Maya Angelou said: “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
Global Health and Travel Magazine recently published an edition (July-Aug 2014) featuring women who are exceptional survivors and who were not reduced by events out of their control!
Women of Substance – Asia’s Leading Ladies in Healthcare – Female Patients and their success stories. The July-August 2014
Global Health and Travel Magazine features stories of 5 women who overcame the odds to survive and thrive.

I am honoured to be one of the 5 women they featured and it goes without saying that a Dutch surgeon, Dr Rudd Schouten ( 2002) and 2 Singaporean surgeons, Dr Francis Seow Choen and Dr Lim Jit Fong (2009), from Fortis Surgical Hospital, Singapore, were also major players. A team effort for survival. I am forever grateful to them for humanity & surgical skill.
You will read how life sometimes throws us a curve ball…… just when everything appears to be going smoothly! Mine came in 1997 when my 21 marriage ended suddenly. Three days later, another blow; a total prolapse of my uterus changed my life direction even more. A surgical procedure aimed at repair and health restoration saw the unthinkable happen – Complications left me without bowel function. As you can imagine if you have ever been constipated for a few days…..the consequences were horrendous and over time, large sections of impacted colon had to be surgically removed.
This part of my story has also been recorded in my Memoirs Grace Grit and Gratitude.( pub 2008) Copies available eBook, soft cover or Click here to read on Google books. This is a free read. Section 39 talks about my Bionic surgery.
I hope that the inclusion of my survival story in Global Health and Travel magazine, inspires others to take a chance and walk in the field of all possibilities. In 2002 – 2003 I underwent experimental surgery ( InterStim Therapy) that would enable me to have another chance at Life! If you would like more information or to explore InterStim Therapy and if it is applicable to you – Please contact me via the contact page on this blog.
To read the full story – Global Health and Travel can be purchased online as a Single Digital Issue or by yearly subscription. This is a high quality health information magazine for any person who is consciously making efforts to improve their health and wellbeing and who wants to be informed.
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Global Health and Travel is worthy of a subscription. It is a premier resource on medical tourism as well as providing articles about general healthcare. The magazine focuses on services offered by internationally-accredited healthcare institutions typically sought by travellers including complex, specialized procedures such as joint replacement for hips and knees, cardiac surgery, fertility treatment and more. Combined with vibrant and informative stories on beauty, travel, health and wellbeing, Global Health and Travel is your reliable guide to healthcare abroad. The latest edition is a great read if you want to know more about immunology.
To read the story – Select below then enlarge text via magnifier.