Early Diagnosis| a Significant Step to Winning the Cancer Challenge|Grace Gawler

I was very impressed during my recent visit to Singapore when briefed about a new campaign for early diagnosis as a part of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign is not only restricted to Singapore. Please get on board -The message is global! The campaign is called Make Love the Reason. Make your pledge now…visit the site on Facebook: https://apps.facebook.com/fortis_fbapp/
Working at the other end of cancer, where disease is often massive and the patient is battle weary from prolonged treatments; early diagnosis and risk reducing factors are very attractive indeed!! So why do so many people leave their most important asset – SELF, on the back burner?

On our way back from a Cancer Patients without Borders  Medi-Tour trip to Germany about a week ago; we had our usual stopover in Singapore, where it was a delight to revisit Fortis Surgical Hospital (formerly Fortis Colorectal Hospital).

 Not only was I able to have my electrodes reprogrammed for my sacral neuro-modulating device; I was also able to catch up with some of the latest research and surgical techniques used at Fortis Surgical hospital, Singapore 

If you missed listening to Dr Francis Seow Choen’s interview with me on Voice America recently – Please take this opportunity to tune in or download the show for free at Voice America: Navigating the Cancer Maze.

Fortis surgical hospitalI was very impressed during my visit when briefed about the new campaign for early diagnosis as a part of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign is not only restricted to Singapore. Please get on board -The message is global! The campaign is called  Make Love the Reason. Make your pledge now…visit the site on Facebook:   https://apps.facebook.com/fortis_fbapp/

Working at the other end of cancer, where disease is often massive and the patient is battle weary from prolonged treatments; early diagnosis and risk reducing factors are very attractive indeed!!

So why do so many people leave their most important asset – SELF, on the back burner?

There is a lot in life that we cannot control – but self value and self care is something we can have control over. We need to seriously look at the factors that can prevent us from seeking self care and a better life. Is it fear, embarrassment, being too busy to make time for that appointment to check out a health problem or to just have a general check up? Is it that the alternative medicine/lifestyle path looks attractive to you. You may not know what you have – no diagnosis; but whatever it is, the latest fad diet is worth trying! The latter in my recent experience is one key reason in today’s world why people delay diagnosis. By using self referred lifestyle medicine to get well; often a one size fits all approach – not personalized, the promise of  good health is assured. 

For example, a patient came to me who had noticed blood on the loo paper for about 5 years. Without seeing a doctor – she embarked upon a regimen of everything from meditation to positive thinking, diets and juice fasts. The blood stains continued – and rather than seek professional advice( a diagnosis), she ignored the symptoms and began intensifying all she was doing, believing she just had to get her body clear and clean and that nature would heal her of her undiagnosed problem. She was a young mum of two. She is now dead due to advanced colo-rectal cancer that by the time she was diagnosed; had metastasized to her liver and lungs.

Healthcare and self-care can seem all too hard in today’s world. The new generation of young health entrepreneurs are regurgitating and extrapolating the health myths that began 40 years ago! They didn’t work then – they don’t work now. They Fortis  surgical hospitalcertainly don’t work for treating cancer naturally as the patient above experienced. Unfortunately, she is one of many. If anyone told me 30 years ago I would specialize in Alt Med Rescue – I would have laughed at them!

Copious juices, enemas, veganism, raw food, supplements, no sugar, no carbs, alkalizing diets – “no food diets” , will not only empty your stomach – but also your pockets. So don’t be fooled by fad diets. Well-being is a state of mind, an attitude of self care. It is being sensible, balanced and enjoying a middle of the road approach to living. It is about taking necessary steps to improve health and longevity and… attending to.…… not ignoring symptoms!

After 40 years in my cancer work and nearly 30 years as a Naturopath/Herbalist I have seen more stress & depression created by unnecessary change in the pursuit of of health and happiness. People get so stressed trying to de-stress! So – after all my years in the Health field what have I learned? Self care is important – it is about taking time for self, family, friends – good social networks and good relationships. Do one thing just for you each day & importantly, take your time doing it. Slow down give yourself the time you deserve.

Importantly – Make time for that medical check-up you have been putting off – Make Love the Reason!!

Related resource of interest:       http://www.beyondveg.com/billings-t/ideal-real/idealism-realism-1a.shtml

Navigating the Cancer Maze with Dr Francis Seow Choen| Exploring InterStim TM Therapy Singapore

If you heard the the interview with Dr Francis Seow Choen on Navigating the Cancer Maze last week – you may remember him mentioning some of the special surgical & technological techniques practiced at the Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore. One of those therapies is InterStimTM Therapy also know as sacro neuro-modulation. This is the technique I successfully underwent in Holland in 2002-03 which was a world first for my condition.

