipeline.

It is the first step towards complementary and collaborative care that can be provided to needy. It has always been my belief that cancer patients should be able to receive exactly the same level of care – whether complementary or mainstream medicine, or a combination of both without the added burden of  being financially stressed as well as critically ill. Illness brings about tremendous suffering on all levels of existence and the ripple effect through family units is often a very sad consequence. I appreciate that when your life depends on finding cash in order to survive – it is a very stressful situation. The following recent publication short exerpt highlights the issues discussed on this blog

Financial Worries Top Psychosocial Concern of Cancer Patients – Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Feb 28, B Bates ANAHEIM, CALIF. (EGMN) – “Highlighting shifting priorities after the recession, nearly half of all recent psychosocial consultations with patients at a leading cancer center involved financial worries, rather than adjustment issues or other pressing mental health concerns…”

When I inspired and co founded the Gawler Foundation in the early 80’s, as a result of being Ian Gawler’s sole care-giver from 1974-1978; my vision was to raise funds from areas of society such as corporate Australia so that  continuity of services and longevity of the organisation could be assured while providing free services. If clients wish to pay for service or  make a donation towards services then it would automatically help others who were financially compromised and can’t pay for services. As organisations grow &  more people’s visions become involved- it becomes challenging  to hold to ideals. 

Grace Gawler
Me after life saving surgery 2000

However – although I resigned from the Gawler Foundation in 1996, I still hold to those ideals, in fact my passion has increased fuelled no doubt by my own experience. Since 1997 I have been through 20 surgical procedures myself over a 13 year period and having to relocate geographically 14 times including overseas for one year. My debt levels to survive were and are still enormous. With teenage children in my care for some of that time including a son with special needs. My situation is unfortunately far too common.

 I feel I have been at the coalface over cancer care as a care-giver, service provider to more than 13,000 patients during my career then a patient. It was not cancer in my case – but severe complications from a hysterectomy. Unable to use my bowels – the results were very similar to a cancer patient’s experience. My situation was life threatening many times and I am now minus 5 ft of large colon and 5 ft of small bowel due to nerve damage and impaction. 2002 – 2003 I had an experimental procedure for a bionic colon – it was a success and a world first procedure performed in Holland. I know a great deal about surviving and thriving and will share many of my tips via. Select the link below to join – its free – no obligation – cancel at at any time  The Survive and Thrive Club .

 The Survive and Thrive Club  offers cancer patients at all stages of their illness, the opportunity to source accurate, (real) evidence-based medicine and cancer information.

Its a Free Sign-up to receive regular newsletters with tips for:
Recovery strategies
Evidence-based research
Cancer nutrition & recipes
Notice of events, giveaways, competitions
And new Grace Gawler Products.


Free sign up to
The Survive & Thrive Club

Gold Coast – Australia

The Grace Gawler Institute Launches the "Survive and Thrive Club"

The Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions 

Hello and Welcome: – The Survive and Thrive Club has been launched as a part of the my new Australian Charity –  The Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions – experts in survival strategies. Some already generous donors have helped with establishing the Grace Gawler Institute with the aim that we can create a truly charitable institution with low administration costs, small staff numbers & high service output utilising the lastest technology including a  “Cancer Cyber Center” that can provide low cost tools, information via eBooks, webinars, skype consultations , online courses and 2-3 day residential retreats. There are more exciting free broadcast plans in the pipeline.

It is the first step towards complementary and collaborative care that can be provided to needy. It has always been my belief that cancer patients should be able to receive exactly the same level of care – whether complementary or mainstream medicine, or a combination of both without the added burden of  being financially stressed as well as critically ill. Illness brings about tremendous suffering on all levels of existence and the ripple effect through family units is often a very sad consequence. I appreciate that when your life depends on finding cash in order to survive – it is a very stressful situation. The following recent publication short exerpt highlights the issues discussed on this blog

