Grace Gawler says ‘The Truth Shall Set Cancer Patients Free’ -at the Gawler Foundation

By Pip Cornall – Grace and Ian Gawler worked as a close knit team for three years to achieve his famous remission from bone cancer in 1978. This was remarkable in those days.

BUT –  from the moment the first incorrect telling of their story appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) followed by an article in the Adelaide Advertiser – THINGS went from bad to worse. The MJA article gave it credibility.

The victims were the myriads of cancer patients who tried to emulate the incorrect version – namely that meditation and vegan diet cured his bone cancer after all other conventional treatments failed. Grace was deeply concerned that the story she was intimately involved in had been so misreported.

Over the decades the volumes of cancer patients following the ‘myth’ grew because of massive media coverage.  Grace tried to set the record straight but the media refused to tell her story.

NOW – 32 years later The Australian, the nations primary newspaper, has run her corrected account of their cancer healing story – albeit as papers do – somewhat sensationalized – portrayed as a fight between wives.

Nevertheless – Grace is elatedthe truth is finally told – it is not personal – it is a moral neccessity to tell the correct story. Because the story was incorrect from the outset oncologists and practitioners like Grace have to pick up the pieces when emaciated, immune compromised patients limp in to our practices after extreme diets and long meditations have failed – the time spent in ‘experimenting with such ‘alternative’ treatments is critical because all the  while the cancer spreads –  click here to read the article.

Chapters of Grace’s self published book – Grace Grit and Gratitude are available in past posts on this site – they detail what actually happened

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