Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia | New Podcast Grace Gawler Interviews The Australian’s Richard Guilliatt

To Launch our Australian Podcast site today – who better than Award winning Journalist Richard Guilliatt! Richard has been in the news recently for his controversial investigations of events in the cancer “cure” wellness Industry. After tuning in to his interview with Phillip Adams on Radio National’s Late Night I invited Richard as our first guest on the new Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia.

The Grace Gawler Institute is delighted to announce the launch of our own Australian Podcast website dedicated to helping cancer patients navigate the increasingly complex cancer maze:

Grace Gawler interviews RICHARD GUILLIATT Walkley Award Winning Journalist & Staff Writer for The Australian Weekend Magazine
RICHARD GUILLIATT Walkley Award Winning Journalist & Staff Writer for The Australian Weekend Magazine

To Launch our Australian Podcast site today – who better than Award winning Journalist Richard Guilliatt! Richard has been in the news recently for his controversial investigations of events in the cancer “cure” wellness Industry. After tuning in to his interview with Phillip Adams on Radio National’s Late Night Live I invited Richard as our first guest on the new Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia.

Now with forty years experience in the field of cancer; I have had an opportunity to consult with and get to know thousands of cancer patients via consultations, workshops and residential programs. I get to know their children, families and friends. I attend funerals, hospital and hospice visits as well as weddings and birthdays. I get to hear first-hand about the choices that patient’s made ……….and the choices they wished they had made.

Many of those thousands of patients have shared with me how they made choices based upon unqualified advice given by cancer theorists and idealists; people who never see cancer patients one on one at the coalface. These patients relied on textbook, social media, cancer authors and Dr Google advisers with whom there is no relationship and an absence of duty of care. Some patients risked their lives by delaying appropriate treatments while others spent thousands of dollars on “one size fits all” treatments that simply don’t work.  How does this happen? After all it is unthinkable; who could possibly dupe a cancer patient?

The story that Richard Guilliatt brings to the table from his investigations, parallells my experience over the past 40 years!

About the Story: In 2012 Richard Guilliatt took an interest in the story of the late Jess Ainscough Wellness Warrior–and her mother the late Sharyn Ainscough who both decided to forgo conventional medical treatment in favour of the Gerson diet and meditation/lifestyle change to treat their cancers. Sadly, both are now deceased.

Mother and daughter The late Jess and Sharyn Ainscough Holding out for Miracle 2012 The Australian Weekend Magazine - Richard Guilliattt
Mother and daughter The late Jess and Sharyn Ainscough Holding out for Miracle 2012 The Australian Weekend Magazine – Richard Guilliatt

Both were thoroughly convinced that they would be cured by their radical lifestyle and dietary changes. Since their deaths, much of their history has been removed from the internet.

The Weekend Australian Magazine, 22 September 2012; published an article about the Aincoughs’ titled Holding out for a Miracle. The same article discussed the cancer cure promises of Dr Abdul-Haqq Sartori.

Richard also reviewed the cases of cancer patients TV Astrology personality, the late Athena Starwoman and Gemma Bond. Bond’s daughter, journalist Laura Bond is now a cancer blogger and self-styled “health coach” providing recycled advice to cancer patients. She is the creator of the misleading cancer info blog: “Mum’s not Having Chemo”.

But it was a young woman by the name of Belle Gibson who captured the interest of Richard Guilliatt. That interest was eventually responsible for lifting the lid on the business of wellness, false claims and “cancer cures”. Belle’s story has helped to lift the lid on what is going on in the Alt-Med Biz-World of cancer cures. Our attention is often drawn to “Big Bad Pharma” – but until now, to my knowledge, no journalist has looked at the big biz of “Alt-Med!” . And yes you heard that from someone who is qualified at distinction level in the naturopathic, botanical sciences and who sees cancer patients daily. What we do need is qualified and experienced complementary medicine practitioners who are trained and who work in liaison with the medical profession. Possible you ask? Yes! Take a look at to see an example of the new model of care.

As I have said before on this blog we must not throw the baby out with the bathwater but rather take a baby-bathwatermiddle path – best of both world’s approach when dealing with cancer. Well – the proof of the pudding is always in the eating – After listening to Richard Guilliatt’s interview, the next time someone offers you unqualified cancer advice – how will you react – what will you do? Will you think more critically about your choices?   I hope so!

Richard authored his most recent article Wellness Inc in the Australian Weekend Magazine 4 April 2015 as a continuation of his investigation into cancer fraud.

By the way – let us not forget the story of Penelope Dingle “Desperate Remedies” as seen on ABC’s Australian Story back in 2011. Despite the National showcase of this very sad story – It seems that little has been learned or much has been forgotten, or both are true. But stories like Penelope Dingle’s often  fade into the background and eventually disappear from the Internet. Penelope Dingle has in fact left us a powerful teaching story about the importance of the choices made in cancer treatments. Unlike many of the entrepreneurial cancer social media biz folk promoting the latest fad cancer diets – Penelope Dingle travelled her road as an individual although heavily influenced by the ideals of her husband and her homeopath. She did not take her personal choice to the world saying “This is how you cure cancer- Follow me”! But – like many before her, when she realised she was on the wrong path and natural therapies had failed her – it was too late to turn back!

Individuals have a right to choose their cancer treatments – but they need to do this in light of sound information and not influence others to join in their personal experimentation.

The video Desperate Remedies makes for compelling viewing for anyone considering taking the solo alt-med path to curing cancer.

