Cancer Doesn’t Stop for Christmas | Dealing with the Challenges-Grace Gawler Voice America

Navigating the Cancer Maze represents the culmination of my 40 years experience working at the coalface of cancer in what I call cancer supportive care medicine. As a young girl of about 8 years of age – I had two ambitions in life; to research cancer or become a veterinary surgeon. The universe works in mysterious ways. In 1976 I married a veterinarian who had cancer.

Click headphones to listen to today’s show at Voice America

Today’s Navigating the Cancer Maze, covers several areas important to Cancer patients.

In addition to this blog – gracegawlermedia – on Sunday 21st December 2014 – I will be launching a new blockbuster or should I say myth-buster blog – Grace Gawler Blog: The Thinking Person’s Guide to the Truth behind Common Cancer Mythology.

Navigating the Cancer Maze represents the culmination of my 40 years experience working at the coalface of cancer in what I call cancer supportive care medicine. As a young girl of about 8 years of age – I had two ambitions in life; to research cancer or become a veterinary surgeon. The universe works in mysterious ways. In 1976 I married a veterinarian who had cancer.

It happened just a few days before Christmas in 1974 – 40 years ago when I had just turned 21. Suddenly I became a carer of a cancer patient who was my boyfriend and employer.

My wedding day 28 Feb 1976 - 21 years and full-time carer
My wedding day 28 Feb 1976 – 21 years and full-time carer

 Like many today I had no experience in how to cope personally or how to help the patient who was my charge. I had to improvise and learn along the way. Added to this, my boyfriend, who later became my husband when he was given a prognosis 6 weeks to live; was an amputee. He had lost his leg to bone cancer just after Christmas, January 1975. He survived, we had 4 children and now 4 grandchildren. I learned a lot during that “hands-on period” that added to later qualifications. My story of those times is recorded in my Memoirs: Grace Grit and Gratitude. (2008 – eBook available)

See You tube: Grace Grit and Gratitude  Also visit on the menu of this blog –  “Ian Gawler Cancer?”

Moving forward to 2012 I realised that consulting with patients and public speaking was not enough. With cancer incidence rising, what I had learned needed a Global voice; an opportunity to take what I had learned so far and add medical expertise in current cancer treatments and research combined with patients’ experiences.

Available eBook - buy soft cover Australia only
Available eBook – buy soft cover Australia only

Patient’s need reliable and genuine information when they are in the fight for their lives! 2014 marks 2 years on air with Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel hosting ‘Navigating the Cancer Maze’. We want as many people as possible to know about Navigating the Cancer Maze internet radio because my Charity The Grace Gawler Institute sponsors this show to provide education and information free to all in need. Please visit the Website for our Christmas Fundraiser to support the show for 2015: “Move the World with Grace”

On this week’s pre-Christmas show I discuss key issues for cancer patients that have been highlighted by our guests on Navigating the Cancer Maze throughout 2014; a year of challenges and excitements in the Global Cancer Community. We will take a look at the impact of some of cancer’s entrepreneurs Including Wellness Warrior-Jess Ainscough, who has influenced many patients to follow the natural path to cancer healing, albeit encouraged by the Ian Gawler recovery story, which as you know, was highly likely to have been a misdiagnosis.

Unfortunately, but as expected; Jess’s Epithelioid sarcoma, a cancer that moves slowly has now progressed to a serious degree. Her mum recently died from breast cancer doing the same regimen. Entrepreneurial patients like Jess Ainscough have a huge influence on cancer patient’s treatment decisions. I truly despair at these stories. I hear from cancer patients like Jess daily and see them in my practice with the most horrendous fungating cancers that one would would expect to see in a third world country. I am passionate to educate cancer patients about the dangers of taking the 100% natural therapies approach. As a trained naturopath and herbalist-I am horrified by what I see hear and read about natural cancer cures!
More on this visit-Science -based Medicine Blog and See  Jessica Ainscough Wellness Warrior

Finally….Cancer Doesn’t Stop at Christmas:While for some this is a happy time of year – for others Christmas and New Year celebrations can be very a difficult & emotional time for those currently dealing with life challenging illness, including patients’ families. Also challenging is the person who may be missing from this year’s Christmas table. Please see helpful resources below – also listen to today’s show for helpful tips
Many of my Guests on Navigating the Cancer Maze have authored some fine books. I have listed them below. These are books of substance that contain valid and useful information for patients and families. Recommended for Christmas gifts or personal reading

