How Surgeons can Help you Navigate the Colorectal Cancer Maze | Dr Francis Seow Choen with Grace Gawler

Dr Francis Seow Choen is himself a medical miracle. As a 7 year old he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine after facing a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy back in 1964 when treatments were harsh. He survived! Dr. Seow-Choen graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1981 & obtained his higher surgical qualifications in 1987. He sub-specialised in colorectal surgery in 1989 where he worked with the world-class surgeons of St Marks’ Hospital in London. He is a remarkable CR surgeon.

Part 2 – How Surgeons can Help you Navigate the Colorectal Cancer Maze

Dr Francis Seow Choen MBBS (Spore), FRCS (Edin), FAMS

Dr Francis Seow Choen Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore
Dr Francis Seow Choen Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore

Dr Francis Seow Choen is himself a medical miracle. As a 7 year old he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine after facing a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy back in 1964 when treatments were harsh. He survived! Interview CLICK HERE

Dr. Seow-Choen graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1981 & obtained his higher surgical qualifications in 1987. He sub-specialised in colorectal surgery in 1989 where he worked with the world-class surgeons of St Marks’ Hospital in London. He is a remarkable CR surgeon.

I have interviewed Dr Francis Seow Choen previously on my internet radio show Navigating the Cancer Maze at Voice America. This time however, we touch on more details about the surgical techniques available for anyone dealing with colorectal cancer today.

As well, speaking as CR surgeon and recovered patient; he had a powerful message to cancer patients. Listen to this short excerpt from his interview: Select the icon below right to hear Dr Seow Choen’s message.

A personal message to cancer patients from Dr Francis Seow Choen
A personal message to cancer patients from Dr Francis Seow Choen

I have tremendous respect for the art and science of surgery. My own introduction to surgery came when I was 15 years of age. I began working in a veterinary clinic after school, then during holidays and for while as permanent staff. I was fortunate that the owner took me on as an apprentice as he knew my passion was to become a veterinarian. So, not only did I learn “hands-on” labrador retriever at the vetsurgery at an early age – I also was involved in co-performing post postmortems on animals which has served as a treasured learning field for understanding anatomy, physiology and pathology – many older dogs and cats who succumbed to an advanced and previously undiagnosed cancer that became a postmortem exercise; allowed me to see a wide range of cancers in vivo.

On the other hand, I was also impressed in how quickly animals responded to surgery for cancer and that for a high percentage of our animal clients – of those  caught early in diagnosis; few had a recurrence. There were also cases where enormous tumour loads were surgically removed, and the dog lived a long life afterwards! It was here that I developed a tremendous respect for surgical skills and the associated healing potential and regenerative powers that along with our animal friends, we all possess. However, surgery has come a long way since those days when robotic surgery entered the arena a few years ago.

You will find today’s interview with Dr Seow Choen informative, especially regarding the techniques using the new DaVinci Robotic surgery technology. You can read more about this technique as well as listening to the interview with Dr Seow Choen at:

Singapore Fortis surgical Hospital da-Vinci-Robotic-Surgery equipment
Singapore Fortis surgical Hospital da-Vinci-Robotic-Surgery equipment


Dr. Seow-Choen helped establish the first colorectal surgery department in Asia at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and is considered a leader in the development in CR surgery and approaches to treatment.

In this interview with Dr Seow Choen he also comments on diet and nutrition for cancer patients from the viewpoint of an experienced CR surgeon.

You may be surprised what he says……

 In the last segment of today’s show, I provide an overview on treatments available for CR cancer in 2014. A not to be missed show!

DaVinci robotic surgery technology
DaVinci robotic surgery technology


Contact: to learn more…..

Or visit Dr Seow Choen’s website: 

Don’t miss reading the informative medical media articles  at……….

If you missed last weeks interview with Dr Seow Choen’s colleague Dr Lim Jit Fong –


Remember all interviews on Navigating the Cancer Maze are free to air (on live streaming and available from the archives anytime) and can be downloaded for free on itunes.

The show is not copyright and is available to distribute in the interest of cancer education and public awareness.

The show is available globally and is sponsored by donations to the Grace Gawler Institute a registered NFP Health Promotion Charity with DGR status based in Australia with a global outreach.

How Surgeons Can Help You Navigate the Colorectal Treatment Maze| with Grace Gawler

Discussion around Pelvic floor dysfunction and its consequences has suffered from the elephant in the living room syndrome for far too long. Today’s interviews with Dr Lim Jit Fong and Dr Francis Seow Choen on Naviagting the Cancer Maze, have a broader reach to anyone interested in their healthcare.

How Surgeons Can Help You Navigate the Colorectal Treatment Maze

Discussion around Pelvic floor dysfunction and its consequences has suffered from the elephant in the living room syndrome for far too long.

Today’s interviews  with Dr Lim Jit Fong and Dr Francis Seow Choen have broader reach to anyone interested in their healthcare. In the last session of the show you will hear part of an interview with Dr Seow Choen. The rest of this highly informative interview will be featured in next weeks show….Don’t miss it!

We all have a pelvic floor and when something goes awry with it  – it can create horrendous  physical suffering, social isolation and psychological trauma. You won’t hear this discussed very often because it is an area that suffers from the stigma of Silence! We tend to only think about pelvic  floor issues in women – but men can have just as many issues with their pelvic floor. Yes – I can’t say it too many times – I have a mission to break the silence that surrounds pelvic floor issues. If my problems had early intervention, my life would have been very different. So I figure we should all use what we have been given in life as teaching stories to educate and help others to access good information and therefore make informed choices to improve health and life! 