When you select the following URL – here is what you will see in the image below: Interviews are live streaming – download for free and send to a friend. You will also be able to listen to some of our most popular and informative interviews from our previous Voice America Recordings. Please share via social media using the Share button. By selecting Read more you will learn more about the episode on my guest.
Navigating the Cancer Maze Australia podcasts for cancer patients

Each week we will feature a new interview. The show is designed to help you make informed choices and to give you access to world experts in oncology, cancer immunology and cancer research that you may never had heard about. As well you will hear interviews from cancer treatment innovators, patients and caregivers, nutritionists, complementary cancer medicine practitioners and researchers, cancer imaging experts and a few celebrities. These pod-casts represent the Australian version of my Voice America weekly show Navigating the Cancer Maze which has successfully been on the airwaves for 2.75 years. Stay tuned – Vodcasts will be coming soon…….

There will be some crossover with guests – but the American version of the show will also continue in its own right with different guests and with sponsorship. To produce and broadcast our Voice America internet radio show in total costs our charity around $30,000 USD per year including the 10+ hours each week involved in time and some travel. To put the show to air we fundraise via the Grace Gawler Institute (a registered not for profit Health Promotion Charity). We see this radio show as a special service and a significant part of our Cancer Awareness and Education Programs.

We believe that cancer patients deserve to know about the innovations in cancer medicine and the potentially life-saving information that we provide at no cost. Feedback on how the show has helped patients find techniques and surgeries that have saved their lives is both heart-warming and uplifting and has inspired this latest Australian podcast site .

We believe that this form of media is imperative for cancer patients who are seeking second opinions, guidance or maybe just simply knowledge about cancer. If you or someone you know would like to consider sponsoring our USA based version of Navigating the Cancer Maze – please contact me via the contact page  or or go the website

Please remember to visit our new podcast website and spread the knowledge and uplifting news about Navigating  the Cancer Maze Australia.

Until next time……


How Surgeons Can Help You Navigate the Colorectal Treatment Maze| with Grace Gawler

Discussion around Pelvic floor dysfunction and its consequences has suffered from the elephant in the living room syndrome for far too long. Today’s interviews with Dr Lim Jit Fong and Dr Francis Seow Choen on Naviagting the Cancer Maze, have a broader reach to anyone interested in their healthcare.

How Surgeons Can Help You Navigate the Colorectal Treatment Maze

Discussion around Pelvic floor dysfunction and its consequences has suffered from the elephant in the living room syndrome for far too long.

Today’s interviews  with Dr Lim Jit Fong and Dr Francis Seow Choen have broader reach to anyone interested in their healthcare. In the last session of the show you will hear part of an interview with Dr Seow Choen. The rest of this highly informative interview will be featured in next weeks show….Don’t miss it!

We all have a pelvic floor and when something goes awry with it  – it can create horrendous  physical suffering, social isolation and psychological trauma. You won’t hear this discussed very often because it is an area that suffers from the stigma of Silence! We tend to only think about pelvic  floor issues in women – but men can have just as many issues with their pelvic floor. Yes – I can’t say it too many times – I have a mission to break the silence that surrounds pelvic floor issues. If my problems had early intervention, my life would have been very different. So I figure we should all use what we have been given in life as teaching stories to educate and help others to access good information and therefore make informed choices to improve health and life! 

The interviews you will hear on navigating the cancer maze radio today were recorded live in Singapore whilst here for surgical procedure # 22! The majority of those surgeries were performed prior to my undergoing interstim treatment; first in the Netherlands with Dr Rudd Schouten and pelvic floor specialist  Marijke Sleiker ten Hove  – this was  in 2002, 2003. I was the “first” at that time for Medtronic interstim to work for my condition. It was verified that innervation to my rectum had been grossly disturbed during a routine surgery in 1997, making bowel function impossible; faecal impaction followed and  colon was removed whilst the cause – nerve damage; remained.

Dr Lim Jit Fong
Dr Lim Jit Fong

  Although the surgeons who performed procedures saved my life several times; for which I am grateful, I remained frustrated because the caused was continually bypassed and my issue became shrouded in Silence. I began to to study sacral nerve function and the pelvic floor. I was told it was impossible that any form of restoration existed!  The longer my problem existed the worse it got so by the time I found a possible solution with interstim; I had a lot of internal and external damage, hernias from “bags”, burns from ileostomies, further proplapses in my already damaged pelvic floor. Life quality became far too compromised Now 2 devices replaced – one in 2009  and now another in 2014  – both performed in Singapore with the surgeons I interview today. Guess what – the procedure is till off label around the world for my condition!! It is available but you need to find those skilled in this area and you need to pay for it. – no insurance. But what is a life worth I keep asking myself? In Singapore I felt understood and listened to as I had been in with my first Dutch Surgeons – when my procedure was purely an experiment. Now, to Singapore……

Dr. Lim is very passionate about improving the quality of his patients’ care. In caring for his patients, Dr. Lim has always maintained a steadfast principle, “Make decisions for your patients as if they are your loved ones. If your decision is not good enough for your loved one, it is not good enough for your patient.” For his dedication toward patient care, he has received numerous awards for excellence in patient care through the years. When I read this I knew I was in the right hands.

Medtronic's interstim snm device
Medtronic’s interstim snm device

Improving patient care is not from the service aspect alone but also involves improving the quality of care through research and educating a new generation of doctors” says Dr Lim. Dr. Lim has authored numerous scientific research articles in various colorectal surgery topics and these have been published in various peer-reviewed medical journals worldwide.

