Conquering Cancer – Survivors Secrets represents the basis of the the work that I pioneered at the Gawler Foundation. By the time Ian and I founded the Gawler Foundation in the early 80’s (initally called the Australian Cancer Patients Foundation) I had already witnessed the pros and cons and subsequent choices that many cancer patients made in desperation to find their recovery. In those days the internet did not exist and cancer treatment that was alternative was an underground movement.
I learned a great deal from my patients and over the decades I investigated how people could with a cancer diagnosis could spin gold from straw-crafting advantage from adversity. There was one common ingredient that made a difference – this is distilled in the eBook Conquering Cancer – Survivors Secrets. Only $9.99 AUD Buy online: Click Here
Conquering Cancer – Survivors Secrets represents the basis of the the work that I pioneered at the Gawler Foundation. By the time Ian and I founded the Gawler Foundation in the early 80’s (initally called the Australian Cancer Patients Foundation) I had already witnessed the pros and cons and subsequent choices that many cancer patients made in desperation to find their recovery. In those days the internet did not exist and cancer treatment that was alternative was an underground movement.
I learned a great deal from my patients and over the decades I investigated how people could with a cancer diagnosis could spin gold from straw-crafting advantage from adversity. There was one common ingredient that made a difference – this is distilled in the eBook Conquering Cancer – Survivors Secrets. Only $9.99 AUD Buy online: Click Here
Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years)
Full Review of ‘Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets’- eBook by Bob Ellal
Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years) and is well qualified as a reviewer for this eBook.
Keep it simple. Hard to do when one is first diagnosed with cancer. Anxiety, fear, and stress flood the body, mind and spirit. One is confronted by sheer information overload revolving around one question:
Should I undergo traditional chemotherapy/radiation with its debilitating side effects—or check out the myriad alternative therapies that populate the Internet? What should I do? One can become paralyzed into not taking action–which wastes valuable time and only adds to the stress of the diagnosis. And ultimately, stress is a killer. What’s the answer?
crossroads of recovery
In “Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets,” Grace Gawler answers this question. Not with “miracle cures” or New Age notions of merely adopting a superficial positive attitude and everything will work out. “Conquering Cancer” takes a cancer patient to the alpha point: getting one’s mind, body and spirit in sync to cope with the diagnosis, and then getting a handle on the strategy for dealing with it. In other words, you have to get your head on straight before you can tackle the greatest challenge of your life.
Through her many years of consulting with over ten thousand cancer patients, she’s observed that there are three stages of acceptance that survivors process through:
The Will to Live. Facing one’s mortality is terrifying. We all want to live—and the first reaction to a cancer diagnosis is to ask “Why me? Did I cause my cancer somehow?” And many never quite get rid of those sentiments—bells gonging in the back of the mind that continuously resurface to drown out one’s resolve.
The survival mechanism kicks in and one declares: “I’m going to beat it by force of will.” The result is often a frenzied schedule of juicing, ingesting supplements and scurrying around to get information on the latest cure—which is mentally and physically exhausting and produces an immense amount of stress. Even people who use meditation and visualization get the attitude that they must “hurry up” to de-stress. Which causes more stress and defeats the purpose?
Letting Go. One comes around to accepting the diagnosis, relaxes, takes a step back and lets go of anxiety and fear. The cancer patient faces his or her emotions, acknowledges them, then proceeds with the business of getting well—but without the anxiety and guilt. Perhaps patients join support groups and begin to relax enough to meditate and visualize not with hell-bent intent, but with awareness. The mind relaxes and the body relaxes, allowing one’s immune system to recalibrate and aid in the recovery process.
Letting Be. At this stage, survivors realize that they are living with cancer; that it is a process they must work through. The striving and “sweating things out” are in the past—one achieves a degree of self-mastery of his or her own life. Not focusing on journey’s end, but each present moment. And ultimately living with cancer frees one from the bounds of the “nutshell of bad dreams” that poisons the present. A new positive attitude emerges that comes from an inner resilience—not an outward and superficial “happy face” that conceals one’s true fearful emotions.
I recommend this book highly as the “alpha point” for anyone diagnosed with cancer. Realizing that cancer survival is a process will help patients “seize the day” and ultimately arrive at a positive omega point
Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years)
Full Review of ‘Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets’- eBook by Bob Ellal
Bob Ellal was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma four times in the early to mid-nineties (he’s been clear of cancer for 12 years) and is well qualified as a reviewer for this eBook.
