Dr Julie Crews| Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories on Navigating the Cancer Maze Radio

The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Diagnosis cancer! It may be you or your husband or wife or father or mother. It may be your children or friends. People who are near and dear to you. When it comes to a diagnosis of cancer, the stakes are particularly high. So – the question is straightforward really – Do we want to be told lies or truth?

This year marks my 40 years working with cancer patients.The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Diagnosis cancer! It may be you or your husband or wife or father or mother. It may be your children or friends. People who are near and dear to you.  When it comes to a diagnosis of cancer, the stakes are particularly high. So – the question is straightforward really – Do we want to be told lies or truth?

If asked about buying a product in a store – do we accept being lied to about its efficacy? No – most of us would be angry, depending on the cost of the product we might feel so cheated , we make a complaint to the Australian Consumer watchdog, the ACCC  for making claims that are untrue….that is the product did not live up to its claims as advertised and the expectations of the purchaser.

Well the equivalent is happening right under our noses with  society’s most highly vulnerable group of people – cancer patients!

Dr Julie Crews PhD
Dr Julie Crews PhD- Searching for truth in cancer healing stories.

As the groundswell of would-be cancer entrepreneurs & patient experts claiming “I cured myself Naturally from Cancer”  gains the momentum of  a tsunami, one Western Australian woman, DR JULIE CREWS, a doctor of Business Ethics, is questioning why so many people have jumped on the ‘cure-all bandwagon’ to earn their living and why it has been allowed to go unchecked and under the radar for so long.

On today’s Voice America Radio show “Navigating the Cancer Maze, Dr Julie Crews takes an investigative look through the magnifying glass to examine new trends in cancer entrepreneurship where patients who are either still in recovery themselves or who claim they have beaten the odds without medical evidence, are influencing the treatment choices of millions of other cancer patients around the globe. Another group of patients influencing choices are those who have had adequate medical treatment for their cancer, but then champion their ‘cure’ to the use of dietary regimens, alternative medicine, meditation and other healing forms.

Authentic hope is a powerful ally, but false hope as a recent article published in the West Australian suggests, provides More Hype than Hope by CATHY O’LEARY, MEDICAL EDITOR  February 22, 2014 Dr Crews contributed to that media piece. Select the following link to read article.

THE FOLLOWING IS SUMMARY OF DR CREWS TIPS as hear on Voice America’s Navigating the Cancer Maze today.

What Questions should the Cancer consumer be asking and why? What action can you take.

1. The first question is for consumers to carefully look at what the person is saying and promoting – look at the language the person is using and the claims they are making – a big one is they put down their cancer as a lesson….the fact is cancer does not discriminate. It affects good people who live healthy lives – It can affect anyone.

2. What is the background of the person(s) offering the cure-all?? Qualifications? Institutions?

3. If a person is claiming to have cured their cancer naturally, ask to see their medical records from diagnosis to recovery – remission. Ask to see medical verification. After all “Exceptional Claims require exceptional evidence” said Carl Sagan. Anecdotes and stories should not too be mistaken for truth.

4. If I follow this person’s advice – will they have any responsibility regrading my outcome? As happens in the medical profession or other qualified professional health fields- Will their insurance cover me in case of failure? (Not likely)!

3. If they are promoting products which cost money, are they receiving a ‘kickback’ or indeed do they have shares in the company?

4. What do they do when people ask questions and it challenges things they may promote? The more they have invested in the promotion the more they have to lose and will fight very hard to discredit anyone who may disagree with them.

5. Check out what they do if someone posts something that doesn’t maintain the image they are promoting!

6. Email them and ask questions and see what responses you get.

7. If they do speak of ‘medical’ doctors, they may use terms like ‘intuitive practitioner’ ‘integrative practitioner’ – the thing is, you only get THEIR version of their disease – it could be wrong…… and often is.
More soon on this important topic…..

Please listen in to this interview or download for later at Voice America:

Other Blogs of interest in the news about this topic: In particular a young woman who calls herself the wellness warrior. The following is some intelligent debate on this topic. Jessica Ainscough went public about her quest to cure her cancer. See the Australian: Title “Holding out for a Miracle ” Richard Gulliatt.




Spontaneous Remission – Researcher Caryle Hirshberg-Navigating the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler

Spontaneous Remission launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). The book filled a gap in research, as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission

VoiceAmerica and WorldTalk internet Radio Network, announced today that nationally acclaimed author and researcher Caryle Hirshberg will join Grace Gawler, host of  Navigating the Cancer Maze radio program on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness  Channel Friday, February 22,  at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Available as a MP3 download at VoiceAmerica anytime or liste  to replay – streaming audio. Free sign up to Voice America to download.Download from itunes.

