Professor Ian Haines co author Gawler 'cure' challenge also a survivor – Grace Gawler

Unless you are Melbourne based, you may have missed an amazing story that precedes the publication and release of  a medical journal article report that offers a likely hypothesis for the recovery of Ian Gawler – Australia’s most famous recovered cancer patient. The report was reviewed and published recently in the Melbourne Age.  
Professor Ian Haines, a co author with Professor Ray Lowenthal, recently turned the worlds of complementary & alternative medicine upside down when they reported that their research unequivocally found that in Ian Gawler’s case evidence of widespread secondary cancer was lacking, suggesting that based on reviewed evidence not previously available, that the patient Ian had advanced tuberculosis mimicking cancer. (supported by past medical literature searches).

Professor Haines recently experienced his own exciting story of survival.  The e-published Internal Medicine Journal  article may not have had one of its authors alive to discuss the importance of the report to cancer patients because just as Professor Haines was driving out of the Melbourne Cabrini Hospital carpark in late November 2011, on his 57th birthday, he had a cardiac arrest and was clinically dead.
Watch video interview with Professor Haines Channel 7 Melbourne: Click here

Fortunately, Dr Peter Jenkins followed by orderly & CPR expert Jonathon Cooper came to the rescue and in an intense 7 mins effort, Ian was brought back to life – a second chance and a miraculous recovery event. A long time advocate for cancer patients and well published researcher, Professor Haines is now a survivor in his own right. I was thinking about survival yesterday as it was the 10 year anniversary of my own survival when I travelled to the Netherlands to have my “world first” bionic colon implant  – a miraculous surgery that saved my life and gave me back life quality. The lower end of my colon had been paralysed – an unexpected post surgical complication following a hysterectomy in Dec 1997. I am eternally grateful to the researcher/colo-rectal surgeon who took a chance and gave me a second chance at life and a return to my career.

Like Professor Haines – if not for modern medicine, neither of us would be here to continue my work and assist those with life challenging illness.  E-



Professor Ian Haines co author Gawler ‘cure’ challenge also a survivor – Grace Gawler

Unless you are Melbourne based, you may have missed an amazing story that precedes the publication and release of  a medical journal article report that offers a likely hypothesis for the recovery of Ian Gawler – Australia’s most famous recovered cancer patient. The report was reviewed and published recently in the Melbourne Age.  
Professor Ian Haines, a co author with Professor Ray Lowenthal, recently turned the worlds of complementary & alternative medicine upside down when they reported that their research unequivocally found that in Ian Gawler’s case evidence of widespread secondary cancer was lacking, suggesting that based on reviewed evidence not previously available, that the patient Ian had advanced tuberculosis mimicking cancer. (supported by past medical literature searches).

Professor Haines recently experienced his own exciting story of survival.  The e-published Internal Medicine Journal  article may not have had one of its authors alive to discuss the importance of the report to cancer patients because just as Professor Haines was driving out of the Melbourne Cabrini Hospital carpark in late November 2011, on his 57th birthday, he had a cardiac arrest and was clinically dead.
Watch video interview with Professor Haines Channel 7 Melbourne: Click here

Fortunately, Dr Peter Jenkins followed by orderly & CPR expert Jonathon Cooper came to the rescue and in an intense 7 mins effort, Ian was brought back to life – a second chance and a miraculous recovery event. A long time advocate for cancer patients and well published researcher, Professor Haines is now a survivor in his own right. I was thinking about survival yesterday as it was the 10 year anniversary of my own survival when I travelled to the Netherlands to have my “world first” bionic colon implant  – a miraculous surgery that saved my life and gave me back life quality. The lower end of my colon had been paralysed – an unexpected post surgical complication following a hysterectomy in Dec 1997. I am eternally grateful to the researcher/colo-rectal surgeon who took a chance and gave me a second chance at life and a return to my career.

Like Professor Haines – if not for modern medicine, neither of us would be here to continue my work and assist those with life challenging illness.  E-



Gawler Foundation – Ainslie Meares – Grace Gawler reveals the true story in Grace, Grit and Gratitude – part 2

By Pip Cornall –  extracts from Grace Gawler’s memoirs – Grace, Grit and Gratitude – self published 2008 – are available on my blog

Grace wrote the book to ‘To Tell the True Story’ that the media would not publish – free downloads available on Google Books

Ainslie Meares 1978 Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) article gave medical authority  to the inference that mediation cured Ian Gawler’s bone cancer after conventional treatments failed. Grace Gawler’s 2010 MJA article proves he and another  2008 MJA article inverted timelines – to make it appear meditation and a vegan diet cured his cancer.  Grace shows, with photo evidence they both got it wrong! Click here