Resources/Books mentioned on today’s show from my 2014 Guests:

  1. From Cancer Good Things Grow Jeffrey Deslandes – 8.5 year survivor of stage 4 lymphoma after failed treatments – 4 recurrences. Success with Dendritic cell vaccines. Pub  Balboa Pressall proceeds go to R& D Of DC Vaccines.
  2. “Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing” by Dietrich Stroeh Buy at Amazon
  3.  Recent Release-” Survivorship: Living Well During and After Cancer” by Dr Barrie Cassileth –
    Buy at:
  4. “Bad to the Bone: the True Story of David Tuccaro, Jr” – by David Tuccaro, Jr successful leukemia treatment- Buy at Amazon
  5. “Lead With Your Heart: Creating a Life of Love, Compassion, and Purpose”  by Regina Cates Buy at Amazon
  6. “The Man who Saved a Million Lives” – by Prof Ian Frazer Buy at Amazon
  7. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography by Caryle Hirshberg and Brendon O’Regan – Access this via IONS- Free chapter downloads:


Debbie Franke Ogg had a Hollywood Movie made about her life and recovery from Stage 4 Lymphoma. It starred Sam Neil and Anne Archer. First titled “A Leap of Faith” – the movie was later titled a “Question of Faith”. Debby is perhaps one of the few of millions who had a spontaneous remission from her cancer without medical treatment. The movie can be found online by typing the title into Google. Now a therapist in NY USA – Watch Movie online   Contact Debby.

Cancer Doesn’t Stop at Christmas: Help for those who may have lost a loved one this year. Resources provided by Beth O’Brien: a guest on this year’s Navigating the Cancer Maze.
BOOK recommended by Beth:
Dying to be Free: A healing guide for families after a suicide (Beverly Cobain, Jean Larch) buy at Amazon
The Grief Recovery Handbook: The action program for moving beyond Death, Divorce and other losses by John W James and Russell Friedman Buy at Amazon

Listen to today’s show at

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Until next time – Compliments of the Christmas Season


Viruses and Cancer| Professor Ian Frazer Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler | Voice America

The subject of viruses and their role in causing or accelerating cancer is a fascinating subject. It is a topic that is often discussed in Germany where specific tests and antisense treatments are implemented to treat oncoviruses. (An oncovirus is a virus that can cause cancer.) If you missed my interview with Prof Ian Frazer last September, this special episode was encored today on Voice America on Grace Gawler’s weekly show; Navigating the Cancer Maze. To link a virus to cancer in the 1980’s was contentious, but Ian Frazer persevered, convinced this needed further investigation. Now his successful research and development of a cervical cancer vaccine has sold worldwide under the brand names Gardasil and Cervarix.

The subject of viruses and their role in causing or accelerating cancer is a fascinating subject. It is a topic that is often discussed in Germany where specific tests and antisense treatments are implemented to treat oncoviruses. (An oncovirus is a virus that can cause cancer.) If you missed my interview with Prof Ian Frazer last September, this special episode was encored today on Navigating the Cancer Maze. To link a virus to cancer in the 1980’s was contentious, but Ian Frazer persevered, convinced this needed further investigation.

Prof Ian Frazer
The Book that tells of story of one of the most important discoveries in recent medical science

Now his successful research and development of a cervical cancer vaccine has sold worldwide under the brand names Gardasil and Cervarix.  To Listen to the interview select the link to Voice America below:

Professor Ian Frazer was born in 1953 in Glasgow, Scotland, into an academic family. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University and trained as a renal physician and clinical immunologist. He received a BSc(Med) in 1974 and an MB ChB in 1977.

In 1974, as part of his studies, Frazer spent three months at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne. In 1981 Frazer returned to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute where he continued his clinical training and undertook studies in viral immunology and autoimmunity and became particularly interested in human papilloma viruses (HPV).