CLICK HERE       To read more about Dr Lim Jit Fong

CLICK HERE      To read more about Dr Francis Seow Choen

Dr Francis Seow Choen Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore
Dr Francis Seow Choen Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore

For more information about procedures for incontinence for bladder and bowel or to inquire about any colon issues including constipation and feacle obstructive syndromes: Please inquire via the contact page at


Next week on Navigating the Cancer Maze – more from Dr Francis Seow Choen


LISTEN TO AUDIO QIMR berhofer QldListen to audio interview at:

How to Safely Integrate Botanical Medicine into a Cancer Treatment & Prevention Program with Grace Gawler

Have you noticed how in recent times, ordinary foods have been re-invented and labelled as awesome super-foods. The awesome super-food brings with it a promise of health, vitality, longevity and prevention of every illness under the sun – especially cancer. And….it’s all natural! Well is it? First of all, vegetables and fruits we eat today are different from the foods our ancestors were eating.

Have you noticed how in recent times, ordinary foods have been re-invented and labelled as awesome super-foods. The awesome super-food brings with it a promise of health, vitality, longevity and  prevention of every illness under the sun – especially cancer. And….it’s all natural! Well is it? First of all, vegetables and fruits we eat today are different from the foods our ancestors were eating. They have been altered in their genetic material since the late 1800’s. Scientists and farmers have been genetically modifying food crops  through a process known as hybridization or selective plant breeding for a long time. This was the pre-biotechnology method of introducing genetic materials from one individual plant to another. The humble carrot was manipulated long before that!

carrots superfoodsA knowledge of history often helps to put things into perspective. Did you know that the Carrot we know of today was already tampered with in the 1700’s. They were bred orange in The Netherlands during the 17th century from the older white and purple stock (that are now back in fashion as “heritage” varieties) to show support for the Orange-Nassau dynasty. So provocative were orange carrots seen to be in the early modern period that, at various points, they were banned from sale in Dutch markets as the fortunes of the dynasty waxed and waned politically! Even in the the 1700’s vegetables were used to promote a cause! ( source The Conversation)

But – back to the 21st Century. In today’s hype for health there is one thing missing  in many of the self stylized Health Gurus – knowledge!

Food science is fascinating and complex and as technology increases- our understanding and knowledge builds.

Unfortunately promoters of the current “healing super-foods” are not  qualified in the science; nor are they qualified in botanical medicine. On today’s Navigating the Cancer Maze , I look at just one of the super-food groups – Cruciferous vegetables.  The phyto-chemicals contained in cruciferous vegetables, as well as macro and micro-nutrient content have caused a stir in cancer circles.

Based on my more than 3 decades of experience, research & qualifications with plant medicines & nutrition to help cancer patients; I would like to share with you some critical aspects for any cancer patient to know when using plant based medicines or super-foods for health; both during treatment and outside of treatment. Click here to listen to audio streaming Voice America

Many studies have highlighted reduction of cancer risk Health intelligence australiaby consuming macro-nutrients-carbs, proteins, fats, fibre and proteins. There are also specific nutrients contained in foods called micro-nutrients-what we know as vitamins, minerals & trace elements. However, plants contain many chemical substances other than micro-nutrients that may help prevent cancer; some are effective adjuncts in treating cancer- these are called phyto-chemicals.

There is a saying – “It’s not what you eat – but what you do with what you eat”. Almost every patient who visits my practice has already made lifestyle and dietary changes according to what they have read on Dr Google or in books obtained through Dr Google. Some have sought naturopathic advice. Most finish up on vegan diets with copious juices whilst taking plant nutrients in capsules or powders by the bucket load. This is not natural!  A few more helpful sayings: ” Less is more” and….. there is no one size fits all in healing- we are all different.”

One of the biggest digestive enemies of the cancer patient are the foods that do not breakdown well and create excess gas & pain and….often these foods don’t absorb well. You can be taking in lots of nutrient dense foods and supplements – but be malnourished. I see this in my practice constantly.  Excessive gas and inflammation from ingesting large quantities of raw greens along with a compromised digestive system can lead to many more health issues. Remember Cancer is disease that begins with inflammation that becomes chronic. Ideally we want to make life easier for our digestive systems – not more difficult.   I highly recommend you visit the following website:

Did you know that by overdoing ingestion of the cruciferious family by taking excessive green powders and juicing raw vegetables that absorb better if cooked – can lead to genotoxicity?  This is the term which describes the property of chemical agents that damage genetic information within a cell causing mutations, which may lead to cancer. Excess raw greens can also affect thyroid hormones and create Goiter. The principle applies  – Less is more!

So often in my practice I find that by changing the “healthy regimens” that patients are taking in order to recover, and replacing it with a well structured, personalized dietary regimen with steamed and cooked foods;  that bloating, due to excessive gas and inflammation, decreases or disappears. As does the debilitating pain that accompanies foods that don’t suit our metabolism. Patients with gastro- intestinal cancers can therefore reduce pain medication due to a sensible dietary change.