Caryle HirshbergCaryle Hirshberg, M.S author Spontaneous Remission and Remarkable Recovery; pioneer researcher, lecturer joins host Grace Gawler to discuss what was discovered from the research. The topic – Why people Heal – Lessons learned from studies of Spontaneous Remissions

http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/67536/navigating-the-cancer-maze-why-people-heal-lessons-learned-from-studies-of-spontaneous-remissions    (For resources mentioned in this interview – select “More” icon at end of this story and scroll).

Spontaneous Remission launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). The book filled a gap in research, as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission. Then, in 1994 Remarkable Recovery was published; a book of stories about patient unexplained recoveries. Both  book looked at unexplained recoveries from medical literature and although considered a rare phenomena – they were surprised at the number of references they found. It piqued their interest to know more….

Just for a moment, turn back the clock to 1994. Can you imagine the New York Literary Guild’s Lawrence Van Gelder writing in the NY Times that the three hottest books on the horizon were ‘Like Water for Chocolate’, ‘The Horse Whisperer’ and, amazingly a nonfiction work; ‘Remarkable Recovery’ a book that offered scientific evidence that people recover from seemingly terminal illnesses more frequently than is supposed. Hirshberg’s well researched works of science not only captivated cancer patients worldwide but they marked a beginning of an almost cult-like fascination with healing in the public arena.

Caryle Hirshberg, Project Manager at IONS and the late Brendan O’Regan, Vice President of Research at IONS joined forces to create a project that had never been researched before. So was born ‘The Remission Project’ at IONS, California. The Spontaneous remission Hirshbergtask was enormous; to catalogue the world’s medical literature on the subject. This resulted in an assembly of the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3,500 references from more than 800 journals in 20 different languages.

Caryle Hirshberg will discuss her role in this formative period in American healing history with Grace Gawler. The theme is why people heal from diseases that were deemed incurable. This was a courageous topic to pursue; to study the seemingly miraculous while keeping science and well researched data on track. This was the first time that a research group not only gathered medical data from journals worldwide; but they dared to look at why people recovered and what we might learn from their turnaround to stay well. The book was controversial, inspiring and as well gained attack from some medical corners; yet the material they researched was from medical journals. Like TV’s past science hero, Professor Julius Sumner Miller; Hirshberg and O’Regan were brave enough to ask the fundamental scientific question; ‘Why is it so?’

Select read more to access Resources from todays show Continue reading “Spontaneous Remission – Researcher Caryle Hirshberg-Navigating the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler”

Conquering Cancer – Survivor's Secrets: Review – A Cancer Patient's Companion Guide – Grace Gawler

Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years)

Full Review of ‘Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets’- eBook by Bob Ellal

Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years) and is well qualified as a reviewer for this eBook.

 Keep it simple. Hard to do when one is first diagnosed with cancer. Anxiety, fear, and stress flood the body, mind and spirit. One is confronted by sheer information overload revolving around one question:

Should I undergo traditional chemotherapy/radiation with its debilitating side effects—or check out the myriad alternative therapies that populate the Internet? What should I do?
One can become paralyzed into not taking action–which wastes valuable time and only adds to the stress of the diagnosis. And ultimately, stress is a killer. What’s the answer?

Grace Gawler Crossroads of recovery
crossroads of recovery

In “Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets,” Grace Gawler answers this question. Not with “miracle cures” or New Age notions of merely adopting a superficial positive attitude and everything will work out. “Conquering Cancer” takes a cancer patient to the alpha point: getting one’s mind, body and spirit in sync to cope with the diagnosis, and then getting a handle on the strategy for dealing with it. In other words, you have to get your head on straight before you can tackle the greatest challenge of your life.

Through her many years of consulting with over ten thousand cancer patients, she’s observed that there are three stages of acceptance that survivors process through:

  1. The Will to Live. Facing one’s mortality is terrifying. We all want to live—and the first reaction to a cancer diagnosis is to ask “Why me? Did I cause my cancer somehow?” And many never quite get rid of those sentiments—bells gonging in the back of the mind that continuously resurface to drown out one’s resolve.

 The survival mechanism kicks in and one declares: “I’m going to beat it by force of will.” The result is often a frenzied schedule of juicing, ingesting supplements and scurrying around to get information on the latest cure—which is mentally and physically exhausting and produces an immense amount of stress. Even people who use meditation and visualization get the attitude that they must “hurry up” to de-stress. Which causes more stress and defeats the purpose?