Financial Worries Top Psychosocial Concern of Cancer Patients – Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Feb 28, B Bates ANAHEIM, CALIF. (EGMN) – “Highlighting shifting priorities after the recession, nearly half of all recent psychosocial consultations with patients at a leading cancer center involved financial worries, rather than adjustment issues or other pressing mental health concerns…”

When I inspired and co founded the Gawler Foundation in the early 80’s, as a result of being Ian Gawler’s sole care-giver from 1974-1978; my vision was to raise funds from areas of society such as corporate Australia so that  continuity of services and longevity of the organisation could be assured while providing free services. If clients wish to pay for service or  make a donation towards services then it would automatically help others who were financially compromised and can’t pay for services. As organisations grow &  more people’s visions become involved- it becomes challenging  to hold to ideals. 

Grace Gawler
Me after life saving surgery 2000

However – although I resigned from the Gawler Foundation in 1996, I still hold to those ideals, in fact my passion has increased fuelled no doubt by my own experience. Since 1997 I have been through 20 surgical procedures myself over a 13 year period and having to relocate geographically 14 times including overseas for one year. My debt levels to survive were and are still enormous. With teenage children in my care for some of that time including a son with special needs. My situation is unfortunately far too common.

 I feel I have been at the coalface over cancer care as a care-giver, service provider to more than 13,000 patients during my career then a patient. It was not cancer in my case – but severe complications from a hysterectomy. Unable to use my bowels – the results were very similar to a cancer patient’s experience. My situation was life threatening many times and I am now minus 5 ft of large colon and 5 ft of small bowel due to nerve damage and impaction. 2002 – 2003 I had an experimental procedure for a bionic colon – it was a success and a world first procedure performed in Holland. I know a great deal about surviving and thriving and will share many of my tips via. Select the link below to join – its free – no obligation – cancel at at any time  The Survive and Thrive Club .

 The Survive and Thrive Club  offers cancer patients at all stages of their illness, the opportunity to source accurate, (real) evidence-based medicine and cancer information.

Its a Free Sign-up to receive regular newsletters with tips for:
Recovery strategies
Evidence-based research
Cancer nutrition & recipes
Notice of events, giveaways, competitions
And new Grace Gawler Products.


Free sign up to
The Survive & Thrive Club

Gold Coast – Australia

Grace Gawler – how the uncertainty principle influences patient’s choices in cancer treatments

Examining the ‘Uncertainty Principle’ and How it Negatively Influences Cancer Treatment Choices

 As a director of an integrated cancer solutions charity in Queensland, in my years working in the cancer industry, I remain shocked at the large numbers of cancer patients abandoning conventional treatment in favour of alternative therapies. Unfortunately I’ve also seen the terrible results of such choices ranging from emaciation, electrolyte depletion, metabolic exhaustion, insidious spread of cancer and associated pain increase and even death. Why?

More troubling is the number of ‘integrative’medicine GPs who are not; for the patient’s benefit; collaborating or communicating with mainstream doctors, oncologists or other therapists involved in the patients care. I’ve witnessed there to be little or no communication between treating doctors who should all be active members of the team devoted to a patient’s survival.  It’s also important that integrative medicine GPs  don’t abandon scientific training in favour of promoting excessive supplements – often via affiliations or network marketing initiatives or by promoting dubious diets like Gerson, vegan diets, coffee enemas, various electrical treatments and many other forms of therapy whose evidence is questionable.

Whether a combination of positive placebo and supplements, one very common issue is the plight of cancer patients who are surviving on will power and positive thinking…it appears that strategy has a use by date – they eventually hit a brick wall and deteriorate rapidly when there is a sudden downturn in their condition; often a condition that could have been avoided had they sought proper medical advice. It is a trap for the unwary patient because their general wellbeing may have increased temporarily; but what we see far too often are patients who are entranced by some therapists into denial of their symptoms. They have soldiered on and used up a lot of energy in their struggle for survival. The question begs – What is it in the psyche that encourages cancer patients to completely abandon conventional medicine and play Russian roulette with their lives?

Last week I heard a medical doctor say …”We give people antibiotics for an infection – they don’t have to believe in them in order to have them work- the just do!” He has a point!