Another excellent resource for learning about Gut issues is the following website:

In tomorrow’s blog more resources and information about cruciferous vegetables and nutrition for cancer patients. See you then …

Navigating the Cancer Maze Celebrating Two years On Voice America | Grace Gawler Health Intelligence

Navigating the Cancer Maze Celebrating Two years On Voice America | Grace Gawler Health Intelligence

TWO year anniversary VA

PART ONE: Navigating the cancer Maze uniquely takes an all round eclectic and authentic look at Cancer. Each week, for the past two years we have discussed everything that is relevant to a person or family dealing with cancer.  We don’t only discuss life saving treatments – but we also discuss end of life issues and care. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THIS WEEKS SHOW  Navigating the Cancer Maze with Health Intelligence

First of all – some resources: Last week on  Navigating the Cancer Maze, I interviewed David Pastalozzi Producer of Strath a Swiss formulation with Longevity that every cancer patient should know about!  CLICK HERE for more about this wonderful product.

If you are new to the show or missed the previous shows – they are recorded at Voice America & located in the Archives on the top right of my webpage at VOICE AMERICA Health and Wellness channel. Please take a look at all our wonderful past guests on the show & their interviews. Free to listen and download anytime.……..Recently, I have been fortunate to interview people who work at the coal face with the dying and bereaved. Beth O’Brien is a trained bereavement & grief counselor, &  funeral celebrant. In light of the suicide death of actor Robin Williams there was a global increase in services/inquiries for those who need help with depression or substance abuse. I asked Beth O’Brien if she could share some very useful resources that all of us may need at some stage in life, whether for us or for a friend!  To Listen to my interview with Beth O’Brien: CLICK HERE

To resource more about this important subject you can also access the guest page where there are links; should you wish to contact any of the organizations mentioned or my guests. (select URL above to locate my Voice America page).

Dying to be Free: A healing guide for families after a suicide (Beverly Cobain, Jean Larch) CLICK HERE

The Grief Recovery  Handbook: The action program for moving beyond Death, Divorce and other losses  by John W James and Russell Friedman   CLICK HERE

Changing the topic to ‘living well’…….Lifestyle and Health Promotion – also mentioned on this week’s show…….

Two wonderful Programs featured on ABC TV: Catalyst over the passed 2 weeks. If you want to explore the links between diet and lifestyle – then this program is not to be missed!  Science is catching up with some of the sound  ‘old school Naturopathy’ that I was taught by my mentor & friend the late Dorothy Hall. I still use these old school principles in my Practice – but now have the science to back up my approach. In 40 years having worked with 16,000 cancer patients – one gets more than just an insight into the efficacy of cancer treatments and prevention programs. If you missed Catalyst, you can click through to find the videos:
Go to   You can download Episode 5: 14/08/2014     Episode 6: 21/08/2014 as MP4 files

Finally today – Please visit my new website for Consultations-Medicine with Heart, Skill and Compassion

A new model for best of both worlds medicine – Team consults available with GP- Southport Gold Coast

More about Health Intelligence Australia in PART TWO – coming soon. Enjoy the day!




Voice America – Grace Gawler interviews Lead with Your Heart Author|Regina Cates

Voice America – Grace Gawler interviews Lead with Your Heart Author|Regina CatesIt doesn’t have to be cancer or an illness – any crisis will do to initiate change! Learn what to do when uninvited change visits you! Can you be prepared? YES! Using the language of shared experiences, Regina communicates universal truths in a down-to-earth manner everyone can understand. Her spot-on description of the human condition inspires people to take responsibility for their actions, words, and thoughts, creating beneficial change in their lives.

It doesn’t have to be cancer or an illness – any crisis will do to initiate change!

Learn what to do when uninvited change visits you! Can you be prepared? YES!

Lead with Your Heart Regina CatesMy interview with author Regina Cate went live to air today: You listen to the interview on live streaming or you can download from Voice America.

The program regularly offers tools for life skills – not only for cancer patients and it is free – the show is a vision in action for the Grace Gawler Institute’s education and awareness program for living well!

About Regina Cate’s Book:

Using the language of shared experiences, Regina communicates universal truths in a down-to-earth manner everyone can understand. Her spot-on description of the human condition inspires people to take responsibility for their actions, words, and thoughts, creating beneficial change in their lives. Doing so is Regina‘s passion, and it comes through loud and clear.

In 2004 she left the traditional work world so she could spend her days teaching people to lead with their hearts. This witty, provocative, non-judgmental lover of life, who cares more about people than price tags, is not above scooping up dog poop from her neighbors’ lawns or litter from the curbs.
To look at Regina, as glowing and lovely as if she had stepped off the pages of a wellness magazine, you would never imagine that her childhood in Victoria, Texas, was hard. A jeans-wearing, gay tomboy growing up in the sixties, Regina was surrounded by people who ridiculed and persecuted her. No matter how hard she tried to fit the mold, she continued to fail. And yet, attempting to accept others’ limited views caused her such feelings of unworthiness and shame that she lived in constant fear.

Regina has many life and health challenges of her own – even today but it is HOW she has chosen to live that makes her an inspiring teacher.  She has found an authentic and sustainable way to manage those issues and is a great believer in community as support – to share and care!

Eventually she realized she was not meant to live anyone’s life but her own, and the heartbreak became a door to self-awareness. Facing her fear, she finally stood up, refusing to let her past define her present a moment longer. With appreciation for those same hurtful experiences, Regina was able to transform her life from one of pain and self-doubt to happiness and self-fulfillment.


Until the moment when Regina knew it was time to make the leap of faith and empower others on a full-time basis, her journey was fairly traditional.

To Buy the and visit Regina’s Facebook page.

* Remember to like us on Facebook too!!*

Navigating the Cancer Maze is produced by the Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions as a service to the Global Community. A not for profit registered Health Promotion Charity.

