From Cancer Good Things Grow – A Survivor’s Story|Grace Gawler Interviews Jeffrey Deslandes

Jeffrey Deslandes thought he had it all. The father of five children, he had his whole life ahead of him. But on one fateful day in 1999, he believed it was all over when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was wrong. His life had just begun!

from cancer good things growA true story of survival: Share the good news. Listen to Navigating the Cancer Maze: From Cancer Good Things Grow.  If you know someone with lymphoma, leukaemia, melanoma or other cancers – you need to tell them about Jeffrey Deslandes and how he survived and thrive thanks to cancer vaccines. They need to read his story.

Jeffrey Deslandes thought he had it all. The father of five children, he had his whole life ahead of him. But on one fateful day in 1999, he believed it was all over when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was wrong. His life had just begun!

His diagnosis, B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, follicular mixed small and large cell, Stage IV, with bcl-2 gene translocation, with spleen and bone marrow involvement. His prognosis; poor.

His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. You discover who your true friends are. Listen to my interview with Jeffrey on Voice America’s Health & Wellness Channel – Navigating the Cancer Maze: From Cancer Good Things Grow.  (Note: The show is sponsored by the Grace Gawler Institute. Free to listen – live stream on demand – select link above or download and listen another time – share with friends and fellow patients. Live broadcast 12 noon Friday – USA time(PST) – Australia – 6 am Qld time.

After traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, failed to control his cancer, Jeffrey started looking for emerging therapies. When he learned of an experimental treatment involving a personalised vaccine protocol, he pursued it. It is now feasible to have something good—a personalised cancer vaccine—created from something bad—your cancer. This one-of-a-kind vaccine reeducated his immune system so that it could identify and destroy his cancer.

Jeffrey’s story is not a gloom-and-doom tale of yet another poor soul enduring cancer treatment. Instead, he shares his story in the hope of reaching and inspiring other cancer patients who may have given up. Some of the stories in this book come from his deep spiritual core, but he is not a “religious” man. He doesn’t require you to believe these stories, only to know that everything detailed in this book is true.

See Press pass info – share this link to others.

ABOUT Jeffrey Deslandes: Jeffrey is a native of Melbourne, Australia. He has a Masters in Engineering Science, and is a Doctor of Philosophy, attained at the University of Melbourne. He has been married twice and has five children.  His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. Compelled to write about his experience. “From Cancer Good Things Grow” was published recently. Available as ebook and soft cover.(Balboa Press) BUY online at: Balboa Press:

All proceeds from the sale of this book go directly to cancer vaccine research in Brisbane where Jeffrey had his treatment. He wants more people to know about his doctor and the the hope that vaccines bring for recovery. For more information about Jeffrey’s treatment – please contact me via the contact page on this BLOG or via

Note: Dendritic cell vaccines are highly technical and need rigorous quality control and expertise. Ask me for further information on how to access this treatment.

VOICE AMERICA LINK to listen to audio:

Until next time…… Grace

Listen to Your Body Clock – Cancer and Your Health – Grace Gawler

We have knowledge of many cycles in our world. The tides, day and night are the most obvious. All creatures great and small are subject to these unseen forces that ultimately shape our life and our experience of it.” The circadian clock in mammals drives many physiological processes including the daily rhythms of sleep–wake behaviour, hormonal secretion, and metabolism. Less known, is that the clock also drives our immune cycles; an important factor in cancer treatment and recovery says Melbourne University Research Fellow Martin Ashdown, who has studied the phenomena for a long time. The science of taking advantage of the body’s own immune rhythm to improve efficacy of treatments is worth paying attention to whether its surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapies, radiation/cyberknife; one thing is now clear – timing of treatment matters!

Research work of Synchronizing cancer treatment with the patient’s immune cycle has been recently launched into our awareness by Martin Ashdown and Brendon Coventry – and hopefully this blog, and my radio show Navigating the Cancer Maze on Voice America’s Health and Wellness Channel. Please spread the news!