In 1985 he took up a teaching position with the University of Queensland. When he moved to Brisbane he decided to continue his work with HPV, in particular HPV and cervical cancer. He was awarded a MD from the University of Melbourne in 1988. The work of Frazer with his colleague, the late molecular virologist Dr Jian Zhou, has led to the development of a vaccine which prevents infection with HPV and cervical cancer.
Prof Ian Frazer is currently CEO and Director of Research at the Translational Research Institute (TRI). Select link below to listen to interview with prof Ian Frazer:


The theory that cancer could be caused by a virus began with the experiments of Oluf Bang and Vilhelm Ellerman in 1908 who first show that avian erythroblastosis (a form of chicken leukemia) could be transmitted by cell-free extracts. This was subsequently confirmed for solid tumors in chickens in 1910-1911 by Peyton Rous.

By the early 1950s it was known that viruses could remove and incorporate genes and genetic material in cells. It was suggested that these new genes inserted into cells could make the cell cancerous. Many of these viral oncogenes have been discovered and identified to cause cancer.

The main viruses associated with human cancers are human papillomavirus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human T-lymphotropic virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus(KSHV) and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Experimental and epidemiological data imply a causative role for viruses and they appear to be the second most important risk factor for cancer development in humans, exceeded only by tobacco usage.
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The Man who Saved a Million Lives | Prof Ian Frazer – book review Grace Gawler

Author of ‘Ian Frazer … The man who saved a million lives’, Brisbane’s Madonna King, has certainly done justice to telling the life story and, scientific story of Prof Ian Frazer, one of Australia’s leading medical and scientific researchers.I also had the pleasure of interviewing Prof Ian Frazer on my educational US based internet radio series “Navigating the Cancer Maze”. If you missed this interview – it comes as highly recommended as the book about his life and work.

Author of ‘Ian Frazer … The man who saved a million lives’, Brisbane’s Madonna King, has certainly done justice to telling the life story and, scientific story of Prof Ian Frazer, one of Australia’s leading medical and scientific researchers.

A Review.

In 2012 I heard Prof Frazer give an excellent presentation to a Prostate Cancer Support group at Tweed heads. I was impressed, because here was a man clearly still as passionate about his work as when he began in the field of medicine, virology and immunology decades prior. Born in the same year as myself, we shared a hero.

Prof Ian Frazer
The Book that tells of story of one of the most important discoveries in recent medical science

 Ian Frazer grew up in the era of TV scientist Prof Julius Sumner-Miller whose program was called “Why is it so”? I have met so many scientists around the world who name Prof Sumner-Miller as their early inspiration to pursuit of a scientific career – What a legacy he left!

I also had the pleasure of interviewing Prof Ian Frazer on my educational US based internet radio series “Navigating the Cancer Maze”. If you missed this interview – it comes as highly recommended as the book about his life and work.

It is not easy to maintain that degree of dedication and passion that Ian Frazer exudes; he must work hideously long hours. Although very gracious and compassionate one gets the sense that here is a man whose reputation has been hard-earned and at a cost. The world of science, research and pharmaceutical companies is highly competitive and it is this part of the book that is so revealing about the dogged nature of Prof Frazer. Yet, this is softened by the care and compassion threaded throughout the pages especially when it came to sharing the accolades with colleagues such as  Jian Zhou.

The unexpected fight of his life and the lives of his fellow researchers began following a published paper in the Journal Virology by his colleague the late Jian Zhou, his wife Xiao Yi Sun, Deborah Stenzel and Prof Frazer. The paper was to be presented at a conference in Seattle in the USA , and at the last minute – a patent was issued in Queensland before  Jian Zhou and Ian Frazer left Australia to present one of the world’s biggest breakthroughs in the fight against cervical cancer. However – what ensued over the coming years was a court case to determine who was the real inventor/owner of the world’s first HPV vaccine…it was declared it was not Australia – but the US Georgetown based researchers that deserved first place and the right to say they developed the Vaccine. It was not until August 2007 that this judgement was reversed!

The story is complex but Madonna King weaves her literary skill…. the battle for rightful Australian and not US ownership of the vaccine discovery and patent reads like a spy novel crossed with a television drama – it would make a great Australian mini-series!