Regina Cates joins Grace Gawler on Navigating the Cancer Maze

Regina Cates will discuss her new book, Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose on Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler. Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose, was reviewed by #1 New York Times best-selling author Marianne Williamson who says,”This book is like a note from a close friend reporting on her spiritual journey from lovelessness to love. By walking you through her experiences, she casts light on your own. And not just her life, but yours too begins to change.”

Regina Cates will discuss her new book, Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose on Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler.

Listening Times: USA broadcast time Friday April 25- 12 noon PST. Australia time Saturday 26April. Global listeners: The interview is available anytime for download or streaming on demand.

With a Facebook following of approximately 250,000 engaged readers, Regina Cates’ style of teaching is refreshing earthy and honest!

Regina Cates-romancing
Regina Cates-romancing

 If you are disenchanted with life and looking for a raison d’etre or if you are feeling lost and alone in life’s maze – then this book and Regina’s website can help you!

Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose:  #1 NY Best selling author Marianne Williamson says,

“This book is like a note from a close friend, reporting on her spiritual journey from lovelessness to love. By walking you through her experiences, she casts light on your own. And not just her life, but yours too begins to change.”

Regina Cates says, “I have the greatest job in the world, because each day I help people create lives of love and deep meaning.”

The job Regina speaks of—helping people awaken to lives of limitless possibility—began in 2004 after a long, painful journey to unshackle her own life.

The company she co-founded, Romancing Your Soul, is the source of inspiration for hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe. Now with her first book, Lead with Your Heart, published Spring 2014, she intends to lead an even greater audience toward the higher wisdom of their heart.

Read more about Regina Cates’ story; her work and passion for life by selecting the following link to direct you to theLead with Your Heart Regina Cates press release at SBWire


Visit her website at where you can also see resources and purchase her book hard copy and kindle.


Whether you are dealing with illness, uninvited life changes such as divorce or grief….you will find authentic and helpful tips on how to effectively navigate life’s maze!


Regina’s book gets a “five star” rating from me and is on the highly recommended reading list for 2014!


About Grace Gawler and Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America Radio.
2014 marks Grace Gawler’s 40 years assisting cancer patients to Navigate the Cancer Maze as effectively as possible. Navigating the cancer maze fulfills Grace’s vision to provide a sponsored show through her Charity, the Grace Gawler Institute, so that cancer patients can hear expert Professionals and authentic cancer survival stories. The show aims to share time-proven strategies in a “Let’s talk about it” atmosphere with the aim of making the journey through cancer more easeful through knowledge. The program is solutions focused for patients at all stages of cancer and provides tools for pre-planning for any setbacks that are likely to be met along the way. It is important to acknowledge the reality of a cancer diagnosis, while being authentic about process and keeping possibilities open. The best outcomes are experienced when the best of conventional medicine is paired with the best of complementary supported by an empowered patient.


Voice America|Caryle Hirshberg talks about her published Research on Spontaneous Remissions and Why people Heal| Grace Gawler

Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler on Voice America. I interview the co author of Spontaneous Remission, a research compilation that launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Co authored by the late Brendan O’Regan; the book filled a gap in research as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission. It is inspiring, educative and the only published Masterpiece that has dared to research this fascinating subject.

Today on Navigating the Cancer Maze
The book, Spontaneous Remission
, launched Caryle Hirshberg into the cancer spotlight when it was published in 1993 by the institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Co authored by the late Brendan O’Regan; the book filled a gap in research as before that time there was no standard reference for the field of spontaneous remission.

Spontaneous Remission Hirshberg &  ORegan
The book Spontaneous Remission – PDF downloads available see link below

 The Remission Project charter at IONS was to catalogue the world’s medical literature on the subject. The result was an assembly of the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3,500 references from more than 800 journals in 20 different languages.

Another book followed; Remarkable Recovery which in 1994 the New York Times Literary Guild Book Club named as one of three of the hottest books on the horizon. Can we go beyond the stories and apply science to the study of remarkable recoveries? This week listen to Caryle Hirshberg answer this question and hear about her life’s work studying why people heal? To listen to Caryle’s interview with me, Grace Gawler  CLICK HERE

Caryle Hirshberg is a former Senior Research Associate with the Institute of Noetic Sciences she co authored Spontaneous Remission with Brendan O’Regan published in 1993. She has been involved with beneficial plant research and the Center for Integrative Medicine which researches globally, promoting pharmacological research and intelligent scientific approaches to studying into indigenous and traditional remedies. Caryle was senior Researcher for the six part documentary The Heart of Healing which became a signature series for investigation into the mystery of why people heal.

Caryle Hirshberg
Caryle Hirshberg

In an extraordinary career, Caryle’s undergraduate study was in chemistry, mathematics and psychology at University of Florida. Her graduate work was in neurochemistry at Indiana University.

She has been involved in researching remission, neurochemistry, pharmacology, cancer biochemistry and cardiology. She has lectured widely on the subject of spontaneous remissions.

Today she is private practice. CLICK HERE to listen to this INSPIRING interview:


You can download Chapters in PDF. There are some valuable and fascinating chapters on infection related remissions and a chapter on understanding of the mechanisms of cancer healing, is elegantly explained.  INSPIRING & HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

This blog and Our Voice America Radio show – “Navigating the Cancer Maze” is a created as a public service by the Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions to enhance cancer education via valid and evidence based experience to help cancer patients and families make informed decisions. We are a not for profit health promotion charity with a Global impact.