With regards to timing – Did you know that majority of best-selling drugs in the United States target circadian gene products? Consider the case of statins, a class of drug that lowers cholesterol by inhibiting HMGCR (HMG-CoA reductase). HMGCR is the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis and its activity peaks during the night. Statins with short half lives showed maximal efficacy when taken in the evening (when their target gene was most active).This is just one example of chronotherapeutic practices positively impacting drug treatment. In other words – it’s all in the timing. (see resources below for more information on this).

In terms of Circadian rhythms and body clocks – simply reconsider an old message for good health. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!”

Take a look at the following diagram ( source Scientific American) to see what your body clock is doing – and at what time!

Circadian-rhythm-chart-on-physiologyBody clocks–-circadian rhythms—health; has been a hobby–horse of mine for some years. I am widely read on the subject and back more than 20 years ago – it became clear to me that there were tremendous health connections and implications for health and wellbeing and disease prevention – not only treating disease once it is evident.

So here is a Window of Opportunity for you
Readers of this blog – I invite you to stop for a moment and consider how your body clock affects your life. Is it possible to make some simple changes IN TERMS OF TIME & TIMING?

Do you listen to your body clock or constantly override it? Those of us who are disease free have the luxury of change and can enjoy the consequences-improved health. We don’t even have to have an immune cycle test – we SIMPLY NEED TO BECOME MORE AWARE of living in synch with ourselves and who and what is around us. It is the only real power that we have.

Being aware of your body clock and timing in your world, has one enormous benefit and this is also useful for anyone GG and Martin AShdown 31 Oct 14 interview  - Copy (2)dealing with a diagnosis of cancer – It brings you more into conscious connection with your body. Many patients over the past 40 years have told me that this is an unexpected gift that cancer brought to their lives. Some could view it as an opportunity for changing lifestyle, jobs etc…In terms of timing – the question begs what has happened in this person’s life that has perhaps interfered with their personal body clock? What could have caused a highly synchronized system to go into cellular chaos? These are big questions – but then again cancer is a big illness!
Left  Martin Ashdown and me – Grace Gawler.

Visit to join our exploratory pilot study -Measure your immune system.

A paper published by Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, UT Health Science CenterSan Antonio, Texas, USA; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Thuringia, Saalfeld, Germany; 3Department of Physiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland states:

“There is a vast amount of literature suggesting that the photo-periodic environment (day/night) influences the incidence of cancer. While an association of chrono-disruption was initially proposed only for breast cancer, we recently suggested a more general theory, i.e., chrono-disruption may aggravate the development of many cancer types.”

Knowledge is power and knowledge of not only your body clock – but that of other mammals and nature. It’s all in the timing! Women’s’ menstrual cycle is perhaps the obvious one we know about. In nature – just watch a David Attenborough documentary to see the wonder of timing in nature!

We have knowledge of many cycles in our world. The tides, day and night are the most obvious. All creatures great and small are subject to these unseen forces that ultimately shape our life and our experience of it.” The circadian clock in mammals drives many physiological processes including the daily rhythms of sleep–wake behaviour, hormonal secretion, and metabolism.

Less known, is that the clock also drives our immune cycles; an important factor in cancer treatment and recovery says Melbourne University Research Fellow Martin Ashdown, who has studied the phenomena for a long time. The science of taking advantage of the body’s own immune rhythm to improve efficacy of treatments is worth paying attention to whether its surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapies, radiation/cyberknife; one thing is now clear – timing of treatment matters! There is a window of opportunity within the 7 day cycle, Listen to Martin Ashdown to hear the story of how TIMING MATTERS!
Following on – some interesting articles and resources that relate to our body clock.