Part 2 Interview with Dr Francis Seow Choen: Exploring InterStim TM Therapy
Resource: Colorectal solutions – not only for cancer patients!

One of Modern Technological Miracle treatments – yet no one is quite sure exactly why/how  it works. But without InterStimTM Therapy – I would not be here writing this blog ! More patients need to know about this technique as it can be a solution for urinary and faecal incontinence as well as chronic constipation. Many of these issues can be caused by disturbance or damage to the pelvic nerve pathways.

If you heard the the interview with Dr Francis Seow Choen on Navigating the Cancer Maze last week – you may remember him mentioning some of the special surgical & technological techniques practiced at the Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore. One of those therapies is InterStimTM Therapy also know as sacro neuro-modulation. This is the technique I successfully underwent in Holland in 2002-03 which was a world first for my condition.

After successful interstim replacement Singapore 2009
After successful interstim replacement Singapore 2009 Grace, Pip and Dr Seow Choen

 There are all kinds of reasons why the nerve supply to the anus and rectum can be disturbed. In my case it was a sudden and unexpected post surgical complication after a hysterectomy for a simple prolapse repair. When this nerve disturbance occurs, one can’t perform the natural daily function of defecation  – it changes life substantially!!  Having had 5 feet of damaged colon removed and 5 feet of small intestine removed – caused by impaction, As Dr Seow Choen discussed on the show, the solution for most patients is to have a surgery that makes an anus on the abdomen ( called a stoma) – where a bag is attached to collect faeces. ( This can either be an ileostomy or colostomy). For some patients this can be a solution – but for many others like myself – it can mean a deterioration of life quality, painful burns on the abdomen, herniation of the stoma area and in the case of ileostomies – the socially embarrassing issues of leaking or exploding bags! Being the first patient for InterStimTM Therapy – the surgery was extensive and invasive…but no complaints –  it gave me my life back! Now 11 years later the procedure is simplified and the devices are smaller. I have had 2 devices so far and will have a replacement sometime in the next 6 months. (Because for me the battery expires as the devices needs to run on a relatively high voltage constantly) Not the case for everyone. More information – contact http://www.fortissurgicalhospital.com/our-services/interstim-therapy

What is InterStimTM therapy?

InterStimTM Therapy is an innovative treatment option for urinary and fecal incontinence. It is also used to treat constipation. InterStimTM therapy uses mild electrical impulses to stimulate sacral nerves and thereby restore the function of the bladder, bowel and external urinal and anal sphincter pathways.

This is known as sacral neuromodulation (SNM) or sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) and is a long lasting, reversible treatment that can be used effectively to treat selected patients with bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.

How does InterStimTM work?
Interstim fortiscolo rectal hospital Prof Seow Choen

Low-intensity electrical impulses are generated by an implantable neurostimulator INS, and delivered via a conducting electrode to one of the sacral nerves.

Treatment with InterStimTM Therapy

Patients likely to respond to treatment are selected through test stimulation. Following successful testing, (>50% improvement in symptoms) patients are recommended for permanent implant.

The test stimulation takes place over several days. A thin flexible wire is inserted, under local anaesthetic, close the sacral nerves. This is taped to the skin and connected to a small external stimulator worn on the waistband.

Following a successful trial a permanent implant can be fitted, also under local anaesthetic, in the upper buttock. Once in place the neurostimulator is activated, sending mild electrical pulses to the sacral nerve. This can be adjusted for each patient, initially by the doctor, but also by the patient using a programmer (similar to a remote control).

Why was InterStimTM Therapy developed?

Treatment options in both urinary and faecal incontinence are recognized as limited, with many patients unable to achieve good symptom control with pharmacological interventions alone.

Patients’ lives are severely affected, with frequent reporting of depression, low self-esteem and restricted daily activities.

What are the patient benefits?

Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) is a long-term treatment for patients with either urinary or faecal incontinence, and for those with double incontinence.

  • After more than five years of follow-up nearly 75% of patients with fecal incontinence maintained at least a 50% improvement.1
  • Its benefit is not limited to improvement in symptoms; quality of life (QoL) also increases significantly.
  • Its efficacy has been demonstrated in both single and multicentre prospective studies.1

Experts recognize its wide range of applications, its potential as a minimally invasive technique with a very low risk of complications,2 and as a cost-effective treatment option.3-5


At Fortis Surgical Hospital, we offer an integrated programme with the complete spectrum of treatments required for our patients.