Navigating the Cancer Maze with Dr Francis Seow Choen| Exploring InterStim TM Therapy Singapore

If you heard the the interview with Dr Francis Seow Choen on Navigating the Cancer Maze last week – you may remember him mentioning some of the special surgical & technological techniques practiced at the Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore. One of those therapies is InterStimTM Therapy also know as sacro neuro-modulation. This is the technique I successfully underwent in Holland in 2002-03 which was a world first for my condition.

Part 2 Interview with Dr Francis Seow Choen: Exploring InterStim TM Therapy
Resource: Colorectal solutions – not only for cancer patients!

One of Modern Technological Miracle treatments – yet no one is quite sure exactly why/how  it works. But without InterStimTM Therapy – I would not be here writing this blog ! More patients need to know about this technique as it can be a solution for urinary and faecal incontinence as well as chronic constipation. Many of these issues can be caused by disturbance or damage to the pelvic nerve pathways.

If you heard the the interview with Dr Francis Seow Choen on Navigating the Cancer Maze last week – you may remember him mentioning some of the special surgical & technological techniques practiced at the Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore. One of those therapies is InterStimTM Therapy also know as sacro neuro-modulation. This is the technique I successfully underwent in Holland in 2002-03 which was a world first for my condition.

After successful interstim replacement Singapore 2009
After successful interstim replacement Singapore 2009 Grace, Pip and Dr Seow Choen

 There are all kinds of reasons why the nerve supply to the anus and rectum can be disturbed. In my case it was a sudden and unexpected post surgical complication after a hysterectomy for a simple prolapse repair. When this nerve disturbance occurs, one can’t perform the natural daily function of defecation  – it changes life substantially!!  Having had 5 feet of damaged colon removed and 5 feet of small intestine removed – caused by impaction, As Dr Seow Choen discussed on the show, the solution for most patients is to have a surgery that makes an anus on the abdomen ( called a stoma) – where a bag is attached to collect faeces. ( This can either be an ileostomy or colostomy). For some patients this can be a solution – but for many others like myself – it can mean a deterioration of life quality, painful burns on the abdomen, herniation of the stoma area and in the case of ileostomies – the socially embarrassing issues of leaking or exploding bags! Being the first patient for InterStimTM Therapy – the surgery was extensive and invasive…but no complaints –  it gave me my life back! Now 11 years later the procedure is simplified and the devices are smaller. I have had 2 devices so far and will have a replacement sometime in the next 6 months. (Because for me the battery expires as the devices needs to run on a relatively high voltage constantly) Not the case for everyone. More information – contact

What is InterStimTM therapy?

InterStimTM Therapy is an innovative treatment option for urinary and fecal incontinence. It is also used to treat constipation. InterStimTM therapy uses mild electrical impulses to stimulate sacral nerves and thereby restore the function of the bladder, bowel and external urinal and anal sphincter pathways.

This is known as sacral neuromodulation (SNM) or sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) and is a long lasting, reversible treatment that can be used effectively to treat selected patients with bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.

How does InterStimTM work?
Interstim fortiscolo rectal hospital Prof Seow Choen

Low-intensity electrical impulses are generated by an implantable neurostimulator INS, and delivered via a conducting electrode to one of the sacral nerves.

Treatment with InterStimTM Therapy

Patients likely to respond to treatment are selected through test stimulation. Following successful testing, (>50% improvement in symptoms) patients are recommended for permanent implant.

The test stimulation takes place over several days. A thin flexible wire is inserted, under local anaesthetic, close the sacral nerves. This is taped to the skin and connected to a small external stimulator worn on the waistband.

Following a successful trial a permanent implant can be fitted, also under local anaesthetic, in the upper buttock. Once in place the neurostimulator is activated, sending mild electrical pulses to the sacral nerve. This can be adjusted for each patient, initially by the doctor, but also by the patient using a programmer (similar to a remote control).

Why was InterStimTM Therapy developed?

Treatment options in both urinary and faecal incontinence are recognized as limited, with many patients unable to achieve good symptom control with pharmacological interventions alone.

Patients’ lives are severely affected, with frequent reporting of depression, low self-esteem and restricted daily activities.

What are the patient benefits?

Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) is a long-term treatment for patients with either urinary or faecal incontinence, and for those with double incontinence.

  • After more than five years of follow-up nearly 75% of patients with fecal incontinence maintained at least a 50% improvement.1
  • Its benefit is not limited to improvement in symptoms; quality of life (QoL) also increases significantly.
  • Its efficacy has been demonstrated in both single and multicentre prospective studies.1

Experts recognize its wide range of applications, its potential as a minimally invasive technique with a very low risk of complications,2 and as a cost-effective treatment option.3-5


At Fortis Surgical Hospital, we offer an integrated programme with the complete spectrum of treatments required for our patients.


This therapy is an option for patients who have not had success with, or could not tolerate more conservative treatments such as oral medication, physical therapy and diet modification. All patients will have to undergo the trial assessment to confirm their suitability.

Reference:  incontinence. Br J Surg. 2006 Nov;93(11):1411-7

Listen to Dr Francis Seow Choen on Navigating the Cancer Maze – Voice America.

Raw Versus Cooked for Cancer Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer| Grace Gawler

It is not only what you eat; but what you can absorb. Is raw food better than cooked food? Is vegan better for cancer patients than fish and meat? What about raw vegan? Extreme diets often pair with extreme supplementation to make up for what’s missing…so how safe is that approach? What about juices and their value? What is the truth about diet and Cancer?

