Grace Gawler helps patients in the fight against cancer

Author Pip Cornall Director/ Public Officer –  The Grace Gawler Institute for Integrated Cancer Solutions talks about Grace Gawler’s approach to helping cancer patients…

The great Samurai tradition of Japan contains lessons valuable to the fight against cancer. Grace Gawler


encourages her patient’s to study and integrate the strategies used by the Samurai.

As in Samurai tradition – a Samurai needs role models who live the ethos – Luckily for her patients – Grace is a living example – one who lives the martial art – it has saved her life and aided those whose life she has touched.

  Its 6 am.
Grace is emailing the mother of a 27 year old daughter with liver cancer—her prognosis was poor before coming to see Grace. Medical options in Australia had been exhausted but following requests from the family, Grace has been in dialogue with cancer researchers in Europe and Asia on her behalf—the research is promising…in fact it has great possibilities for this brave young woman.
 I was reminded once again what a great fighter Grace is for her patients—like a Samurai she will not give up!

But it’s more—it is not blind persistence—her fight is intelligent, scientific and deeply grounded—a martial arts approach. She patiently works with patient and their family to build their inner core while getting to know the opponent—observe—wait for a weakness to appear—pounce—exploit the weakness—hit hard with accuracy.
Her weapons—a keen mind—focus—up to date knowledge from the best cancer centres in the world—impeccable timing—a belief that success will be attained—a belief so deeply ingrained it’s in her bones—her blood.

As she sits at her desk there’s a glint in her eye—she’s in battle for her patients—she is a Samurai. Grace has many successes on the board beginning as Samurai care giver to Ian Gawler—Australia’s most famous recovered cancer patient—‘experts’ and family had given him no chance. When her son was born deaf and with ‘challenges,’ specialists said—place him in a special care. She became a fierce Samurai mother…his progress a miracle by all accounts.
Grace adopted Samurai strategies during her own 13 year medical battle after a surgical ‘mishap’ caused her to lose most of her colon. Moving mountains, unsupported, she did what it took to become the world’s first bionic colon recipient in Holland in 2003. She’s been a Samurai cancer coach to 13,000 patients over the last three plus decades and is director of her new cancer solutions charity on the Gold Coast.
I’ve been Grace’s 24/7 colleague and close companion for 4 years. In that time, I’ve observed her high level dialogues with oncologists, pharmacologists and the world’s best surgeons and cancer specialists as she fights the Samurai fight for her patient’s best outcome. I have one simple desire… that that all cancer patients and their families have the opportunity and luck to access her Samurai services.

Patients who come to Grace invariably say they wished they’d known about her earlier. To make that happen, what is needed is widespread and massive publicity—will you help me spread the word? Like to know more about Samurai Strategies for Fighting Cancer – Contact  or