  • Complete clinical responses to cancer therapy caused by multiple divergent approaches a repeating theme lost in translation
    Coventry BJ1, Ashdown ML.1Discipline of Surgery, University of Adelaide, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Window of Opportunity – Martin Ashdown and Brendon Coventry:


  • The Clock Is Off: Bipolar Disorder and Circadian Rhythm – Scientific American – Apr 1, 2010 By Monica Heger
    Bipolar disorder may be linked to mutations affecting circadian rhythm
    |By Monica Heger
    “An off-kilter body clock can throw off our sleep-wake cycle, eating habits, body temperature and hormones—and mounting evidence suggests a malfunctioning clock may also underlie the mood cycles in bipolar disorder. In a new study led by psychiatrist Alexander Niculescu of Indiana University, researchers found that children with bipolar disorder were likely to have a mutated RORB gene, which codes for a protein crucial to circadian clock function.”

Circadian gene expression atlas in mammals: Implications for biology and medicine
Ray Zhanga,1, Nicholas F. Lahensa,1, Heather I. Ballancea, Michael E. Hughesb,2, and John B. Hogenescha,2
Department of Pharmacology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104; and bDepartment of Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO 63121

“We generated high-resolution multi-organ expression data showing that nearly half of all genes in the mouse genome oscillate with circadian rhythm somewhere in the body. Such widespread transcriptional oscillations have not been previously reported in mammals. Applying pathway analysis, we observed new clock-mediated spatiotemporal relationships. Moreover, we found a majority of best-selling drugs in the United States target circadian gene products. Many of these drugs have relatively short half-lives, and our data predict which may benefit from timed dosing.”


For the more scientifically minded – don’t be put off by the title!

The Photoperiod, Circadian Regulation and Chronodisruption: The Requisite Interplay Between The Suprachiasmatic Nuclei and The Pineal And Gut Melatonin:

1Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, UT Health Science CenterSan Antonio, Texas, USA; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Thuringia, Saalfeld, Germany; 3Department of Physiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland

“Part of their conclusion is that “Circadian rhythmicity is an integral component of normal and optimal physiology. Not only the SCN, but cells throughout the organism are equipped with internal clocks that control the molecular events that occur during each 24-hour period. These events appear to be precisely timed and in modern societies the intrinsic time keepers are provided with misinformation which, when prolonged, likely has ramifications in terms of increased pathologies.

It would seem judicious to take better care of the circadian network by providing appropriate photoperiodic cues, which currently seemed to be almost totally ignored. In addition, large amounts of this indoleamine (melatonin) is produced in the mucosa of GIT that seems to serve as local antioxidant and protective substance for the gut and liver against a variety of noxious agents, particularly the bacteria and their toxins, introduced into the gut with each meal.

There is a vast amount of literature suggesting that the photoperiodic environment influences the incidence of cancer. While an association of chronodisruption was initially proposed only for breast cancer, we recently suggested a more general theory, i.e., chronodisruption may aggravate the development of many cancer types.”

Happy reading! Remember to visit our website:

Until next time ………Grace

Game-changing Cancer Breakthrough Keytruda | New immunotherapy drug now FDA approved Grace Gawler

Because of the immune system’s extraordinary power, its capacity for memory, its exquisite specificity, and its central and universal role in human biology, these immunotherapy treatments have the potential to achieve complete, long-lasting remissions and cancer cures, with few or no side effects, and for any cancer patient, regardless of their cancer type. ( CRI )

The Immune System and Cancer Control: Exciting Developments in the USA and at QIMR Berghofer Brisbane Australia…..

Keytruda (pembrolizumab) is made by the drug company Merck. The drug belongs to a class of immunotherapies called checkpoint inhibitors. These drugs “take the brakes off” the immune response to cancer. They represent the most promising new cancer therapies to emerge in decades. Merck’s drug is the first FDA approved checkpoint inhibitor targeting a molecule called PD-1. Cancer-Immunotherapy-BreakthroughThe drug has been approved for the treatment of advanced or inoperable melanoma in patients who have failed prior treatment.