The interviews you will hear on navigating the cancer maze radio today were recorded live in Singapore whilst here for surgical procedure # 22! The majority of those surgeries were performed prior to my undergoing interstim treatment; first in the Netherlands with Dr Rudd Schouten and pelvic floor specialist  Marijke Sleiker ten Hove  – this was  in 2002, 2003. I was the “first” at that time for Medtronic interstim to work for my condition. It was verified that innervation to my rectum had been grossly disturbed during a routine surgery in 1997, making bowel function impossible; faecal impaction followed and  colon was removed whilst the cause – nerve damage; remained.

Dr Lim Jit Fong
Dr Lim Jit Fong

  Although the surgeons who performed procedures saved my life several times; for which I am grateful, I remained frustrated because the caused was continually bypassed and my issue became shrouded in Silence. I began to to study sacral nerve function and the pelvic floor. I was told it was impossible that any form of restoration existed!  The longer my problem existed the worse it got so by the time I found a possible solution with interstim; I had a lot of internal and external damage, hernias from “bags”, burns from ileostomies, further proplapses in my already damaged pelvic floor. Life quality became far too compromised Now 2 devices replaced – one in 2009  and now another in 2014  – both performed in Singapore with the surgeons I interview today. Guess what – the procedure is till off label around the world for my condition!! It is available but you need to find those skilled in this area and you need to pay for it. – no insurance. But what is a life worth I keep asking myself? In Singapore I felt understood and listened to as I had been in with my first Dutch Surgeons – when my procedure was purely an experiment. Now, to Singapore……

Dr. Lim is very passionate about improving the quality of his patients’ care. In caring for his patients, Dr. Lim has always maintained a steadfast principle, “Make decisions for your patients as if they are your loved ones. If your decision is not good enough for your loved one, it is not good enough for your patient.” For his dedication toward patient care, he has received numerous awards for excellence in patient care through the years. When I read this I knew I was in the right hands.

Medtronic's interstim snm device
Medtronic’s interstim snm device

Improving patient care is not from the service aspect alone but also involves improving the quality of care through research and educating a new generation of doctors” says Dr Lim. Dr. Lim has authored numerous scientific research articles in various colorectal surgery topics and these have been published in various peer-reviewed medical journals worldwide.

CLICK HERE       To read more about Dr Lim Jit Fong

CLICK HERE      To read more about Dr Francis Seow Choen

Dr Francis Seow Choen Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore
Dr Francis Seow Choen Fortis Surgical Hospital Singapore

For more information about procedures for incontinence for bladder and bowel or to inquire about any colon issues including constipation and feacle obstructive syndromes: Please inquire via the contact page at


Next week on Navigating the Cancer Maze – more from Dr Francis Seow Choen


LISTEN TO AUDIO QIMR berhofer QldListen to audio interview at:

In Singapore for Surgery at Fortis – Another Bionic Experience | Grace Gawler

I am writing this blog from my hospital bed at Fortis Surgical Hospital in Singapore. Once again – a new bionic device awaits me in the operating theatre within the hour. I am really looking forward to receiving my Mark 111 version – apparently smaller and updated and quite the fashion accessory!!

I am writing this blog from my hospital bed at Fortis Surgical Hospital in Singapore. Once again – a new bionic device awaits me in the operating theatre within the hour. I am really looking forward to receiving my Mark 111 version – apparently smaller and updated and quite the fashion accessory!! Well not really as the device is implanted in my left buttock and attached to 4 tined very intelligent electrodes that are inserted into my lower spinal foramina.

awaiting surgery at Fortis surgical hospital Singapore
Me awaiting surgery at Fortis surgical hospital Singapore

It it is so wonderful to be here in Singapore with the skilful and compassionate surgeons who saved my life last time in January 2009 after the device had stopped suddenly 6 weeks prior. I wanted to write this blog because my experience touches on so many aspects of illness, healing, recovery and the ongoing tenacity it takes to survive the odds.

No one would welcome the experiences I have had since 1997 when after routine surgery I lost use of my colon…in particular my rectal function.  Years of diagnostic mayhem followed. The case in most doctors too hard basket – diagnostics took years to identify the problem. Today will be surgical procedure number 22!  10 ft of previously healthy colon removed – 5 ft small intestine + 5 ft large bowel One could wallow in the why me arenas or be begrudging of medicine and routine surgical procedures that don’t go as planned. However….

Life happens to us – but  it’s not what happens to us that makes a difference in life quality but what we choose to do when life has dealt us a band hand.  It is about how we choose to respond to uninvited change.

I have always been inspired by a quote from the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson who wrote:

“Life is like a card game – it’s not about being dealt a good hand – but how you play a bad hand well!”

Today I am filled with gratitude for all those who have helped me navigate this challenging treatment maze so far. Pip – my partner of 7 years has been amazing. My children – and now grandchildren who also give me a raison d’etre. Dr Schouten and  Dr Marijke Sleiker ten Hove in The Netherlands must be thanked for giving me back my life in 2002-2003. Dr Francis Seow Choen and Dr Lim Jit Fong have been and remain as amazing doctors and surgeons since 2009. Thanks to all who donated to our appeal to help me get this critically important surgery today- you are all heaven sent! I will let you know how this goes a wee bit later. The team is on their way.

Appreciate your day, your life and loved ones….Life’s good!! Until soon