Navigating the Cancer Diet Maze Special needs for Colon and Liver Cancer

Listen on Voice America Health & Wellness Channel – free to download or available on streaming

It is not only what you eat; but what you can absorb. Is raw food better than cooked food? Is vegan better for cancer patients than fish and vegraw veganvegetarian? What about raw vegan? Extreme diets often pair with extreme supplementation to make up for what’s missing…so how safe is that approach? What about juices and their value?

Having gained a distinction in nutrition plus assisting cancer patients for 40 years has given me great insights….there is not much I haven’t seen cancer patients try with regards to dietary regimens and alternative medicine during those decades. Most often, the outcomes have been far from ideal. Maybe short term dietary experiments are OK if you are not ‘relying’ on the diet for curing cancer – but the main issue goes way beyond symptoms, such as rapid weight loss, because the most important thing is that cancer is time sensitive – you don’t have time to wait and see if the diet works in 3 or 6 months. The wait and see mentality is heavily criticized in conventional medical systems – but clearly it exists on both sides of the healing divide.

  • We live in an age where fashion fads and dietary fads change like the wind. With lifestyle medicine a cultural trend; a lot of long term dietary experimentation is going on at the cost of lives. Cancer patients often get swept up in the winds of dietary fads and before they know it, they are inside a culinary tornado that offers more stress; less peace of mind, confusion, social isolation, unnecessary weight loss and nutritional deficiencies…all from a so called nutrient dense diet that many cannot absorb.
    This I know from experience; in fact from 3 different roles in my life.:
    as carer of a cancer patient
    a qualified health professional
    and then as a patient
    Many others have experienced this – this website is a fascinating read!
    Resource # 1:

So where does the truth lie for people just want to eat well? I think it lies in the middle of the road approach!

Cancer patients need to be careful that they are not buying in to an someone else’s ideological dietary regimens.

There is no cure cancer diet that I know of….and there is no one size fits all in the world of diet! But if you are a cancer patient and particularly if you have  colorectal or a gastrointestinal cancer – you need to be even more cautious.
What is the best way of eating for this specialised group?
The only way is to access a health practitioner who can help you with a personalised diet  based on results of functional pathology stool tests. Yes – your own stools hold the secret answer as to what you should eat and what you can absorb! Makes sense doesn’t it!

The best type of tests are those that require a stool sample collected over a 3 day period…
Why a 3 day period? As well as examining all the digestive functions and our end products…the 3 day test is far more accurate for detecting any parasite eggs from unwelcome intestinal hosts…this problem is more common that most people believe.

Some cancers such as cancer of the bile duct  (called cholangiocarcinoma)  is one example of a cancer known to be caused by a parasite – in this case – Chinese Liver fluke.
Resource # 2: Chart and references:  Parasites and Pathogens associated with cancer

Resource # 3: In Australia – to source a test ask your health practitioner to organize a Healthscope functional pathology test for digestion including a 3-day parasitology test. They have an excellent series of different tests – your practitioner can advise which one is best for you..

For stool testing in the USA & internationally – CONTACT

It is almost a given that patients with colorectal cancer will have had surgery to remove a segment or segments of colon affected by cancer. Depending on the length of the segment removed  –  type of diet and quantity of food should be adjusted accordingly.

Excess fibre and raw seeds and nuts and even raw foods  can become indigestible irritants causing inflammation and bloating to the patient who has had colorectal surgery….it can especially be a problem for the patient who loses a  significant portion of small intestine. Yours truly in one of those people!

Prior to my own surgery losing 5 ft of large colon and the same amount of small intestine; I was a prolific salad & raw food consumer – but I also ate a great deal of cooked vegetables and seafood – I think you would call me a Pescetarian…I had a diet that contained a good deal of dietary fibre- a good balance of cooked and raw foods. However after my surgeries– my gastro – intestinal tract was clearly traumatised and it took years to recover to a satisfactory degree.

Remember the saying………… it is not only what you eat – but what you can absorb…..this statement becomes a simple rule to live by and is especially important for those dealing with or those who have had colorectal cancer.

Now back to diet….. cooked vs raw…

Now I am interested in the work of primatologist Richard Wrangham…. his research claims that learning to cook food was the hinge Catching_Fire_-_How_Cooking_Made_Us_Human_(Profile_books)on which human evolution turned. Eating cooked food, he argues, enabled us to evolve our large brains, and cooking itself became a primary focus of human social activity — in short, cooking made us the social, intelligent, and sexual species we are today.

His book –  Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human is available on Amazon..

From the book’s promo:
Contrary to the dogmas of raw-foods enthusiasts, cooked cuisine was central to the biological and social evolution of humanity, argues this fascinating study. Harvard biological anthropologist Wrangham dates the breakthrough in human evolution to a moment 1.8 million years ago, when, he conjectures, our forebears tamed fire and began cooking.

Starting with Homo erectus—who should perhaps be renamed Homo gastronomicus—these innovations drove anatomical and physiological changes that make us adapted to eating cooked food the way cows are adapted to eating grass. By making food more digestible and easier to extract energy from, Wrangham reasons, cooking enabled hominids’ jaws, teeth and guts to shrink, freeing up calories to fuel their expanding brains. It also gave rise to pair bonding and table manners, and liberated mankind from the drudgery of excessive chewing (while chaining womankind to the stove). Wrangham’s lucid, accessible treatise ranges across nutritional science, palaeontology and studies of ape behaviour and hunter-gatherer societies; the result is a tour de force of natural history and a profound analysis of cooking’s role in daily life. More than that, Wrangham offers a provocative take on evolution—suggesting that, rather than humans creating civilized technology, civilized technology created us.