This therapy is an option for patients who have not had success with, or could not tolerate more conservative treatments such as oral medication, physical therapy and diet modification. All patients will have to undergo the trial assessment to confirm their suitability.

SOURCE: http://www.fortissurgicalhospital.com/our-services/interstim-therapy
Reference:  incontinence. Br J Surg. 2006 Nov;93(11):1411-7

Listen to Dr Francis Seow Choen on Navigating the Cancer Maze – Voice America.


Navigating the Cancer Maze with Professor Francis Seow Choen|The Journey from Cancer Patient to Famous Colorectal Surgeon

Dr Francis Seow Choen is a medical miracle – he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine; and as a 7 year old and faced a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy way back in 1964 when treatments were very harsh. A survivor and now world famous colorectal surgeon he breaks a lot of myths that surround colorectal cancer. In his life and Practice he is a seeker of truth for the public well-being when it comes to cancer and cancer prevention and cure claims.

Navigating the Cancer Maze with Professor Francis Seow Choen / The Journey from Cancer Patient to Famous Colorectal Surgeon…Part 1.

PROFESSOR FRANCIS SEOW CHOEN“Surgery is not just science. Surgery is an art. One can learn about science from courses, conferences and books. In art, one has to have talent first and then seek out a master who can bring that skill to perfection.”    Prof Seow-Choen

Dr Francis Seow Choen is a medical miracle – he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine; and as a 7 year old and faced a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy way back in 1964 when treatments were very harsh. A survivor and now world famous colorectal surgeon he breaks a lot of myths that surround colorectal cancer. In his life and Practice he is a seeker of truth for the public well-being when it comes to cancer and cancer prevention and cure claims.

Although he is well published in Singapore as a social commentator on colorectal cancer prevention and treatments – it must be said that he has not used his cancer survival as a way of attracting followers – but rather, he has taken the scientific method path of research and a rigorous approach to best techniques for each individual patient.  VISIT:   http://www.fortissurgicalhospital.com

His views on lifestyle, in particular diet as a cancer prevention may surprise you – however after 40 years experience and as someone involved in lifestyle medicine in the early days of its promotion; I agree. Many of the patients I see as vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists and what I would call ‘healthy eaters’ who don’t smoke  and who are “tea-totallers” seem to get cancer at the same rate as everyone else. These patients often feel betrayed by lifestyle medicine that promised them a healthy disease-free life. This is complex – but Dr Seow Choen gives his views from a very experienced background. He believes that the key to working against  cancer is found in genetics and molecular studies. Dr Seow Choen is an avid educator in the field of colorectal diseases. He says right and truthful information, early diagnosis, right treatment, good support and the right doctor are keys to survival.

Below see eCard information from Navigating the Cancer Maze: To Listen to this inspiring and informative interview – select the link below


Today my special guest on Navigating the Cancer Maze is Dr Francis Seow-Choen from Singapore. As a little boy he became medically famous when diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma; the first recorded case in Singapore. After diagnosis & an arduous 6 months that included surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment; he survived! He was just 7 years old.

Today, Dr Francis Seow-Choen is Medical Director and Senior Consultant at Fortis Colorectal Hospital in Singapore. He is an internationally recognised colorectal surgeon and had previously held posts as the Head and Senior Consultant – Department of Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Director of the Endoscopy Centre and Director of Surgical Oncology at the National Cancer Centre (see Guest profile). The professor is an ardent entomologist, husband, father and above all he is a surgeon & survivor who beat the odds and inspires others through his life and vocation.

Links and resources:

PHYSICIANS & GP’S:    The e-book for physicians and GP’s is titled Handbook on Colorectal Diseases, composed by the hospital’s Senior Consultants and invited writers, focuses on three key areas, namely:

  • The diagnosis and management of colorectal diseases in an outpatient context
  • Pathology and surgical procedures to enable appropriate counseling of patients
  • Relevant information to help Family Physicians make decisions on when to refer patients for further treatment

The e-book is now available for download on both iBooks and iTunes, in 51 territories including United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Follow the link below to get a copy of the e-book today:

CONTACT: Fortis Colorectal  hospital Singapore website :     http://www.fortissurgicalhospital.com
Difficult cases and international patients accepted.

Learn and read more about Dr Francis Seow Choen:


Article on eating and fibre intake: Dr Francis Seow Choen:




Background – Guest Page: Voice America Heath & Wellness Channel


Navigating the Cancer Maze is presented each week as a free service to the global cancer community by the Grace Gawler Institute and anyone interested in the Truth in Medicine and Health. www.gracegawlerinstitute.com