This book is not only significant in describing the story line of Prof Ian Frazer the man and his family and colleagues – but also it paints a picture of the behind the scenes pressures and skulduggery that happens in a medical research  world that most of us know little about.  It is complex and convoluted and of course as well as the discoveries – there is always the financial rewards that creates a competitive race to the finish-line approach. You will read about pharmaceutical companies, ethics and laws and the struggles that ensued to bring truth and a humane discovery to light.  Prof Ian Frazer and his team shine throughout.

I would highly recommend this book. It is a great read for anybody  who wants to know the science and reason and efforts behind the development of the cervical vaccine that Prof Frazer and the late Jian Zhou pioneered; and, as well, Madonna King shows us the human faces and lives of the people behind science and research that makes our live better. The book is aptly titled….”‘Ian Frazer … The man who saved a million lives’.

A great Christmas gift!

How to get your copy: available in Australia from Dymocks, Target and many other bookstores.

Not available in e-book yet, the book is published by University of Queensland Press BUY ONLINE HERE

Professor Ian Frazer, The Man who Saved a Million Lives interview with Grace Gawler

During this past week, a book about Professor Frazer’s personal story and his discoveries relating to viruses and cancer was launched in Brisbane. It is one of those books that is a must read – an important contribution to Australia medical science history! Authored by Madonna King, the book titled: “IAN FRAZER….The Man who saved a Million Lives” is available in Australia from Dymocks, Target and many other bookstores. Buy online at UQP. Listen to my Interview with Prof Ian Frazer on Voice America…..

Have you ever wondered about the nature of viruses? What they are made of… how they operate….. and how they can do a takeover bid in our bodies and make us so ill?  Did you know that viruses are implicated as a causative factor in the development of many cancers – not only cervical cancer? The bigger question begs; what can we do when a virus strikes and can we prevent a virus from causing cancer?

Fortunately for all of us Prof Ian Frazer began asking these questions at an early age.  At about the age of nine, he remembers lining up with schoolmates for their polio vaccinations. He said in a recent Reader’s Digest issue: “The needle got my attention,” he says – which is where most kids are happy to leave it. “Then, I realized there were [crippled] kids around who had had polio. That got me interested in how the body fights infection … how the body repairs itself.” Thanks to his earlier scientific curiosity, HPV 16 – one of the leading causes of cancer of the cervix, is in process of being eradicated worldwide.
During this past week, a book about Professor Frazer’s personal story and his discoveries relating to viruses and cancer was launched in Brisbane. It is one of those books that is a must read – an important contribution to Australia medical science history!

Prof Ian Frazer
The Book that tells of story of one of the most important discoveries in recent medical science

 Authored by Madonna King, the book titled: “IAN FRAZER….The Man who saved a Million Lives” is available in Australia from Dymocks, Target and many other bookstores. If you haven’t bought your Father’s Day gift yet – this one would a fantastic idea. (A percentage of proceeds from the book will be donated to the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation). Not available in e-book yet, the book is published by University of Queensland Press BUY ONLINE HERE
If you want to hear more about viruses and Professor Frazer’s work – Please do not miss listening to today’s special edition of Navigating the Cancer maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel:
Professor Ian Frazer AC, FRS, FAACEO, 2006 Australian of the Year & Director of Research at the Translational Research Institute, Brisbane Australia; is one Australia’s most celebrated medical research scientists. Prof Frazer has received numerous national and international awards for his work in developing the technology that has enabled vaccines to help prevent cervical cancer. To link a virus to cancer in the 1980’s was contentious, but Ian Frazer persevered, convinced this needed further investigation. Now his successful research and development of a cervical cancer vaccine has sold worldwide under the brand names Gardasil and Cervarix.  In May 2011, Prof Frazer was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. This achievement elevates him to the same status as world renowned scientists such as Stephen Hawking and Sir Isaac Newton. Today’s interview will probe in depth the connection between viruses and cancer and the function of immunity in viral destruction and management.
Short BIO – Professor Ian Frazer
Professor Frazer, a renal physician & clinical immunologist from Edinburgh, Scotland; came to Melbourne Australia in 1981 to pursue studies in viral immunology and autoimmunity at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of medical Research.
In 1985, he moved to Brisbane to assume a teaching post with the University of Queensland & was appointed Director of the Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research in 1991. He has taught immunology to undergraduate & graduate students at the University & has research interests in immune-regulation and immuno-therapeutic vaccines for HPV (Papilloma virus) associated cancers.