For 60 years, Cancer Research Institute (CRI) has been the pioneer in advancing this highly promising new class of treatment. Because of this investment, cancer immunotherapy today is a highly active and exciting field, with unprecedented potential to deliver on the decades-long promise of discovering, developing, and delivering safe and effective treatments that make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients fighting the disease. For those living in the USA – if you want more information about checkpoint inhibitors and immunotherapies.
To Join a webinar presented by Cancer Research Institute – Immunotherapy: The Future of Prostate Cancer is Here” with Dr Charles Drake MD PhD September 30, 2014 at 2 pm ( please remember – New York time!) CLICK HERE
Because of the immune system’s extraordinary power, its capacity for memory, its exquisite specificity, and its central and universal role in human biology, these immunotherapy treatments have the potential to achieve complete, long-lasting remissions and cancer cures, with few or no side effects, and for any cancer patient, regardless of their cancer type.( CRI)
 Please visit: for more more information about immunotherapy trials and treatments in USA.
Also visit:

In Queensland – Australia  – QIMR Berghofer Medical Institute Brisbane is dedicated to translating discoveries into treatments, diagnostics and prevention strategies.

LISTEN TO AUDIO QIMR berhofer QldListen to this interview with Sara-Jane who was a guest on Navigating the Cancer Maze Radio this week. Sara Jane is from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. She will speak about the Research Roadshow and other aspects of this research centre. Learn how you can get involved and benefit.


To discover what is being researched  at QIMR  visit their website by CLICKING HERE: 

In Next blog:

More on the Research Roadshow at QIMR Berghofer and Record keeping – so important for any cancer patient. I look at some creative ways to keep your medical records in order.

Until next time


How our immune System Fights Cancer|Knowledge to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze Grace Gawler & Prof Jerome Galon

Do want to get some insights into the intricate working of your immune system? Navigating the Cancer Maze, Grace Gawler interviews Prof. Dr. Jerome Galon: Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre, Paris, France.

Do want to get some insights into the intricate working of your immune system and cancer? On Navigating the Cancer Maze, internet radio Grace Gawler interviews Prof. Dr. Jerome Galon: Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre, Paris, France.


Listen to the show by selecting the following link:


Professor Galon’s current interests & major contributions concern basic & translational research in cancer immunology, using systems biology.

His laboratory has made some ground-breaking findings demonstrating that the adaptive immune response within a tumor was a better predictor of survival than traditional staging based on the size and spread of a tumor.The new wave of immunotherapies reflects what has been known for some time; that the answer to cancer is in you! But it is not that simple. Our immune system is complex and intricate & as science unravels its mysteries, we are developing new understandings of how the immune system can be captured & recruited in the laboratory; retrained and returned to you the patient!

Awards: In 2008 Prof Dr Galon was awarded The Colon Cancer Research Schaeverbeke Award, Fondation de France,& the Clinical Research Award, Rose Lamarca, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.

INSERM UMRS1138  Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology (Team 15) Cordeliers Research Center 15 Rue de l'Ecole de Medecine 75006 Paris, France
Laboratory of Prof Jerome Galon Integrative Cancer Immunology (Team 15)
Cordeliers Research Center

In 2010 he received the William B. Coley Award from the Cancer Research Institute, NY, USA, 2011: the French National Academy of Science & the French National Academy of Medicine (2011) awards.

He has published many scientific papers and book chapters.

Health professionals and interested patients;

Visit INSERM UMRS 1138
Cordeliers Research Center

For more about Integrative Cancer Immunology Laboratory and their research projects, Immunoscore, publications, seminars and links.

Health professionals – I especially recommend the Publications page and homepage side bar at INSERM’s website.

Prof Galon was a guest of QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Qld , Australia. See their website at

To listen to the audio – live streaming log on to the URL below. You can download this and other interviews with cancer experts at:

To be continued……..

Enjoy the weekend….Grace

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way Grace Gawler with Professor Rajiv Khanna

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way! QIMR Brisbane is celebrating their cancer research findings by hosting a series of immunology presentations during Immunotherapy Week, June 15 – June 21 2014. Special Guest speaker will be Professor Jérôme Galon, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France whose topic is “Cancer cure may be inside you and unleashed by immunotherapy”. To bring public awareness to Immunotherapy Week at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Professor Rajiv Khanna Director of immunotherapy and vaccine development was interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio this week to publicize the need to bring research findings and medical trials into public awareness.

How Your Body Can Fight Cancer – Immunotherapies are on their way!

QIMR Brisbane is celebrating their cancer research findings by hosting a series of immunology presentations during Immunotherapy Week, June 15 – June 21 2014. Special Guest speaker will be Professor Jérôme Galon, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France whose topic is “Cancer cure may be inside you and unleashed by immunotherapy”.

907477-rajiv-khannaTo bring public awareness to Immunotherapy Week at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Professor Rajiv Khanna Director of immunotherapy and vaccine development was interviewed on Navigating the Cancer Maze radio this week to publicize the need to bring research findings and medical trials into public awareness. In particular he discusses his breakthrough immunotherapy research on Glioblastoma Multiforme.

As well on Navigating the Cancer Maze, Prof Khanna also discusses his research and clinical trial results on nasopharyngeal carcinoma, an aggressive throat cancer that has has shown response to immune therapies.

Image: Above – Cancer researcher Professor Rajiv Khanna, pictured with patient Eddie Chen, has developed a promising new treatment. Picture: Annette Dew Source: The Courier-Mail.

CLICK HERE to read Janelle Miles Courier Mail article – ‘Queensland Institute of Medical Research scientist Rajiv Khanna unveils promising new treatment for aggressive throat cancer’  published FEBRUARY 02, 2012

To listen to this very interesting and highly informative audio interview or to download on itunes (both free of charge), visit the link below direct to voice America and my show webpage.


Promising Results from World-First Brain Cancer Trials Professor Rajiv Khanna | Grace Gawler on Navigating The Cancer Maze

It is imperative that breakthroughs in cancer treatments are known to the world. Worldwide, there are an estimated 240,000 cases of brain and nervous system tumors diagnosed each year; GBM is the most common, and the most lethal of these tumors. People speak of the War on Cancer, but it is our bodies that are at war with cancer cells via our immune system and its responses. Utilizing the immune system principle, scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia, have used immunotherapy to create a major breakthrough in the treatment of the brain cancer known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM).

Free informational cancer seminars Brisbane June 15 – 21 2014 Brisbane.

Click the link below to see other events presented by QIMR – for immunology week June 15 – 21 2014 Brisbane.

How your body can fight cancer Seminars

cancer-lambert_2469736bPromising Results from World-First Brain Cancer Trials Professor Rajiv Khanna Joins Grace Gawler on Navigating The Cancer Maze To Talk about a Brain Cancer breakthrough.

Phoenix, AZ — 06/13/2014 — Voice America Talk Radio Network, Internet broadcasting pioneer, producing and syndicating online audio and video, today announced that Professor Rajiv Khanna QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Australia will join Grace Gawler host of Navigating the Cancer Maze program on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel ( Friday, June 13, 2014 at 12 noon Pacific Time.

NOTE: show goes live to air 5 am Brisbane Australia time Saturday 14 June 2014. Available streaming audio any time after 9 am this Saturday and available to download on itunes indefinitely.

It is imperative that breakthroughs in cancer treatments are known to the world. Worldwide, there are an estimated 240,000 cases of brain and nervous system tumors diagnosed each year; GBM is the most common, and the most lethal of these tumors. People speak of the War on Cancer, but it is our bodies that are at war with cancer cells via our immune system and its responses.  Utilizing the immune system principle, scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia, have used immunotherapy to create a major breakthrough in the treatment of the brain cancer known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Study leader, Professor Rajiv Khanna, said most of the study participants lived much longer than the six-month prognosis normally given to a patient with recurrent GBM, and some patients showed no signs of disease progression. “It is early days, but this is exciting,” Professor Khanna said.

“Survival rates for this aggressive cancer have barely changed in decades. There is an urgent clinical need for new treatments. “If this treatment can buy patients more time, then that is a big step forward.”