  1. Letting Go. One comes around to accepting the diagnosis, relaxes, takes a step back and lets go of anxiety and fear. The cancer patient faces his or her emotions, acknowledges them, then proceeds with the business of getting well—but without the anxiety and guilt. Perhaps patients join support groups and begin to relax enough to meditate and visualize not with hell-bent intent, but with awareness. The mind relaxes and the body relaxes, allowing one’s immune system to recalibrate and aid in the recovery process.
  2. Letting Be. At this stage, survivors realize that they are living with cancer; that it is a process they must work through. The striving and “sweating things out” are in the past—one achieves a degree of self-mastery of his or her own life. Not focusing on journey’s end, but each present moment. And ultimately living with cancer frees one from the bounds of the “nutshell of bad dreams” that poisons the present. A new positive attitude emerges that comes from an inner resilience—not an outward and superficial “happy face” that conceals one’s true fearful emotions.

  I recommend this book highly as the “alpha point” for anyone diagnosed with cancer. Realizing that cancer survival is a process will help patients “seize the day” and ultimately arrive at a positive omega point

Bob Ellals website is: http://www.bobellal.com/
Purchase your eBook copy of Conquering Cancer – Survivors Secrets at http://www.gracegawler.com/institute


Conquering Cancer – Survivor’s Secrets: Review – A Cancer Patient’s Companion Guide – Grace Gawler

Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years)

Full Review of ‘Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets’- eBook by Bob Ellal

Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years) and is well qualified as a reviewer for this eBook.

 Keep it simple. Hard to do when one is first diagnosed with cancer. Anxiety, fear, and stress flood the body, mind and spirit. One is confronted by sheer information overload revolving around one question:

Should I undergo traditional chemotherapy/radiation with its debilitating side effects—or check out the myriad alternative therapies that populate the Internet? What should I do?
One can become paralyzed into not taking action–which wastes valuable time and only adds to the stress of the diagnosis. And ultimately, stress is a killer. What’s the answer?

Grace Gawler Crossroads of recovery
crossroads of recovery

In “Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets,” Grace Gawler answers this question. Not with “miracle cures” or New Age notions of merely adopting a superficial positive attitude and everything will work out. “Conquering Cancer” takes a cancer patient to the alpha point: getting one’s mind, body and spirit in sync to cope with the diagnosis, and then getting a handle on the strategy for dealing with it. In other words, you have to get your head on straight before you can tackle the greatest challenge of your life.

Through her many years of consulting with over ten thousand cancer patients, she’s observed that there are three stages of acceptance that survivors process through:

  1. The Will to Live. Facing one’s mortality is terrifying. We all want to live—and the first reaction to a cancer diagnosis is to ask “Why me? Did I cause my cancer somehow?” And many never quite get rid of those sentiments—bells gonging in the back of the mind that continuously resurface to drown out one’s resolve.

 The survival mechanism kicks in and one declares: “I’m going to beat it by force of will.” The result is often a frenzied schedule of juicing, ingesting supplements and scurrying around to get information on the latest cure—which is mentally and physically exhausting and produces an immense amount of stress. Even people who use meditation and visualization get the attitude that they must “hurry up” to de-stress. Which causes more stress and defeats the purpose?

  1. Letting Go. One comes around to accepting the diagnosis, relaxes, takes a step back and lets go of anxiety and fear. The cancer patient faces his or her emotions, acknowledges them, then proceeds with the business of getting well—but without the anxiety and guilt. Perhaps patients join support groups and begin to relax enough to meditate and visualize not with hell-bent intent, but with awareness. The mind relaxes and the body relaxes, allowing one’s immune system to recalibrate and aid in the recovery process.
  2. Letting Be. At this stage, survivors realize that they are living with cancer; that it is a process they must work through. The striving and “sweating things out” are in the past—one achieves a degree of self-mastery of his or her own life. Not focusing on journey’s end, but each present moment. And ultimately living with cancer frees one from the bounds of the “nutshell of bad dreams” that poisons the present. A new positive attitude emerges that comes from an inner resilience—not an outward and superficial “happy face” that conceals one’s true fearful emotions.

  I recommend this book highly as the “alpha point” for anyone diagnosed with cancer. Realizing that cancer survival is a process will help patients “seize the day” and ultimately arrive at a positive omega point

Bob Ellals website is: http://www.bobellal.com/
Purchase your eBook copy of Conquering Cancer – Survivors Secrets at http://www.gracegawler.com/institute