At the time I had been thinking about a young man in his late teens, a friend of a friend whose mum implicitly believed in natural medicines, refusing medical advice – he had developed pnuemonia – Without treatment, he died within 4 days.
People believe that there is a certainty in natural medicines because they are natural…they can also believe the same of conventional medicine. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between…

An article in the Guardian newspaper (UK) – We Must Learn to Love Uncertainty and Failure made these points:-

  1. Uncertainty is a central component of what makes science successful.
  2. The idea of something being “scientifically proven” was practically an oxymoron
  3. The very foundation of science is to keep the door open to doubt.
  4. A ‘good scientist’ is never ‘certain’ – adopts different view if better evidence avails.

Perhaps I had discovered an answer to my questions!

  1. Alternative cancer treatments are promoted with compelling certainty and sophistication.
  2. Simultaneously alt/med amplifies the uncertainty of conventional medicines.
  3. Terminology – ‘slash, burn and poison’ – denigrates conventional treatment and sows fear.
  4. Many patients we see in our practice are terrified to stop taking their supplements. It is implied by some natural therapists that if patients stop using alt/med methods they will die or be toxic from their medical treatments—ironic that an industry that claims to promote wellbeing has an emphasis on fear – the negative placebo.
  5. Alt/med has successfully promoted the image of the greedy ‘big pharma’ but little is said about alt/med avarice, pseudo science and deception – illustrated below.

Last week we met a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy while simultaneously spending $1100.00 a week on ‘secret’ alternative treatment – but afraid to give it up because it ‘seemed to be working’ – he didn’t notice anything or feel any better – but was afraid to change what he was doing and had been doing for the past 2 years. I recommended an oncologist – He is now in hospital for emergency drainage of ascites ( fluid accumulation in the abdomen) – 10 litres of fluid has been removed. His naturaopath missed the warning signs. This patient is typical of many, who driven by the fear of their diagnosis, don’t want uncertainty and thus are easily lured by the certainty, the increasingly sophisticated ‘pseudo’ science and ‘aura’ of alternate therapies.

Conclusion:  There is an important role for complementary (CAM) therapies in cancer medicine, but the role of alt/med is questionable as is usage of the often touted term ‘evidence-based’ medicine. A recent Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) article disclosed significant errors in a high profile cancer patient recovery story that has influenced the course of alternative, complementary and lifestyle medicine in Australasia for 32 years. It has even influenced peak training bodies such as The Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA). In the light of the MJA disclosures, the question of what is evidence-based integrative medicine must be addressed in the public interest.

Happily excellent working models exist in Singapore and Hong Kong. These set the standard for excellence for integrative, or as I now like to call it, collaborative cancer medicine. The winner is the cancer patient.

National Cancer Centre, Singapore (NCCS).   Strong Team-Based, Evidence-based Practice

Grace Gawler MJA article – Cancer patients at risk from inaccurate clinical reporting in a high-profile alternative treatment story: comments and corrections – Sept 20 2010

Dr Linda Calabresi – Australian Doctor article

Ian Gawler response – Australian Doctor article


Grace Gawler – how the uncertainty principle influences patient's choices in cancer treatments

Examining the ‘Uncertainty Principle’ and How it Negatively Influences Cancer Treatment Choices

 As a director of an integrated cancer solutions charity in Queensland, in my years working in the cancer industry, I remain shocked at the large numbers of cancer patients abandoning conventional treatment in favour of alternative therapies. Unfortunately I’ve also seen the terrible results of such choices ranging from emaciation, electrolyte depletion, metabolic exhaustion, insidious spread of cancer and associated pain increase and even death. Why?

More troubling is the number of ‘integrative’medicine GPs who are not; for the patient’s benefit; collaborating or communicating with mainstream doctors, oncologists or other therapists involved in the patients care. I’ve witnessed there to be little or no communication between treating doctors who should all be active members of the team devoted to a patient’s survival.  It’s also important that integrative medicine GPs  don’t abandon scientific training in favour of promoting excessive supplements – often via affiliations or network marketing initiatives or by promoting dubious diets like Gerson, vegan diets, coffee enemas, various electrical treatments and many other forms of therapy whose evidence is questionable.

Whether a combination of positive placebo and supplements, one very common issue is the plight of cancer patients who are surviving on will power and positive thinking…it appears that strategy has a use by date – they eventually hit a brick wall and deteriorate rapidly when there is a sudden downturn in their condition; often a condition that could have been avoided had they sought proper medical advice. It is a trap for the unwary patient because their general wellbeing may have increased temporarily; but what we see far too often are patients who are entranced by some therapists into denial of their symptoms. They have soldiered on and used up a lot of energy in their struggle for survival. The question begs – What is it in the psyche that encourages cancer patients to completely abandon conventional medicine and play Russian roulette with their lives?

Last week I heard a medical doctor say …”We give people antibiotics for an infection – they don’t have to believe in them in order to have them work- the just do!” He has a point!

At the time I had been thinking about a young man in his late teens, a friend of a friend whose mum implicitly believed in natural medicines, refusing medical advice – he had developed pnuemonia – Without treatment, he died within 4 days.
People believe that there is a certainty in natural medicines because they are natural…they can also believe the same of conventional medicine. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between…

An article in the Guardian newspaper (UK) – We Must Learn to Love Uncertainty and Failure made these points:-

  1. Uncertainty is a central component of what makes science successful.
  2. The idea of something being “scientifically proven” was practically an oxymoron
  3. The very foundation of science is to keep the door open to doubt.
  4. A ‘good scientist’ is never ‘certain’ – adopts different view if better evidence avails.

Perhaps I had discovered an answer to my questions!

  1. Alternative cancer treatments are promoted with compelling certainty and sophistication.
  2. Simultaneously alt/med amplifies the uncertainty of conventional medicines.
  3. Terminology – ‘slash, burn and poison’ – denigrates conventional treatment and sows fear.
  4. Many patients we see in our practice are terrified to stop taking their supplements. It is implied by some natural therapists that if patients stop using alt/med methods they will die or be toxic from their medical treatments—ironic that an industry that claims to promote wellbeing has an emphasis on fear – the negative placebo.
  5. Alt/med has successfully promoted the image of the greedy ‘big pharma’ but little is said about alt/med avarice, pseudo science and deception – illustrated below.

Last week we met a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy while simultaneously spending $1100.00 a week on ‘secret’ alternative treatment – but afraid to give it up because it ‘seemed to be working’ – he didn’t notice anything or feel any better – but was afraid to change what he was doing and had been doing for the past 2 years. I recommended an oncologist – He is now in hospital for emergency drainage of ascites ( fluid accumulation in the abdomen) – 10 litres of fluid has been removed. His naturaopath missed the warning signs. This patient is typical of many, who driven by the fear of their diagnosis, don’t want uncertainty and thus are easily lured by the certainty, the increasingly sophisticated ‘pseudo’ science and ‘aura’ of alternate therapies.

Conclusion:  There is an important role for complementary (CAM) therapies in cancer medicine, but the role of alt/med is questionable as is usage of the often touted term ‘evidence-based’ medicine. A recent Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) article disclosed significant errors in a high profile cancer patient recovery story that has influenced the course of alternative, complementary and lifestyle medicine in Australasia for 32 years. It has even influenced peak training bodies such as The Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA). In the light of the MJA disclosures, the question of what is evidence-based integrative medicine must be addressed in the public interest.

Happily excellent working models exist in Singapore and Hong Kong. These set the standard for excellence for integrative, or as I now like to call it, collaborative cancer medicine. The winner is the cancer patient.

National Cancer Centre, Singapore (NCCS).   Strong Team-Based, Evidence-based Practice

Grace Gawler MJA article – Cancer patients at risk from inaccurate clinical reporting in a high-profile alternative treatment story: comments and corrections – Sept 20 2010

Dr Linda Calabresi – Australian Doctor article

Ian Gawler response – Australian Doctor article