Part 2 – How Surgeons can Help you Navigate the Colorectal Cancer Maze
Dr Francis Seow Choen MBBS (Spore), FRCS (Edin), FAMS

Dr Francis Seow Choen is himself a medical miracle. As a 7 year old he recovered from major surgery for a cancer in his small intestine after facing a horrendous 6 months of radiation treatment and chemotherapy back in 1964 when treatments were harsh. He survived! Interview CLICK HERE
Dr. Seow-Choen graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1981 & obtained his higher surgical qualifications in 1987. He sub-specialised in colorectal surgery in 1989 where he worked with the world-class surgeons of St Marks’ Hospital in London. He is a remarkable CR surgeon.
I have interviewed Dr Francis Seow Choen previously on my internet radio show Navigating the Cancer Maze at Voice America. This time however, we touch on more details about the surgical techniques available for anyone dealing with colorectal cancer today.
As well, speaking as CR surgeon and recovered patient; he had a powerful message to cancer patients. Listen to this short excerpt from his interview: Select the icon below right to hear Dr Seow Choen’s message.

I have tremendous respect for the art and science of surgery. My own introduction to surgery came when I was 15 years of age. I began working in a veterinary clinic after school, then during holidays and for while as permanent staff. I was fortunate that the owner took me on as an apprentice as he knew my passion was to become a veterinarian. So, not only did I learn “hands-on” surgery at an early age – I also was involved in co-performing post postmortems on animals which has served as a treasured learning field for understanding anatomy, physiology and pathology – many older dogs and cats who succumbed to an advanced and previously undiagnosed cancer that became a postmortem exercise; allowed me to see a wide range of cancers in vivo.
On the other hand, I was also impressed in how quickly animals responded to surgery for cancer and that for a high percentage of our animal clients – of those caught early in diagnosis; few had a recurrence. There were also cases where enormous tumour loads were surgically removed, and the dog lived a long life afterwards! It was here that I developed a tremendous respect for surgical skills and the associated healing potential and regenerative powers that along with our animal friends, we all possess. However, surgery has come a long way since those days when robotic surgery entered the arena a few years ago.
You will find today’s interview with Dr Seow Choen informative, especially regarding the techniques using the new DaVinci Robotic surgery technology. You can read more about this technique as well as listening to the interview with Dr Seow Choen at:

Dr. Seow-Choen helped establish the first colorectal surgery department in Asia at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and is considered a leader in the development in CR surgery and approaches to treatment.
In this interview with Dr Seow Choen he also comments on diet and nutrition for cancer patients from the viewpoint of an experienced CR surgeon.
You may be surprised what he says……
In the last segment of today’s show, I provide an overview on treatments available for CR cancer in 2014. A not to be missed show!

Contact: to learn more…..
Or visit Dr Seow Choen’s website:
Don’t miss reading the informative medical media articles at……….
If you missed last weeks interview with Dr Seow Choen’s colleague Dr Lim Jit Fong –
Remember all interviews on Navigating the Cancer Maze are free to air (on live streaming and available from the archives anytime) and can be downloaded for free on itunes.
The show is not copyright and is available to distribute in the interest of cancer education and public awareness.
The show is available globally and is sponsored by donations to the Grace Gawler Institute a registered NFP Health Promotion Charity with DGR status based in Australia with a global outreach.