Warmest Wishes for 2013 – Happy New Year!

Hello  – Given my last blog topic is away and dusted on this New Year’s eve – I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my subscribers a joyous peaceful and meaningful New Fireworks new years eveYear.

2012 has been a rewarding year for the Grace Gawler Institute with strongly alliances built with many doctors and oncologists around the world; especially in Germany. We have been able to support many patients and their family members

Personally with another year and another birthday going by I remain grateful every day for the second chance at a good life thanks to my Dutch and Singaporean surgeons who combined skill,  compassion and out of the box thinking during the past decade gave me my ‘Bionic’ solution and a life!

2013  means another battery change for my bionic device which actually means a device change and another overseas surgery to achieve this.One feels like the Duracell Bunny – I wish my batteries were easier to replace – but it is a small price to pay for the life I have been given.

This year I have been able to add some water sport to my activity list – an unbelievable gift given my prior prognosis and loss of many of my hobbies and passions. Philip my partner converted an old canoe into Trimaran assisted by a GP friend of ours, they made pontoons and voila – add a tiny outboard and we have a stable craft that I can travel in. Last week we went fishing in our new watercraft and as well as catching a flathead for dinner, we watched a bright pink sunset over the mangroves as a school of dolphins made their way down the estuary.
Life is good!Voice America internet radio show is a personal achievement for this year: I invite you to listen to inspiring interview with Gold Coast specialist GP Dr Bruce Whelan on Navigating the Cancer Maze last week. select this link:

In October 2002 Dr Whelan became personally involved in the aftermath of the Bali bombing that killed 202 people. I this interview He describes the impact on his family & resultant PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) he suffered. However, after his recovery, he returned to medicine with new insights and understanding having been through a ‘dark night of the soul’ experience. (Highly recommended NY listening)

This past year I have enjoyed meeting many new cancer patients and feel honoured they have shared such a significant time of their lives with us and we look forward in 2013 to further assisting their survival. I am also thinking of families of those patients who are not with us this New Year’s eve. For some partners I know this is a challenging time of great loss and grief that only time can hope to heal. Our thoughts are with you.

Every patient after 38 years touches my life uniquely.  I still learn so much about humanity and cancer. This year has seen an increase in children with cancer and their parents needing help. It has been a nice development that thanks to donors we have been able to offer assistance to these families at no charge.
It is my New Years wish that the interventions of the Grace Gawler Institute can continue to impact Cancer through awareness and education and promotion of early diagnosis.
May 2013 be a year of possibilities, hope, joy peace and inspiration for everyone….  I leave you with this message:

cancer child message of hopeWarmest New Years Greetings….

Grace & Philip (Pip)
The Grace Gawler Institute
Gold Coast Australia

www.gracegawlerinstitute.com  and www.germancancertreatments.com
If you know someone who needs our service in 2013 – please email me:
