An Answer to Cancer – How Your Immune Body-Clock can assist Complete Remission | Navigating the Cancer Maze

Cancer affects everyone around the world in some way. Friends, relatives, children, mums and dads, grans and grandpas! It does not discriminate. It causes as much or perhaps even more misery than war because it reaches into every race, culture and country! If there was just one thing we could add to the recipe for Curing cancer or extending life with quality and well-being – wouldn’t we all be excited and interested?Do you want to know one important missing piece of the cancer puzzle? Two cancer researchers Martin Ashdown & Brendon Coventry have explored that question and yes they are excited!

How Your Immune Body-Clock can assist Complete Remission: (Please pass on the link to this blog to those in need)

Cancer affects everyone around the world in some way. Friends, relatives, children, mums and dads, grans and grandpas! It does not discriminate. It causes as much or perhaps even more misery than war because it reaches into every race, culture and country!  If there was just one thing we could add to the recipe for Curing cancer or extending life with quality and well-being – wouldn’t we all be excited and interested? Do you want to know one important missing piece of the cancer puzzle?  Listen to today’s show at:

Measuring immune cycles
Measuring immune cycles may be one missing piece of the cancer cure puzzle!

The show is free to air on the internet – live streaming listening at any time- free download – archived indefinitely.

Two cancer researchers Martin Ashdown & Brendon Coventry have explored that question and yes they are excited! So am I and so are some doctors and oncologists! Testing patients to map their immune cycle is not a complex exercise, but to do this, a system needs to be changed. All discoveries of worth seem to be hobbled for while – then accepted – struggling across the finish line…sometime after decades!

In 1983, Australian doctors J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall isolated Helicobacter pylori, the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer disease. When the H. pylori hypothesis was developed, the doctors were certain that it would immediately gain universal acceptance and that within two years peptic ulcer therapy would be essentially an antimicrobial regimen”. This was far from the case. A 1986 book on Peptic Ulcer and its Drug Causation lends a page to the bacterial hypothesis, noting, “Whether these bacteria have an aetiological role in peptic ulcer gastritis is unknown”. At this time, doctors still prescribed drugs to reduce stomach acidity and monitored patients for complications. The story of Helicobacter pylori’s acceptance as a pathogenic agent reveals the issues with the acceptance of new thought even when there is validation and justification.

There are ethical laws in place; essential for the safety of humans in medicine. Changed laws of medical ethics, prevent a modern reprise of Pasteur’s heroic demonstration of his rabies vaccine through the vaccination of an infected boy. Measuring each cancer patients immune cycle and timing their treatment at the right time –  is nothing akin to that! It simply makes sense!

Perhaps one can understand the caution in prescribing an antibiotic. Measuring immune cycles and timing treatment for a better outcome? Now to my way of thinking this fulfills the old Hippocratic oath – “Above all, do no harm!”

The Grace Gawler Institute has a history of wanting to procure the best treatment options for cancer patients. We feel that by educating patients about their immune cycle and taking this material to their doctor – they can help change the face of cancer treatment in a risk free experiment to prove (or not) the research work of Martin Ashdown & Brendon Coventry.  This is why we have created the Cancer Immune Registry:

world cancer
Cancer affects everyone around the globe- it does not discriminate!

Background –  A cancer drug used for more than 20 years that is now providing oncologists with new information about how to best help patients achieve complete remission. The drug called interleukin-2, is providing cancer researchers with something akin to how the “Rosetta Stone” was used to unlock historical script; the outcome; mapping the immune cycle!

To understand how this is possible – join me with guest Martin Ashdown on Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel ( internet radio)  to hear the full story of this amazing breakthrough.

Learn how you can access info about your immune cycle to assist cancer treatment efficacy.




3. Martin Ashdown Window of Opportunity1 article: Australasian Science

4. MARTIN ASHDOWN A Matter of Time_AS_Article: article Australasian Science

5. VIDEO: Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma: Could Timing Be Everything?



Dr Carl O Helvie lung cancer survivor interviews Grace Gawler on the Holistic Health show

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Carl Helvie for the USA based Holistic health Show. Dr. Carl was a relatively young man when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had six months to live. Instead, he made a decision to fight back with something other than the traditional conventional medicine he was offered.

Introducing Dr Carl O Helvie: Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Carl Helvie for the USA based Holistic Health Show. Dr. Carl was a relatively young man when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had six months to live. Instead, he made a decision to fight back with something other than the traditional conventional medicine he was offered. Amongst the millions of diagnosed cancer patients, his type of total, long term remission is a rare event. When a histologically proven cancer goes into remission we must always be open to asking ‘Why’? Also in Dr Carl’s favor is that he is a well qualified, well credentialed and highly intelligent man who has dedicated his life to helping others diagnosed with cancer. Just occasionally someone comes along like Dr Carl who has managed to recover from cancer without conventional medicine. Remember the story of Deborah Franke Ogg whose stage 4 nodular lymphoma went in to remission.  (hear my interview with Deborah at Voice America

Watch the clip from the movie about her life and remission; ” Leap of Faith”  later retitled A question of Faith”.

Dr Carl O Helvie at 80 years young - one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.
Dr Carl O Helvie at 80 years young – one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.

Dr Carl Helvie also has an extraordinary story. A registered nurse with two masters and a doctorate in public health and wellness, Dr. Carl Helvie has decades of experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He is the recipient of numerous awards with listings in Who’s Who In American Nursing, Men of Achievement, American Men and Women of Science, just to name a few. He has eight published books as well as being a contributor to others, and has published or presented internationally over 100 papers and articles. He retired from academia in 2000 and in 2002, taught at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt, Germany and served as a nursing consultant to Russia.

He developed and published a nursing theory now used worldwide and has established a nursing center that provides primary care for homeless and low-income individuals and families.
While 89% of Americans over age 65 have some form of chronic illness and by age 75 can expect to have three chronic illnesses and be taking five prescribed medications daily – Dr Carl’s prescription; today, this healthy 80-year-old man takes no prescribed medications and is one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.

Select the URL below to listen to Dr Carl as he asks me in depth questions about my life and why and how I teach survival skills for those with life challenging illness or conditions:

Also listen to Navigating the cancer Maze. Today’s show is  Cancer Recovery-Crucial Choices: How to Navigate Critical Crossroads in the Cancer Maze

To read more about Dr Carl O Helvie  and his work  visit: