Pesticides in and on foods- we are what we eat! Grace Gawler

The following is an except from a brilliantly prepared blog post. For your health’s sake, I highly recommend you check it out – you may be suprised!
“Most of us both want to know … and don’t want to know… what is on and in what we eat. The aim of the blog (link provided) is to give you an overview of typical pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. See this guide more as a generalized overview than exact facts. The figures are taken from samples on the German market between 2005 and 2010 and is possibly not applicable on every market in the world. But it gives a hint.” Major source is Pestizidreport Nordrhein-Westfalen.
I hope you find this as useful as I did – Remember if you are juicing vegetables and fruits – it is so important to use organically grown produce. The following section on carrots taken from the blog, will give you an idea why organically grown produce is so important……

  Substance Found in (%) of the samples
1. Linuron 13%
2. Boscalid; Nicobifen 12%
3. Tebuconazol 10%
4. Chlorfenvinphos 6%
5. Pyraclostrobin 2%
6. Omethoat 1%
7. Dimethoat 1%
8. Azoxystrobin 1%
9. Difenoconazol 1%
10. Iprodion; Glycophen 1%

A total of 389 samples of which 128 were sold as organic. Of all samples, 27 % contained pesticide residues, 73 % did not. 2 % of the organic samples contained pesticides.
Grace Gawler