Listen on Voice America Health & Wellness Channel – free to download or available on streaming

Thanks for visiting…..More on this thought provoking topic in next blog-soon: Enjoy!  Grace

Navigating the Bowel Cancer Maze Prevention and Management with Grace Gawler Voice America

What does it mean to be diagnosed with familial polyposis? The condition involves the growth of numerous polyps that form mainly in the epithelium of the large intestine. While these polyps start out benign, malignant transformation into colon cancer occurs when left untreated. Listen to an interview with recovered patient Angela on Voice America’s Navigating the Cancer Maze hosted by Grace Gawler.

Part ONE:
Why I am Passionate about Prevention of Colon Cancer:

The subject of colon cancer is not ‘everyone’s cup of tea’ as they say! However I have a distinct and very personal interest in colon cancer and colon health. My early work with cancer patients activated my interest and concern for this group of patients who in those days seemed to left in a no-mans land to cope with a horrendous change to their bodily function as well as the psychological challenges that go with such a life-changing trauma. Assisting bowel cancer patients soon took over from my work with women with breast cancer. “Women of Silence – the Emotional Healing of Breast Cancer” was based on the unspoken issues that affected a woman’s self esteem, body image, psychology, lifestyle and relations to name but a few. However I was so awe-struck by the plight of patients with colon cancer; both men and women who had ileostomies or colostomies, that I was compelled to research more on how I could assist them with diet, lifestyle, adaptation, reclaiming their lives and dealing with the consequences of uninvited life change. Eventually this area became a speciality part of my Naturopathic Practice. Not only cancer patients, but those dealing with IBS and all varieties of colon issues began to consult with me. I studied the anatomy & physiology of the colon in depth and helped thousand of patients.

But….little did I know what the future had in store!

Ironically I had been well prepared for the next stage of my life when after a routine gynaecological surgery in 1997; I was unable to do what most of us do every day – that is go to the loo! My husband had just left the family, I was financially and physically compromised and I had 4 teenage children at home. So began my annus horribilis.

Me after 1st ileostomy and colectomy in 2000
Me after 1st ileostomy and colectomy in 2000

 It is a good thing we cannot see into the future as I did not know there would be 13 more similar years ahead. All tolled I had 21 surgical procedures and ileostomies and colostomies! Five feet of large Colon was removed and 5 feet of small bowel due to massive faecal impaction. The stomas leaked causing severe burns on my belly. Each time I had a surgical reversal (the bowel was re-joined); what remained of my colon would violently and unsuccessfully; try to push material through my paralysed rectum. Many times what was supposed to come out one end – came up via the other end. It was a debilitating, socially difficult and the most challenging thing I have ever experienced. The stoma area herniated due to strain. At times it was hard to see a way through but despite the down times, I was committed to finding solutions.

I travelled to Holland and underwent experimental surgery and basically became a world first for a bionic implant surgically placed in my buttock with wires and electrodes implanted through my spinal foramina. This device (like a heart pacemaker) worked successfully at 6volts to give me enough stimulus to empty my what remains of my colon. It works by mimicking the nerves that allowed rectal emptying. That was in 2012-2003. Suddenly my empathy ran deeper for my past patients; for as well as managing stomas – they were also dealing with cancer.

But regardless of the cause – like my patients, I was also now dealing with a life-threatening situation.

I learned a lot first hand from my experience to apply in my cancer work-more than I could possible have learned during my many training courses. My issue had been a ‘post surgical complication’ & maybe unavoidable. But I reasoned that if patients with known bowel conditions could do something to avoid what I had been through – then I could have a valuable contribution.  I knew that early diagnosis of bowel cancer and & subsequent intervention could save a life. In particular I knew there were approaches reported in medical literature about the value of High EPA Fish oils and anti-inflammatory complementary medicines in helping those afflicted with the precancerous condition known as FAP.
So when patient “Angela” came to me in 2011 diagnosed with Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and facing a permanent ileostomy I knew what we could try safely while her situation was monitored medically.

Her grandfather had FAP, her mother had it and died at 58……her uncle has it and it is known that one of her adult sons has it. Her other 2 children as yet have not been investigated.

So …. what does it mean to be diagnosed with familial polyposis?  The condition involves the growth of numerous polyps that  form mainly in the epithelium of the large intestine. While these polyps start out benign, malignant transformation into colon cancer occurs when left untreated.
(The medical solution is usually  a colectomy – a surgical resection of any extent of the large intestine (colon) and a colostomy bag or in some cases an ileostomy, when the polyps invade the colon tissue changing it’s structure and causing fragility).

Angela asked me what could be tried as she like myself had already had some colon section removed and had endured the failure of a temporary ileostomy. Listen to my interview with Angela and learn what she decided to do about regaining bowel health. Still clear of polyps (Dec 2013) and with a regenerated colon (confirmed with colonoscopy) she has successfully navigated the maze, using the best of conventional diagnostic medicine in combination with targeted complementary and lifestyle medicine. Her entire case (complete with medical data) will be published in a Journal in 2014. More info: email:

Select the image below to be redirected to Voice America and my interview with Angela on Navigating the Cancer Maze. Or… click here. More about colon cancer in my next blog.

Navigating the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler Voice America