Keep it simple. Hard to do when one is first diagnosed with cancer. Anxiety, fear, and stress flood the body, mind and spirit. One is confronted by sheer information overload revolving around one question:
Should I undergo traditional chemotherapy/radiation with its debilitating side effects—or check out the myriad alternative therapies that populate the Internet? What should I do? One can become paralyzed into not taking action–which wastes valuable time and only adds to the stress of the diagnosis. And ultimately, stress is a killer. What’s the answer?
crossroads of recovery
In “Conquering Cancer—Survivor’s Secrets,” Grace Gawler answers this question. Not with “miracle cures” or New Age notions of merely adopting a superficial positive attitude and everything will work out. “Conquering Cancer” takes a cancer patient to the alpha point: getting one’s mind, body and spirit in sync to cope with the diagnosis, and then getting a handle on the strategy for dealing with it. In other words, you have to get your head on straight before you can tackle the greatest challenge of your life.
Through her many years of consulting with over ten thousand cancer patients, she’s observed that there are three stages of acceptance that survivors process through:
The Will to Live. Facing one’s mortality is terrifying. We all want to live—and the first reaction to a cancer diagnosis is to ask “Why me? Did I cause my cancer somehow?” And many never quite get rid of those sentiments—bells gonging in the back of the mind that continuously resurface to drown out one’s resolve.
The survival mechanism kicks in and one declares: “I’m going to beat it by force of will.” The result is often a frenzied schedule of juicing, ingesting supplements and scurrying around to get information on the latest cure—which is mentally and physically exhausting and produces an immense amount of stress. Even people who use meditation and visualization get the attitude that they must “hurry up” to de-stress. Which causes more stress and defeats the purpose?
Letting Go. One comes around to accepting the diagnosis, relaxes, takes a step back and lets go of anxiety and fear. The cancer patient faces his or her emotions, acknowledges them, then proceeds with the business of getting well—but without the anxiety and guilt. Perhaps patients join support groups and begin to relax enough to meditate and visualize not with hell-bent intent, but with awareness. The mind relaxes and the body relaxes, allowing one’s immune system to recalibrate and aid in the recovery process.
Letting Be. At this stage, survivors realize that they are living with cancer; that it is a process they must work through. The striving and “sweating things out” are in the past—one achieves a degree of self-mastery of his or her own life. Not focusing on journey’s end, but each present moment. And ultimately living with cancer frees one from the bounds of the “nutshell of bad dreams” that poisons the present. A new positive attitude emerges that comes from an inner resilience—not an outward and superficial “happy face” that conceals one’s true fearful emotions.
I recommend this book highly as the “alpha point” for anyone diagnosed with cancer. Realizing that cancer survival is a process will help patients “seize the day” and ultimately arrive at a positive omega point
Conquering Cancer – Survivor’s Secrets – A Companion Guide by Grace Gawler…
Happy New Year! It seems rather auspicious to have released an eBook about Survival on January 8 because on this day in January 2003, I was undergoing Surgery in Rotterdam – a world first experimental bionic surgery that gave me back my life after failed ileostomies and colostomies! That’s a long story to tell but suffice to say, after 20 surgical procedures over 13 years and many near death situations – I greet every day as a precious chance to live life with a passion! If ever I had taken a leap of Faith in my life – then this was it! Ironically January 8 was also the day that my ex husband Ian had surgery to remove his leg which was affected by bone cancer. That incident initiated my long association with cancer and survival.
Conquering Cancer Survivor's Secrets
So – I have just produced and released an eBook for cancer patients that focuses on dealing with the illness by rediscovering and utilising their authentic self; in other words accessing what they already know and using those strategies to create a health restoration plan.
There is no focus on diet, supplements or lifestyle, because in my experience, when patients learn to live from their authentic self, they tend to make the right decisions for themselves.
Rather than focusing on what you can ingest to cure cancer – this approach invites you to explore your illness creatively, spinning gold from straw and living for however long you can authentically and with purpose and meaning. With 35 years experience in the field of cancer strategies, I have assisted more than 13,000 patients. I believe cancer-help should be accessible and affordable for all, so have extended my strategies and results into an eBook format.
This eBook will take a unique place in the often confusing, sometimes dangerous and busy world of ‘cancer cures’.
From the ‘One-minute Cure for all Cancers’ now virally sweeping the internet; to the meditation and vegan diet cures cancer approaches, parasite theories and everything in-between, ‘Conquering Cancer -Survivors Secrets’ brings a refreshingly practical approach.
This eBook is distilled from 35 years of qualified experience as an herbalist, natural therapist, cancer support and supportive care consultant for more than 13,000 patients. My life experience as 24/7 caregiver for a critically ill cancer patients as well as becoming a patient with my own set of life challenging crises for a 13 year period; has provided me with invaluable insights into the mechanisms of healing and recovery.
Above all, my patients have been my greatest teachers. I have listened to their plights and observed them chasing their healing like mice in a wheel – influenced by the next Guru or latest ‘cancer cure flavour of the month’. Then one day they stop running, and from ‘human-doings’ they transformed into ‘human-beings’ wondering why they took the path of getting stressed while trying to de-stress! This eBook, ‘Conquering Cancer’ provides a map and a compass to assist you on the road less travelled… giving you tools to create your restoration program, step by step in an easeful manner. Order eBook now at: