Grace Gawler interviews Dr Bruce Whelan |How to Navigate the Cancer Maze with the Help of your General Practitioner

Grace Gawler Interviews Dr Bruce Whelan a specialist GP who has been in Practice for 45 years. A previous guest on the show, episode titled ‘Spinning Gold from Straw: How trauma transformed a Doctor’s Life and Practice’; today I will be asking him about his role as a GP. ersonal involvement with the Bali bombings in 2002 made an impact of his life & practice leading to his interest in psychiatry. His special areas of interest are general psychiatry, drug addiction medicine, pain management & issues related to cancer medicine.

Navigating the Cancer Maze – with Grace Gawler:

How to Navigate the Cancer Maze with the Help of your General Practitioner—Cancer Practice & Emotional Medical Apple shutterstock_70520200Support

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Dr Bruce Whelan is a specialist GP who has been in Practice for 45 years. A previous guest on the show, episode titled ‘Spinning Gold from Straw: How trauma transformed a Doctor’s Life and Practice’; today I will be asking him about his role as a GP. The role of the GP is ever-changing; once the family doctor who made house calls and knew the names of all of a patient’s family members, the role of the GP has morphed into rapid delivery medicine with time constraints. However, there is a new and emerging role for GP’s in cancer and supportive Care medicine. The need is great for patients and families and a new model of care is timely. A graduate of the University of Queensland School of Medicine-1967, Dr Bruce Whelan has been in general practice since 1971.

He also specializes in pain management, so I will be specifically asking him about pain management in cancer medicine.


BIO DR Bruce Whelan – Specialist GP

 Dr Bruce Whelan has been in general practice since 1971. Dr Bruce Whelan specialist GPHe has worked in challenging rural Australia practice environments including indigenous health.

With 45 years experience, his ethic is treating the whole person using the best of modern psychology & general psychiatry in combination with the best of modern medicine. Personal involvement with the Bali bombings in 2002 made an impact of his life & practice leading to his interest in psychiatry. His special areas of interest are general psychiatry, drug addiction medicine, pain management & issues related to cancer medicine.

He has been involved with teaching medical students at Bond & Griffith Medical Schools Gold Coast Australia. He has a deeply inquiring mind, sharp differential diagnosis skills, & his experience as a GP who understands his patients’ grief and trauma is invaluable. He lives on a yacht, loves fishing, oil painting, classical music & life!


Regina Cates joins Grace Gawler on Navigating the Cancer Maze

Regina Cates will discuss her new book, Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose on Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler. Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose, was reviewed by #1 New York Times best-selling author Marianne Williamson who says,”This book is like a note from a close friend reporting on her spiritual journey from lovelessness to love. By walking you through her experiences, she casts light on your own. And not just her life, but yours too begins to change.”

Regina Cates will discuss her new book, Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose on Navigating the Cancer Maze with Grace Gawler.

Listening Times: USA broadcast time Friday April 25- 12 noon PST. Australia time Saturday 26April. Global listeners: The interview is available anytime for download or streaming on demand.

With a Facebook following of approximately 250,000 engaged readers, Regina Cates’ style of teaching is refreshing earthy and honest!

Regina Cates-romancing
Regina Cates-romancing

 If you are disenchanted with life and looking for a raison d’etre or if you are feeling lost and alone in life’s maze – then this book and Regina’s website can help you!

Lead With Your Heart: Living a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose:  #1 NY Best selling author Marianne Williamson says,

“This book is like a note from a close friend, reporting on her spiritual journey from lovelessness to love. By walking you through her experiences, she casts light on your own. And not just her life, but yours too begins to change.”

Regina Cates says, “I have the greatest job in the world, because each day I help people create lives of love and deep meaning.”

The job Regina speaks of—helping people awaken to lives of limitless possibility—began in 2004 after a long, painful journey to unshackle her own life.

The company she co-founded, Romancing Your Soul, is the source of inspiration for hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe. Now with her first book, Lead with Your Heart, published Spring 2014, she intends to lead an even greater audience toward the higher wisdom of their heart.

Read more about Regina Cates’ story; her work and passion for life by selecting the following link to direct you to theLead with Your Heart Regina Cates press release at SBWire


Visit her website at where you can also see resources and purchase her book hard copy and kindle.


Whether you are dealing with illness, uninvited life changes such as divorce or grief….you will find authentic and helpful tips on how to effectively navigate life’s maze!


Regina’s book gets a “five star” rating from me and is on the highly recommended reading list for 2014!


About Grace Gawler and Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America Radio.
2014 marks Grace Gawler’s 40 years assisting cancer patients to Navigate the Cancer Maze as effectively as possible. Navigating the cancer maze fulfills Grace’s vision to provide a sponsored show through her Charity, the Grace Gawler Institute, so that cancer patients can hear expert Professionals and authentic cancer survival stories. The show aims to share time-proven strategies in a “Let’s talk about it” atmosphere with the aim of making the journey through cancer more easeful through knowledge. The program is solutions focused for patients at all stages of cancer and provides tools for pre-planning for any setbacks that are likely to be met along the way. It is important to acknowledge the reality of a cancer diagnosis, while being authentic about process and keeping possibilities open. The best outcomes are experienced when the best of conventional medicine is paired with the best of complementary supported by an empowered patient.


Beating the Silence Again Grace Gawler

In 2007 Katherine Kizilos wrote a feature article for the Age newspaper Melbourne. The article begins…” She survived her husband’s illness only to fall prey herself to disease but Katherine Kizilos finds that Grace Gawler used the experience to launch a new life.”Gawler is a name familiar to those who want

Photo : The Mebourne Age

to believe the human spirit conquers disease. Ian Gawler lost his leg to bone cancer but not his life and with wife Grace established in 1981 Australia’s first cancer support service, the Gawler Foundation. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE

My life has had a theme of  issues pertaining to silence – holding silence where appropriate, and breaking silence when essential!

My book Women of Silence (1994) was the first to open doors of communication surrounding breast cancer and emotional recovery – a little spoken of issue in those days; it formed the basis of breast cancer support groups in Australia.
Katherine Kizilos’ 2007 article  after more than 2 decades of silence was the first article to publicly raise the the issue of Ian Gawler’s remission from cancer being in some way associated with tuberculosis – a very important scientific connection to make in the interest of cancer patients. An opportunity to discuss this important topic resurfaced in 2010 when the (MJA) Medical Journal of Australia published my refute letter in response to an incorrect version of Ian’s recovery story that appeared in the MJA in December 2008, under the title “True Stories”. But then – more silence…. with most newspaper medical reporters refusing to comment, with one exception! Continue reading “Beating the Silence Again Grace Gawler”