Translational Research Institute Brisbane Australia
Translational Research Institute Brisbane Australia

Now involved in revolutionary research, he is developing a vaccine/treatment for HSV-2 – the virus implicated in genital herpes.
He is a past President of the Cancer Council Australia, Chairman of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation’s Medical Research Advisory Committee & Chair of the International Agency for Research on Cancer Scientific Advisory Committee.

More on this topic and a review of the book IAN FRAZER….The Man who saved a Million Lives in my next blog at

Navigating the cancer Maze on Voice America Heath and Wellness Channel is presented each week by the Grace Gawler Institute in the interest of informing and educating the worldwide cancer community.

 Listen to the interview at :

Grace Gawler Institute: Prof Ian Frazer viruses and cancer – why vaccines are important in cancer prevention

Viruses, bacteria abd parasites are responsible for many cancers Researchers make a rough extrapolation from their data and estimate that of the 7.5 million deaths from cancer in 2008, 1.5 million, or about one in five, were caused by an infection. That’s a lot of deaths from preventable causes! They argue for more work on getting existing vaccines to the populations that need them and continuing research and education on vaccines in places where they’re readily available.

Last Friday I had the pleasure of listening to Professor Ian Frazer speak about his research on viruses and their implications in cancer development. This is an issue that I have been researching for some time. The lecture was both well presented, profound and inspiring. The more I have read the research about viruses and cancer, the more interested I became in education and awareness programs in prevention of virally induced cancers. The Grace Gawler Institute’s association with Dr Ursula Jacob Hallwang private Oncology Clinic and RGCC Greece – a world-class laboratory which specialises in medical genetics and in particular cancer genetics; marks a signpost for the future of genetics  in both prevention and treatment. The Director and founder of RGCC is Dr Ioannis Papasotiriou MD.

While many people are pursuing extreme dietary measures to eradicate their cancers; most do not know about the role that viruses have played in the development of their cancers. Our associates are working diligently on treatments to nullify the effects of viruses once a cancer has already been created; however Professor Ian Frazer and colleagues are working towards prevention and eradication of cancers that are known to be virally charged… and their solution is vaccination of young people in the high risk groups. Perhaps the most prevalent of these oncogenetic viruses is HPV (human papilloma virus) – Over eighty different types of HPV have been identified. Some are harmless and unsightly while others are very dangerous for example HPV 16 and HPV 18. Some studies suggest that with conventional treatments survival outcomes are better if the virus is located as a cause

Above  image Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

New Vaccination Program: Boys aged 12 – 13 will receive the vaccine through school-based programs under the National Immunisation Program, with Year 9 boys also included in a two-year catch-up plan.

The HPV vaccine has already contributed to a decrease in pre-cancerous cervical lesions in young women.

When administered to males, it will help prevent cancers of the genital tract, some types of head and neck cancers, and it will also enhance the vaccine’s effectiveness in women. With sexual activity occurring at earlier ages in combination with the types of sexual practises promoted today, these sexually transmitted viruses acquired in teenage years are responsible for many cancers in the 30- 40’s age bracket. HPV is also implicated in anal cancers and now implicated in some skin cancers.

Anti vaccination groups or individuals will likely be against the latest government objective when most Young Australian males will receive the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) free of charge in a world-first public health measure that will help prevent a range of cancers. Professor Frazer addressed this issue saying “There’s a very small group of people out there, who argue that we shouldn’t use vaccines, and they influence a much larger group of people not to get their children properly immunised,” he said. He has been involved in making a documentary that will provide a counter argument to the small minority that vaccines are safe and wonderful.”

Dr Frazer spoke about Bhutan which has one of the highest incidences of cervical cancer per head of population in the world. He estimates that Bhutan would take about 15-20 years from today to see a decrease in cervical cancer, he said, the time it takes between the virus infection and when one gets cancer. The girls that Bhutan is immunising today, at 12, he said, would be at the “maximum risk of cervical cancer in their 30s and 40s” and, by then by, there should be “virtually no cervical cancer in those girls.” Recommended extra reading:

FYI – Other viruses, bacteria and parasites known to cause cancers: Continue reading “Grace Gawler Institute: Prof Ian Frazer viruses and cancer – why vaccines are important in cancer prevention”