Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze
The book, Spontaneous Remission, launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Co authored by the late Brendan O’Regan; the book filled a gap in research as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission.

The Remission Project charter at IONS was to catalogue the world’s medical literature on the subject. The result was an assembly of the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3,500 references from more than 800 journals in 20 different languages.
Another book followed; Remarkable Recovery which in 1994 the New York Times Literary Guild Book Club named as one of three of the hottest books on the horizon. Can we go beyond the stories and apply science to the study of remarkable recoveries? This week listen to Caryle Hirshberg answer this question and hear about her life’s work studying why people heal? To listen to Caryle’s interview with me, Grace Gawler CLICK HERE
Caryle Hirshberg is a former Senior Research Associate with the Institute of Noetic Sciences she co authored Spontaneous Remission with Brendan O’Regan published in 1993. She has been involved with beneficial plant research and the Center for Integrative Medicine which researches globally, promoting pharmacological research and intelligent scientific approaches to studying into indigenous and traditional remedies. Caryle was senior Researcher for the six part documentary The Heart of Healing which became a signature series for investigation into the mystery of why people heal.

In an extraordinary career, Caryle’s undergraduate study was in chemistry, mathematics and psychology at University of Florida. Her graduate work was in neurochemistry at Indiana University.
She has been involved in researching remission, neurochemistry, pharmacology, cancer biochemistry and cardiology. She has lectured widely on the subject of spontaneous remissions.
Today she is private practice. CLICK HERE to listen to this INSPIRING interview:
You can download Chapters in PDF. There are some valuable and fascinating chapters on infection related remissions and a chapter on understanding of the mechanisms of cancer healing, is elegantly explained. INSPIRING & HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
This blog and Our Voice America Radio show – “Navigating the Cancer Maze” is a created as a public service by the Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions to enhance cancer education via valid and evidence based experience to help cancer patients and families make informed decisions. We are a not for profit health promotion charity with a Global impact.