Image of Brain GBM

GBM is the most common malignant brain cancer, diagnosed in about 800 Australians every year.  Despite surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, less than 10% of patients survive beyond five years. This study built on previous research which found that many brain tumours carry cytomegalovirus (CMV). About half of all Australians have the virus, but usually show no symptoms.

Professor Khanna developed a technique to modify the patients’ T-cells in the laboratory, effectively “train” them to attack the virus, and then return them to the patient’s body.  When the killer T-cells destroyed the virus, they also destroyed the cancer. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that immunotherapy – manipulating a person’s own immune system – is a rich new frontier for cancer treatment,” Professor Khanna said.

The QIMR is celebrating their research findings by hosting a series of immunology and cancer presentations between June 15 and June 21 in Brisbane. For those people who cannot attend, watch out on the websites for more information.   or

The Phase I trials were conducted at Brisbane’s Wesley Hospital, under the leadership of neurosurgeon Professor David Walker.  “Working with patients with malignant brain tumors can be distressing, because we know so many will succumb,” Professor Walker said. “But this new branch of therapy lets us offer some hope that the future is going to be brighter, that new and innovative treatments mean things will hopefully improve in the future. “We have a long way to go, and there is hard work to be done, but we seem to be on the right track, and it is a pleasure to work with scientists at QIMR Berghofer to try to make a real difference.”

The research team is now keen to begin the next phase of trials, involving patients at an earlier stage of the cancer’s development. “These would be patients who have just been diagnosed and are about to start the standard treatments – surgery, then radiotherapy or chemotherapy.  We would generate the T cell therapy before their standard treatment, and then administer T cells in conjunction with the standard therapy,” Professor Khanna said.

“We hope that the treatment can be even more effective if given at an earlier stage of the disease.”

This study is published online in the prestigious US journal Cancer Research and can be viewed at

The research was funded by Flagship Funding from the Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer, the NHMRC and private donors.

The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is a world leading translational research institute focused on cancer, infectious diseases, mental health and a range of complex diseases. Working in close collaboration with clinicians and other research institutes, our aim is to improve health by developing new diagnostics, better treatments and prevention strategies.

For more information about QIMR Berghofer Visit:

Immunology and Cancer Survival | Navigating the Cancer Maze| Grace Gawler

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is hosting Immunotherapy week: Get updated about Immunotherapies. Next week QIMR presents a series of lectures about the latest developments in Cancer Immune therapies. QIMR’s Professor Khanna, has been researching immunotherapies and has had a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM).

ATTENTION Queenslanders interested in immune-based Cancer Therapies:  Cancer Immunotherapy Week Brisbane

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is hosting Immunotherapy week: Get updated about Immunotherapies. Next week QIMR presents a series of lectures about the latest developments in Cancer Immune therapies.

Scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have used immunotherapy to make a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). There will be a presentation on Tuesday evening and other presentations throughout the week.


Later this week on Navigating the Cancer Maze I will be interviewing…Professor Rajiv Khanna a leading researcher at The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia; a world progressive translational research institute focused on cancer, infectious diseases, mental health and a range of complex diseases. Professor Khanna has been researching immunotherapies and has had a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Professor Khanna developed a technique to modify the patients’ T-cells in the laboratory, effectively “train” them to attack the virus, and then return them to the patient’s body.  When the killer T-cells destroyed the virus, they also destroyed the cancer. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that immunotherapy – manipulating a person’s own immune system – is a rich new frontier for cancer treatment,” Professor Khanna said. Be informed about the answer to cancer. Support Immunotherapy week- Brisbane Qld. More info at

All shows are available in the content Library at Navigating the Cancer Maze on The VoiceAmerica Variety Channel for on-demand and pod cast download. The Grace Gawler Institute is a not for profit health promotion charity providing global access to free information for cancer patients about the latest in cancer information and treatments from experts, patients, caregivers and researchers.
